MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 30 : Tsundere Easy Net

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Weekends are a rare leisure time, but there is a bit of tension within the Yiwang company.

Ding Shi looked at the subordinates who were called by him one by one, and said solemnly: "Who can tell me what happened?"

There was silence below.

Isn't it always good? Why today should be the weekend of the peak traffic period, but the traffic has not increased by 10%, but it has dropped by 10%, which is very abnormal.

Ding Shi thought for a moment, then asked, "What about the other two?"

A subordinate said with an ugly face: "The two of them have increased by 20% compared with last Saturday, and this trend is gradually expanding."

Ding Shi stroked his forehead.

"In other words, users who should belong to us are flowing to them today?"

The subordinate was stunned, then nodded bitterly.

Ding Shi said calmly, "Has our website been attacked?"

The subordinate shook his head.

"Then check it out for me quickly and see where the problem is?" Ding Shi said in a panic.

After a while, a staff member raised his hand hesitantly.

"Mr. Ding, do you think the problem will come from here?"

Ding Shi hurriedly came to the employee's computer.

The employee pointed to the page of the 168 website and said: "Our website has always been in the first column of the portal category of the 168 website, but for some reason, it was suddenly taken off the shelves this morning."

Ding Shi looked at this website and fell into contemplation.

"Can this website determine our traffic?" Ding Shi asked.

A subordinate replied: "This website is the largest website navigation website in the country. Many netizens navigate through this website when they go online."

The subordinate paused, and then continued: "It is said that Zhou Dapao spent 1 million to buy advertisements on this website some time ago, and now their company's business has increased significantly."

"Oh? It's not easy to get Zhou Dapao to pluck his hair." Ding Shi immediately became interested in this website.

After speaking, Ding Shi looked around and asked, "Do you think this website caused it?"

After thinking for a moment, everyone nodded.

Ding Shi took a deep breath.

Under my own eyes, when did such a website suddenly appear, and I didn't know it.

What is even more unbelievable is that quietly, the other party has developed to the extent that it can affect him.

The Internet landscape is changing rapidly.

"Hurry up and contact this website and ask why our link was taken down."

The subordinate responded quickly.

When he saw that the other party was using his own 163 mailbox, Ding Shi's heart flashed with pride, but then he remembered his purpose, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Lin Feng, who was far away in eastern Hubei, was not as calm as he seemed.

He has been staring at the mailbox, serious and nervous.

Finally, when it was almost noon, the email window floated for a while, and Lin Feng couldn't wait to open it. Sure enough, the email from EasyNet arrived. It seems that their response was much faster than he thought.

Just looking at the other party's reply, Lin Feng smiled. first expressed its gratitude and appreciation to the 168 website, and then asked if there was any misunderstanding with 168, and was willing to communicate in good faith.

Although his tone seemed calm, his official attitude still gave people a condescending feeling.

It seems that EasyNet is still very arrogant.

Communicate with sincerity? Sincerity is not enough!

Lin Feng turned off the mailbox and decided to let him dry first.

Xiao Dan was not as calm as Lin Feng.

The other party is a listed behemoth. If one is bad, it will be swallowed by the other party with no bones left.

He took the food that Wang Shuang bought downstairs, but it was tasteless, and even when he touched the ThinkPad T20 keyboard, he didn't have the same pleasure as before.

The 3721 Company in Beijing is far away.

Zhou Hongyi did not rest on weekends as usual, but came to the company humming Huangmei Opera.

The cooperation with 168 website some time ago has made the company's recent performance improve a lot.

Although he was finally informed through some channels that Qiandu never contacted the 168 website at all, this also made him a joke in the circle recently.

But after scolding a few words of mother, Zhou Hongyi was relieved.

It is normal for shopping malls to intrigue and deceive, and the real increase in the company's performance is the key.

And after this incident, Zhou Hongyi became more and more interested in the founder behind the 168 website.

This is probably the sympathy between the old hooligan and the little hooligan.

After drinking a cup of tea, Zhou Hongyi clicked on the 168 website, and looked at the prominent advertisement that ignored the three sevens and twenty-one directly above.

It was really wise to choose the domain name 3721 at the beginning, it fits my Lao Zhou's personality too much.

After admiring her advertisement for herself, Zhou Hongyi slid the mouse.

Although he has always disdained those guys, it is a fact that they are bigger than him, and it is still necessary to pay attention to the enemy tactically.

Habitually sliding the mouse to the portal category, Zhou Hongyi was stunned when she was about to enter the Yiwang website.

"what happened?"

It didn't take long for Zhou Hongyi to understand the mystery behind Mom drop a slap, this boy is not bad, he has a bit of style of Laozi. "

He looked at the portal category with only two links left, shaking his head with joy.

"This time, Lao Ding can't sleep anymore." Zhou Hongyi said excitedly.

It is not the style of a gentleman to build happiness on the pain of others.

But Zhou Hongyi has never been a gentleman. He is an old hooligan who dares to shoot at the world, so he prefers the smell of gunpowder.

Thinking of someone who was about to worry, Zhou Hongyi's heart was full of joy, and the resentment that he had taken away hundreds of thousands of dollars in more than 168 sets disappeared without knowing it.

At this moment, the secretary seemed to be in a good mood when he saw the boss, and hurried in.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Lei from Jingshan invited you to have morning tea tomorrow?" The secretary's expression was cautious. She knew that the boss recently hated the whole forest because of a tree, and she wondered if it would arouse his disgust this time.

Zhou Hongyi was stunned, then nodded and said, "Looking around, only fellow villagers can urinate in a pot with me, book a place for me and notify President Lei."

There was a hint of joy on the secretary's face, and he hurriedly responded with a smile.

"Wait." Zhou Hongyi called the secretary who was about to leave.

"You have been staring at this website for the past few days. If there is any news or news, please notify me as soon as possible."

The secretary nodded quickly.

Zhou Hongyi's eyes returned to the 168 website again. After a while, he whispered, "Don't say it, this website is pretty well done."

The secretary who was busy on the phone looked puzzled.

"What's wrong with the boss? Didn't you scold the other party every morning a few days ago?"