MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 19 Be remembered

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Upon hearing the sound outside the door, Wang Aiguo was shocked and then fell down from the bed. However, the moment he turned it down, he found a problem ... Well, the mattress was a little taller.

"Boom." Wang Aiguo slammed heavily on the ground, stirring up a dust.

Everyone was shocked. I just wanted to help Wang Aiguo. I didn't expect Wang Aiguo to grumble and shouted at the door: "Captain, why are you here?"

The stranger outside of Yemen is naturally the most respected grandpa Bi, who saw Wang Aiguo like this, his huge face twitched twice, and then said with a little panic, "If you move a little less in the future, if ...

"Captain okay, I am a fall-resistant person, and there will be nothing." Before Grandpa Bi finished speaking, Wang Aiguo already took the lead to answer.

Alas, although this is said on the mouth, in fact, Wang Aiguo couldn't wait for a few months to go to the hospital for a broken leg or broken fracture.

This day, it's too hard.

I didn't expect Grandpa Bi to wave her hand and said, "It doesn't matter if you fall or not, it's mainly because my floor is not strong. Don't smash my floor."

King Patriotic: "..."

要 If you are like this, we can't talk anymore.

It took a long time for King Aiguo to return to God, and then leaned back, hoping to block the ten quilts on his bed.

As a result, he just moved two steps, and Grandpa Bi waved his hand again and said, "I've seen it. Now it's late."

"Captain, listen to me, I ..."

"Stop." Before Wang Aiguo said it, Grandpa Bi blocked his words back.

Everyone froze, and then heard Grandpa Bi said, "I didn't want to care about you, you are so good. But from tomorrow on, you have an extra task, and you will press the quilt of your squadron. .Time is tight, the task is heavy, you should hurry up. "

After speaking, Grandpa Bi turned around and walked to the next dormitory.

He Youjiang stood next to Wang Aiguo, and he said for a long time, "Are you dreaming, can you do this? Three hundred, or should you hit me?"

"Leave you."

How could Wang Aiguo's ‘request for force’ not be satisfied? In addition, he wanted to fan this **** for several days, and this time he finally achieved his wish.

Slap others in the past, at most, it is ‘pop’ or ‘嘭’, but Wang Aiguo is more powerful. When he slaps, everyone hears ‘咣 当’.

I looked back once more, and You Jiang was lying in bed unconscious.

Everyone: "... are you too heavy to start?"

Uh ...

Grandpa Grandpa went on a patrol and found nothing happened, and then when he turned back, he saw Jia District.

Yan Jia District looked at Grandpa Bi with an awkward look, and trembled, "Captain, that patriotic thing about Wang."

"It's okay, I think it's fine."


"Oh, this is the case." Knowing Jia District must not understand, so Grandpa Bi took out a document and put it in front of Jia District.

Jiu Jia District glanced at it, a notice from the brigade. The notice states that a second quilt contest will be held on the second week of training. Each team chooses the ten best quilts to participate in. The winning team can be given an extra soldier at the end of the year.

From this point of view of the Jiajia District, he suddenly understood that the co-author Grandpa Bi wanted to use Wang Aiguo's weight advantage to crush other teams.

Grandpa Bi patted Jia's shoulder and lowered his voice and said, "Honestly, it doesn't matter if you win or not, but you can't lose to Team 11. Now we have Wang Aiguo's 'Roller'. It already has advantages, you Teach them how to quilt. If they lose this time ... "

He said, Grandpa Bi showed a strange smile to Jia District.

The Jia district trembled. This time, the task is long ...

Uh ...

Generally speaking, pressing a quilt for a week is almost the same. Of course, it is not possible to press all the quilts this week. It also comes with morning physical training, afternoon physical training, and night physical training.

So in simple terms, it is the physical fitness to fit the quilt.

The intensity of physical training in the first week will not be particularly high. After a 1,500 run in the morning, everyone will come back to wash.

After eating breakfast, everyone went on pressing the quilt again. At this time, the three districts of Jia District received a privilege. They don't have to go to the outside playground to press the quilt, they just need to be in the TV room.

I don't need to go outside to bask in the sun, this is so wonderful for Wang Aiguo. After all, sweating while pressing will seriously affect the customer's impression. For one day, the quilt under Wang Aiguo will definitely be complained. There is a strange `` fragrance '' on it.

But I was told by Grandpa Bi yesterday that Wang Aiguo was considered to be 'privileged'. When everyone was lying on the ground pressing the quilt or folding the quilt, he could lie on the quilt and sleep.

The only problem is that this quilt is a little bit more.

Seeing others busy and busy, Wang Aiguo could not wait until the end of the new barracks. But think about it and know that it is impossible, because it ca n’t keep you playing under the quilt all the time ~ ~ And the other thing is, if he does n’t get the excellent or reward before the end, this is a breach of contract .

As soon as I thought of it, Wang Aiguo felt his brain hurt. Although he still has about five months, he still did not think of a way to obtain excellent soldiers or awards.

Ye Guang pressed on the quilt? Of course not, Grandpa Bi is not that kind of person. So what else is there other than this?

When Wang Aiguo closed his eyes and thought, Jia District appeared beside him.

I felt that someone was coming, Wang Aiguo opened his eyes fiercely, and then he had a pain in his face before he saw it.

"What the **** is it?" Wang Aiguo wiped his face, and found that the book on his face was a book.

"Nothing to see, do a good job of memorizing the rules." Jia District then went to teach everyone to quilt.

Wang Aiguo lingered for a while, then looked down at the book in hand—the doctrine book.

爱 Wang Aiguo is still very familiar with this book, because he remembers that his grandfather had an order book, but the book was as thick as Ci Hai. Fortunately, Jia District threw this booklet. If it was his grandfather's book, he would now go to the underworld to quilt everyone.

The so-called dossier is a common dossier. For example, Jia District is a small collection of house order, queue order, and dress order. His grandfather's book is a collection of doctrines for all arms of the army. Generally speaking, this book is not needed, because the Navy has naval doctrines. It is not necessary to learn air force and army doctrines other than public doctrines.

However, looking at the book in hand, Wang Aiguo suddenly opened his eyes.

Now that he has almost given up on physical fitness, the queue can't do so well because of physical conditions. So what if you try to memorize it?