MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 465 Jiang Ping'an has become a fragrant bun, and everyone welcomes it with joy

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  Chapter 465 Jiang Ping'an has become a fragrant bun, and everyone welcomes it with joy

  Jiang Ping'an walked around the workshop.

  While listening to the introduction of skilled workers, I also seriously thought about the knowledge I learned in the college, and I gained a lot.

  In many ways, he doesn't need to know all the details, which is unrealistic.

  He spent the whole afternoon in the workshop with a group of cadres. While getting to know the factory, he also got to know the cadres.

   When it was time to get off work, he didn't continue, announcing his disbandment, and came back to the workshop tomorrow for inspection.

  Getting on the jeep to go home, Jiang Pingan thought:

   "It's a coincidence that I didn't ride out today, which saved me trouble."

  The wind and snow are still there, and the wind is whistling.

   But sitting in a jeep is much more comfortable.

   Even though the road was covered with heavy snow, even though the jeep was on the chain, it still walked slowly, like a turtle crawling.

  On the road, groups of workers walked home.

  All of them were wearing thick cotton-padded jackets and hats, and wrapped their faces in scarves, tightly packed.

  The horns on the electric poles played all kinds of impassioned and impassioned songs, which spread melodiously high in the sky.

  The promotional slogans on the wall in the distance, appear hazy in the wind and snow, looming, every sentence is inspiring.

   "Didi..." The jeep slowly stopped in front of the courtyard.

  Bang Geng waited for a group of children who were playing with the snow to surround them curiously, cheering and looking around.

  Few cars come over the courtyard.

  People in the courtyard heard the movement, and they all came out to watch one after another.

  When Jiang Ping'an got out of the car, they all puffed up their hands excitedly, expressing their pride.

   "Haha, the disappearance of Director Jiang's acting boutique rolling mill has spread all over the world!"

   "Congratulations to Director Jiang, congratulations to Director Jiang, now you can sit in the little jeep!"

   "The feng shui in our courtyard is good, and there can be such a big man!"

   "Don't talk nonsense, don't die? That's the result of Jiang's hard work!"


  Everyone gathered around, insisting on shaking hands with Jiang Pingan, making him dumbfounded.

   "Isn't it warm to stay at home in this snowy day? Let's go!" Jiang Ping'an laughed and cursed.

  Yi Zhonghai stepped forward and said with a smile: "It was rumored early this morning that you became the director of the factory."

   "Now it is completely confirmed, and everyone is happy for you."

   "Don't worry about it, it's everyone's honor to shake hands with you."

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Okay, then I will show the leader's score?"

   "Haha, I have to put on a good show today, who said that if you become a leader, you have to keep a low profile?" Yi Zhonghai laughed.

  Jiang Pingan nodded, waved to Li Zhongbin, and signaled him to drive back and pick him up tomorrow morning.

   Then he really raised his head and shook hands with everyone in the courtyard.

  There was a commotion in front of the courtyard, and even people from the next few courtyards came out to check.

   Well, after hearing the news, these people came over to shake hands with laughter.

  It is said that Jiang Pingan is a cadre of the people, and one should not treat one more favorably than another.

   "Everything, haha, you really have it!"

  Jiang Ping'an laughed loudly, and took the trouble to hold each of them one by one.

  Yi Zhonghai and the other three uncles surrounded Jiang Pingan, laughing and cursing.

   Said that the people in the courtyards next door were shameless, and even came to take advantage of this little advantage.

   After making a fuss for a minute or two, seeing more and more people gathered nearby, Jiang Pingan laughed and cursed:

   "Is it uncomfortable to stay at home? I want to come out to blow the cold wind. What's the point of shaking my hand?"

   "I'm not a little girl, you can't take advantage of it, so let's break up!"

  Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words, saying that shaking hands with Jiang Ping'an would bring happiness and good luck.

  Jiang Pingan saw that their words were getting more and more outrageous, so he quickly gave Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong a look.

  The two of them knew it well, so they got bad faces on the spot, stopped in front, and refused to let anyone shake hands.

  Jiang Ping'an finally broke away from the crowd, and was guarded by several young men in the courtyard and returned to the courtyard.

  As for the people who didn't hold hands with Jiang Ping'an, they were naturally upset with Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong, and shouted and scolded them one after another.

   Both of them responded with a smile, and this is the time when they are in their early years.

   Otherwise, why would Jiang Pingan treat them normally?

   This opportunity is beyond the reach of ordinary people!


  Jiang Ping returned home, He Yushui poured hot water, his eyes lit up and said:

   "You are really capable, so you became the director of the factory again, tsk tsk..."

  Although the director of the cafeteria is at the same level as the director of the subordinate boutique factory, the rights are not the same.

  Jiang Ping'an was the main leader of the No. 1 factory at such a young age.

  This is a qualitative improvement in terms of life experience and qualifications.

  Although they are all acting as agents, as long as Jiang Ping'an's level is promoted.

  In the future, qualifications will no longer be a hindrance.

  Jiang Pingan washed his face, put down the towel, nodded and said with a smile:

   "I didn't expect to become a factory manager, but I was caught off guard today."

  For middle-level cadres, both rank and position are important.

  Level is treatment, position is right, and the two complement each other.

  The higher one goes, the more important the job is, and the higher the job, the higher the level will naturally be.

   Just like Zhao Yuchu, he always wanted to upgrade, but he couldn't get it.

  Even if the gap is only one level, that hurdle blocks too many people.

  Jiang Ping'an became the acting factory director, but his salary didn't increase much, and he got a bit more job allowance.

   At best, including having a small jeep and sharing a house, but that is only temporary.

  He Yushui smiled happily, and asked curiously: "Then according to your guess, how long will it take to improve the level?"

   "It's hard to say, I was promoted too fast in the early stage, and it may take some years to upgrade again." Jiang Pingan shook his head.

   "And the position of the director of the boutique rolling mill is different from the position of the director of the canteen."

   "I estimate that I will be transferred back after temporarily acting in the boutique factory for a period of time."

   "I can't always serve concurrently like the director of the cafeteria. I can act as the director of the factory because of special circumstances and special affairs."

  He Yushui nodded and said: "That's good, so as not to tire you out, hee hee..."

   While talking, Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, and Yan Bugui came together.

  He Yushui smiled sweetly at Jiang Ping'an, and went to the kitchen to cook with water.

  Jiang Pingan and the others sat down in the living room, and then Yi Zhonghai said:

   "Ping An, it's the end of the year. Lao Yan went to the vegetable market today. I heard that there are a lot of supplies that have been transferred to the capital recently!"

  Jiang Ping'an nodded and said, "Compared to previous years, there are more. What do you mean..."

   "What we mean is, before the Chinese New Year, can I ask you to help me get some supplies." Yan Bugui said.

   "You also know that this year our advances are gone, and those reward materials are gone."

   "When it's Chinese New Year, everyone's life will plummet compared to previous years."

  Jiang Pingan pondered for a moment, and asked, "What supplies do you want to get? Do you have enough money?"

   "The money is enough, but the ticket is not enough, otherwise we wouldn't bother you." Yi Zhonghai said truthfully.

  Jiang Ping'an thought about it: "No ticket, I'm thinking about it..."

  PS: I took the time to write two chapters, and I will send them out first, and I will write them later when I go back. Don’t rush.

  (end of this chapter)