MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 59 report(1)

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When the car drove out of the family courtyard, Yan Ruxu suddenly laughed. She didn't know what she was laughing at, so she thought it was ridiculous.

"Yan Ruyu is so pitiful. She is only a few years older than Kangkang and has to bear all this. I tried to comfort her, saying that although your mother is out of tune, she loves you very much. Heh, I slapped you in the face today. I don't know her If I think back to that day, I will feel worse."

Kang thought about it again, and told the truth: "It's possible."

Yan Ruxu patted his forehead and said: "Why did my father find such a strange woman? I have never seen such a stupid and ruthless person. I thought she was useless. After all, she is still a person who loves her daughter. That's it." Yan Ruxu said as she gradually became angry, it turned out that she wasn't not angry, but she just didn't want to be angry in front of others.

"Look at her eldest daughter named Xiaojuan, how has she been ruined? It seems that she has been thrown in the country for so many years and has not been taken care of. If my father knows that she still has a daughter who is suffering in the country, although he can't say that he will take the child If you come to the city, at least you can send some money tickets by post, and you can eat and eat. But she is lucky, she keeps it a secret, and has not communicated for more than ten years."

"But now, I don't know how my conscience found out. After finding the older daughter, the younger daughter is no longer human. I have been observing her, and since she came back, I have never knocked Yan Ruyu in the eye. Yan Ruyu talked to her several times. She didn't pay any attention to it, she was thrown away like a pair of shoes!"

Kang Congxin looked at the road ahead, raised a hand, caressed her back, and asked, "Are you really angry?"

Yan Ruxu breathed out, put his palms back on the steering wheel with both hands, leaned back in the chair, and admitted: "I'm really angry. Yan Ruyu is too sensitive and has low self-esteem. She was hurt by school violence before. Now being treated like this by her biological mother...Wang Zhaodi is really not good enough to make things worse, and she was worried when Yan Ruyu was not good...I really want to open her head to see what her brain circuit is like! And my dad , or let him divorce Wang Zhaodi."

After saying this, Yan Ruxu herself was stunned. She quickly sat up, looked at Kang Congxin, and asked, "Did I just tell them to divorce?"

Kang Congxin nodded: "From a rational point of view, this is a good way."

Yan Ruxu leaned back: "This is the first time I have such an idea. I have never participated in my father's marriage and life, and I have no opinion. He is a mature man and a politician, and he doesn't need my opinion, but I Seeing his tired look today, I feel that he is too wronged and pitiful to live with such a woman."

Kang Congxin nodded and said, "The gap between Ruyu's mother and him is indeed too great. This kind of marriage relationship is useless. But your father chose to marry her and brought her back to Beijing, which proves that he has feelings for her. Later, the gap between your father and her became bigger and bigger, but he still chose to be with her. There must be his considerations, such as their common children, such as his political future, etc. Father values ​​you very much, yours Opinions often influence his decision, but this is your father's marriage after all, let him think it through himself."

What Kang Congxin said, Yan Ruxu also understood, she nodded, and said with a breath: "I really really hate Wang Zhaodi so much! She doesn't deserve to be a mother!"

After Yan Ruxu left, Yan Liangshen didn't say anything else, only said that he was going to rest and that no one should disturb him, so he went upstairs.

Sister Huang chased after him and brought him some food, saying that Yan Ruxu wanted him to eat, so he ate half a bowl of rice, some vegetarian dishes and soup without any appetite. He and Wang Zhaodi lived in separate rooms a few years ago, and he locked the door to isolate himself in the room.

His mood is very calm. He knew Wang Zhaodi better than anyone else. Wang Zhaodi's thoughts were too shallow, and she was like a transparent person in front of him. After seeing the girl, he guessed her identity by making a few indirect remarks. He was a little surprised, but not angry, he just found it ridiculous and deeply tired.

He was indeed too tired, he didn't want to do anything now, he just wanted to lie on the bed to relax his body and have a good sleep.

There were only three people left in the living room, Wang Zhaodi, Xiaojuan and Yan Ruyu.

