MTL - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual-Chapter 109 establish trust

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Since Heron came to this world, he has taken on most of the tasks of taking care of Rao Chen. Even if the young man is reluctant, he still resigns himself to the side.

His attitude change made Rao Chen unable to adapt. It is logical that he was not at the sanatorium for the first day. He had not even seen this person in the first half of a month, and only occasionally heard nurses talk about him.

Why did he start to annoy him every day like he was suddenly interested in himself? With something strange, Rao Chen raised a subconscious alert.

He is a man who has been in darkness for a long time. He has been accustomed to the coldness and contentment of darkness. He broke into a person suddenly, rushed in with a thunderstorm, opened his heart, and as a lot of sunshine poured in, He deliberately pulled him out of the corner and exposed to the sun.

Rao Chen was dizzy, tingling in his eyes, and angered, but still had to admit that he was indeed warm.

He can ignore the care and concern of others, and treat their fears and confusions as a spice for leisure, but at first glance, when the man stepped into the door and focused his attention on him, he Feeling different.

His eyes were gentle, and he seemed relaxed, yet he made him heavy.

From his attitude and patience, Rao Chen also knows that this man may really have a little interest in himself, but only because he doesn't know much about it, so he will think he has something else to ask for.

When Heron approached him and fell on top of him, adjusting the backrest for him, Rao Chen's body stiffened, and he looked up at him, his eyes were his beautiful chin and protruding collarbone.

He did not hesitate to reach over Heron's neck, control him to his side, admire his surprised expression, and then asked jokingly: "Why? It's been so good to me a few days after seeing me? You Fancy me Omega? "

Omega's body is sweet, born to Alpha is a fatal temptation, and Rao Chen's face is indeed exquisite, so he does not rule out this possibility.

Seeing the person who didn't answer immediately, Rao Chen couldn't say whether he was disgusted with his own mind, or because he was at ease to finally find the truth.

When Rao Chen bent his lips and sighed at Heron's collar, Heron shook his head and denied, "No, there is no such thing."

Rao Chen froze and shoved him away in anger and snorted instantly, as if to say that he knew well, but was inexplicably irritable.

This man was a **** man, broke into his world somehow and said he would take care of him, but he was still tepid. If this person doesn't care about his hue, why is he so patient with him? For the wealth of his family? It doesn't look like he has no brains, how can he want to find that he is not a favored young master.

He came in for half a month, and there wasn't even a living person outside to see him enough. What could be profitable on him?

Rao Chen turned his face and refused to communicate with Heron.

Heron smiled softly, and seemed to be indulging him. "You don't have to think about anything, even if everyone is against you, I'm the only one who will be good to you."

Rao Chen raised his eyelids in disdain, only when he was ill, and retorted fiercely: "Why do I believe in you? Are you a loved one or a partner?"

Even his relatives didn't see much pity for him. Why did he believe this man who suddenly appeared?

Heron was not shocked. He poured a glass of water with a suitable temperature for him and smiled. "Loved ones or partners, if you want."

This sentence seems extremely tempting, especially for a lonely person for a long time, perhaps this is what he dreamed of.

Rao Chen stared at him. Even though he disliked his oil and salt inability to enter into a gentle and gentle tone, his heartbeat missed a beat. I do n’t know if he was angry or ridiculed.

"Anyway, I'm just an unloved Omega. I have nothing. Now on your site, what do you want to do? Is it easy?"

Heron was slightly displeased with such a self-derogatory tone. He sighed and whispered a surprising thought near his ear.

"If I say, aren't you Omega?"

Rao Chen's eyes suddenly changed, and he looked at Heron inconceivably, hesitated for a while, as if he was dreaming foolishly.

He has lived as an Omega since he was a child. Even if he has been blind-eyed and cold-spoken, and even jealous of the power of alpha, who will doubt his gender after living for nineteen years?

However, as soon as Helang said this, Rao Chen's mind still lit a small cluster of subtle sparks, and her mind was suddenly transparent, and she wanted to believe this statement.

Still, he was cautious. "Why do you say that?"

Helang observed that his posture had been relaxed a lot, and all his attention was on himself, so he took out the hand-held instrument and tested it for him.

He held Rao Chen's wrist and said seriously, "Your body contains alpha inhibin. At the same time that the secretion of type A hormones is reduced, the type O hormones that represent Omega will be secreted more, so your appearance and breath are Omega. What it looks like ... I checked the admission file. When you entered the hospital, you were not scheduled for a full-body examination, so this secret in your body has not been found. "

Perhaps because Heron was dressed in white and showed that he was proficient in medical treatment at all times, what he said was even more convincing, not to mention that he had no reason to lie.

