MTL - Shanghai Jiamu-Chapter 4

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After school started, we had a third year of junior high school and a third year of senior high school, and the time to chat gradually decreased, but occasionally we would still chat for a few words during the holidays. My netizen status with him continued until the second semester of my third year of junior high school.

The day before the college entrance examination, I was very nervous, nervous about Xu Jiamu, I knew the study situation too well, so I just took it seriously for a while before the exam.

I was afraid of disturbing his review, so I deliberately waited until very late before sending him a WeChat message.

Utopia: Come on for the college entrance examination, Uncle Tie Niu!

Xu Jiamu replied almost instantly, I was a little surprised.

Huangfu Tieniu: No more.

I frowned, what nonsense he was talking about.

I made a WeChat call, he hung up, I called again, hung up, I called again. It's ridiculous, it's so similar to when my parents had a fight that night.

He finally took it.

"Cuihua, leave me alone, I really don't want to take this exam." His tone was never so low that I was angry.

"Xu Jiamu, what nonsense are you talking about! Can you explain what happened?"

He was silent for a long time, and finally told me that during dinner, he told his parents that he wanted to major in foreign languages ​​and wanted to go to Shanghai, but his parents disagreed and insisted that he learn computer science, saying that it would be promising.

He got angry as soon as he heard it, obviously they had promised well when they said it before, so this temporary change, he couldn't get angry, argued a few words without success, and simply ran out.

I took a deep breath, and for the first time felt that he was actually really naive.

"Xu Jiamu, are you sick?"

"Just because of such a trivial matter, you don't want your future?"

"Why did you go to school for twelve years before? Don't tell me you hate exam-oriented education. Who are you? Can you change now? Your parents don't agree with you wishing you to be angry. If you think about it, no one will do it. Are you naive? How old are you? If you want to learn a foreign language, can’t you discuss it after the exam? Isn’t one month enough time for you to talk to them?”

There was silence on the other end of the phone, maybe he also knew that his impulse had only reached this point, and he didn't know what to do anymore.

"Listen to me Xu Jiamu, you go home right now, it's too late to review now, you go to sleep first, get up early tomorrow and read all the notes and so on."

I heard the sound of rustling clothes, it should be that he has left from where he was staying.

I listened silently as he walked home. Neither of us spoke first. I didn't hear the clear male voice until I hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry, elementary school bully."

The guilt in his voice is obvious, I know he is not guilty of running out by himself, he said that he never regrets what he has done, he thinks that I am about to take the high school entrance examination, which delays my time.

"Xu Jiamu, you didn't apologize to me."

Xu Jiamu, even if you don't regret it now, you still feel sorry for yourself.

Later, I fell into an inexplicable cold war with him, at least I personally think so. I didn't ask him how he was doing in the exam, and he didn't tell me what it was like in the college entrance examination.

Until the day before the graduation ceremony, when they had finished their college entrance examinations, I was going to check my phone for the last time before going to bed at night, only to find that he, whom I hadn’t contacted for a long time, sent me a message.

Huangfu Tieniu: Do you have a graduation ceremony tomorrow?

I pursed my lips, thinking to keep ignoring him, but since he bowed his head, then I reluctantly gave him face.

It's not that I really want to chat with him.

Utopia: Well, do you want to see the teacher?

Huangfu Tieniu: Yes

Utopia: Are you alone?

Huangfu Tieniu: There are a few more people, you have met, they are the ones who came together last time.

Utopia: Oh, come on, the teachers are all here.

Huangfu Tieniu: When will we meet?

Utopia: Good.

He suddenly sent a sentence, it was from a romance novel I read a long time ago, when I told him, he was very disdainful, saying that he would never read romance in his life, and I even argued with him about it After a few words, unexpectedly he went to see it later.

I have forgotten the original text, I just remember that it is similar to "summer is too short, it should be used to eat watermelon, drink coke, go swimming, sing, instead of quarreling, cold war and other things that waste life." Such a sentence talk.

"Don't you think it's romantic?"

"What a romantic sentence."

We comment simultaneously.

At that moment, I felt that the little bit of anger in my heart dissipated, replaced by a great sense of satisfaction and happiness.

It was very late, and we chatted a few more words before we went offline.

I had already adjusted my state at that time, I was not as desperate as I was in the second year of junior high school, and I already had the courage to meet him. I lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep, looking forward to meeting tomorrow.

It was late when I fell asleep, but I was still in good spirits the next day.

Since I entered the school, I have been looking outside the school gate from time to time, but the figure I was looking forward to has never appeared. I regret it a bit. I should have asked when he came last night.

Sitting in my seat and listening to the principal's speech, I knew that the manuscript was copied from Baidu. It's just that my eyes are sore. After leaving this school today, we really have to say goodbye. I'm sure I can't bear it. After all, we've been together day and night for three years. Many sensitive girls have already been crying non-stop.

