MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-v4 Chapter 295 Wrath of the Devil of God (below)

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The pressure he has always faced is greater and his ability will be stronger. (-<>-net.) [This article comes from the Literary Museum.] The powerful talent of the Light God physique also broke out under the tremendous pressure of the Devil's Dragon Column.

Even Lianlong’s morning did not know how much his own cultivation could be achieved with the help of the wisdom of the night. If you add the eternal and creative **** of the throne, perhaps, you should be close to the top level of the ninth order. However, compared with the demon god, it is still not enough.

Breaking through a million spirits, the demon gods of the semi-god class plus the anti-magic dragon column that is absolutely super artifacts, no one can predict the extent of the horror. Because now all living humans, including the eternal heroes, no one has ever seen the way the demon **** Huang Fengxiu went all out to fight.

But what if you add another month?

As soon as I thought of the moon, the dragon's heart was suddenly a little bit awkward and a fiery sigh. He has not fought with Haoyue for a long time.

Since Haoyue evolved to eight heads, Long Haochen returned, and Haoyue seems to have entered a special state of cultivation. At the beginning, Long Haochen thought that he was in a stable state, but he soon discovered that it was not because Haoyue had already reached the bottleneck for a long time before the breakthrough, and the realm was very stable. So, what is it because of its sleep? It seems that it is related to the seedlings of the tree of destruction that he obtained in the test of the eternal and creative God of the throne.

The same is destruction. Is the power of the tree of destruction still not fully absorbed by the moon? If it is completely absorbed, what is the strength of Haoyue?

Haoyue is the biggest card of Long Haochen. It has the breath of fear even the demon god. When Haoyue and Long Haochen join hands, Long Haochen believes that he must have the strength to fight with the devil.

Time passed by, and less than half an hour, in the distance, the light of the moon and the moon next to the demon dragon column rose at the same time. -<>-net. And the horror of the anti-dragon dragon column is violently surging.

"Okay, very good." A full quarter of an hour passed. When Feng Xiu’s voice rang again, he had lost the previous dullness, and the rest was only endless cold. That chill seems to make the cold outside the Yulongguan warm. The pressure of the Devil's Dragon Column suddenly surged, and the huge black dragon of 1,000 meters long covered the entire body with a layer of black gold.

A figure of the figure flashed from the golden light, and rushed straight toward the direction of Yulongguan.

It is a huge black dragon. They all have **** eyes. Every black dragon is on the back. They are sitting on two strong men. One is a moon magic with a long purple hair, and another. It is a star magic of an orange magic robe.

This is the perfect combination of the Devil, the Moon and the Star Devil. And when such a combination appears, it is as many as eighty.

All the devils are undoubtedly the ninth-order powerhouse, and most of these moons and star demons are also ninth-order. no doubt. This is the strongest power of the Mozu.

After the 80-year-old demon dragon flew out, it was lined up in the air. A layer of black gold luster shrouded the rear of the Devil's Dragon Column and covered them all.

Suddenly, all the bodies of the demon dragons have more than doubled in the light of this golden light. The largest body length has exceeded 200 meters, and the growth of the Moonlight and the Stars on their backs is relatively small, but the momentum is also greatly improved.

The top four of the biggest anti-Dragon dragons standing on the back are the four kings of the Moon Mozu and the Star Devil. All are field-level powerhouses.

On both sides of the top two Mozu top-ranking powerhouses, thousands of eight-order Mozus have also appeared, and they are also covered with black gold luster. Under the increase of the Devil's Dragon Column, the breath is already very close to the 9th-order powerhouse.

"Very good, Long Haochen.-<>-Net."

The icy voice of the demon **** contains a strong anger. "You succeeded in angering me. It did give me a big surprise."

The demon emperor Huang Fengxiu said it very well several times. It can be seen that his mood was not calm at this time. The news he just got did make him a bit messy. Feng Xiu never imagined. Samikina and Maltese bus will be defeated, and as the dragon said, the defeat is so miserable.

His millions of elite troops actually failed in the process of attacking the two major fortresses. When did humans have such strong strength? Whether it is a magic trap or the door to hell, it has never happened before. But it also played a devastating role in this decisive battle.

After getting accurate news, Feng Xiu can't wait to smash the smugglers. Marl bus and Walliff corpse corpse. Their failure made the original plan of the demon **** destroyed. In particular, he wants to threaten Long Haochen with the whole human being.

