MTL - Silver Overlord-Chapter 19 Bull Sword

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The opponent's strength is gradually increasing, but slowly, the opponent's increased strength stops after reaching a point, for almost two minutes, and never increases.

At this time, Yan Liqiang's heart was actually a bit strange, because he felt that the strength of the other party did not seem to be as big as he imagined. It should not be. Is it because the other party has reservations because he is not old enough and does not use his full strength, but sees the other party ’s With a look, the blue veins on his forehead were violently bursting with sweat, his mouth was panting like a cow, humming haha, and he was clearly using his whole body strength. If nothing else, he said that his two feet were already in Two small pits were left on the ground when stepping backwards.

But how could such a big man be so small?

Just a moment later, Yan Liqiang suddenly realized that it was not the strength of the other party that was reduced and retained, but his current strength. After passing through the Mabuguan, he had unknowingly grown a lot, not to mention that he still practiced For more than half a month, the Yijin Xiujing Sutra, this half of the month, I feel more and more powerful on my body, but I have not tried it carefully. The preface said that this method can make people have divine power, Grandpa Yue Fei After practicing it, you can pull a hundred stone strong bows, being the first person in the world, may not be bragging.

Thinking about it this way, Yan Liqiang suddenly worked **** his hand and pushed it outward, and the strength of the sole was passed to his hand. The strong young man who was twice as strong as Yan Liqiang was suddenly hit by a running rhinoceros. To the same, I just felt a huge force coming, and the whole person suddenly flew from the push circle, floating flat in the air for seven or eight meters, and then fell heavily on the ground outside the push circle white line ... ...

The sound of agitation around them was silent for a moment, and everyone was stunned. I couldn't believe that Yan Liqiang's power would be so great. Even the most powerful of them, the sergeants, were pushed out and flew up. So far, how much power does this require?

Yan Liqiang looked at his two palms in amazement. The first time the power broke out completely, he didn't expect it to be so violent. Just then, he just felt that the bones on his legs were like two big ones. Like a spring, as soon as he exerted a force, the spring bounced, and his opponent flew out.

The man fell to the ground without any injuries, but just got his fangs and got up.

After two seconds, Zhou Yong screamed for the first time, "Okay!" The surrounding sergeants suddenly reacted and yelled ...

Strong confidence rises in Yan Liqiang's heart. He laughs and looks around for a week. "Who else is there to push the circle!"

"Four together!"

Xie Zhouyong said a few words, and immediately four soldiers rushed out of the sergeants around and came to the circle together, four to one.

The four sergeants who came to the circle glanced at each other, and rushed towards Yan Liqiang in one direction with great tacit understanding. One pushed Yan Liqiang's shoulders, one pushed Yan Liqiang's chest, and one bent down to hug Yan Liqiang. One calf, and one person grabbed Yan Liqiang's arm with both hands.

This time, Yan Liqiang didn't go for pure hard collision, but used a little skill. Yan Liqiang himself is the person who likes to push the circle the most. He is already familiar with various skills and coping methods. At the moment, his surge of power makes him even more powerful in the circle.

The circle of pushing the circle is not large, and it is impossible to run in the circle, so Yan Liqiang did not care about the person who hugged his left calf. When the other three rushed in, he just staggered one step backward with his right foot. On one side, the simultaneous attack of three people immediately showed the front and back and the drop.

On one side, the positional relationship between Yan Liqiang and the four people changed. Yan Liqiang leaned directly on his back to the two people who pushed towards his chest and shoulders, and grabbed the sergeant who wanted to grab his arm. When the sergeant was a little stunned, Yan Liqiang grabbed the man ’s wrist and moved forward in the forceful direction of the man, and the man rushed out of the circle and fell to the ground, becoming the first Out.

Although the push ring is not a martial arts contest, the response to it is similar to that of martial arts.

In this moment of time, Yan Liqiang's back and shoulders leaned against the four outstretched palms at the same time, slamming those two sergeants apart.

At the same time, his left foot was already hugged by a sergeant who squatted on the ground. He used the fall technique to hold the foot. The sergeant hugged Yan Liqiang's feet and couldn't help it. When he just hugged Yan Liqiang's foot, Yan Liqiang's foot suddenly moved forward, and the sole of his foot went directly under his crotch. When he remembered to overthrow Yan Liqiang, Yan Liqiang had already hooked from the crotch with his instep. Live on that person's hip.

The person got up, Yan Liqiang lifted his feet, and as a result, his feet were lifted off the ground by Yan Liqiang's foot first.