Seeing Yan Ruxu and his wife leave, Wang Zhaodi felt a lot more relaxed. She knew that this was a matter that Yan Ruxu didn't plan to intervene in the follow-up. And Yan Liangshen...he is a good person. Although he was very upset that he lied to him, he couldn't do the wicked thing of driving Xiaojuan out of the house. He and Xiaojuan passed the first hurdle safely. It is how to let Xiaojuan live better in this family.

After a long while, Wang Zhaodi's eyes fell on Yan Ruyu, and she said: "This is your own sister, born of a mother, who is closer than you and Yan Ruxu. When you were enjoying life in the city, she was always there The country suffers, you have to treat her well."

Yan Ruyu nodded subconsciously, but she didn't understand why she was enjoying the blessings, and Xiaojuan had to treat her well when she was suffering, as if she was born to owe her, but the suffering she suffered was not caused by herself, let alone her father and elder sister.

Yan Ruyu saw Wang Zhaodi and Xiaojuan sitting close to each other, while she was sitting alone on the other side, like an ugly duckling that was kicked out, she felt aggrieved. In just a few days, her life has undergone tremendous changes. She has an older sister, and her mother has become very strange.

Satisfied with her attitude, Wang Zhaodi beckoned Yan Ruyu to come over.

Yan Ruyu walked over hesitantly and stood in front of them. Wang Zhaodi lifted Xiaojuan's sleeves and showed Yan Ruyu's hands. Yan Ruyu was startled by those big hands with chilblains and cracks, and hurriedly took a step back.

Wang Zhaodi said: "Look at your sister Xiaojuan's hand, then look at your hand, and then think about Yan Ruxu's hand, hum, if you have a little conscience, I will pity you sister Xiaojuan, the head of this family, The two of us are the closest people to her. From now on, those delicious and easy-to-use things of yours will be kept close to your sister Xiaojuan first. By the way, don’t you have the facial oil that Huiyan gave you last time? Yes. I bought it at the Friendship Store, go and get it, and wipe your sister Xiaojuan's hands, it's so expensive, maybe you can get your hands back if you wipe it more."

As he said that, seeing Yan Ruyu sitting still in a daze, he said unhappily: "Isn't it just a box of face oil, let Yan Ruxu buy it for you again, she is so rich. Or ask your father for money Buy one by one and earn such a high salary, one month's salary is enough to buy hundreds of boxes!"

Yan Ruyu got up and left.

Seeing Yan Ruyu leave, Xiaojuan whispered, "Old aunt...Mom, little sister seems to be upset."

Wang Zhaodi didn't care: "It's okay, she is also the meat that fell from my body."

She didn't dare to offend Yan Ruxu, and didn't she dare to offend Yan Ruyu? She was born by her, and she gave all the good things to her before, and didn't take care of her sister. Now that her sister has been found, it is right to treat her sister well.

Whenever she sees Xiaojuan's miserable appearance, she will always think of Yan Ruxu and Yan Ruyu's glamorous appearance, and feel unbalanced in her heart, but she dare not provoke Yan Ruxu, but Yan Ruyu was born by her. No matter how she treats her, she should bear it.

Xiaojuan dared to look at the house with peace of mind when only the mother and daughter were left in the living room.

She lived these few days as unreal as a dream. She had to pick her fingers from time to time and feel the pain before she could believe it was real.

Xiaojuan was a child born to Wang Zhaodi and her ex-husband. Later, his father died, and Wang Zhaodi couldn't support the child by herself, so she gave the child to her elder sister's family partly as a fool and partly through adoption. Her eldest sister's family has three sons and no daughters. Thinking that Xiaojuan has passed the age of needing to be watched and hugged, she can do some simple jobs at home, so she will be the first one in the family. Anyway, she is just eating That's all, leave the child behind.

At first, Wang Zhaodi was very concerned about this child, and when she got some wild fruits and wild duck eggs, she secretly ran to the neighboring village to feed the child, thinking that when her life was better, she would bring Xiaojuan back. But later, Wang Zhaodi fell in love with Yan Liangshen, and she was afraid that Yan Liangshen would dislike her for having a child and would be a burden, so she kept the matter of Xiaojuan a secret.

