MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 1 Young girl Qin Jingru

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  Chapter 1 Young Girl Qin Jingru

  1960 winter.

  The suburbs of Beijing, Hongxing Commune, Liangjia Village.

  In the early morning, the cold wind howled, icy cold.

  Under the blanket, Jiang Pingan woke up slowly, feeling cold and hungry.

  I don't want to get up, but feel uncomfortable when I urinate.

   While hesitating, a pretty figure appeared outside the window.

  Jiang Ping'an took a closer look, she was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl with a sweet appearance.

  She is wearing a pink padded jacket, with a short ponytail hairstyle, an oval face, exquisite features, big eyes and watery eyes, a small mouth, and collagen on her face, full of girlishness.

   Right now, she was blinking her big clear eyes and looking inside.

   "Brother Ping An, are you still awake?" the girl asked softly with a smile on her lips.

  Jiang Pingan took a look, sat up, wrapped in a quilt, nodded and smiled:

   "I said who is this early in the morning, so it's Jingru girl, you got up early, is there anything wrong?"

   This girl's name is Qin Jingru, and she is from the Qin Family Village next door. The two families are separated by a small river. Although they are not from the same village, they are also serious neighbors.

   "It's okay, I heard uncle said that you came back last night, so I came over to have a look." Qin Jingru shook his head and smiled.

  Hesitating for a while, she said again: "Are you getting up now? If you want to get up, I'll go to the kitchen to help you boil the wash water."

  This girl is diligent, Jiang Ping'an is not polite, nodded and smiled: "Then thank you, sister Jingru!"

   "Hey, you're welcome, the folks in our village should help each other." Qin Jingru smiled sweetly, turned around and left.

  Jiang Ping'an hurriedly yelled: "Jingru, wait a minute, the kitchen outside is locked, I'll give you the key."

  Hearing the sound, Qin Jingru stopped, turned around and turned around.

  Jiang Ping'an got up and got out of bed, shirtless and wearing only big underpants, shivering from the cold, took a bunch of keys from the table next to him, walked to the window and handed them out.

  Qin Jingru took the key silently, but her eyes were on Jiang Ping'an.

  I saw him with a handsome appearance, a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a tall and vigorous figure, well-proportioned muscles, and thick legs, especially that...

   Qin Jingru's eyes straightened.

  She was stunned for a moment, her little face flushed, she stretched out her jade finger, tapped Jiang Ping'an's waist, and whispered, "Brother Ping An, you..."

  Jiang Ping'an looked down, laughed dumbfoundedly, raised his head showing his white teeth, and replied with a smile:

   "Don't be surprised, girl, this is a normal physiological phenomenon, but my capital is more obvious than others."

  Qin Jingru's face was flushed with embarrassment, he spat lightly, pursed his lips and cursed secretly, turned around and went to the kitchen.

  Jiang Ping'an chuckled, and when he came back to his senses, he quickly put on all kinds of clothes on the bedside cabinet.

  Newly bought cotton-padded clothes and trousers, cloth shoes with thousand layers of soles, and a finely crafted dog fur hat when going out, and trotted to the toilet.

   It has been five years since he was reborn, and he has already gotten used to life in this era.

   This is an era of extremely scarce supplies.

   It is not enough to have money in hand, you must have a ticket, and you need a ticket to buy anything.

  Food stamps, cloth stamps, cotton stamps, meat stamps, salt stamps, oil stamps, coal stamps, cigarette stamps, matches, soap stamps, fish stamps, tofu stamps...

  All kinds of tickets come in all varieties and names, covering almost every aspect of people's daily life.

   Among them, the food stamp is the big brother, and the cloth ticket is the big sister.

   Without these tickets, you cannot live.

  The peasants are self-sufficient because they plan food in the soil, so they do not issue food stamps and meat stamps, only stamps.

  If the cadres of the production team and brigade go to the commune to eat, they must bring rice with them, and they will exchange rice for rice.

  If you go to the county or other places for a meeting or on a business trip, you will take the grain to the commune grain station to exchange for grain stamps.

  Jiang Ping'an was originally a rural household registration, his parents died, and there were no other relatives in the family.

   After graduating from technical secondary school, he was assigned to work as a buyer in the logistics department of a large rolling mill in the city.

  After the technical secondary school students become full-time students, they receive the salary of clerks at the 25th and 7th levels of administration, which is 37.5 yuan per month, and their household registration is also converted to an urban household registration.

