MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-v4 Chapter 285 Moonlight and Abao's successive arrivals (on)

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The 285th chapter of the moonlight and the arrival of Abao (on)

The moonlight meditation lasted for a quarter of an hour before I looked up again and looked at Long Haochen. She suddenly said, "I can tell you, but I can only tell you one person.-<Book Sea Court> ;-Net. And you have to promise, only you know, can not tell others, even if you are a good partner, even a wife can not." As she said, her eyes looked a little provocative.

Caier responded calmly to her gaze and didn't seem to mind at all.

"Well, I promise you." Long Haochen nodded without much thought. The identity of the head of the moonlight night is very important to him, and it is related to a series of arrangements behind him.

Moonlight walked slowly to Long Haochen, this time Yang Wenzhao did not stop her. She walked until it was only three meters away from Long Haochen, and she was still moving forward. Long Haochen couldn't help but frown. "This distance should be fine for you."

Shake his head on the moonlight night and said: "It’s a big deal. The strength of your partners is not bad. I’m afraid of being overheard by them.” She said, she’s already coming to Long Haochen and plunging to his ear. .

Although Long Haochen is a bit embarrassed, it is of great importance. He can't take care of anything else. He exhales like a blue moon, and his body exudes a faint scent. Perhaps because of his full strength, the aroma of her body is stronger than before.

Long Haochen slightly flashed away, but the moonlight night immediately followed, and his hands grabbed his arm, pulling his body down a little, and gently said something in his ear.

"What? It turned out to be him?" Long Haochen was shocked after listening to the words of the moonlight night. At this time, the moonlight suddenly kissed him at the earlobe, and then quickly retreated.

Her movements are very fast, but how can she not stand behind and watch the children of her and Long Haochen? Suddenly angry, "You..."

Moonlight quickly retreated ten meters, and said to the children: "What happened to me? You have occupied his life, I will kiss him what happened? I like him."

The face of the children was suddenly gloomy, and the sharp eyes made the moon and night a tight heart, and the subconsciously took a few steps back. She can clearly feel the powerful killings from the children.

Long Haochen has recovered from the shock at this time, and the earlobe is numb and crisp, and he can’t tell what it feels like. But he didn't care about it at this time, because the answer given last month and night was really amazing. Naturally, I grabbed the slender waist of the child and said to the moonlight night: "You can go. We will start all-round cooperation from now on. The first thing I need is that your organization provides information. Not only for us, but also for We must continue to provide accurate information to the Demon army against the beasts of the Beast and the Southeast Fortress. The commitments I made at the beginning, if we can finally defeat the Mozu, then we will leave you with a seaside province. The place of residence allows you to be autonomous within five hundred years. It is so long that you are fully assimilated."

Moonlight smiled a little, said: "You believe me now, then how do I believe in your commitment?"

The children can no longer resist, and they screamed: "When is the morning, I don’t know how to speak?"

Moonlight did not care about him, just watching Long Haochen.

Long Hao Chen Shen Sheng: "What do you want?"

Moonlight smiled and said: "It's very simple." She pointed at her own cheeks and said: "If you kiss me, I will believe you."

"You..." The children's anger rose and they were about to attack, but they were caught tightly by Long Haochen. On weekdays, the children are actually very calm. But today's lunar night's provocation has touched the bottom line in her heart. Although she completely believed in Long Haochen, the appearance of the moonlight night was not under her, and it was the extreme teasing of Long Haochen that made her angry.

The dragon 皓 皓 搂 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

One night, "Do you want to ignore the future of the Temple Federation for her? You are not a qualified leader."

Long Haochen said: "In order to pick children, I am even willing to give up my beliefs. What's more, without your organization, can we not fight against the demon god? If you don't cooperate, there is no promise. If you are willing I chose the road to destruction, and I have no reason to block it."

The tender and delicate body of the children softened down, slightly lowered their heads, and some of them looked at Long Haochen with apologetic eyes, like a smug little wife, no longer had the anger before.

There was a slight disappointment in the eyes of the moonlit night, but the smile on the face was not reduced. "Okay, it’s your sentimentality. I just made a joke. I believe your sincerity is all right. I have to go back immediately. Next, our people will keep in touch with you. Be careful, A Bao, his strength and the original is a world of difference, and I heard that the demon **** gave him several powerful equipment."

