MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 16 Mirage (below)

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"Is that the devil?"

"No, the aggregator sent another one today... obviously has proposed not to search alone in the desert, to avoid the destruction of the devils, but the eyes of those big sects are higher than the top."

The squatting on the sand dunes, looking at the lifeless brown sand sea, the keen eye force allowed him to capture the whispering whispers of two passing comprehensions.

"Oh, there is another one over there, still wearing such a conspicuous red dress!" Obviously, they also saw the release.

"You are crazy, go!" Another comprehension was shocked. Even the towed hurriedly took the companion away. "Do you know who it is? You can dare to provoke the people of the North Xuan School."

"Does the North Xuan faction not destroy the door?"

"There is still a single person who is dead, what do you say?"

"Ah!" After the sensation, I took a breath of cold air. After the sound of the far-off voice was depressed, I asked, "How come the Gorefiend came, there is no rumor that he entered the Heiyuan Valley, and the people who entered the Heiyuan Valley still Are you alive?"

"who knows…"

The voice gradually went away, and the distracted man in the illusion looked down at the teenager who was curled up at his feet.

——With the ability to release, the person who wants to catch has not been able to escape from his eyes.

The red flame is not reluctant to jump, the young man is covered with sand, just because the sun is rotten and swelled into a ball, the flame is wrapped in the body but it is not sunburned by the desert sun, but all kinds of deep and shallow wounds Still visible.

Some are like branches, stone cuts, and knife wounds.

The most shocking thing is that the bruises on the back of the wrist are completely shackled. After a long period of time, such a serious large-scale bruise will appear.

"What do you want?" Shizhong said with anger and anger. "Kill this fool, erase my mind and get three real fires?"

Although it has become a self in the illusion, it still rationally controls its own mood fluctuations, does not speak, and allows the illusion to act on its own.

Everything is a false illusion, his younger brother is very good, and there are these scars on his body!

"Don't pretend, I know that you humans are so shameless, and they say that I have burned the city of Yunzhou. I am a natural and long-spirited creature. I have been sleeping for countless years. Who brought me to Yunzhou City, who led me? When I was confused, I couldn’t help but recognize the Lord? Oh, it’s still a fool, which made me trapped in Chen’s pond for more than a decade!”

The fire in the stone is very heavy, although there are natural reasons, it has been soaked in the water for a long time, which has further promoted its trait.

- Which spirit in the world is so bad?

"I know what you call me." The boy who was controlled by the stone fire was bright red and sneered. "The devil is really interesting, because I burned 100,000 people in Yunzhou. All the way through the mountains and deep forests, fled to the red wind desert, ruined countless creatures, tracking my comprehension all the way to the road?"

I can't help but frown with myself in the illusion.

"So who released me? This silly master?" The boy pointed at his weird smile and looked at the eyes of the release. He was full of provocation. "No, it is a group of people who sneaked into Chenfu in the middle of the night and slaughtered Chen. Repair! I asked the master whether or not to burn them, and the master promised... As for the flames to extinguish, and the whole Yunzhou City, is it that you humans are self-sufficient?"

When the mind trembled, I saw myself in the illusion a step faster.

A slap in the forehead of the juvenile -

"Ah!" Shizhong fire screamed.

The boy softly squatted and then opened his eyes like a frightened rabbit. After looking around, I panicked my hands and feet and pulled the sand to run.

The release stood quietly.

The teenager desperately escaped a distance, and turned back to find that the release did not catch up, quietly sighed, slid down the sand dunes, and then hid himself in the shadow of the sheltered wind.

People with normal minds will at least escape the line of sight. When I cover my head like this, I naively think that others can't see myself... it's just a three-year-old boy.

Released slowly - he could not tell whether this was his own intention, or himself in the illusion - silently bending over to look at the teenager, gently moving the juvenile curled arm and found him full of face It’s all tears, but it’s still stained with sand and sand.

After watching for a while, I couldn’t resist the fine mosquito sounds: "Hungry, oh, hungry."

The release froze.

The young man kept the sleeves of the release, but he still tried hard to pray: "Hungry, I am going home."

The flame suddenly rushed out from Chen He, and the claws of the scorpion rushed toward the release.

With the attributes that the three real fires can't be extinguished, along the juvenile's fingers, they quickly spread to the release, and the other comprehensions were dead.

The young man slammed back and fell heavily in the sand.

"Stupid, what are you hiding? He is coming to kill us!" Stone was angry and roared.

The teenager was afraid to look at the palm of his own flame, his eyes straight, as if he had thought of something.

The sea of ​​fire, blood, and the body of the body - of course, when the heart disease is getting better, for example, if you encounter a greater stimulus, the scene is firmly imprinted in your mind, then you may think of the same stimulus.

"Ah--" The cry of screaming and screaming was distorted.

