MTL - Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life-Chapter 851 Is it cool?

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The observers sent by various countries watched the S-class transport aircraft flashing past in the sky, and suddenly felt like a dojo opened in their hearts, and their heads exploded with a bang.

Ever since Lin Tianwen took the lead in using shuttles to replace civil aviation airliners on Lanxing Island and the enclave, various foreign institutions have tried their best to figure out the principle of shuttles.

Back then they just thought of the shuttle as the ultimate large fighter.

Because the speed of the shuttle is actually within their acceptable range, the speed of many missiles can also be reached.

In particular, the high-altitude reconnaissance plane that Yingjiang is researching has a lot of data that is similar to that of the shuttle plane.

But when the S-class transport aircraft appeared in the sky of Yanjing and passed by in a flash, they were already cursing in their hearts.

Do all intelligence agencies eat shit? Rabbit has such an advanced aircraft, why is there no news at all.

The so-called experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement.

The common people watching the ceremony shouted excitedly when they saw the plane bigger than the aircraft carrier flying over the sky.

"Is this the White Emperor from the Nantianmen project?"

"Looking at the shape, it's not the Baidi. The Baidi is much wider than it. It looks like a super-large transport plane. Look, it doesn't even have a weapon system."

"The transport plane is also very good. I don't know how many J20s it can hold."

"I see that this plane doesn't look like an ordinary transport plane, could it be a space transport plane!"

"Space transport plane? Is it so cool?"

"According to what you said, you don't need to launch rockets to go to space in the future?"

"The speed it flew past just now has exceeded the second cosmic speed. It should not be difficult to go to space."

"The higher-ups are showing this stuff, it's showing off their muscles!"

"It may also be an advertisement. A lot of camels with a piece of cloth on their heads came here today. It is estimated that they can get a lot of orders."

"It's too simple to think. It shouldn't be easy to make this thing. It's probably more about showing off your muscles."

"The shuttle we're taking now is already very strong. The plane just now was probably intended to frighten Xiaoxiao."

"Today's surprise is really too big. I don't know if anyone has caught it. It's too fast. It's gone in a blink of an eye."

"Anyway, I was able to see this plane with my own eyes today, and it's not in vain for me to wait until now early in the morning."

The people who were watching the live broadcast were already stunned.

The following equipment already made people feel that it was just like that. Only when Dinghaishenzhen came out did the audience on the scene and in front of the TV get excited.

Lin Tianwen went to wash up after watching the march of the phalanx.

This girl Zhang Xiyu has no interest in weapons and equipment. After finishing the phalanx, she went to change her clothes.

When Lin Tianwen came out of the bathroom, the weapons of the strategic forces were already being displayed on TV.

He stood there watching for a while, then heard Zhang Xiyu's voice behind her, she asked: "These are not big mushrooms, are they?"

"It's Big Mushroom, it's quite scary." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"This is the state where you don't need a sword, it depends on whether you dare to move." Zhang Xiyu said with a smile.

The two watched TV for a while before leaving the room.

The rain outside has no intention of weakening at all, the sky is still gloomy, it feels like piercing God's bag, and the rain keeps pouring down.

"It's raining heavily!" Zhang Xiyu said standing under the eaves.

"It will become light rain in half an hour." Lin Xi walked over and said.

"Xixi, why aren't the others here?" Zhang Xiyu looked back and found only a few sisters at home.

"Still sleeping! It was too late to play games last night." Lin Xi explained.

"Playing games?" Zhang Xiyu asked curiously. The game console is in her room, how do other sisters play games?

"They are playing in the second world." Lin Xi said with a smile.

"Oh. It's this game!" Zhang Xiyu suddenly realized, and then said with a smile.

"Otherwise!" Lin Xipu's big eyes flashed, revealing a bit of clear stupidity.

"Then why don't you play?"

"I played. I just got up early." Lin Xi said.

"Is that second world fun?" Zhang Xiyu asked.

"Look at the other sisters, they are still sleeping in at such a late hour, which means that they played games until late last night. If the game is not fun, even if it is our own, we will not accommodate it!"

"Yes." Zhang Xiyu nodded.

"What are you two talking about outside?" Lin Tianwen came over, put his arms around the two, and asked.

"I'm doing user experience research, so far it looks good." Zhang Xiyu said with a smile.

"Users feel good too." Lin Xi said mischievously.

The girls who slept late seemed to have heard Zhang Xiyu's words, and got up one after another.

Xuan Xuan looked at this scene, smiled and said to Zheng Qingya: "Astronomical vision is fine, everyone looks so good-looking without makeup, even their habits are the same."

"It's not that your sister pampered them, otherwise who would dare to wake up so late." Zheng Qingya said.

"By the way. Qingya, where did you put the things you asked me to bring?"

"Butler Liu is holding it, she knows."

"Okay. Then I'll ask her later."


As soon as the celebration in Yanjing was over, the rain in Moganshan also stopped. Although the sun was still not out, the sky was much brighter.

