MTL - Smallholder Farmer-Chapter 567 It’s the fault of the other shore

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Ps: Change if you have a mistake, huh, can I save the manuscript? Thinking about the New Year is a little trouble, my full attendance award.

"That's a word! Right, your kid, how are you here? Not that, how can you be here?"

Rui Wang Ye woke up here! It’s really wrong for this person to appear in this fan house!

Looking at the eyes of Rui Wangye, Yin Wang had no choice but to slap the scalp:

"I don't come here to borrow a vase, let's go!"

Good King’s salute, Rui Wang Ye left. The first time, the pro-Yu Yu and other three people sighed, but the princess quickly found that this county horse did not leave?

"What's the vase? Jade?" Fan Qianhe spoke up and hit the center of gravity.

"Not borrowing..."

Fan Qianhe lifted his feet, and Yuxi lost his voice at the moment. Fan Qianhe’s feet stepped on a piece of copper-sized porcelain. This look was so good, and how could he actually step on his feet. This brain is so easy to use. What?

"Oh, sorry, it is me, I am giving it..."

"That is the baby of my Fan family, Princess Yulan, you really will choose, this is the heart to destroy my Fan family, this little luck!"

Princess Qing is on the side and has a chill. Is this a farmer? Really scary!

"Oh, hey, it’s not bad. We are looking for it. Magnolia is not careful. It hurts a bit. This porcelain is just fine. We immediately find the craftsman who makes up the porcelain. It must be the original. !"

"The effect can be the same, Duanmu Yulan, our Fan family does not welcome you, hurry to give me away!" Fan Qianhe pointed at the direction of the gate! Look at the princess, and look at the prince who is still on the side.

"Our Fan family doesn't welcome anyone in the Duanmu family, just give it to me! I will roll it far away!"

"Hey, don't you do this. It's a little problem, you can fix it right away!" Yu Yu thought that the repair may be sex, while watching the modest and sly look, this is really an eye-opener, no.

"Go. Hey, don't be with them, not a good thing."

"Uncle. Let's talk over there!"

Yin Wang blinked and stepped forward, pulling Fan Qian’s arm and pulling him out.

Watching the two go far, the princess jumped up.

"Who is there. Dare to take me away, this is crazy, I don’t know if Duanmu is..."

The princess of the Qing pointed to the back of Fan Qianhe. For a moment, she couldn’t find a word. In the land of Duanmujia, the person who did not welcome Duanmujia was really strong!

"Let's say a few words. It's really troublesome. This vase is in trouble. Actually, the Prince of Narui is coming to borrow! You say you, good, you..." Think of what you said. Magnolia couldn't keep going, and Yuxi knew it well and had to come forward:

"The two princesses don't go to the heart. I guess he is drinking too much. He always thought that this vase was for him to send his son and nephew. It was Fan's hope, so... he was out of order. Don't be surprised. ""

"After losing his mind, he still wants to be his official. Does the general want to do it?"

"You just shut up, he didn't want to do it. It's all Wen Xue who brought people into this place!"

"I don't think he wants to come. I don't want to come here. The ones are screaming out. He is cheering in this."

"What are you talking about, this is out, are you still reasonable?"


"The two princesses, don't quarrel, okay, now the main thing is to buy a vase like this?"

"Can this be bought?"

“The capital is estimated to be difficult, and the countryside should not be a problem!”


"This is a very common vase!" The two princesses fainted.

"No, I look at the light that is shining through the porcelain, that is the light that is good in porcelain!"

"Possibly, anyway, when we were in the country, people sent it, it was worth nothing..." Through the light, can I say that I put it in the space to bring Jingli, and let the porcelain bottle be thrown away? Yuxi said in her heart.

Not a moment, the sage king came over, Yu Yu in the surprised eyes of Magnolia, posing a pitiful face, bowed his head to the sage:

"Old wood! I..."

"Don't be afraid, no matter who broke it, hand it over to me!" Laomu whispered to Yuxi, but he had not let go of these two princesses. The gaze flashed through the top of the jade with an unidentified light.

"Really? Can the vase be sent to the Prince of Rui's house the day after tomorrow?" Yuxi looked up very happily.

"Can, how much is the vase, now it is necessary to find someone to smear the broken vase!"

"Old wood, the pattern of this vase may be a bit..."

What is it? Yuxi also said that he did not understand. He simply picked up the pen and drew a sketch. The two princesses have more confidence in going to the countryside to buy vases. This pattern is not easy to buy in the country. Later, the two talents knew that this pattern could be sold well in the countryside...

Laomu looked at the pattern drawn by the jade, and then took the debris and directly wanted to hit the wall. Can this pattern be more local? The purple shirt king quickly went to find the broken porcelain pieces. This can only be repaired...