Later, when Yan Liangshen wanted to take her back to Beijing, she was afraid that she couldn't bear it, so she didn't go to see the child, thinking that she would take care of the eldest daughter when her life was better in the future, and she could gain a firm foothold in the city. .

More than ten years have passed, she is busy adapting to life in the city, adapting to the status of an official wife, eating well, looking at the dazzling array of goods... busy taking care of Yan Ruyu, and afraid that Yan Liangshen will find out that she is still The fact of having an older daughter.

Until a while ago, Yan Ruyu suddenly fell ill, and she would not eat, drink or go to school. At that time, Wang Zhaodi was very sad, thinking that this little daughter might not be as she expected. For some reason, she especially missed the big girl who was left in the country. daughter.

She has been the leader's wife for so many years, and she is not completely ignorant. She called the telephone office and asked for the number of the village committee several times. After calling, the mother and daughter contacted again after more than ten years. on.

From then on, Wang Zhaodi's deep maternal love for her eldest daughter was picked up again, and she began to plan to think of something to bring her eldest daughter to the city, so that she could also become a public servant, have a formal job, and pay monthly Earn wages and eat food supplies.

Wang Zhaodi knew that with Yan Liangshen's rights, it could be done, but she also knew very well that Yan Liangshen would not do this for her, and she had to find another way.

The family has never lacked door-to-door contacts, but Yan Liangshen has always strictly prohibited anyone from accepting gifts, and Sister Huang is even more like an iron general, keeping the door very tight, and she is not allowed to talk to those people. Seeing those gifts were very tempting, and in my heart I scolded Yan Liangshen and Sister Huang for not knowing what is good and what is good, and not knowing how to accept good things.

Wang Zhaodi knew that although these people were begging Yan Liangshen to do things, they were all high-ranking officials and dignitaries, so Wang Zhaodi took the idea of ​​these people.

However, anyone who has the opportunity to enter this house knows that Yan Liangshen's wife is just a decoration, she can't manage things, she can't be in charge, even the wind around her pillow can't blow, no one wants to invest in her Well, Wang Zhaodi knew that this matter had to be discussed in the long run.

But soon, she received a call from Xiaojuan. On the phone, Xiaojuan's voice was panicked and she couldn't help crying. She said that her aunt would trade her for a marriage, to an even poorer ravine, and to an old bachelor more than ten years older than him as a daughter-in-law.

Wang Zhaodi couldn't sit still anymore, her heart was pierced like a knife, she only knew that her daughter's life in the countryside might not be good, but she didn't expect to be forced to change relatives. She is the wife of a high official, she can't just watch her daughter fall into the fire pit.

In this way, she brought Xiaojuan back.

Thinking about it, she saved a lot of trouble by bringing people back without discussing them. She thought it all over, and said that Xiaojuan was her niece, and she was brought back because she was so pitiful, so that Xiaojuan could spend more time in front of Yan Liangshen. Yan Liang is kind and kind, as long as he sees Xiaojuan's miserable appearance, he will definitely not have the heart to drive Xiaojuan away. After a while, ask Yan Ruyu to help, and ask Yan Liangshen to find a job for Xiaojuan, and everything will work!

Who knew that Yan Liangshen didn't believe that Xiaojuan was her niece at all, and was easily provoked by him. But that's good too, don't bother to hide it anymore.

Wang Zhaodi used to be nervous, worried that she would be abandoned by Yan Liangshen one day, but over the past ten years, she has made many mistakes, large and small, and Yan Liangshen never abandoned her, so she knew that Yan Liangshen would not let her go. With this knowledge, she straightened her waist, Wang Zhaodi thought, this is her home too, and she has the right to keep her daughter.

Wang Zhaodi looked at Xiao Juan, who was drooping her head, but her eyes were turned upside down to look around, and patted her on the back with some resentment, and said, "Straighten your back, look at the face. How do you sit like this, from now on you will be a girl in the city, you have to sit and stand, so that people can look down on you."