Lin Tianwen stood under the gazebo, watching all kinds of delicate and green flowers in full bloom, smoking a cigarette, and waiting for the girls to prepare their luggage.

The "Hui" next to his ear is broadcasting traffic conditions across the country, and the intelligent monitoring system he provided has been online for a month.

This seven-day National Day holiday is a good time to test the capabilities of this system.

After all, the number of times 700 million people travel in a short period of time is not many, and with free high-speed and cheap air tickets, there will only be more people traveling.

Judging from the video played by "Hui", the congestion at the expressways that occurred in previous years has not occurred, especially the several expressway intersections that are often on the list.

To say that the person who feels the deepest is not the traveler, but the announcer who broadcasts the morning news.

Looking at the manuscript that was quite different from previous years, he looked at his colleagues suspiciously.

"Don't blurt out later, look at the manuscript and the teleprompter."

"No one goes out to play during the National Day this year? The expressway is actually very smooth? Is the flow of people in the scenic spot so well controlled?"

"Did you forget a script we broadcast last month? The intelligent monitoring system is connected to the national sky eye system and traffic control system, as well as the monitoring network in public areas."

"Remember, oh, this is what works! Is the effect so obvious?"

"Isn't it? The things that the island owner took out are more or less black technology."

"Are you hungry? You're over-acting a little bit. Leave your adoring eyes to your island owner. The live broadcast will start soon."

"Okay, trust my professional ability."


After lunch, Lin Tianwen flew to Lijiang with the girls in his own shuttle.

This time the girls don't have to hide.

The exit of Lijiang Airport.

The weather here is sunny and sunny.

It is completely opposite to the weather in Moganshan.

Father Lin was wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses, with a walnut coiled in his left hand. He raised his right hand to look at the time, and said to the young man next to him, "Little Guang, brighten your eyes. My son and the others will be here soon."

"Boss, don't worry, I used to be a famous sharpshooter in our clan, with the best eyesight." Xiaoguang said, patting his chest.

"Really? Your eyesight is as good as your mouth, so I can rest assured." Father Lin said with a smile.

"Boss, what are you talking about, I can't understand your Mandarin." Xiao Guang asked, looking at Father Lin.

Father Lin smiled awkwardly, and said word by word again: "Your eyes are as sharp as your mouth, so I can rest assured."

"Thank you boss for the compliment." Xiao Guang thought it was a compliment when he heard Father Lin's mandarin with an accent.

Father Lin didn't want to correct him either, but shook his head helplessly.

When I was young, I didn't have the opportunity to learn Mandarin, and when I had the opportunity, I became older and didn't have that kind of thought anymore.

Under the command of the control tower, Lin Tianwen's shuttle landed steadily on the docking platform.

As a tourist city, Lijiang has a lot of tourists during the National Day. This year, because of cheap air tickets, the number of tourists is at least 50% higher than in previous years.

For this reason, more than 20 flights to and from Lijiang have been added, and Lin Tianwen's shuttle can only stop for half an hour for this reason.

Lin Tianwen led the girls out from the exit, and saw his father at a glance.

Xiao Guang, the sharpshooter known as the best eyesight of the Naxi people, was still looking for the boss's son on his feet, but he didn't find that Lin Tianwen had already hugged Lin's father.

"Dad." The girls behind Lin Tianwen shouted under Xuan Xuan's lead.

The tourists around all looked at it. It was the first time that Lin's father, who had lived for decades, felt his back really hot when he was being watched.

"Hey, hey, hey." Father Lin replied with a smile: "Your mother-in-law is waiting for you at the inn. Let's go back now. Xiaoguang, take the luggage."

"Ah, oh, yes, boss!" Xiao Guang recovered from his confusion, and stretched out his hand to pick up the girls' luggage.

"We can just take it ourselves. Don't bother." Xuan Xuan said with a smile.

"Xuan girl, where's the granddaughter?" Father Lin looked behind the girls and asked.

"Dad, that's what Tianwen is carrying." Xuan Xuan pointed to the basket in Lin Tianwen's hand and said with a smile.

"Why did you put my precious granddaughter in the basket?" Father Lin stepped forward to take a look, seeing that Lin Yuxuan was asleep, and asked.

"Dad, she's still young. It's not good to hold her." Lin Tianwen said: "Let's go quickly, or everyone will look at us."

Father Lin glanced around, and quickly said, "Go, go, go, let's talk when we go back. Xiaoguang will lead the way."

Xiaoguang immediately rushed forward, this skill really might be the sharpshooter of the Naxi tribe.

When everyone came to the parking lot, Father Lin pointed to a white candlelight and said to Lin Tianwen, "Son, you see how much I support your work. All the cars used in the inn are produced by your company."

"Thank you Boss Lin for supporting me." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"You boy. I know you said hello to the cars I bought, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get them now." Father Lin said proudly.


While talking, Lin Tianwen's car also came to the parking lot, and now he always takes the motorcade with him when he goes out.

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