MTL - Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!-Chapter 171 A hysterical anchor

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  Chapter 171 The hysterical anchor

   After confirming that Chen Yu had a second solution, Tiandao Fuqin turned his worries into joy and said, "No wrong, as long as the two children can grow up safely, I will never feel wronged."

  Chen Yu said: "Sell the company and all the real estate, and set up a fund under your name."

   "The income generated by the fund, the beneficiaries are designated as your two children."

   "As for you, you don't need to dissolve the father-son relationship with them, and you don't need to go far away and disappear without a trace."

   "Go to Longhu Mountain and become a Taoist priest."


  Tiandao Fuqin felt that he heard it wrong.

  What the **** is it to become a Taoist priest?

  He didn't see through the world of mortals, why did he want to be a Taoist priest?

  Even thought about where to let him become a Taoist priest.

  Are you sure it wasn't premeditated?

  Chen Yu said lightly: "In the philosophical system of Taoism, there are two sentences called jumping out of the three realms and not in the five elements."

   "Severed all ties with the world, and studied religious philosophy with a pure mind."

   "It can also help your children relieve all kinds of troubles."

  After listening to it, the heart is full of misery, and the heart is even more bitter.

  Every word Chen Yu said, Tian Dao Fuqin could understand it.

  But even together, I couldn't understand a single sentence.

   "Doctor Chen, is there a third way?"

  Heavenly Rewards Qin asked unwillingly.


  Chen Yu said slowly: "The third method is also the last method, gain happiness by doing good deeds, and reduce the probability of encountering bad things."


  Tian Dao Fu Qin let out a sigh of relief.

  Chen Yu can really tell the truth.

  There is such a direct method, why not say it earlier?

   Seeing what Tiandao Fuqin was thinking, Chen Yu said with a half-smile: "Because your condition is quite special, a small amount of happiness can't solve your problem."

   "Must get a lot of happiness."

   "What is the bulk?"

  Heaven rewards those who work hard and asked.

  Chen Yu raised his finger and made a sign of seven.

   "Take out 70% of your company's annual profit for charitable activities, and every penny must be put into practice."

   "The remaining 30% can be kept by yourself, or it can be used to expand the company and pay employees."

   "In short, only 30% can be left at most."

   God rewards those who work hard with a tangled expression.

   Working hard every year, only one-third of the net profit can be left in the end.

  The remaining profits are used for charity.

   When will it stop?

   I'm afraid I have to wait until I die.

  Tiandao Reward Qin is less than 50 years old this year, according to the current medical conditions and physical condition.

   At least twenty or thirty years to live.

  The days to come will be sad...

  The three methods all have a certain degree of disadvantages.

  After much deliberation, Tiandao Fuqin decided to choose the third method.

  The first method is tantamount to children holding money to go through the busy market.

  As for the second method, Tiandao Fuqin can't stand it.

  In the second half of my life, I eat fast and chant scriptures, and deal with gods and incense every day.

   I feel bored just thinking about it.

   "Dr. Chen, thank you for pointing me in the wrong direction. I will choose the third method."

   "Heavenly Reward Qin hesitated to speak: There is also my daughter's illness, you see?"

  Chen Yu said: "After paying the diagnosis and treatment fees and treatment fees, I will send you my WeChat via private message, and let's chat privately."

   "Thank you, Dr. Chen, I will pay you now."

  Tiandao rewards Qin readily paid 10,000 yuan, and then went offline to have a private chat with Chen Yu.

   "A third patient is invited."

  Chen Yu smiled lightly.

  A person appeared on the screen again.

   "Look, brothers, Detective Lin is so white, he is probably going to be steamed in a cage by the monster."

   "Nonsense, it is clear that she is going to be caught by a female fairy and married in a bridal chamber, and she will worship heaven and earth in a while."

   "Brother Lin, you haven't started the broadcast for so long, everyone thought you were taken away by ghosts."

   "The best spiritual explorer in history, the decryptor of urban legends."

   "No one really believes it, right? Detective Lin is a veteran. (Dog head

   "Even if it is acted, I still find it very exciting. I love watching it."

   After a few glances at the teasing barrage posted by Shuiyou, Chen Yu knew the identity of the person who came.

  Detective Inspector Linglin.

   Tigerfish platform thriller adventure category, the number one anchor.

   A **** and ruthless person.

   I am used to exploring various eerie places, revealing secrets and exposing them.

   During the six-year live broadcast, countless urban legends have been debunked by him.

   Exploration footprints are all over the world.

  Go to deep mountains and old forests, ancient tombs, deserted houses, and desert ruins.

  Go down to various abandoned civil air defense tunnels, campus hospitals.

  A deserted city house that has been rumored to be creepy.

  Wherever there is evil, there is him.

   "Hi patient, how can I help you?"

   Inspector Tan Linglin's hard-core live broadcast style.

  But at this moment, Inspector Tan Linglin's voice was somewhat uneasy and nervous.

   "Doctor Chen, can you tell me the truth first."

   "Do you know how to treat mental illness?"

  As soon as these words came out, the old water friend was almost speechless.

  Anyone who has watched two live broadcasts of Chen Yu should know this.

   To say that Chen Yu is a psychiatrist is better to say that he is an all-round Taoist master who sells dog meat.

  Chen Yu said solemnly: "I am a practicing psychologist, so how can I not treat mental illnesses?"

   "I understand that sick patients have various concerns about doctors' medical skills."

   "But don't worry, I will do my best to help you within the scope of my ability."

   "Now please tell me about your illness."

  Inspector Tan Linglin sighed and pointed to his temple.

   "I seem to have a mental illness."

  Inspector Tan Linglin originally wanted to find another psychiatrist for treatment.

  But I am afraid that they will think of themselves as crazy.

   Use casual words to perfuse him.

  After consideration, I decided to come to Chen Yu for help.

  “During this period, I was often awakened by nightmares, and I could always see all kinds of weird things. I suspected that I had paranoia.”

  Chen Yu looked at Inspector Tan Linglin's Yintang, and said, "This patient, after you found something abnormal in your body, did you search the Internet yourself, and felt that the condition was the same as paranoia?"

  Inspector Lin nodded.

  I don't want to go to another psychologist, so I can only check the situation online.

  He also knew that cancer started when he searched for diseases online.

  But if I don’t check, I feel even more nervous.

   "If you are sick, you should see a doctor. The things I checked on the Internet have nothing to do with your situation."

  Chen Yu smiled.

   "You are not suffering from paranoia, you are suffering from hysteria."

  "Small popular science class: Once you encounter severe stimulation, you will have high mental tension including fear, anger and other negative emotions, and then form the so-called hysteria."

   "In my impression, hysteria refers to the situation of being possessed by ghosts, or being possessed by evil spirits."

  After reading the explanations of the water friends, Inspector Tan Linglin was taken aback, and stammered: "Impossible, there are no ghosts and gods in the world. I can't be a ghost."

   "Understood, it must have been severely stimulated in that place, so hysteria appeared."

  Hearing the words, Chen Yu smiled and said: "You are right, it was indeed affected by that place, which led to hysteria."

  (end of this chapter)