Our class is not a very good class, and I am the only one who signed up for No. 1 Middle School. That is to say, I am really about to go to a strange school by myself. Thinking about it this way made me even more sad.

When I was taking graduation photos, I stood in the corner, and I had no intention of fighting for the middle position. I was just thinking, Xu Jiamu was lying to me, why didn't he come?

This thought didn't last long, because I saw Xu Jiamu just as I stepped off the stage.

He was wearing a gray sweater and black overalls, standing under the willow tree, smiling at me with crooked eyes, and I was stunned. Obviously I always wanted to see him, but I was a little timid when I saw him.

Do boys grow up so fast? Why do I feel that he is more handsome and taller every time I see him?

He waved at me, "Come here, Cuihua."

I walked towards him, slowly turning into running, and finally almost galloping towards him.

I was a little afraid to speak, and just looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"Why are you running in such a hurry?" Xu Jiamu raised his hand and rubbed my head, then handed me something in his hand, "Here, I didn't bring any flowers, this is for you."

It was a wicker bracelet, very ugly, and I knew he must not be good at manual work.

But I still like it very much, and carefully took it to my hand, "Does it look good!" I raised my hand and asked him.

He nodded, smiling softly.

Xu Jiamu, I made money later and bought a lot of bracelets, but no matter how famous the brand is, no matter how shiny the diamonds are, they are not as good as the wicker you gave me. It's just that the wicker will always wither, even if I take good care of it every day, it will not stay after all.

"Are you all right after the graduation ceremony?"

"Well, I went straight home."

The classmates on one side called him, and they were going to see the teacher.

He agreed, then turned to me and said, "Primary school bully, how do you get home after school?"

I guessed something, and my heart beat like a drum, "Take the bus."

"Which station?"


"Coincidentally, I am also at the terminal, so let's go together?"


Xu Jiamu said that we will see you later and left. I stood still and watched him walk by. The classmates around me looked at him and me teasingly. He waved his hand as if explaining something.

I can guess how he replied, "It's just a little sister who can chat."

My happy mood suddenly became a little depressed. I was too young to be his little sister.

But Xu Jiamu, I'm so greedy, I don't want to be your little sister.

In fact, I usually don’t go to the terminus to take a bus. I’m too lazy and think it’s too far away, but I know where you’re going, and I’m afraid I’ll miss the chance to get along with you again, so go as far as you can, the farther you go, the better.

After the graduation ceremony, I asked where Xu Jiamu was, and he told me to wait for him for a while, and he would come right away. I stood at the school gate and watched the former classmates leave the school one by one, my eyes became sour again.

"Primary school bully!" It was Xu Jiamu calling my name.

When I turned around, he was already in front of me.

"Here you are." Xu Jiamu handed me the thing in his hand, which was a cup of milk tea.

I looked at him in surprise, "Why did you buy me this?"

"Didn't you say that you didn't have time to go out to play because of the review, and you haven't had milk tea for a long time?"

I just remembered that I complained to him about it the night before.

"Our school is not good at this point. The milk tea shop is so far away. It's killing me." He looked natural, and his tone was a bit complaining. He obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but I was very moved by that kind of careless sentence. The feeling of being remembered by others is really good.

Xu Jiamu and I walked towards the station, and he was the one talking most of the way. I sipped my milk tea through a straw and occasionally replied to him.

Xu Jiamu, actually I hate drinking pearls in milk tea, but since you bought them for me, I don't want to waste any of them.

I took small sips and took a slow pace. I know that this pace will make him feel a little uncomfortable, but I selfishly want him to bear it a little longer. I want to stay with him for a while .

But no matter how slow I walk, there is an end to this road. Maybe I have used up all my good luck today, and his car came just after we arrived at the station.

He said to me suddenly when I was queuing with him.

"Primary school bully, besides seeing the teacher today, I also want to say happy graduation to you."

Maybe it was because the sun was shining that day, and he happened to be standing with his back to the sun. When he looked at me, his whole body was covered with a halo.

Xu Jiamu smiled lightly, and I saw my reflection in his dark brown pupils at that moment, his bangs were a little messy, and he was still dazed.

"Primary school bully, happy graduation."

After saying this, he got into the car, leaving me alone in a daze, and I didn't come back to my senses until the car was about to start. He was sitting in the single seat by the window and was putting on headphones for himself.

"Xu Jiamu!"

I trotted a few steps, afraid that the car would drive away soon.

He looked at me with doubts in his eyes.

That sentence was stuck in my throat and I couldn’t open my mouth. I have to admit that I was very scared. I was afraid that I would not even be his little sister in his eyes from now on. Sharing with me, I am afraid that I will not have the opportunity to say the phrase "so romantic" with him.

"...The results of the college entrance examination are out, remember to tell me!"

He laughed, "Yes, you too."

I watched the bus drive away and he closed that window of his.

Xu Jiamu, just wait until I'm not your little sister.