The screams alarmed other comprehensions, and when they looked up, they saw the shadow of the sword. They immediately slammed their sleeves and invisiblely shot the boy. The latter swayed and immediately fell silently on the sand.

In the desert, the wind rolled up the red flame sand, and the release of the red dress was held up.

The practitioners of the route were almost evasive when they saw the figure, and they did not see what was under the yellow sand.

When the surrounding area was quiet again, the release of the sand was done, and the hand and the forehead of the boy were touched.

The breath is weak, it is a mortal who has no cultivation. The inside of the body has been seriously damaged by the fire in the stone. If he does not find a solution in time, he has already lived.

He tried his best to maintain a stable state of mind. He looked at the illusion and wiped the tears from the teenager, revealing familiar contours and eyebrows. It is true that Chen He, especially the left-handed three-pointed red dragonfly.

The interpretation of the illusion involuntarily reached out and touched the left amount that he was covered by long hair.

- These three points are red, and there are also explanations.

Tong Xuan Xiu Dao root bones, three robbers and nine hardships, destined to betrayal, friend away, love, left eyebrows broken more robbers.

If the illusion is true, this discovery will make the release of the heart completely shaken.

A devil who sent many people to the encirclement and even went to Heiyuan Valley to ask people to subdue was actually a child with mental incompetence. The release of the yellow sand in the square can be turned into nothing, but it can not be destroyed. Yuangong killed this "devil head" that caused Yunzhou to become a ghost and burn thousands of souls.

Uncontrollable touched the bones, and also saw Chen Wo's injuries more clearly.

Many were injured on the road to escape, but other bruises and dark wounds have been around for a long time.

It is not difficult to guess that the idiots in the world are often kicked, and no one believes in the words of the fool. The bruises on the shoulders and shoulders of the arms and the fingerprints are even more unfamiliar. He was not happy at home since he was a child. The old servants often licked his arms. If there was something wrong, he would secretly swear and prevent him from speaking. Do not provoke the owner to be angry.

The release of coveted, anger made him almost unable to hold his heart.

This anger is his, and also comes from himself in the illusion.

The result of the bones is conclusive, and the same number of roots as the release. It’s just that Chen He’s bones are 19 years old, but they are thinner and shorter than the 15-year-old boy.

It seems that Chen did not treat Chen Wo before, but the bigger the Chen, the more silly the three-year-old mind is, and the Chen family does not take him seriously. Every day, the food in the case is responsible for the purchase of the buckle, the kitchen buckle, and finally the little cockroach also deducted the snacks and eaten himself. The fool knows what it is, and he does not remember who he is the next day.

When Chen He was a child, the slave servants still cared about the owner. The long-term sees the master of Chen’s family not returning. The old lady is sick in bed. The family is all Chen Hetang’s brother. They don’t need to talk, see the wind. The servant of the rudder can be changed to the harshness of the law. Who cares about how a fool is doing?

in case--

If he sent Chen Wo back to Chen, he was afraid that it was not an illusion but a reality.

The relief consciousness was dizzy and the chest was stuffy. He didn't know well, and he quickly adjusted his mind.

The hungry/difficult boy soon woke up again, and he looked up at the release and did not dare to move.

The interpretation of the illusion is silent for a moment, taking out a qi dan, smashed, and dare to give one-tenth of the youth.

There are many panacea in the realm of comprehension, but there is only one dead road for mortals to swallow.

Buqi Dan is the mildest type, the medicine is even, the medicinal medicine is not hollow, and it will not be invalid due to mashing.

The mortals who were sent by the fire in the stone, the meridians were messed up in a mess, and they were not afraid of too much aura.

Before the release of the sound, I heard the words of the fire in the stone, knowing that the boy had not eaten food for four days. The territory of the red wind desert is vast. Although it is not in the hinterland, it is also deep into two hundred miles. Where can I find food for a while?

When the teenager's eyes were bright, when he went to pick up the medicinal herbs, as he woke up, he followed the screaming stone fire and rushed to attack.

This time, the release was unwelcome, and the cold white flame did not flash, and the stone fire made an unbelievable pain.

The teenager froze and fears again.

The release of the illusion slowly sent most of the medicinal herbs to the mouth, and deliberately chewed a bit to indicate that it was something that could be eaten, and then signaled the teenager to take the remaining medicinal herbs.

After a stalemate for a long while, only a subtle voice said: "There is fire, danger... can't come."

The release of interest in the interest rate is once again shocked. Just like the anger just now, this kind of soreness cannot be separated from the illusion or itself. The monk has exhausted all emotions, and this should not have been instigated.

Only water and food without hungry for four days, long ago should lose their senses, but they can still restrain themselves. I remember that there is a fire that is dangerous, only two things have been proved. Chen Wo is often hungry, and he will never remember to eat for a few days, so he can barely support it. Secondly, of course, there are too many people who are burned to ashes when they are close to Chen He. Chen He, who has a heart-wrenching illness, remembers when he sees the fire.