After saying this, she turned and floated away, and soon disappeared to the top of the side of the mountain. What no one has seen is that in the process of leaving them in the morning of the dragon, the moon and the moon are full of water mist.

Caier whispered in the ear of Long Hao: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't..."

Long Haochen clenched her hand tightly. "What are you saying sorry?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and everything turned into a drizzle, moisturizing in each other's hearts.

The beam is white and the dragon looks at the morning, coldly screaming: "Little dragon, there are many temptations in this world. You are in a high position, but you have to keep your heart. You need to look tight."

The child’s pretty face was red, and said: “I believe him.”

Long Yuchen coughed and said: "The news brought by the moonlight night is very timely. Our plan is to be redeployed. Since Abao leads the lead, it will come to us immediately, then we will give him a head-on attack. The demon **** sent him to be a pioneer. Undoubtedly to find our location. This battle is inevitable, we have to give Han Yu their retreat to get enough time."

Xiao Huodao: "The devil is not good at this time, and it brings the strongest elite of the Mozu. More than 200 nine-order powerhouses are difficult to confront with our current strength. Should we be our companions? Called Yulongguan?"

Long Haochen shook his head and said: "No. Now the situation of the Mozu army attacking the beasts and the southeast fortress has not yet been determined. We can't chaos ourselves first. First deal with the pioneer of Abao, then I must first and the devil. The emperor hit a touch. Only by figuring out the real gap between me and the demon god, the latter plan is better."

He did not say it clearly, but Xiao Hu could see that Long Hao’s mind had already been fixed, and he did not say anything. He just nodded and said: “Now I have only one step and one step.”

"A Bao." Long Hao morning light flashed in the eyes. He has been working with Abao twice. The second memory is especially deep, just in time for the awakening of the gods, and it is almost because of the attack of Abao, which hurts the children, and even makes him suffer, if not the night tears. I still don't know what will happen in the end. This time, it is obviously different from the original.

The black figure made a black mans in the air, because the speed was too fast, even if they had gone far away to the kilometer, the air still left a faint afterimage.

A Bao’s eyes were slightly stunned, and there was always a flame in his chest. For five years, he had been working for more than five years. He waited for too long and too long.

The demon **** had long forgotten his embarrassment, and he now only wants to fight with Long Haochen. He wants to prove that he is stronger and better than Long Haochen. In his heart, not only because of the shame that Long Haochen once defeated him, but also he remembered the hateful revenge of the moon-night repentance on Long Haochen. It can be said that Long Haochen is the most important enemy of Abao in his life. If you don't beat Long Haochen, this hurdle in his heart will not pass.

A black figure suddenly flew from the front and greeted A Bao and others.


When the two sides met, the oncoming black shadow suddenly paused, and then went backwards, and they followed Abao's team, and did not let the whole team's forward speed drop by half.

"Can there be news?" A Bao asked coldly.

The black figure is a black man, with a pair of purple-black eyes under his thick eyebrows. It looks like he is in his forties, his skin is dark and his face is fleshy. Compared with the Moon Mozu, the Devil Dragon is more powerful, but to say this, it is not as handsome as the Moon Devil.

"According to the news we got, Tianluo, the capital of the province of Tianluo, was attacked just three hours ago. The capital was destroyed. The granary was burned and many mineral resources were looted. I continued to follow a section, humans. About 10,000 people in the army are marching north, and the speed is very fast. It seems that they are pre-feeling that we will come and have the meaning of returning troops."

A Bao’s eyes were fierce, and he waved his hand and shouted: “You lead the way and chase.”

Found, A Bao slammed his fist, his eyes flashing cold, the target appeared, he seems to have felt that Long Hao Chen is close at hand.

After five years of waiting, I am finally about to face it. A Bao is somewhat nervous in the excitement. But his confidence in himself has not been shaken. Faith is the root of overcoming an opponent. If you are not defensive, you have already lost half.

The sky was already a little dark at this time. The red glow of the evening left a touch of red in the air. The afterglow of the sunset looked gentle and peaceful, and it was sharp and contrasting with the fierceness of Abao.

Long Haochen! In the heart of Abao, the name is constantly echoed. Under his commander-in-chief, 20 anti-Ten dragons are fully accelerated and chasing toward the north.


Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. The war is about to begin!