The stability of the rear of the Temple Federation and the two great victories will inevitably strengthen the belief in these human deaths. It will also greatly increase the difficulty of the Mozu to conquer humans.

Long Haochen smiled lightly and said: "I hope you don't be overjoyed. If you become the first and last demon **** in the history of the Mozu, you will have to leave a lot of color in the history of the whole continent. One stroke."

After listening to Long Haochen, the demon **** suddenly smiled, and it was not the kind of laughter that was extremely angry, but a smile full of strong self-confidence and disdain.

"Dragon, morning, do you really think that you and your temple federation have won? Yes, I admit, you have indeed brought me a lot of trouble. But this is just for the continent to go forward. Adding a little trouble. The Southeast Fortress and the Beasts have failed, it doesn't matter. Then you will open your Royal Dragon Pass and go to the Temple Federation. You will soon know that in the face of absolute power, Everything is useless."

Having said that, the voice of the demon **** suddenly became cold and cold, "kill, one does not stay."

Thousands of Mozu strongmen launched in an instant, in addition to the demon **** and the 19 demon gods he brought, more than 1,200 Mozu top powers rushed to the Royal Dragon Gate City at an alarming rate. The magical brilliance that blooms on them instantly illuminates the sky and illuminates the Royal Dragon Pass.

More than two hundred ninth-order powerhouses, more than a thousand eight-order powerhouses attacked a city fortress at the same time, which is probably the first time in the history of the sacred continent. Even when the Mozu had just arrived on the mainland more than 6,000 years ago, it did not set off such a momentum. At that time, their main force was completely the 72-column demon. The races that have been transformed into the Mozu by infection are far less powerful than they are now.

At this time, the light of the six gongs was lit up in the air at the same time, headed by the eternal and creative **** of the throne, and the six gods of the throne were turned into six streams in the air, respectively, shrouded to their masters, and at the same time, All the strong men on the head of Longguan City all rose into the air.

The moment of death and death has come, and the demon **** said it is right. No matter how fierce the southeast fortress and the beasts are, this is the place where the final battle is final, and it is also the place where the final victory of the jihad of humans and demons is decided.

"Emitting." Long Hao Chen Qing Lang's voice sounded through the Yu Longguan, at the same time, on the Yulongguan city wall and the city head, about two hundred lights at the same time lit up. The horrible spiritual fluctuations suddenly caused the whole dragon to tremble slightly. The pressure brought by the comprehensive assault of the top thousand Mozus of the original Mozu has suddenly experienced dramatic fluctuations.

If you use the human body to describe this pressure, then on this huge body, there are more than 200 places where you feel sharp tingling.

"Boom--" More than two hundred roars sounded at the same time, and more than two hundred different color beams were instantly ejected from the Yulongguan city wall and the city.

Because of the horror of the sound waves and spiritual fluctuations that broke out at that moment, the dragons and the dragons emitted a layer of smoke in the violent shock, and cracks appeared in many places on the huge wall.

Long Haochen’s first card in Yulongguan was unveiled.

Why haven’t the magical cannons that the Sanctuary Federation has been defending in the intense and fierce battles of the Southeast Fortress and the Beast? Because all the magical cannons of the entire Temple Federation are concentrated in the Royal Dragon Pass.

As early as Long Haochen led the sharp knife army into the northern six provinces of the Mozu, his plan began to be implemented. The Sanctuary Federation mobilized almost all the legendary storage equipment to transport the magical cannons. Longguan is installed and debugged.

The biggest problem of the Mozu still appears in the interior. If the Demon Emperor can get the news for the first time and know that the Southeast Fortress and the Beast Gate have never had a magical cannon, then he will be able to judge the whereabouts of the magical cannon. It is a pity that a large part of the news he got was filtered by the organization of the moon and night. The demon **** is strong again. When he becomes a blind man and a blind man, his power will be greatly reduced.

To put it another way, when the Southeast Fortress and the Beast are in great order, the organization of the moon and night will increase the support for human beings to an unprecedented level, even at the risk of being exposed at any time.

More than two hundred beams of light burst at the same time, and there is no warning, even if the demon **** can not make effective measures at this moment.

The biggest difference between the magical cannon and the magician's magical attack is that it does not need to sing. It relies on the magical array of the cannon itself and the magic crystal that supplies energy. Therefore, it has no warning before it is released.

The assault of the top strongmen of the Thousands of Mozus, greeted them, is the bombardment of the magical cannon group that provides energy with the 9th-order magic crystal.


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