MTL - Seventh Year of My Secret Love for You-Chapter 10

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Downstairs from the hotel, two cars came.

Jiang Sheng and Lu Bosheng got into the first car, and the second car sent Luo Qi and the others back to the hotel.

"Mr. Jiang, where are you going?" the driver asked.

Lu Bosheng answered, deliberately said: "Go back to school," he pretended to glance at his watch, "It's not late for self-study, go back and give them a unit self-test."

Jiang Shenghe was resting his eyes with his forehead propped up, but he was so angry that his alcohol was half gone, he opened his eyes and squinted at Lu Baisheng, "Be a good person, let your student go."

He told the driver to drive: "Take him home."

Lu Bosheng lives nearby, about 15 minutes by car. It was raining today, the road was more congested than usual, and it took half an hour to deliver people.

Before getting off the car, Lu Bosheng invited him: "Come and sit at home?"

Jiang Shenghe declined: "Today is too late, next time."

Lu Baisheng feels that there should be no next time. After the project is signed, Jiang Shenghe doesn't need to come again. When Luo Qi gets married, it is even less likely for him to come to Sucheng.

On the way back to the hotel, Jiang Shenghe's cell phone rang. It was the number of the elder in Shanghai. He should have solved the matter of Luo Qi's father's company for him.

The call was connected, and the other party went straight to the topic: "I have already found someone to disclose the news to Pei Shixiao. If he takes it to heart, Luo Zhiqiu's company still has the hope of turning losses into profits."

Jiang Shenghe thanked you again, "I'm sorry to trouble you. I have time to see you."

"Okay, wait for you to come and have a drink with me." He asked, "How are your father and your aunt doing?"

"My dad, I don't know. My aunt is fine."

"You. Are you going to fight your father to the end?"

Jiang Shenghe smiled and said nothing.

It's not that he wants to feel sorry for his father, it's that his father can't understand him. His father's desire to control was too strong, but he couldn't control him. Ever since he became an adult, there has been no peace between him and his father.

In the afternoon of the next day, they returned to Beijing.

This time I booked a business seat for the smart EMU, which has good privacy. In the car, Luo Qi closed the small door of the seat, completely separated from other people in the car, and did not have to see Jiang Shenghe.

You can cast a screen to watch dramas on the seat, Luo Qi is not interested, leaning back in the chair, staring out the window.

I had a strange dream last night. In the dream, she was still in college and her family was not bankrupt. She no longer had to think about how to pay off the debt every day.

She went to see Pei Shixiao at his university, but when she got to the gate of the school, she couldn't get through the phone, and the person who answered the phone said she had made a wrong call. It's obviously Pei Shixiao's cell phone number, but the person on the other end of the phone is not him.

Unable to get through the phone, she went to his apartment to look for him, but still couldn't find him.

Waking up from a dream in a hurry.

There was a vibration in the bag, and Luo Qi took out the phone from the bag.

Pei Shixiao asked her: [Get in the car? 】

【Um. 】

When she arrived at the station today, she didn't send a message to report to him, but he took the initiative to send it.

Pei Shixiao asked again: 【Busy at work? 】

【No, I was thinking about a dream I had last night. 】

【What dream do you still remember? 】

[I can't contact you in my dream. 】

Pei Shixiao sent two voices, the voices were gentle, comforting her: "That's a dream. It's impossible in reality."

"I will answer your calls during meetings, so you won't miss me."

Luo Qi ended the chat: [Yes. I'm fine, you're busy, I'll check the materials. 】

She turned on the tablet and logged into her mailbox.

As soon as I clicked on the email, a message from my cousin came in: [Sister, the package has arrived, I left your apartment address, and I should be able to receive it tomorrow. 】

Luo Qi: [Return the picture to you when we arrive. Thank you Yubao. 】

Luo Yu typed quickly: [Which one of us is with whom, it's not like you don't know how much I love you (shy)]

【Sister, anyway, no matter who doesn't love you, I will never stop loving you. 】

Luo Qi was used to Luo Yu being so nasty, so she gave her an emoji of Rua's head.

