MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-Chapter 3 Teacher from hell? (One)

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Chapter 3 Teacher from Hell? (One)("")

The voice of Xingyu came again, but he just explained a few simple sword skills and the sound disappeared.

Only nine-year-old Long Haochen, completely face the dark caves, crazy ants, and the severe pain that comes from time to time.

Because of the pain, his speed slowed down again and again, but as soon as he thought of his mother, there would be new courage in his heart.

The ants brought him only a terrible pain, and he bitterly endured the pain. He waved the bamboo sword in his hand again and again.

Xingyu stood outside the cave and felt the time passed by. The look on his face was moving several times. More than once, I raised my hand and tried to push the boulders in front of me, but I still held back.

If you change any child of the Odinzi Hall, I am afraid that it will be scared after entering the cave soon. However, Long Haochen has been awake and has been working hard with the ants. The ants are non-toxic, but they are very easy to cause severe pain. Their long-length body is not only extremely hard, but also has a strong attacking power.

Xingyu’s eyes are constantly changing, and his approach to training Long Haochen is extremely extreme. However, he is very aware of the benefits of this extreme approach. As long as Long Haochen can support it, his extraordinary mental power will be developed at the fastest speed. Moreover, there are many other benefits. The premise is that his mind cannot collapse.

Half an hour, half an hour, for Long Haochen, it seems to have spent a century, when his body has been numb because of pain, and when he can’t shake the bamboo sword in his hand, his body is soft. In a coma.

At this moment, the top of the stone opened, and a strong force sucked his body up, countless ants were suppressed by a magical force in the cave can not fly.

Even if all of this was arranged by Xingyu, when he saw the dragon's morning at this time, he still sucked a cold breath, and his eyes showed a hint of unbearable color.

At this time, Long Haochen, the whole body clothes have been damaged, and the whole person is almost swollen in a circle. The original small face has not been seen at all. Even the pair of bamboo swords have many traces of being bitten by ants.

Xingyu quickly put a medicinal herb in the dragon's mouth, and the light and shadow flashed. When I came across, I didn't know how many times faster. He took the dragon to the morning and almost returned to the wooden house.

There are three wooden houses, except for one of them, where they lived together, and one of them was never visited by Long Haochen. At this time, Xingyu took him into this wooden house.

As soon as you enter the wooden house, it is a strong heat.

On the ground of this wooden house, there is a pool dug out of the stone. To be precise, it should be the first to build the wooden house from the pool.

The pool water is almost overflowing, and the water inside is brown, floating with many drugs.

Xingyu quickly took off the broken clothes of Long Haochen and carefully transported his body into the steaming pool. Let him only have his nose and mouth exposed outside the pool.

Here is a hot spring, Xingyu is the pool dug out at the spring eye. The stunned Long Haochen does not know that these medicinal materials soaked in the pool water, even 10,000 bottles of peony liquid can not match them. the value of.

After half an hour, when Xingyu saw that the swelling of Long Haochen gradually disappeared, he walked out of the log house.

The sun is gradually blocked by the night, and unconsciously, the evening has arrived.

"It hurts. Hey--" Long Haochen, who was soaked in the hot spring, yelled and woke up from the coma.

When the body moved, it naturally could not be balanced. Although the pool was not deep, he still slobbered, screaming in the water, struggling out of the pool and coughing loudly.

This is where? Long Haochen looked at the surrounding water vapor and the pool he was in. The original pain has disappeared, and everything seems normal except that there is no cover for the whole body.

The door opened and the star holding the clothes came in from the outside.

"Get on your clothes." Simply confessed, he went out.

Long Haochen walked out of the pool with some sorrow, picked up the towel on the side and dried his body and put on clean clothes. In my mind, I also remembered everything that happened in the ant colony.

As soon as he remembered the pain that was all the time, he couldn’t help but feel a chill. At that time, he was completely supported by a **** brave, but at this time, he only thought that he could only see the pain in his limbs.

When he pushed out the door, he found out that he was in the third wooden house. When he walked into the central main house, he had already set up a hearty meal on the table.

"Eating." Xingyu was like nothing happened. He pointed to the food on the table and ate it first.

Long Haochen looked at his teacher and said: "Teacher, I..."

"First eat." Xing Yu glanced at him harshly.

Long Haochen did not dare to say anything more, and quickly sat down to eat. It’s like having been eating something for a long time. He was extremely hungry tonight, and his meal was almost three times the usual. In addition to a small part of Xingyu's eating, for a while, Long Haochen had eaten all the food in the wind.

"Talk about your feelings today." Xingyu did not let Long Hao morning to clean up the dishes, asked faintly.

"It hurts." Long Haochen tells the truth.

"You are here for this?" Xingyu said coldly: "This is just the beginning. Come with me. Take your bamboo sword."


The mentor and the teacher walked out of the wooden house and came to the top of the mountain.

The same bamboo sword appeared in the hands of Xingyu. "The sword is called the king in the weapon. It can be attacked and defended. If you want to protect everything, you must first protect yourself. I will teach you to seal the words now. It is."

The bamboo sword moves, the light curtain starts, and the dreamlike sword light shines on the top of the mountain. A sentence is accompanied by the Jianguang constantly falling into the dragon's ear. Today, his **** practice has just begun.

For seven days, every morning, Xingyu will teach you all kinds of knowledge, astronomy, geography and history. The next day will be assessed. And this is the happiest time of Long Haochen every day.

In the afternoon, **** will come. The ant's lair is a compulsory course every day, and the ending is the same. The kind of inhuman painful torture of the dragon is eager to die, and whenever his mind gives up his thoughts, Xingyu will simply remind him that it is not a few days away from home.

Every time in the ant colony, there is no doubt that the training is ended in a coma. When he wakes up, he will surely find himself soaking in the hot springs. The pain has already gone.

After dinner, cultivation will begin again. Xingyu will teach Long Haochen some skills and will let him memorize something. Until the middle of the night, the training of the day will end.

The most painful thing for Long Haochen is that Xingyu does not allow him to sleep. After exhausting at night, Xingyu taught him a way of meditation. In the words of Long Yuchen, this is called sitting and sleeping. However, Xingyu will supervise him. If he does not meditate in the way that Xingyu teaches, then there is no doubt that Xingyu’s bamboo sword will be drawn on his back to wake him up.