Xiaojuan quickly straightened her back, but after wearing her padded jacket for many years, the cotton inside was hardened and formed a dead egg, even if she straightened her back, her back still looked hunched.

Wang Zhaodi felt sour, and said, "Take your time, let's put on nice clothes, and sooner or later we can be like her."

Thinking of that beautiful and temperamental girl, Xiaojuan felt envious and longing for her.

In the past few days, she heard the name Yan Ruxu from Wang Zhaodi countless times a day, more times than she heard Yan Ruyu. Every time she heard Wang Zhaodi say it, Xiaojuan would picture a woman in her heart, like Liu Sanjie in the movie, the imperial concubine on the stage, the beauty behind the small plastic mirror...

It wasn't until after we actually met that my imagination was still too lacking, she was so pretty! It's like a fairy in a painting, beautiful but inaccessible, separated by clouds. She also saw that Yan Ruxu's husband, Kang Congxin, was so tall and handsome, but gentle and considerate to Yan Ruxu, he was even more beautiful than the teacher of the Dadui Elementary School she had a crush on.

She never thought that she could still see such a good-looking person in this life. These days, she seemed to be living in a dream, so unreal.

Just ten days ago, she was working every day with her eyes open. From morning till night, she was cold, hungry and tired every day. She has lived this kind of life for more than 20 years, and she is used to it, and she can bear it, but she really can't bear to marry to a poorer valley in the form of a marriage exchange, and live a life where the end can be seen at a glance.

So, she summoned up all her courage, stole the 20 cents from the family, and called her biological mother Wang Zhaodi with the phone number she wrote down earlier.

She didn't expect that her own mother actually rushed back to the country to see her. Seeing her current situation, she hugged her and cried loudly, vehemently saying that she would be sent back to the capital.

From childhood to adulthood, almost every night before going to bed, she would fantasize that one day her white and fat mother would come to pick her up in an unpatched cadre uniform with four pockets. But she also knows very well that her mother has been away for more than ten years, if she wanted to come to pick her up, she would have come to pick her up long ago, and there is no need to wait until she is an adult. The aunt's family also reminded her from time to time, telling her not to daydream, her mother is an ungrateful, selfish, white-eyed wolf.

Now, her own mother is in front of her, and she wants to take her away. The fantasy has come true, but Xiaojuan can't believe it. She doesn't believe that good luck can befall her.

Later, following Wang Zhaodi all the way back, and listening to Wang Zhaodi tell her the situation of the Yan family in detail, she knew that the person Wang Zhaodi was following turned out to be a high official in the capital. On the way, she and Wang Zhaodi were greeted and entertained along the way, very respectful, at that time, she felt a little stepping into reality. Later, at Bishan Railway Station, I was tricked by traffickers and abducted by them. When she found out that she had been cheated, she was terrified, but Wang Zhaodi comforted her, saying that Yan Liangshen was powerful and would definitely come to them. was also rescued.

Until I saw Yan Liangshen.

Before him, the biggest official she had ever met was the head of the production team, but now he was called the village head. The village chief wears his hands behind his back all day, wears an old military cap in winter and summer, is neatly dressed, has a pen in his pocket, looks serious, and has no smile on his face. Her calves were trembling in front of her, and she couldn't utter a complete sentence, but seeing Yan Liangshen, Xiaojuan knew what it means to not be angry.

When Wang Zhaodi and Yan Liangshen stood together, what she saw was the gap between heaven and earth, they were too mismatched, Wang Zhaodi was not like Yan Liangshen's wife, but rather like a servant at home. Later, when she saw Sister Huang, she felt that Wang Zhaodi was not even as good as a maid.

Yan Liangshen didn't talk to Xiaojuan, but when they first met, his eyes stayed on her for a moment, his eyes seemed to see through Xiaojuan right away. Afterwards, Yan Liangshen never saw her again, as if she was just an unrelated passerby, not interested in her at all.