Seeing that Rao Chen was still thinking, Heron added with a smile: "Although your appearance makes you feel Omega, the genes in your body have not changed because of this, but you locked me just now, and you usually This is not the strength Omega should have, eh? "

Despite having believed in most of his heart, Rao Chen still said: "I want to see the real test report."

Heron nodded without pressure, telling him to see it in the afternoon.

I don't know why he looked like Rao Chen was in a good mood, so he moved his body, cleared his throat and said, "Let me trust you for the time being. Since you told me this and treated me so well, is it proof that it is mine? Can suppression be undone? Can I be an alpha? "

Heron nodded with a smile, without much thought. Now that he has the ability to develop an alpha message camouflage, which is enough to cause uproar, he can naturally develop a drug for him to unlock Omega inhibition and promote alpha hormone secretion.

When getting the test report successfully, Rao Chen had already completely believed in the fact that he was alpha, and could not help feeling complicated.

Because Omega has been with him for nineteen years, even if he is the eldest son, he is often ignored and stepped on his head by his father ’s alpha bastard.

After he was an adult, the family even threatened to get him to marry. He said it was good for him, but in fact he wanted to use him to exchange some power with some powerful alpha, as if Omega had only one way-- Marry a son.

However, Rao Chen's bones always have the alpha gene in his bones. After he was sensible, he began to rebel, be strong, stubborn, and crazy. He defended himself with these sharp weapons, everything close to him, trying to dye his alpha, was He was violently expelled and even killed in a duel.

In the deliberate wantonness, Rao Chen also felt the pleasure and felt the pleasure of bullying others.

Appreciating the panic expression of people, he can feel happy and feel that he is the one who truly lives in the world.

Such a twisted and rebellious child, the Rao family may have no choice but to throw him here and treat him as a wolf, tiger and leopard.

Rao Chen's face had a weird smile on her face, and Heron just looked at it, a little creepy.

The power of the family has always only passed to the capable alpha. Rao Chen used to dare not think about it, but now it is different.

He couldn't wait to get out of here, kicking the illegitimate elder brother Rao Feng, who had been doing so for years, to put Rao's family in his pocket.

However, the cruel reality caused his blood to flow back quickly. At this time, he could not stay out of the sanatorium as if he was under house arrest, but was still controlled by the Rao family in disguise.

Think about it, why is there Omega inhibin in his body? Obviously his mother was the original match. Even if she had died, but she was half favored when she was young, why did he fall into a forbidden end?

Rao Chen's eyes rolled around, revealing deep-seated hatred. It is not difficult to guess that the woman who has the power and opportunity to do all this must be attributed to that woman, Rao Feng's mother, Yang Xuefei.

She was originally a **** outside of Rao ’s father, and she entered the room after giving birth to an alpha. The mother Rao Chen, who had just given birth, was so angry that she could not afford to be sick. Gao, Yang Xuefei naturally became the current hostess of the Rao family.

As long as her face was not exposed, Yang Xuefei was quite concerned about Rao Chen, saying that he was frail and ill, and asked the best family doctor to keep an eye on his health. At this time, when she wanted to come, she started to be successful. .

This time she came to the nursing home, and it was she who was acting for her own good, that convinced the elders at home.

Rao Chen suddenly realized that the anger in his chest could not be calmed down.

Heron was able to guess what he thought, sympathized with his situation, understood his despair and struggle, and patted him on the shoulder, encouraging: "You will get everything back to you."

This sentence showed Heron's position in an instant, and Rao Chen was isolated and helpless at the moment. What he needed most was his help. But he never believed that the pie would fall from the sky.

Rao Chen stared at him indifferently and asked, "Why help me for no reason?"

Heron hesitated for a while, gave up his reason, and said with a smile: "Since you are the real master of Rao's family, what is the real alpha?"

Now how does Rao Feng jump around, his identity and status are still awkward, and there are many elders in the family who are powerful and powerful. How can he be a real young master? It was indeed a wise move for him to help in this case.

"Okay, believe you for a while-" Rao Chen nodded, but his eyes became dangerous for a moment. Then he pulled him to the bedside, pressed under him, grasped his neck forcefully, and murmured fiercely: "However, if you are just playing tricks and betraying your heart, I will pull you into **** anyway."

The author has something to say: progress 2/12, don't look at Chen Chen like this ... he is a little milk dog! !! !! The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone recollects the new URL, the new m .. the new computer version .., everyone opens it at the new URL after the collection, the old URL will not open in the future,