MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 479 Really rich now 2

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  Chapter 479 This time I really got rich 2

  Chen Qi thought the whole box was full of diamonds, but unfortunately when he opened the third flannel bag, what came out was a pile of red stones.

   Open the fourth bag, pour out a pile of blue stones, the fifth generation, the sixth bag...

   After working for a long time, there are only two bags of diamonds, and there are no more than 60 large and small diamonds. The rest are all stones of various colors, which are probably also "gemstones", but the price is hard to say.

  Chen Qi put away all these treasures, especially pulled this iron box into the spatial operating room, and put it in a conspicuous place.

   This thing is too rich to be put in the trash.

  It may not be very valuable in Africa, but as long as you go back to cutting and polishing, it is estimated that you can sell it for a sky-high price.

  After all, the rough stones are all so big, and the cut gemstones must be the kind that can be inlaid on the crown, so it is no problem to go to Sofubi for auction.

  After counting everything, Chen Qi flashed out of the space, holding a rough diamond the size of a pigeon egg in his hand, and fell asleep happily.

  Chen Qi started to feel happy, but Sierra Lean, a small country in West Africa, was completely in chaos.

  The melee between ZFJ and many rebels caused a large number of casualties and countless deaths, which brought even greater disasters to this already poor country.

  The China-Serbia Friendship Hospital is located in the capital Freetown, a city near the sea, under the control of the ZFJ, and has not brought war for the time being.

  So here is still a scene of singing and dancing, and those upper-class people still live a decent and prosperous life, and they are not worried about the suffering of their compatriots.

   The daily outpatient numbers in the China-Serbia Friendship Hospital are still full of appointments, and the idle Chinese doctors are still playing cards and growing vegetables, living a leisurely life.

  Everything seems to be uneventful.

  As soon as Chen Qi turned off the radio, Qi Yunming asked anxiously:

   "How? Where is the battle now? Will the rebels reach Freetown?"

  Chen Qi spread out the map:

   "Qi Department, the radio said that the rebels are mainly concentrated in the Eastern Province and Northern Province. The nearest battlefield is Makeni, about 60 kilometers away from Freetown. ZFJ has deployed heavy troops along Freetown."

"60 kilometers? 60 kilometers is useless, a cannon can shoot here, it's too dangerous, no, I have to get a few more G flags and the International Red Cross flag to hang up, **** it , Such a small country is killing people every day, isn't it good to develop the economy well?"

  Chen Qi thought it was indeed necessary.

  Under normal circumstances, martial arts elements will not attack medical organizations, but they can’t hold back the stunned young people, such as the head of the Thomas Yayi, no matter what country you are from, you can kill them, let’s talk about it after robbing them.

   Before receiving the domestic order to retreat, the Huaguo Medical Mission to Africa could only stick to it, and it could only save itself.

   "Qi Chu, you go find a way to make the G flag, and I'll get some guns. The enemy is really coming, so we can protect ourselves a bit."

  Qi Yunming was a little surprised: "Xiao Chen, don't mess around, where did you get the guns? This is illegal."

  Chen Qi laughed loudly: "Qi Chu, in this country, it is illegal to not have a gun. Whoever has a gun is the mother of the law."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Qi drove his stylish and sturdy Lamborghini LMA002 armored car to the outside of the hospital.

  He doesn't need to buy weapons or apply to anyone if he wants to make weapons.

  Anyway, there are enough weapons in the rebel army. Although they are not very advanced, it is still possible to repel the mob.

  The reason why Chen Qi wants to drive out is not to deceive others. Doctors in Huaguo know that this Dean Chen is supernatural and omnipotent.

  In fact, Chen Qi didn't go anywhere, but drove to a small fishing village by the sea. There was a simple market here, selling the freshest seafood just caught.

  In a war-torn country where you can’t get enough to eat, and your life may be at risk at any time, how many people will come to choose seafood?

  So such big crabs, such big lobsters, arm-sized Pipi shrimps, strangely shaped conch shells, and lively sea fish are all piled up there.

