MTL - Silver Overlord-Chapter 32 Mulberry

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The formula of gunpowder does not have any bird use, and Yan Liqiang did not feel disappointed, but quickly accepted this reality. On the contrary, for some reason, Yan Liqiang had a feeling of relief in his heart. He looked more at his future path. Clear.

A world that can never have a heat weapon is probably not a bad thing. When descending the mountain, Yan Liqiang secretly thought that this world does not have a heat weapon and that the world lacks the necessary conditions for the production and use of electricity, that means This world is unlikely to have atomic bombs or nuclear weapons in the future. There are so many weird things that humans can easily destroy themselves. Of course, there will not be so many pollutions and diseases ...

杀死 When it is more difficult to kill a person, it means that humans are less likely to destroy themselves and the cost of slaughtering each other is increasing. This is not bad, is it?

From the perspective of the development of productive forces, the peak of the future development of productive forces in the world is equivalent to the time of the first industrial revolution on earth. The use of steam and the invention of the steam engine may be the most human beings in this world can conquer nature. strong power.

The principle of the steam engine is actually not complicated.

严 When Yan Liqiang thought of the steam engine, a 3D animation of the structure principle of the steam engine that he saw on the Internet in the last generation naturally appeared in his mind.

Yan Li Qiang walking on the mountain road shook his head.

He didn't come to this world to be a craftsman. In fact, the craftsman's status in this world is not high. Even if he now takes out the design drawing of the steam engine, the drawings have little meaning to him and cannot change anything. There is no such thing as an invention patent in the world. If the steam engine is really useful, others can buy it in the past and it can be imitated. It has nothing to do with him. Perhaps the drawing of the steam engine is not as rich as the Lu family rewarded him. one tenth.

One hundred and two gold is a huge amount of wealth for any craftsman. At least Yan Liqiang has grown so large that he has not heard of any craftsman who has invented something. He can get hundreds of gold, and hundreds of gold. For Yan Liqiang now, he cannot solve the real problems he is facing, let alone the Hong family make friends with him.

So, in this world that is always destined to be ruled by cold weapons, if you want to mix well in this world, not to be mermaid, have the ability to protect yourself, the most important point is cultivation, cultivation is the king!

When I came down to the foot of the mountain, it happened that Yan Liqiang met the team of sergeants in the morning again. It seemed that the team of sergeants was also going back to the cafeteria for dinner.

"Hahaha, brothers, Qiao ..." Yan Liqiang smiled and greeted the team of sergeants.

啊 "Ah, how is Yan Shao practicing?"

Tong Yan Liqiang deliberately frowned and rubbed his shoulders. "Brother Zhou's horn bow is too strong. I can't pull it after only pulling it a few times. It seems that I have to take it slowly ..."

"Hahaha, this is the strong bow of Wu Shi, Yan Shao can now pull it apart, it is very amazing ..." The captain of the talking sergeant glanced enviously at the angle python bow carried by Li Liqiang, "I believe In the future, Yan Shao will be able to give full play to the power of this horned bow. Brothers, do you think? "

"Yes!" A bunch of sergeants laughed.

"Thank you brothers for your good words, go, go, go, let's go eat, eat ..."

"Hahaha ..."

Uh ...

After lunch, Yan Liqiang went back to the mountain.

In order to verify the formula of gunpowder, he has wasted one morning. Now the proof should be proved, and it should be clear. Yan Liqiang naturally returned to the path of cultivation and practiced harder.

Without further ado……

Xun Yan Liqiang gave himself the Yijin Xiu Su Jing to replenish his body directly under the scorching sun.

After practicing the exercises for less than two hours, Yan Liqiang felt that his whole body was washed again by the heaven and earth aura and energy. After receiving the exercises, the whole person was refreshed and energetic, and even more strangely, even in the hot sun Below, after practicing the exercises, in addition to sweating, Yan Liqiang does not feel hot, but has a refreshing sense of wind in the arms.

It's time to perform the real skills ... heh ... heh ...

礼 Yan Liqiang, who had been warmed up with his tendons, then opened the bow pouch, took out the horn bow, and began to practice archery.

Bow and arrow, in the cold weapon era, is definitely the most powerful weapon, no one.

Once on the earth, with a population of two or three million, the total number of soldiers but hundreds of thousands of Mongols was relying on His Majesty's iron hoof and bow and arrow in his hand to sweep the entire Eurasian continent, destroying countless nations, and establishing the largest territory in human history. The Great Yuan Empire.

As long as he has the strength and can shoot arrows, a reckless man can easily kill people tens of meters away, and it is invincible. This is the power of bows and arrows, which is unmatched by any other weapon.

