MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 489 The turmoil is fermenting, the future is unknown

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  Chapter 489 The storm is fermenting, the future is unknown

   The four chatted while eating.

   After a while, Xu Damao came back, and Jiang Pingan slowly took back the hand on Li Tianjiao's lap.

  Li Tianjiao breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly clamped his legs, but felt a little lost in his heart.

   "How's the situation?" Qin Huairu asked curiously.

  Xu Damao shook his head and said: "It's okay, silly Zhu went back to the house to persuade Chen Xueying."

   "Other people saw that there was no excitement to watch, so they all left, but I don't think the matter will stop here."

   "Have you all drunk? That's fine, let's toast together to celebrate Tianjiao's visit to my house."

  Li Tianjiao raised his eyebrows and said, "You should call me Li Tianjiao, or you can also call me Li Tianjiao or Comrade Li!"

   "Hehe, well, I'm taking the liberty, then I'll call you classmate Li!" Xu Damao said awkwardly.

   Next drink and eat.

  Xu Damao had something on his mind and drank in a hurry. He drank half a catty in a while, and then became drunk.

   "It's winter, don't lie here and catch a cold." Qin Huairu said.

  Jiang Ping'an nodded and said, "Then I'll take him back to the room and sleep!"

   As he spoke, he stepped forward and lifted Xu Damao up, sent him to the bedroom to sleep, and pulled two quilts to cover him.

  Go back to the living room.

  Qin Huairu got up and said, "I'm full."

   "Go back and see the child first, and come back later to clean up the dishes."

  He Yushui said: "If you're busy, you don't have to come here, I'll just clean up."

   "Hehe, I had a good meal for nothing today, so doing some housework is not a good thing." Qin Huairu laughed.

  After Qin Huairu left, He Yushui drank the wine in the glass, and his little face was flushed from drinking.

  Jiang Ping'an said with a smile: "You drink less alcohol in the future, and drinking will cause trouble."

   "Hee hee, isn't Brother Pingan watching today? I'm not afraid." He Yushui said with a smile.

  Li Tianjiao answered: "Today, the meal is comfortable, and the wine is just right, slightly tipsy."

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "You don't have a bad capacity for alcohol, you only got a little drunk after drinking half a catty."

   "Hehe, my family's wine is not bad." Li Tianjiao said arrogantly.

   Eat and drink enough.

  He Yushui got up to pack the bowls and chopsticks. Qin Huairu rushed over just after receiving half of the dishes.

   "Clean up, I have something that Tianjiao needs to take back." Jiang Pingan got up and said.

  He Yushui nodded and said: "Go, you don't have anything to do here."

  So Jiang Pingan took Li Tianjiao out of the room.

  It was lunch time, and the yard was very quiet at the moment.

  Li Tianjiao also noticed this situation, and asked with a small smile:

   "You didn't choose this spot specifically to take me to your house, did you?"

   "Say it first, don't do bad things, or I will bite you to death!"

  Jiang Ping'an smirked and said, "I used to know how to be polite, but now I'm so fierce?"

   Then whispered something to her, Li Tianjiao pursed his lips and said:

   "It's settled, this is the only thing to do, don't go too far, or I will ignore you in the future."

  Back home, Jiang Pingan poured hot water for Li Tianjiao to wash.

  She felt uncomfortable for a long time today, but she didn't refuse. She went to the kitchen with water and closed the door.

  Jiang Pingan stood outside the door, lit a cigarette and smoked, and said with a smile:

   "Why are you closing the door? I still want to see it?"

  Li Tianjiao snorted and said, "Come on, I'm not like you."

   "We only met today for the first time, and you have already taken advantage of a lot."

   "How about you promise to marry me, and I will never be coy?"

  Jiang Pingan didn't answer.

  Li Tianjiao waited for a long while, but did not get a reply, and said angrily:

   "You can't lie to me? Even if it's fake!"

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I'm not willing to lie to you, and I don't bother to lie to you."

   "You have to be willing, let's get along well, if you don't want to, I won't force it."

  After cleaning up, Li Tianjiao opened the door and gritted his teeth:

   "Meeting you was the biggest mistake in my life!"

  Jiang Pingan stepped forward and took her hand, and said, "Then what I just said..."

  Li Tianjiao blushed, he hesitated and said: "I didn't say no to you."

  Jiang Pingan smiled, pulled her to the bedroom, and whispered something in her ear.

  Li Tianjiao hesitated and said shyly, "I'm a little embarrassed."

   "Then you go sit on the kang, how about I help you?" Jiang Ping'an discussed.

  Li Tianjiao blushed with shame, glanced at him, nodded slightly, moved to the edge of the kang and sat down.

  After a while of rustling, Li Tianjiao turned his head aside, still not daring to look at Jiang Ping'an.

  I heard him ask: "Is it cold?"

   "It's not cold, it's quite warm in your room." Li Tianjiao bit his lip, his scalp was numb and said softly.

  Jiang Pingan stepped forward, lowered his head, and smirked: "I'll talk about it later, don't be embarrassed."

   "Bah! Watch it if you want, don't talk too much, I hate it!" Li Tianjiao turned his head further away.

  Jiang Pingan really stopped teasing her, but just looked at her over and over again, which made Li Tianjiao very ashamed.

  Suddenly, she froze, moved her body, hugged Jiang Pingan's head and asked:

   "It's broad daylight, no one will come to your house to look for you, right? I'm a little scared."

  Jiang Ping'an clicked his tongue and said falteringly: "Don't worry, no one will come."

  Li Tianjiao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, squinted his eyes slightly, and gradually sank and lost himself.


  Li Tianjiao was about to cry, she had never lost her composure like today.

   " just want to see my jokes!"

  She hugged Jiang Pingan's head, patted him on the shoulder and said.

  Jiang Ping'an raised his head and said with a smile, "Come on, haven't you seen me working so hard?"

   "You don't thank me and don't tell me, but you still blame me, you have no conscience."

  Li Tianjiao was speechless, frowning, biting his lips, squinting his eyes and not speaking.

  Her hair spread out and moved to the front of her body.

  Qingli's little face was flushed with a touch of charm, full of femininity.

  Suddenly, Jiang Ping'an got up and whispered something in her ear.

  Li Tianjiao's eyes widened suddenly, he was dumbfounded and shook his head, "This... this... no, I don't want it."

   "Huh? Are you spoiling the fun? You just nodded." Jiang Pingan said dissatisfied.

  Li Tianjiao said aggrievedly: "How can it be? You obviously didn't say that."

  This man is so bad, she felt angry, but she liked him so bad.

  Jiang Pingan laughed, looked at her with piercing eyes, raised his eyebrows, and signaled that it was her turn.

  Li Tianjiao covered his face, and after a while, he took a deep breath, unable to bear to reject him.

  So he got off the kang, blushed, walked forward slowly, and slowly lowered his head...


  He family.

   While eating, Chen Xueying said to He Yuzhu: "Don't persuade me, I have given you countless opportunities."

   "I married into your He family, and I was considered a diligent and thrifty family, but you beat me cruelly because of a widow."

   "Don't say anything more, we will go to get the divorce certificate tomorrow, I don't want to let it go."

  He Yuzhu nodded and said: "Divorce is fine, but you must return the house to me. This is my ancestral house."

   "You have a good idea, I can't order something, which makes you take advantage of it for nothing?" Chen Xueying sneered.

   "And, what I said earlier, don't think I'm trying to scare you, I'll do what I say!"

  (end of this chapter)