Not only did Yan Liangshen not talk to her, he didn't talk to Wang Zhaodi either. The driver and secretary seemed to be his mouth, speaking instead of him.

Now, Xiaojuan is sitting in such a nice house, timid in her heart, but also excited and excited. She is determined to act according to what Wang Zhaodi said, even if she is here.

When Yan Ruxu and Kangkang rushed to the kindergarten, there were only two children left in the kindergarten. One was Kangkang, and the other was Kangkang’s classmate, whose nickname was Jiaojiao. , looked out the door together, as if guessing whose parents would come first, Mr. Qiu accompanied them, and kept raising their wrists to look at their watches, looking very anxious.

When Kangkang saw his parents, his eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Mom and Dad", then turned his head and said to Jiaojiao triumphantly, "My parents came first, I won!"

Jiaojiao let out an "oh", lowered her head to look at the ground, and kept rubbing the ground with her red leather cotton shoes with small flowers.

"I'm sorry, we've been delayed." Yan Ruxu hugged his son and said to Teacher Qiu.

Teacher Qiu looked at his watch again, sighed, and said, "It's okay, isn't there another one here? I just called and said that my girl's ankle was broken. I'm anxious to go back and see her."

As Teacher Qiu was talking, she felt that the hem of her clothes was being pulled down. She turned her head and saw that it was Jiaojiao, staring at Teacher Qiu pitifully with big eyes, as if she was afraid that Teacher Qiu would leave her behind.

Teacher Qiu grabbed her little hand, feeling a little helpless, and said, "Don't worry, I won't keep you here. I have to wait for your mother to come and pick you up anyway."

Yan Ruxu received her son and was about to tell Teacher Qiu to leave when he heard his son say to his father, "Dad, can we let Jiaojiao come to our house for lunch and a nap?"

Yan Ruxu stopped when he heard that, and exchanged glances with Kang again. Kangkang is a very cunning little guy, relying on Kang Congxin's ability to talk, he almost responds to his requests, skipping his mother's request and telling his father directly.

Kang Congxin said: "But Jiaojiao has her own home, and her parents will come to pick her up soon."

When the child Jiaojiao heard Kang Kang's words, her pitiful eyes turned from Teacher Qiu to Kang Congxin, and she interjected softly, "My mother is not coming to pick me up."

Teacher Qiu hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense, how could your mother not come to pick you up?" Then she said to Kangkang: "Kangkang go home with mom and dad, don't be late in the afternoon."

"Okay then." Kangkang took his father's hand, said goodbye to Teacher Qiu, waved to Jiaojiao again, and said, "Jiaojiao, I can't take you home anymore, you just wait here obediently, Your parents will come pick you up in a while."

Jiaojiao leaned on Teacher Qiu, her eyes watered, and she looked reluctant to say goodbye.

When Kangkang got into his father's car and sat still, he sighed like an adult and said, "Jiaojiao is so pitiful."

Yan Ruxu talked to him: "Oh, why is she so pitiful?"

Jiaojiao's parents are both reporters of the Daily News, so they don't know Yan Ruxu well. Two months ago, Jiaojiao's father was sent to Hong Kong Island as a station reporter, and because of the competition for a place in Hong Kong, it was quite controversial. Jiaojiao was wearing a brand new and expensive down jacket, and she was wearing a digital watch on her wrist. It looked like she was loved by parents and wanted to give all the good things to her children, but Yan Ruxu didn't see anything pitiful about her.

Kangkang whispered, "Because her parents don't like her anymore. Her mother always forgets to pick her up. Teacher Qiu can't get off work. If her mother doesn't come, she has to go home with Teacher Qiu. Teacher Qiu doesn't like her anymore."

"Nonsense, why don't her parents like her? It's just that there is a temporary situation and they can't come. It's not that Teacher Qiu doesn't like her. It's just that there is something at home, so he is a little anxious." Yan Ruxu quickly corrected his son.