Luo Yu sent another long paragraph: [I tell you some good news, our company has a project in Beijing, and I took the initiative to apply for a resident project, and I will go to Beijing to see you. I am now a small supervisor, and my salary will increase next month, and we will pay back the money together, so you don't have to save so much. It's summer, you have such a good figure, buy a few more beautiful skirts to wear, don't waste your good figure! 】

Luo Yu can always move her, how could she ask Luo Yu to help pay back the money, 【How long will it take for the project to end? I will go back to Shanghai next year. 】

Luo Yu: [about two years. It's okay, isn't there still half a year left? When I go, I will eat and drink at your place every day, and then occupy your bed! 】

Luo Qi smiled, 【I will kick you under the bed then. 】

Chatting with my cousin always improves my mood.

During the second half of the drive, Luo Qi turned her mobile phone to silent and focused on looking at the project information.

It was already dark when they arrived at the station, and Luo Qi and the boss stopped by and took his ride.

The driver drove the car over, and she opened the passenger door and sat in.

Jiang Shenghe was sitting in the back row, looking diagonally forward several times, the car was dimly lit, and only the profile of her profile could be seen.

On the section of the road that was not shaded by trees, the light of the street lamp flashed through the car window and fell on her briefly.

At this time, the light inside the car was slightly brighter, and her profile became clear.

There is no need for him to ask about the next project in Sioux City.

He said: "If there is any problem with the project, you can directly contact Secretary Ju." Secretary Ju will report to him.

Luo Qi turned back to the boss: "Okay, Mr. Jiang."

In a short period of time, I don't need to contact Jiang Shenghe anymore, and I feel relieved.

After sending Luo Qi home, the car drove to Jiang Yueru's villa.

Jiang Yueru was discharged from the hospital two days ago and rested at home.

Jiang Shenghe had his own room in Jiang Yueru's house. When he was a child, he lived at his aunt's house almost every day. When he grew up, he often lived here to accompany his aunt.

Jiang Sixun has already returned to New York, his aunt is at home alone, he plans to stay tonight.

My aunt is preparing dinner in the kitchen, and my aunt is watching TV in the living room.

Jiang Yueru turned off the TV, "I'm sure you will come."

Jiang Shenghe echoed: "How do you calculate it?"

"Tianji, how can I say it casually."

"Then you can calculate for Jiang Si, when will he get married, and when will his rotten relationship be completely broken."

"..." How could she have that ability, "You can just be mad at me."

Jiang Sheng smiled and sat down next to his aunt, "How is today? Does the wound still hurt?"

"It's okay. I'm getting older and my recovery is slow."

Jiang Yueru talked about the business trip, "This time you went to Sucheng, you put a little too much water. Be careful next time, don't let people see it."

Jiang Shenghe pretended not to understand, "What water to put?"

Pick up the remote control at hand and turn on the TV to watch.

Jiang Yueru pointed it out: "Two days at most are enough to sign a contract, and it takes four days for you to go. Others don't know why, but can aunt know your intentions? The last time Luo Qi came home, she heard that I had an operation and hurried back , I don’t have time to stay at home with my parents, so you made up for her this time.”

Jiang Shenghe didn't answer and didn't deny it.

For a long time to come, Luo Qi didn't have to meet Jiang Shenghe, and only needed to communicate with Secretary Ju at work.

Jiang Yueru has been recuperating at home, and her workload has dropped sharply following Zhanguang.

The easiest three months since I started working.

During this period of time, the only time she and her boss were in the same frame was in Lu Baisheng's circle of friends. Lu Bosheng posted some photos of his son.

After liking it, she was about to leave a message when she found that the boss also liked it.

As long as you leave a message, the boss can see it.

Without any hesitation, she withdrew.

Entering September, the day of obtaining the certificate is getting closer and closer.

In the past few months, she and Pei Shixiao have only met twice. Pei Shixiao has a project overseas and spends almost half of his time abroad on business trips.

Last month, she had two days off, and he happened to return to China on that day. She went to Shanghai and didn't tell Pei Shixiao before she went, because she wanted to surprise him.

