MTL - Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke-Chapter 1945 Survival in the desert (22)

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"Shadow Festival, what are you thinking about?" When he came to him, he opened the door and asked, "Why did you send him away and pick it up?"

The shadow of the festival is bent into a fist. "He cried me up."

"Cry you upset? You are separated..." The voice slammed. "You mean, he is not with you, can you feel what he is doing?"

"It’s weird, right." The shadow festival got up and stood up. "I also feel very strange. His current emotions can affect me. You said, will he completely replace me?"

When I was indulging for a moment, I asked a question about a bull's head and a horse's mouth. "What material did you use to build his body?"

The film festival took time to see the material that he used to angiify the body, leaving only a small part of it, and he was piled in the corner of the laboratory.

This material was dug out of the ground and has never appeared before. He found that the heat and cold resistance of this material is much higher than what he knows.

When she turned over the rest of the material, she had never seen such a thing, but on the surface it looked like nothing, the problem could only be in the shadow festival.

The film itself has a part of his ‘soul’. When the film festival was programmed, what was input to the filmmakers, the filmmakers can now upgrade themselves – and of course there may be two mental retardations outside.

If you really let the filmmaker continue this way, it is very likely that he will replace the film festival as the film festival says.


Still to kill the shadows faster.


The film's self-awareness is getting stronger and stronger. The only thing that is more fortunate is that he has not produced any dissent, but the more heart-wrenching is that he is getting more and more worried about the time.

The shadow festival can be influenced by the shadows, and the shadows will definitely be affected by the shadow festival. If the shadow festival instinctively wants to be close, even if he is psychologically surprised, his behavior can be uncontrolled, just like his uncontrollable refusal. Grandpa’s proposal to dissolve the marriage contract will bring her back.

Such a shadow will also be a close encounter with the immigration.

However, the festival is nothing to say, but the film is a master who can't help, so the film is directly in the right time, every time it provokes the shadow festival and wants to die.

At first he made such an intelligent robot, not to let him come to grab people.

"Go out with me tomorrow." The door of the festival was knocked open.

When Shantou did not lift, he asked: "What?"

The festival sacrificed the game machine in her hand, and her fingertips picked her chin and forced her to look at herself. In the incomprehensible sight, he leaned over and kissed her forehead. "What reason does it take to accompany the fiancé?" ? Go to bed early."

After the festival was finished, the game machine was taken away, and when it was left, it was messy in the wind.

Laozi's game console! ! !

It’s hard to pull out the pastime toys, but it’s not confiscated before it’s hot, so good! !

Over there, I received the movie festival’s festival and turned to see the shadow of the drink in the original place, “Shadow Festival...”

The film festival passed by him. "I don't care what you are, but my things, you better not touch it, otherwise - even if it is destroyed, it will not be left to others."

"Shadow Festival..." The shadow turned and called the Shadow Festival. "I know that my life is given by you. I have no qualifications to ask for it. However, I really like Xiaohuan. Can you..."

At the pace of the festival, he turned and walked back, and the sound of the film was getting weaker and weaker under his pace.

The shadow festival reached out and held the wall behind him, which was obviously the same height. At this time, the film was short and short. He looked at the shadow festival nervously, and his fear in his heart still existed.

"Are you sure what you like, not because of me?" The festival sacrificed his hair. "All your feelings are self-sufficient, because I like her, so you like her, film, you are not qualified." I am fighting, not from beginning to end."

The shadow festival put down the hair, took back the hand, and took advantage of the movie, "Don't think about something that doesn't belong to you."

The shadows of the students reflected the high figure of the festival. He turned and left, and all the movements seemed to be cut into slow motion.

- All your feelings are self-supporting.

- Because I like her, you like her.

- Film, you are not qualified to fight with me, from beginning to end.

The shadow body fell down bit by bit, sat down the wall, and he buried his head between his legs.

He understands.

He is only made up of the Shadow Festival. He can do a lot of things he thinks. He is never unique. The only one is the Shadow Festival...

When you stand in the corner and sigh, this situation is really a bit overwhelming.

How can we get back the ‘soul’ that belongs to the shadow festival in the movie?

What did the shadow festival give him?


The next day.

The film festival left early in the morning with a time to go, first went to several clothing stores in the dungeon to take a dress, then took her to do hair, and a big change of blood down the whole body.

"Miss Yu is a natural beauty, very suitable for this paragraph, it is simply prepared for Miss Yu..." The seller did not leave the exaggeration of time.

The business in the underground city is not good. Now I am thinking about how to get a little more supplies. Who would think about dressing up? Their stores can only be supported by these powerful people. They often do not open for one month. One month.

"Like it?"

When standing in front of the full-length mirror, the girl in the mirror wore a very exaggerated gauze dress. The yarn was very soft and smooth, the fairy was fluttering, the black hair was draped freely, and the crown was with a crown. Eyes are not behind.

"Don't you think this is exaggerated?" When she pulled the skirt, her skirt was pretty good, and the atmosphere was dignified. Why did it change to this fairy?

"I don't like it?" The festival only heard the meaning of the words, and the store behind him made a gesture, "Change."

When you raise your hand, "That's it."

If you change it, it will be crazy.

When the people of the film festival went to the checkout, they screamed at the hand of the film festival. "Shadows follow us."

"Follow him." The shadow festival was indifferent, and when he dialed the crown of the top of his head, "Why did you choose me, don't choose him?"

Compared to intimate, the film festival is not as good as the shadow.

He didn't have a chance to talk, and he would be happy.

Under the choice of the same face value, the girl should choose the person who will speak sweet words.

"Because he is not you." Shi Xiao smiled. "I know what I want, I won't choose the wrong one."

To put it bluntly, the film is a fake, how can she really not want to choose a fake.

"What do you want?"

"I want the stars and the sea." I paused. "And my starry sea is you."

The sea of ​​stars is you, and the flowers are you.