  After several years of hard work by Jiang Pingan, he is now a level 22 administrative and level 4 clerk.

   Receive a salary of 56 yuan per month, which is the same as the salary of a college student after becoming a full-time student.

  The house he lives in now was rebuilt and expanded on the original site of his old house the year before last after he saved money.

  Five main rooms, two side rooms, and a small courtyard in front of the house, spacious and bright.

  Because he is a buyer, he is responsible for purchasing the ingredients needed by the leaders of the small cafeteria to entertain guests, so he has to go to the countryside two or three times a month.

  After the family house was rebuilt, it was much more convenient. Every time I went to the countryside, I didn’t have to go to someone else’s house to settle down.

   In addition, he works in the city, and the street has allocated two rooms for him, which add up to about 70 square meters.

  In general, with his current job and family conditions, he can be regarded as young and rich.

  Although all kinds of supplies have been scarce in recent years, and it is normal to not have enough to eat, Jiang Ping'an has never been hungry.

  Of course, it’s just that I’m not hungry, so don’t even think about eating something too good.

  Jiang Ping'an is also happy with the situation. Compared with many people who are waiting to eat relief food to survive, his life is very rich.

  Come out of the toilet and come to the kitchen. Qin Jingru has already helped him pour the washing water into the porcelain basin, and even squeezed out the toothpaste.

   "You are a good one, and I don't know which **** will be cheaper in the future!"

  Jiang Pingan looked at the pretty Qin Jingru, smiled and praised, and then began to wash his face and brush his teeth.

   "I want to take advantage of you, but you don't want it." Qin Jingru pouted and said, his eyes rolled and his face was full of melancholy.

  In the countryside, for a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl like her, who is so pretty, many matchmakers have long since come to her door.

  But since her cousin Qin Huairu married in the city, Qin Jingru also wanted to marry in the city in her dreams, and didn't want to stay in the countryside digging soil for the rest of her life.

  No matter how handsome the brother in the country is, no matter how good the conditions are, she will not consider it.

  In Qin Jingru's mind, Jiang Ping'an is her best husband candidate.

  Jiang Ping'an is not only good-looking, knowledgeable, kind, and has a good reputation, but also has an urban household registration.

   There is a job, a high income, and houses in both urban and rural areas. With such conditions, it is difficult to find even with a lantern.

  Jiang Ping'an bent over, washed his face, threw the towel into the washbasin, straightened up, and said with a smile:

   "You're a little younger. In a year or two, when you turn eighteen, if I haven't married a wife yet, then we can think about it."

  He didn't lie, this Qin Jingru is a man who marries a chicken and follows a chicken, marries a dog and follows a dog, she is beautiful, and very hardworking, she is a good woman who lives her life.

  Qin Jingru's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Really?"

  Jiang Ping'an nodded and smiled, "Of course it's true, but we're just talking about it in private now. You can't make it public, especially your cousin."

   "If you dare to show off everywhere, then this matter will automatically be invalidated."

  Qin Jingru nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, full of surprises, widened her eyes, and gritted her teeth:

   "I know, I know, my cousin has a lot of money and loves to take advantage of others. I will keep my mouth shut and won't cause you any trouble!"

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

   "No, now every household doesn't have much food in storage, and they are all eagerly waiting for the commune's relief food to arrive."

   "Our family has been eating polenta for ten days in a row every day. It's only clear soup with little water, and we can't get enough to drink. We can only hang our lives."

  Jiang Ping'an nodded and said, "Then I'll treat you to a full meal today!"

   "I have tens of catties of stick noodles in the rice tank in my kitchen. How about you make some steamed buns and let's eat them with kimchi?"

   "Really!" Qin Jingru looked surprised, after thinking about it, she restrained her smile, shook her head and said:

   "Forget it, if we eat and drink too much and don't want to eat the next meal, you will starve in the future."

  Jiang Pingan nodded secretly when he heard the words.

   Apart from her lack of opinion and soft ears, Qin Jingru has a lot of bright spots.

  Jiang Pingan smiled, took her hand, came to the rice vat, and said with a smile:

   "Don't worry, I won't be hungry. These stick noodles are rewarded by the leader. You can just eat them."

  His job as a buyer is not for nothing these years. Although it is difficult to eat meat, it is still possible to eat white noodles.

  As for this stick noodle, only he had eaten it once when he first came to this era, and he never ate it again.

  PS: In the new book issue, follow-up reading is the kingly way, please support the book friends, thank you!

  (end of this chapter)