In the silver continent, archery is called bow road. After advanced samurai, bow road is the first of six arts. And because the practice of archery is different from ordinary martial arts, many people even align the practice of archery with martial arts, and some extreme people even think that the importance of archery is far above that of martial arts, which shows the importance of archery.

When the unknown danger is approaching you quickly, and someone wants to kill you, you have two choices in front of you. One is to find a master to practice martial arts, go to the gym, and learn to fight martial arts. The second option is to pick you up. The rifle or pistol in front of you, learn to shoot, which one will you choose?

Ji Yan Liqiang will not hesitate to choose the second one, because the second one has the fastest effect and the most powerful, so this is why he chose to start learning archery today.

Archery is a method that can transform a person's strength into lethality in the most efficient way. At this point, no martial arts can surpass.

Qi Yan Liqiang has nothing else now, just has a strength.

There is no need for a target to practice archery in the Laoshan forest, you just need to find a big tree at will.

Yan Liqiang's goal was a big tree thirty meters away from him. The trunk of that big tree was as thick as one person embraced. It looked a little thicker than the human body, and there was a dirt **** and grass behind the big tree. After the arrow shoots, it will not hurt people, let alone run too far to pick it up. It is most suitable for practicing archery.

On the first arrow, Yan Liqiang pulled a full bow. He pointed at the distant trunk and loosened his hands. The bow of the python bow at that corner trembled. He heard only a slight “beep” sound in his ear. The arrows flew out, as fast as lightning, and suddenly disappeared ...

The arrow that was shot really disappeared, because Yan Liqiang's eyesight could not capture the trace of the first arrow that was shot. He didn't even know where the arrow was shot, but felt that it was shot empty. Because after he shot, the target trunk was still empty and there was nothing.

The first arrow was shot empty, and the horned python bow was pulled too full and the power was too great. Within such a close distance, there was no need to fill the bow at all.

When shooting the second arrow, Yan Liqiang learned from the experience of the first arrow, and only pulled the bow to about one-third of the position, and then shot another arrow. After the arrow of the second arrow was shot, it was still difficult for the naked eye. Capture, the speed is still fast, but Yan Liqiang still saw the arrow flew from the left side of the trunk of the big tree, sinking into the haystack behind the dirt slope.

Tong Yan Liqiang adjusted it a bit, and the third arrow shot ...

箭 This arrow is a little bit to the right.

Fourth arrow, then left ...

Fifth arrow, wipe the trunk ...

For Yan Liqiang, archery is completely a kind of bizarre enjoyment. When shooting each arrow, no matter whether the arrow hits the target or not, Yan Liqiang's heart will have a warm and peaceful sense of joy. In Yan Liqiang's eyes, an arrow flying out of his hand was like a birdie who opened his cage to fly into the sky, and a bird he bought from a fishing market and put it into rivers and lakes. Little fish and loach, as long as they can watch these things return to freedom from their own hands, this is already a kind of enjoyment and satisfaction, like a spiritual massage.

The lifeless horn bow and icy arrows, in Yan Liqiang's eyes, when he started to pick them up and fire the first arrow, it seemed to slowly become a life with warm body temperature, naturally let him Feeling close. UU reading books

Uh ...

The eighth arrow was fired, and finally, with a "snatch", the arrow of the arrow was finally nailed to the trunk like a nail, and the entire arrow was immersed into the trunk. Only the shaft was shot. After the target trembled ...

The ninth arrow hits the target again, and the tenth arrow still hits the target ...

There are thirty-six arrows in this first pot. Except that the seven arrows in the front did not hit the target, the twenty-nine arrows in the back all hit the trunk and were firmly nailed to the trunk.

好像 This archery seems not too difficult, Yan Liqiang muttered in his heart, walked over, and collected all the arrows he had shot.

The arrows that hit the trunk must be matched with a knife to dig them out. The seven arrows that hit the dirt **** behind it found six. The first arrow shot by Yan Liqiang was too powerful. Ya completely submerged into the dirt slope. Only a little feather at the tail of the arrowhead was still exposed. When Yan Liqiang wanted to pull it out, he found that the entire shaft of the arrow had already been broken ...

Uh ...

After all, Wu Shi ’s strong bow is Wu Shi ’s strong bow. After shooting thirty-six arrows, Yan Liqiang still feels his arm is a bit sour and consumes a lot of power, even if he does n’t shoot the full bow. After drinking a little clear and sweet mountain spring, I took a rest for a while before continuing to practice archery ...

In the second exercise, all thirty-five arrows were shot on a tree trunk thirty meters away, and none of the arrows shot off target ...

In the third exercise, all thirty-five arrows were shot on the trunk in one go, and none of the arrows shot off target. Not only that, the arrows that hit the trunk were also arranged in a neat and round Shaped like an arrow target ...