Kangkang didn't explain clearly, but Yan Ruxu understood. Jiaojiao's father has gone to other places, leaving Jiaojiao's mother to take care of the children by herself. She is a reporter, and she has to set off immediately when she has a task. No one will consider whether she still has children waiting to be picked up in the kindergarten.

Yan Ruxu can understand it very well, and it is precisely because of this consideration that after she became pregnant, she seized the opportunity and quickly transferred to the magazine.

Kang turned his head to look at Yan Ruxu again, and he also thought of the years when Yan Ruxu raised the children alone. She took care of Kangkang so well because she made career compromises and sacrifices. Kang Congxin had guilt and pity on his face.

Yan Ruxu pushed his face away reproachfully: "Look carefully at the road, don't look at me, people's needs are different, for me, work and career are the means of making a living, I want to give Kangkang a healthy, A loving childhood."

Kangkang laughed uncontrollably when he heard it from behind, and raised his chubby legs with difficulty, dangling around.

Kang Congxin doesn't quite believe her words. Yan Ru may be a high-achieving student who graduated from a top-notch university. He said that he had no ambition and didn't want to make a difference, but he decided not to believe it.

But he didn't know that the reason why Yan Ruxu became a war reporter was not for his career at all, but for him.

Yan Ruxu told Kangkang again not to ask her parents not to want her in front of Jiaojiao in the future, saying that she is pitiful. Kangkang agreed and said, "Mom, I know, I won't sprinkle salt on her wound!"

Yan Ruxu looked back at her son in surprise, "You know you've sprinkled salt on the wound."

Kangkang was proud: "I learned it from Teacher Qiu."

As he talked, the topic went awry. Only then did Kangkang remember to ask his parents why they came to pick him up so late today.

Yan Ruxu patiently explained to him, saying: "We went to Grandpa's house, and Grandpa took Grandma Wang back."

Kang Kang picked the seat belt tied on his body and said, "Then I can rest assured that my aunt has a mother again."

Yan Ruxu's heart trembled when she heard the last sentence, and she said after a while, "Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite."

Kang Congxin understood what she was thinking just now, so he said, "This matter mainly depends on the intention of the person concerned, so you should stop worrying about it."

Yan Ruxu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll just take care of the three of us." She seemed to have gone from one extreme to the other, which is not good, and she should believe that her father has his own judgment standards.

For the next few days, Yan Ruxu didn't care about the affairs of the Yan family, but only made a phone call to Yan Liangshen's office. Secretary Zhou answered the call, saying that Yan Liangshen was doing well, he didn't have much emotional ups and downs, and his blood pressure was stable.

Yan Liangshen has an exclusive team of health doctors, regular physical examinations, and takes care of him more meticulously than his family, so there is really nothing to worry about.

Yan Ruxu was relieved, and didn't care about the affairs there.

It just so happened that the unit was appraised at the end of the year, and each column group had to submit a candidate, and then the magazine's internal selection was carried out. Their column group must be Jiang Yun, not to mention her working ability, the others, Chen Yang, Han Mei, and Huang Limei, were all newly hired last year. According to the unwritten rules of the newspaper, no comrades who have worked for a full year It is not eligible to participate in the election, even if it is pushed up, it will be brushed down when the magazine selects.

What's more, Jiang Yun's work ability is so strong, as long as she assisted in the planning and completion of the Red Star Film Studio series, she has a great chance of winning in the magazine's selection.

So, she talked to other people in Office 208, and decided on the candidates. Both Huang Limei and Chen Yang said it should be Jiang Yun. Han Mei lowered her head and said nothing, but she didn't object either.

Therefore, Yan Ruxu began to write Jiang Yun's selection materials. She needed to list her achievements this year one by one. The judging committee will give each participant a score based on these. After the comprehensive evaluation, the one with the highest score is the annual The winners of outstanding employees are all bonus points in the future rating and promotion titles, so the competition is quite fierce, not only the competition within the magazine, but also the competition among colleagues in the column group. It is said that the leaders will receive Several anonymous reporting letters, some true and some false, need to be verified one by one.