The interpretation of the illusion uses the spiritual power to wrap the medicinal herbs and let it drift slowly.

The boy poked curiously, and the medicinal medicine fell into his hands. He hesitated to see the release, as if he believed him, and immediately put the medicinal medicine into his mouth.

"Stupid, who let you eat indiscriminately!" Shi Zhonghuo was slowed down and found this scene suddenly rushed. "How do I tell you that he is coming to kill us? Those people can't wait to kill." We, take me away from you! Even if I am erased, I am still alive, what do you do?"

The fire in the stone is arrogant and very impatient with this silly master.

He will not teach Chen He to practice the Fa, but he can't help, but it is both intellectual and has a feeling for Chen He.

"We have burned Yunzhou. In Tiandao, our crimes have been difficult. Whoever kills us is a great virtue. Do you know the cause and effect of your owe, and it is still unclear after the death of a thousand animals?"

The angry chanting of Shi Zhonghuo, read a few words, it screamed in amazement, actually it is not poison?

At the same time, the meditation of the release of the meditation seems to have taken effect, the surrounding is suddenly dim, the illusion is constantly changing, fixed on the edge of the red wind desert.

On the moonlight night, Chen He, who was wrapped in a cloaked coat, was lying on the sand dune and sleeping.

The long-browed man sighed with a beard and looked at the sigh of relief: "There are so many people in the Heiyuan Valley. I know that, we old guys ran out and said that nothing will let you come here." If it’s not fire from Yunzhou to the Ferris Cliff, we also...hey! Just thinking that you have a fire in the wood, don’t be afraid of this devil, who knows—"

Reveal the frown and breathe.

"Good, not the devil!" The long-browed old man quickly changed his mouth. He patted his head and said, "Do you really want to pass on his North Xuanpai martial arts, and follow your teacher's inheritance?"

"Do you want to see the animal life after he died?" After the release, it was a blood spill.

In the illusion, the real release is also affected, and the chest is full of blood.

"Relieve you, how do you say it!" The old eyebrows screamed at the old high, and screamed. "My Sanqing Daozu feeds, you give me a steady point, our old guys are still dead! You can't think about it. Cut the queue to the land!"

"I have been submerging for many years. I only hope that my body will enter the reincarnation without cause and effect, and I will regain my peace and joy." The interpretation of the face is pale and the expression is indifferent. "But if I go to the Netherland, I will be with them. What kind of closed mouth is still being repaired?"

"Relieve, you think about the old road!" The long-browed man tried hard to persuade, "I know that when you came to Heiyuan Valley more than 20 years ago, there was a death. I waited for the monk to look at life and death, not I am willing to sit and watch the innocent sons die. But in my eyes, he is innocent, but Heaven does not let him go!"

The interpretation of the illusion went over, and opened Chen Wo’s hair to look at the face of the long-eyed person.

"This... is this?" The long eyebrows were shocked.

"The child is not repaired, and he has been in the fire for a long time. It can't last for a few days. The mind is incomplete, and it is impossible to practice. There is only one way to save him." Shi Yan said faintly, "He should not die, I Don't want to live, it's not right."

Long eyebrows and old Jiaozuo's circle: "This is not the case. You see this, remember the past, change another person, you will not move this kind of mind... It is also a coincidence! Damn, how can it be so clever!!"

The release of the illusion wipes away the blood on the lips and closes the luck.

The long eyebrows are rushing to rush: "I will stop you and change the old road!"

"Long eyebrow friend, you are born in Luohe school, the famous door is authentic, how to blend with him?"

"You are not - ah!"

Interpretation of the eyebrows does not move, quietly said, "North Xuan is extinct, and there is nothing to be released. If this child wants to practice, he can only enter the magic road. I sent the exercises and I was trained like magic. I The real yuan contains wood fire, and it can also restrain the fire in the fusion stone..."

The words are not finished, the white flame is flourishing, and the fire in the stone hidden in Chen He is screaming.

First, he screamed and screamed, and then desperately called Chen He to help him. He Chen He had already been released and cast a spell, and he knew nothing about it. The stone fire is more and more hateful, hate the self-cultivation, hate the Chen family, and hate this idiot master.

It has not only been erased from the wisdom, but also completely integrated with the real fire in the wood, and there is no more in the world.

"It hurts, spare me, ah--" The sound of the stone in the end finally crying is getting smaller and smaller, and the release of the life of the life is slowly poured into Chen Wo.

This sectarian inheritance, which is comparable to the empowerment, pays the life of the surgeon and gets all the knowledge.

At the end of the faint sorrow, the interpretation of the eternal remembrance of Chen He’s thoughts left a sentence:

"Tiandao wants to die, the number of life makes you unhappy for a lifetime, you have to live more! Cut off the seven passions, have no heart and no love, don't care about anyone, don't trust anyone, see what Heaven can do."

The author has something to say: The author silently put on the lid.