If it was before, Yan Liqiang absolutely did not have such ability. A person with a weight of 70 or 80 kilograms on one foot could lift the person, but at this time, this action was not difficult for Yan Liqiang. One foot, almost like a crane, gently lifted the sergeant.

The sergeant held Yan Liqiang's legs and lifted his feet off the ground all at once. There was no place to borrow all his power, just like a koala bear hugged on a tree trunk. On the feet.

The next second, before waiting for the two sergeants slammed back by Yan Liqiang's back, Yan Liqiang's right foot was retracted, his body rotated 180 degrees, his left foot flew out, and a shock from the tiger Xiao serial fist The kick kicked and kicked out.

This kick is not for kicking people, but for dumping people. Yan Liqiang directly used his feet as hands. Therefore it does not count as a foul.

Under the action of the huge centrifugal force, in the innocent eyes and open mouth of the sergeant holding Yan Liqiang's left foot, the man uttered a cry and flew out of Yan Liqiang's feet at once, falling on the seven or eight meters Outside the circle, it took seven or eight laps to get up on the ground.

With his left foot on the ground, Yan Liqiang turned around beautifully, leaving only two of the four opponents in the circle.

The two people glanced at each other, roared, and rushed towards Yan Liqiang. Yan Liqiang did not give up anymore. He directly lowered the force, one step, one stroke of the tiger stepping fist. They pressed on the shoulders of two people at the same time, and the two sergeants changed their faces. They quickly held down Yan Liqiang's hand and wanted to push Yan Liqiang's hand down.

Tong Yan Liqiang smiled slightly, and his feet started with strength. One hand and one sergeant were pushed out of the circle at the same time and landed on the ground.

Solve four people in less than ten seconds.

"Okay ..." The sergeants watching around were like fans seeing wonderful shots and clapping at the same time.

Compared to the first game, the second game was more exciting. Yan Liqiang beat one opponent to four, and ended the battle simply and neatly.

"Hahaha, Yan Shao is really good. I tried with Zhou and Yan Shao!" The ordinary sergeant in the artillery camp was no longer Yan Liqiang's opponent. Zhou Yong saw that Yan Liqiang was so brave that he couldn't help it , Personally come down to push the circle, ready to discuss with Yan Liqiang.

Zhou Yong is a small banner. He has already passed the Mabuguan in the early years. In addition to the years of training in military camps, his martial arts skills have far surpassed ordinary people. Because of this, he has served as a soldier in the army. Bottom officer.

Zhou Yong came to the end personally, Yan Li was forced to ask for it. He was trying to try with a veteran like Zhou Yong to test his strength.

"Ha ha ha, please brother Brother Zhou to show mercy, don't let me lose too ugly ..."

"Ha ha ha, I want to ask my younger Yan to show mercy!"

The two greeted each other politely, UU read the book and then walked around in the push circle, ready to fight.

In the face of Zhou Yong, Yan Liqiang naturally did not dare to carelessly. In fact, if he had not passed the Mabuguan and had a huge gain, these days he has greatly increased his strength. At his level a month ago, he would even challenge Zhou Yong There are no qualifications, Zhou Yong wants to push him in circles, others may still feel that Zhou Yong bullies children.

The two people made two laps in the push circle and saw Zhou Yong taking the initiative. Yan Liqiang knew that this was Zhou Yong's modest concession to himself, so he was not polite, and rushed directly to Zhou Yong in two steps, close to Zhou Yong. After lifting his body, his palms were raised, and in a stance of lunges in a series of tiger Xiao Xiaoquan punches, he simply pushed toward Zhou Yong's chest and abdomen.

Wu Zhouyong didn't budge. He was willing to try the strength of Yan Liqiang, so he stepped forward and pushed his palms towards Yan Liqiang.

"Bumping ..." The palms of the two people hit each other forcefully.

Just as soon as he felt the strength of Yan Liqiang's hands, Zhou Yong's face changed slightly, because the strength uploaded by Yan Liqiang's hands was beyond his imagination.

Last night, when he saw Yan Liqiang crossing Mabu Pass, Rui Xiang was a rhino, and he already knew that Yan Liqiang had a certain strength in his body after passing the level. For this reason, Zhou Yong already had some mental preparations, but at this moment two As soon as a personal fight, Yan Liqiang's strength still surprised Zhou Yong, who was already prepared. Zhou Yong didn't expect that Yan Liqiang's power would be so great. The feeling he pushed on Yan Liqiang's hands was exactly like pushing on a majestic rhinoceros horse running over, that huge Striving hard, his shoulders became numb all of a sudden, and he almost couldn't help taking a step back ...