MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 467 white horse

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  Chapter 467 Baiju is too late


  Baiju is too late, time flies.

   In the blink of an eye, it is another spring. Today, the Jin Dynasty is prosperous and the people are peaceful, and the people are enjoying their work. Prince Gong is still in charge, and the emperor will only show up on important state affairs. The entire invisible person is almost forgotten by the people.

  Rong Yan handed in his resignation to Prince Gong three years ago, relieved all burdens, and went to Qing'an Temple to pray for the people.

   On the day of departure, the common people bowed and knelt one after another, expressing their gratitude and praise. The road from the National Teacher's Mansion to the outside of the city gate was blocked, which can be described as a rare spectacle in a century.

  In the past three years, Rong Yan has been by Jiaojiao's side.

  In the first year, he accompanied Jiaojiao to cultivate the body of the primordial spirit in Qing'an Temple, and the hidden guards acted as stand-ins in the capital. Although the Wang family visited from time to time, they could only watch from afar, so they didn't find anything.

   In the second year, Jiaojiao finally managed to cultivate a half-sized doll body, so Rong Yan carried her to the mountains and rivers, serving as both a father and a mother.

  It was not until the beginning of the third year that Jiaojiao fully recovered her spiritual power. Under her adjustments, her appearance returned to the same as the original Jiaojiao, and her figure also grew into a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old appearance.

  Jiaojiao has traveled with Rong Yan to many places, and met all kinds of people, some are particularly beautiful, some are particularly ugly, some are particularly good, and of course some are particularly bad.

   Also encountered all kinds of incidents, both good and bad, and all kinds of strange and rare ones. Jiaojiao has experienced the world in the past two years, and she has gained a lot of knowledge, and her temperament is much more mature than before.

  She no longer regards herself only as a ginseng essence. From the moment she was born, she is a brand new Wang family Jiaojiao. She is loved by her parents, brothers and sisters, accompanied and guarded by those she likes, and she will do her best to protect them.

  Brother Yan waited for her year after year, and finally waited for her to grow up. Naturally, Jiaojiao wanted to marry Brother Yan as soon as possible.

  She herself has a small mind, and she is more suitable for her brother of Tongyan. Before going home, she transformed her body in the space.

  The small and delicate oval face has faded a little bit of youthfulness, the skin is fair and beautiful, the chest is bulging, and the pair of well-proportioned and sensual legs are straight and slender under the slender waist.

  Jiaojiao came out of the space and felt that her clothes were too tight, so she went to the next room to find someone.

   "Brother Yan?"

  Inside the house.

  In the letter that Rong Yanzheng sent from Qiusheng, he has a handsome face, but his face hasn't changed much, his brows and eyes are a little more gentle than before.

  Hearing Jiaojiao's voice, Rong Yan put down the object in his hand, got up and walked towards the door, "Here we come."

   After opening the door,

  Before Rong Yan saw the person clearly, Jiaojiao plunged into his arms, rubbed her head and said happily: "Brother Yan, today you have to go shopping with me first."

  Rong Yan raised his hand to rub her head, and suddenly realized that the person in his arms had grown taller. Then, he realized that something was wrong with the seemed too soft.

   Rong Yan looked down subconsciously, his ears turned red, his face flushed, and then he looked away, his handsome face was a little confused.

   "Jiaojiao, you, you, get up first."

   Rong Yan's speech was even a little blunt.

  The relationship between the two has always been relaxed and comfortable, and the occasional close contact is more like a family member. Holding hands and kissing cheeks when playing alone is considered the extreme.

   This is the first time he has felt Jiaojiao's growth so straightforwardly... But, it was not like this two days ago,

   "Brother Yan, what's wrong."

  Jiaojiao looked up and saw Brother Yan's face was red and his neck was red, she was taken aback for a moment, then she let go and smiled and boasted: "Bian Xia, who is red at the beginning of wine, um, Brother Yan is so pretty."

   Rong Yan coughed due to choking, and put his fist to his lips to pretend to be calm, "Don't talk nonsense."

   Jiaojiao smiled and touched his cheek with her feet, and said with a charming smile: "Really, it's the same as those drunk people, but brother Yan is prettier than them."

   With the corners of Rong Yan's mouth curled up, he pressed down her fidgeting little hand, tapped the servant's forehead with his fingers, and said helplessly, "Now you have learned to make fun of me."

   "Where, I was clearly praising Brother Yan, why did I still get punished?"

  Jiaojiao pouted and leaned closer, Shui Ling's big eyes flashed, looking like Brother Yan was too domineering.

  As his body approached, Rong Yan's body became more and more stiff, and he hurriedly shouted hoarsely: "Jiaojiao,"

  Jiaojiao didn't find anything wrong, she didn't let go of her arms around him, she tilted her head with puzzled eyes and asked, "Huh? What's wrong with Brother Yan."

  Rong Yan twisted his arm, coughed lightly and said, "No, let's go and change first."

  Maybe the clothes are too tight today,

  Jiaojiao looked distressed when she heard this, she knew she would buy clothes before going to the space, she was embarrassed and said in a low voice, "Brother Yan, I can't wear that, other clothes."

  Rong Yan froze.


   Miaomiao, who was eating pomegranates on the roof, heard that he was choking, tears filled his eyes, and finally managed to catch his breath. He threw the pomegranate away angrily, and hurried into the house.


  When Jiaojiao heard the meowing sound, she subconsciously pulled up Rong Yan's robe to cover her heart, and looked at the door with some guilt.

   Miao Miao ran in angrily. Seeing Jiaojiao's appearance, her cat's eyes stared round and round.

   Immediately, he looked at Rong Yan ferociously, and howled, "I looked at the Jiaojiao who grew up, and she has always been pure and kind. This is definitely not the case. Did this bad guy like **** tell you something?"

   It just went out to play for two days, how did it get here!

  Jiaojiao hurriedly waved her hands when she heard this, and said in a low voice, a little embarrassed: "Meow, um, let's go back to the room later and tell you, okay?"

   Meow Meow akimbo angrily, "No way!"

  Jiaojiao has grown up and is slim, Rong Yan is in her twenties, after so many years, now there are only the two of them, the lonely man and widow are too disturbing.

  Rong Yan looked at Miaomiao's appearance, and he could guess that it was not accidental that Jiaojiao became like this. He glanced at Jiaojiao who was holding his robe, and he called out tentatively: "Jiaojiao,"

   Jiaojiao met Brother Shangyan's suspicious gaze, and instantly understood what he meant, and her cheeks immediately turned red.

   "I, my..." Jiaojiao covered her cheeks shyly, how could she say that she did this on purpose in front of Miaomiao, and she was really in a dilemma when she was surrounded by a cat and a person.

  Suddenly, Jiaojiao closed her eyes and stepped into the space.

  Never mind, there should be clothes that fit Aque, so I'll find them and wear them first.

   "Ah! Jiaojiao, you ran away again, you must have taught Jiaojiao! Otherwise, Jiaojiao wouldn't understand this..."

   Miaomiao became more and more angry when she thought about it, Jiaojiao ran away, and it directly showed its paws to scratch Rong Yan.

  Rong Yan raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and easily grabbed its front paw, "What are you doing?"

  This cat is really unreasonable, whenever he is angry these years, he will come to him to vent his anger.

   Meow Miao angrily kicked him with her back paw, "Miao Miao will teach you a lesson!"

  (end of this chapter)