  You can choose, and you can sell it for money.

  Chen Qi smelled a strong fishy smell as soon as he got out of the car, and he was in a good mood. He quickly took out a bamboo basket from the trunk, put on his rain boots and walked to the market.

  The black people in the market were even happier when they saw that Dr. Chen had arrived.

  Chen Qi is a regular customer here, he is very generous every time he makes a move, and he likes to sweep goods.

  The key point is that since Chen Qi rescued the fisherman Vivian, who among the fishermen hundreds of miles around did not know that this is a miracle doctor? So seeing that this miracle doctor came to the market again today, everyone was extremely enthusiastic.

   "Dr. Chen is here, take a look, do you want such a big peacock abalone? Look, each one is bigger than my palm."

  Chen Qi ran over and took a few glances, and saw that the shells of these large abalones were white-brown, with skirt-shaped folds on the shell surface, dotted with green spots, very much like a peacock spreading its tail.

  The edge of the suction cup is like a hibiscus-like fine broken lace, and the action is like a willow supporting the wind, softly swaggering in the bottom of the water, very beautiful, very beautiful.

  Peacock abalone is a top-level ingredient in developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan, but here it is a popular product that cannot be sold even if it is loudly shouted.

   Of course, Chen Qi will not miss this top-level delicacy:

   "Come on, pick me the biggest ones, how much?"

  The peddler smiled: "Doctor Chen, I don't want money, can you give me a box of antibiotics."

  Chen Qi threw out a box of cefradine from his backpack,

   "Nao, when you encounter an infection, you can use it for fever, pneumonia, and trauma infection. Take 2 capsules at a time, three times a day, but you can't take it with alcohol."

  The peddler covered his chest tightly when he saw Ceph, and was so grateful that tears were about to fall:

   "Thank you, thank you Dr. Chen, you can get more abalone, decorate more, and bring some lobsters, take it, these are free, you can take as much as you want."

  Medicine, for poor black Africans, is a life-saving medicine at a critical moment.

   There is no pharmaceutical company in Sierra Leone, and no medicines are produced. All medicines are imported, so these medicines are usually not available to fishermen.

  Chen Qi felt that he had made a profit. A box of cephalosporin was exchanged for a large box of seafood.

  Black street vendors also feel that they have made a profit. A bunch of unwanted seafood is exchanged for a box of precious antibiotics, and the profit is endless.

  Other vendors around saw it, and immediately surrounded them, crying and shouting to trade medicines with Chen Qi for seafood.

  Antibiotics, antipyretics, and painkillers are all hot items. As long as Chen Qi is willing, let alone seafood, even a few black girls will be fine.

  Chen Qi could only shout:

"Line up, line up, and come one by one. I want all your seafood. You can ask for money or medicine. But first, I only want fresh ones. Whoever brings out the stale ones, I will never come here again. market."

  Africans are not all kind, and there is no shortage of troublemakers, so we can only let them supervise each other.

   It doesn't matter how much seafood Chen Qi can receive, anyway, as much as you want.

  Have you ever seen such a big lobster weighing 7 or 8 catties? And this Pippi shrimp, do adults have long arms? There are also huge crabs that can't fit in a washbasin.

  The seafood is so cheap and outrageously fresh, why don’t you buy more and store it in the space to eat slowly? Anyway, it won't be damaged in the space.

  Purchased a lot of seafood, Chen Qi almost emptied the entire market, and drove to an uninhabited seaside hill, lit the steamer on the fire, and poured the cleaned seafood into it.

  The freshest ingredients often only require the simplest cooking. After two hours of busy work, Master Chen finally finished steaming seafood in one pot.

  Peel off the shell of the big lobster, dip the white prawn meat in soy sauce and vinegar, and then have a sip of Shaoxing rice wine. Life is like a fairy.

  After eating the seafood feast, lying on the soft grass, listening to the sound of the waves not far away, the contented Chen Qi fell asleep in a daze.

   These two chapters were disassembled and published, and revised 5 times, it was not easy



  (end of this chapter)