When I arrived at his apartment, I left him a message: 【After getting off the plane, should I go to the company or go home? If you go to the company, try to come back for dinner as early as possible. 】

He was stunned for a moment, and when he realized it, he apologized to her: I haven't returned from my business trip, and the itinerary has changed temporarily, so I have to stay here for a few more days. I was going to talk to you when I called tonight.

At that moment, she couldn't tell what mood she was in, and he didn't tell her immediately when he came back late.

"Qi, I'm going to see you."

She didn't mean it.

Because every time he said he would come to see her, he ended up postponing it due to work reasons.

She stayed in his apartment for one night, and she returned to Beijing the next morning. When she got off the bus and exited the station, she saw a familiar figure among the crowd at the station entrance.

Pei Shixiao was busy in the world, waiting to pick her up.

He flew back from abroad overnight and took a plane for more than ten hours to pick him up.

The moment I saw him, I still felt that he was young and enthusiastic.

What the **** has changed.

Nothing has changed.

The alarm rang, and Rocky regained consciousness. We met at the station in August, and Pei Shixiao took her back to the apartment, then hurried to the airport in the evening, and flew back to continue discussing the project. Today, they haven't seen each other for another month.

After a few minutes, the alarm bell rang again, it was half past ten.

She turned off the alarm, made a video call to her mother, and urged her to sleep.

Jiang Yifang had just taken a shower and was about to go to bed, "Don't worry, mom won't stay up late anymore, she said she will go to bed at 10:30, and she will definitely go to bed at 10:30."

"By the way," she asked her daughter, "Where did you and Shi Xiao get the certificate? Come back and get it?"

Luo Qi: "I'm sure I'll go back to Suzhou to get the collar, and I'll take the wedding photos by the way."

"The wedding dress isn't ready yet."

"It's okay, let's shoot a series of ancient styles first."

I chatted with my mother for a few words, hung up the phone and asked my mother to sleep.

Luo Qi took a shower and dried her hair. The phone was still very quiet. Pei Shixiao might still be working overtime at the company and didn't make a video call.

Lying on the bed, she sent a message to Pei Shixiao: [I'm going to sleep first. 】

Pei Shixiao's call came in later, "Going to bed so early today?"

"Well. I stayed up late a few days ago, and my dark circles were too heavy. I will get my certificate immediately, and I have to take wedding photos. I need to stay in better shape."

When it came to getting the certificate, Pei Shixiao paused slightly with his hand closing the door, "Don't you have two dates you like?"

"Hmm." One at the end of September and one in mid-October.

In fact, it wasn't a very special day, it was just special to her. Those were the two times when Pei Shixiao inadvertently moved her when she was at the lowest point in her life, and she always remembered it in her heart. Of the two times, the one in September moved her the most, so she wanted to get the certificate on that day. Maybe he himself doesn't know why these two days are the most special, even surpassing every anniversary of theirs.

Pei Shixiao said, "Then we will get the certificate in October."

Luo Qi's fingertips landed on the switch, and it took half a second to turn it off. The room was suddenly dark, "Didn't you say September? Did you have something to do that day?"

"I'm on business again the day after tomorrow. The project is in California. At least three weeks, maybe a little longer. I'm worried that September will be too late, and you'll have nothing to rejoice at then." It's better to get the certificate in October.

He added, "I won't be so busy next month."

"Okay, wait until you're not busy."

Pei Shixiao told her to go to bed early, said good night, and hung up the phone.

He locked the door of the office, stood at the door for a while, and finally walked to another office.

The door of Cui Peng's office was open, and he was staring at the computer in a daze.

'Knock knock', Pei Shixiao tapped twice.

Cui Peng raised his head and just looked at him silently with gentle eyes.

Pei Shixiao urged her: "Turn off the computer and go back."

Cui Peng went to California with him this time, "I'm not done yet, I'll get familiar with the information before the business trip." She took the mouse, "You go first."

Pei Shixiao was helpless, walked in and closed the door, and sat down beside her.

She didn't read the information at all, she just wanted him to spend more time with her. In front of him, she confidently opened the news website, but he didn't say anything when he saw it, and accompanied her to browse the news.