"Who sent your home?" asked Laomu.

"It’s the gold treasurer, the jade dispenser, the Jiang dispenser, they don’t remember who sent it...”

"The three people, it's easy, come, come and ask, where is the bottle bought, and buy it as soon as possible."

"Jade treasurer is that the sang treasurer is right?" Zisha Wang asked Yuyu.


"That would be easy, he is now in the pharmacy in Beijing."

How come my guy’s whereabouts are clear? why? The old wood took people away and took the pieces. Yuxi did not get an answer. Of course, she did not ask for her wisdom.

The Princess Yulan and Qing Qing also left. They didn’t say anything. They just had a scene in front of the two people, and they flashed in front of the eyes of the two people. This is just a jade, and turned around in Xianwang. Poor in front of me, now, two tears that don’t exist, I took all the big things from the sinister Wang’s shoulders, and both of them looked at the gods. It turns out that they are losing here. ! From the past to the present, it turns out that this kind of trick is not something that ordinary people can master. But as long as it looks like that, it will be deceived by nature. They don’t really think so, what, this gimmick is definitely the high house. Shantou is secretly born outside, lie to us honest people! Gao Jia Shantou is too friend of her mm. This is a rare consensus between the two of them.

Only Yu Yu turned his head and went to burn two dishes in person. Please wait until after the guest has finished sending the guest.

"Hey, how are you so stingy today, talking to Magnolia!"

"No, what is this, I guess I can't stand the rotten thing in this vase."

"It’s not afraid of rotten, we can fix it, come here, look at it, what is the taste of the wine I brewed before?"

Jade brewed wine, the natural taste is good, the key to this wine, Yuxi made a special trip to the space to refine once, the degree is higher, the taste to make people feel very mellow, not snicker! And the kindness of modesty and ambiguity never thought that his little niece, who was slightly smiling, actually had such a ‘six parents who didn’t recognize it.

Modesty and soon the tongue is big, and the state has changed to the state that Yu Yu’s heart wants. The modest smile of drinking a big drink is awkward.

"Oh, happy today!"

"Happy, we have another man in Fanjia!"

"Is it happy to be born than Jinren?"

"That must be, I believe it is the baby of your uncle's family, it is even more rare, more important!"

"Then I know, no wonder you are so angry today, you are not given the face of Magnolia!"

"Who said that I don't give her face, I give her face, I know that he is going to harm you, and I will pay for your ancestor, your grandmother, the life of our family, how angry I am? Didn't take her Going out and letting her go out in my Fan Jiawen, I am a big man."

"Who is Duanmu?"

"You do not know?"

"I know, but I am afraid that you know what is wrong, the old guys lied to you!"

"How can they lie to me, Fan Jia, I said it's okay! You are my niece, they will lie to me, you can rest assured, you are separated from this time, good, we don't talk with Duanmu, we Wait until you have enough money to support your family. Let’s go back to the country! Don’t worry about the bowl of the wooden house, don’t let them!”

"This is a very good idea. However, the person who wants me will, will it be, during this period, let us give..." Yuxi made a neckcut.

"No, he can be in trouble now. The old wood told me that this thing has come out today. The thirteen emperors have now entered the clan palace. This is not clear to him! I am afraid it is difficult!"

"Thirteen emperors, we haven't seen him!"

"It's all luck is too good, Laomu said, with you playing in Dahanshan, you actually found the flower called the other shore flower, this flower is still medicine, your medicine puts seventeen The emperor gave it to him. As a result, the hope of the thirteen emperors was gone!"

"Seventeen princes?" That polio, actually healed? I ruined the opportunity of an ambitious emperor to climb the top of the treasure. That is to say, this other flower ruined all the hopes of the family of the thirteen emperors and mothers. Oh, it only kills oneself. It is really a reasonable person. It is.

This is something that Yuxi didn't know. Originally, this other flower didn't have such a big effect. However, the other flower that Yuxi took out was not the usual flower. In order to get this hard-to-find flower, the jade was placed. After planting it in the space, it was watered with the spirit liquid and the space water. The flower she took out was actually the grandson of the original flower of the other side. It was a complete space product, and it was poured over the spirit liquid, and the effect was comparable to that of the grass. When the seventeen princes ate this flower, all the problems were not a problem, and the brain was still more and more aura. After the illness, the seventeen emperors, so that the Holy Land is simply a treasure! What does a prince who is seen by the emperor's father mean? it goes without saying.

The mother-in-law of the thirteen emperor regarded the person who gave the flower as a stare in the eye and a stab in the flesh. In order to give a good impression to the jade, how does this flower come, the natural sage king is said to be clear in 1510! (To be continued. (.)) ()