Office 208 is alright, only Jiang Yun and Yan Ruxu are qualified. It stands to reason that Yan Ruxu is more qualified than Jiang Yun, but she has already won the title of outstanding employee once before, and the icing on the cake doesn't mean much to her.

Fill out Jiang Yun's recommendation carefully, hand it in, and her task will be completed.

In the afternoon of the next day, Secretary Gao called Yan Ruxu to the office and told her that someone reported that she had accepted Jiang Yun's bribe, so she had given Jiang Yun the recommendation spot.

Yan Ruxu was surprised, and even more speechless. She and her colleagues would indeed send gifts to each other, but they were always paid in cash, and they definitely didn't take advantage of it.

Secretary Gao said: "Of course I believe you, but we also have routine procedures. If we receive a report, we have to deal with it, and I won't deal with you just based on an anonymous report letter, right? Let's do our work." , it’s normal to receive some slander and criticism, so don’t take it too seriously.”

Yan Ruxu calmed down and said, "Secretary Gao, can you tell me who reported me?"

Secretary Gao coughed and said, "You also know that we have regulations that prohibit the disclosure of whistleblower information, and..." Secretary Gao paused, then whispered, "The letter was written with your left hand, even if you read the letter , I can't read the handwriting."

Yan Ruxu snorted, and said, "Hiding your head and showing your tail, you behave like a villain!"

Secretary Gao has experienced this kind of thing too much, it can be said that it is commonplace. He helped Yan Ruxu analyze: "Did you offend someone recently? Last year when you won the award, no one reported you. This year you recommended Others, who have no conflict of interest with others, were reported, which is strange."

Yan Ruxu felt that what Secretary Gao said made sense.

Secretary Gao looked at her again. He has witnessed the whole process of this girl from entering the job to getting married and having children to divorce and becoming a single mother, and he knows better than anyone else that all her achievements and honors are obtained by himself with real talents and learning.

Before the incident at Fenghuang Ridge, he always thought that Yan Ruxu was a girl raised by a well-off family, until he met Yan Ruxu's father. No one has introduced him, but everyone is very respectful to him, and he is no stranger to that face. There is also someone like Yan Xu, who is not an ordinary person, and has taken the position of vice president of the group at a young age. Also, when I meet the president Xu Huanqing several times occasionally, I always ask about Yan Ruxu inadvertently.

Yan Ruxu has such a good family background, coupled with her education and her own conditions, she could have chosen a faster way to rise, but she didn't. Thinking according to the most simple common sense, there is no need for her to covet Jiang Yun's so-called gifts and benefits.

This girl, in terms of interpersonal communication, is still a little too simple.

Thinking of this, Secretary Gao couldn't help revealing more, saying: "In that letter, when and what Jiang Yun gave you was clearly written. Do you understand what I mean?"

Yan Ruxu nodded: "Understood, thank you Secretary Gao." Secretary Gao has already reminded so clearly, the person who can give such a clear time and what can only be the person in room 208.

Secretary Gao smiled and said, "Xiaoyan, let's have some snacks in the future."

Coming out of Secretary Gao's office, Yan Ruxu began to ponder. First of all, Jiang Yun was excluded, leaving only Chen Yang, Huang Limei, and Han Mei. Based on the understanding of the three of them in the past few months, it was possible that it was Han Mei.

But she has no evidence, only speculation. Although this incident did not bring any actual loss to Yan Ruxu, when I think of the small space in the office, there is always a pair of eyes watching her, like a wolf waiting for its prey, rushing out whenever it finds an opportunity, and can bite someone , she felt the hairs down her spine.

In the evening, Kang Congxin came to pick her and Kangkang up early.

Yan Ruxu had been feeling overwhelmed all afternoon, and felt relieved when he saw Kang Congxin. When he heard that Kang Congxin was going to take them to the newly opened Cantonese restaurant in Xicheng, his depressed heart was completely relieved. I also heard Kang Kang pestering his father to ask all the way what is Cantonese cuisine, is it grown on the moon, why is Cantonese cuisine called Cantonese cuisine, why is Guangdong called Cantonese, is there such thing as Guangnan, Guangbei... Yan Ruxu, the audience My head became dizzy after hearing it, and I couldn't find any extra thoughts to think about the unhappiness in the workplace.

Maybe it was too depressing in the past 20 years, but now whenever there is something new in the capital, people will flock to it and join in the fun.

The Cantonese restaurant they are going to is called "Xinghuachun". It was rebuilt on the site of a state-owned restaurant. It is a typical Cantonese restaurant architectural style, with blue bricks and green tiles, angled cornices, and red firecracker skins left on the walls. The wreckage of the store, obviously just opened not long ago, at this time customers are full of doors, and from time to time, groups of people are talking and laughing as they walk into the store.

Kang Congxin parked the car in the open space in front of the hotel, and the family of three got out of the car. One was tall and dressed in a cotton cheongsam to welcome the guests. He raised the curtains high and asked with a smile: "Mr. Good afternoon, ma'am, welcome to Xinghuachun, are there three?"

"Yes, three."

Kang Congxin was afraid that Kangkang's body would be hit by the back curtain, so he picked up his son. The family of three entered the restaurant. Looking around, the seats in the restaurant were already half full. Kang Congxin said, "Help us find a quiet place. s position."

The job of welcoming guests and leading the seats, according to Kang Congxin's request, led them to a row of seats in the corner. There are small table seats here, separated by wooden screens, with a certain degree of privacy.

It was the first time Kangkang came to such a place, and he looked around with big eyes. The welcoming girl couldn't help but praise him: "You look so good-looking, and you really look like Dad."

Kangkang showed a proud look on his face, patted his father on the shoulder and asked to come down, and then ran to a small cubicle in the middle: "I want to sit here."

Sitting here, you can see the small pond in the yard. The water in the small pond is very clear, and there are a few orange-yellow koi swimming in it.

Several people sat down, Kang Congxin hugged Kangkang and leaned on the window to watch the koi, the waiter came with the menu and handed it to Yan Ruxu. Kangkang took a few glances at the koi, then leaned over to Yan Ruxu's side, and looked at the menu with her.

The menu is very advanced, it is a very thick and big book, each dish is accompanied by a large color photo, and the price is written, this is the only one in the restaurant that Yan Ruxu has been to so far, but it is pasted on the cover. A line of words is a bit abrupt and unacceptable, it reads: No take-out, offenders will be fined ten times.

As soon as I read two pages with my mother, Kangkang's saliva couldn't stop drooling.

Yan Ruxu was amused, and quickly took out a handkerchief to help Kangkang wipe the corners of his mouth, and said to Kang Congxin: "Take your son to see the fish, if you read the whole book, the floor will be wet."

Kang Congxin smiled and hugged Kangkang over, and said, "Let's just wait and eat. We can eat whatever your mother orders."

Kangkang sucked his saliva, feeling a little shy, and went straight into his father's arms.

The waiter was secretly having fun with a pen and paper.

Yan Ruxu has eaten Cantonese cuisine many times in his "dream" and later generations. He flipped through the menu and ordered a few Cantonese signature dishes, as well as desserts. The waiter saw that she was well-dressed and skilled at ordering food, so he recommended it to her, "Ma'am, why don't you have a cup of bird's nest stewed in rock sugar, it's good for beauty, and it's especially good for ladies."

Yan Ruxu shook his head and said, "That's all for now."

The waiter failed to sell, a little disappointed, but still with a smile on his face. At this time, there were other waiters urging, saying that there were customers at other tables waiting to order, so the waiter hurried away with the menu, so that he could not leave the menu.

Cantonese cuisine is relatively small, and my husband and son eat a lot. Although the price of each dish is not cheap, Yan Ruxu still ordered two more dishes, honey sauce roast goose, crispy roast pork, steamed Dongxingban, garlic Pork ribs, sweet and sour pork with pineapple, stir-fried kale, rice rolls, quick sand buns and water chestnut cakes, and rice.

waiting time