MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 400 fork

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What is the feeling of having a gas transport?

No longer need to rely on the veins, you can see the aura changes in the fairy world, you can see the difference between the different immortals, and discover the potential laws of all things.

With this kind of advantage, let the fairy people rush to the martial arts, Tianzun can be written into the jade.

It is just such a practice, at most, people can only practice to Luo Tianshang Xian, want to become a big Luo Jinxian are very reluctant, then the above will not have to say.

Because I saw it, it was a shallower level than the sentiment. Indirectly, I learned this kind of practice, and cut at least two layers. The Tao of the Tao, invisible and incomparable, encompasses the world.

The air transport owned by Xianjie Tianzun comes from the world of three thousand.

It is the epitome of a small world, which is far worse than the fairy world.

Like Chen He, it happens to have the last celestial air transport. In the fairyland is an unprecedented miracle. Chen He faintly feels that he is different from Bei Xuan Tian Zun Nan Xian Tian Zun.

This clues appear on Nan Hongzi.

The two Tianzun did not notice Nan Hongzi at first. Later, Bei Xuan Tian Zun Jiang Chu, only felt that Nan Hongzi was a North Xuanmen, but in Chen He's eyes, Nan Hongzi was very unusual.

Reiki introversion, seemingly ordinary is nothing, but Nan Hongzi, there is not a trace of spiritual weakness.

——All things are born here, as long as they practice their own way, they will certainly be different in strength and weakness due to the practice of the law.

When the practice is practiced into the environment, this situation will disappear, but the level of the practice determines the difference in the spirit of the immortal. The simple method is easy to reach the environment, but the spirit of the whole body is weak and almost worthless. mention.

In the eyes of Tianzun, whoever practiced a better practice and how he practiced is clear at a glance.

Some immortals, the exercises are poor, but they have only been practiced for a long time, and the realm is stable. It is also difficult to get closer.

Some immortals, the practice is far better than the level of his realm. The difference between the strength of the aura is very large. This situation is very obvious in Xiaozhenxian. What kind of realm they will reach in the future is hard to say. .

There are also good practices, but the poorly trained immortals, this situation obviously should be replaced by a more suitable exercise.

Nan Hongzi looks a lot like the first category, and it doesn't make any difference with those little ones.

The problem is here. There is no problem with the practice of the North Xuan School. How can this happen? Chen He was surprised and looked at it a few times. He followed the discovery of the spirituality of every immortal, that is, the feeling of breath to others. Only Nan Hongzi is different.

Where is different, Chen He can't even say it.

Just like the spring breeze of Hee Hee, the stones in the river are ordinary and ordinary, and they are seamless, without any flaws.

This special makes Chen Wo feel uneasy.

When I found that Nanxian Tianzun North Xuan Tianzun did not see this at all, the feeling of restlessness was deeper.


Chen Wo was close to the release, and the two men crossed each other and leaned together.

Chen He deliberately urged the soul to leave the body, carefully explored into the purple house, even Wen Cun did not have time, he said this thing.

Interpretation of the micro-surprise: "This is not an urgent matter, choose Master again, but you -"

The sound came to an abrupt end, and he felt that Chen He’s soul had become stranger.

Because there is purple gas, block between them.

Chen He couldn't help but be depressed. He withdrew his soul and said, "I will first stabilize the realm for my brother."

Released his hand: "No."

For the weekdays, the meaning of the interpretation of Chen Wo will not be violated, but before he has turned around and proposed to go to Tianhe, the release should not be, now want to help release the cultivation, but also to be stopped, Chen He is not suspicious.

Interpretation sighed in the bottom of my heart, knowing that I couldn’t help myself, even if I didn’t mention it, Chen He would try to find out.

He held the palm of his brother's hand and gently attached it to his chest. Through the clothes, the spiritual flow in the meridian was freely transferred. Chen He could provoke the real element with a little thought, and then he would enter the meridian.


Chen He suddenly changed color and was full of horror.

He saw the fairy nucleus on his release.

When becoming a golden fairy, the fairy nucleus should have been broken, and the aura can be reborn. You can not forget the magic weapon, and you will be able to draw the aura of the fairyland. Chen He is like this step by step. What Jin Jin should be like, he Clearly.

How can there be a fairy nucleus?

"It’s the second time in my life to practice the scorpion."

"How can this be?" Chen He stepped back.

He did not see from the release that the unusual point, the feeling of the spirit, is also the real realm of Jinxian.

Chen Wo tried hard to think, the brothers were in the trapped battle for six hundred years, and the repairs have been stagnant in Luo Tianshangxian, unable to enter, Chen He guess is the reason of the knot, until their souls follow the veins, accidentally came to Huangquan Wangxiangcheng, The release of the knot that had been destroyed by the North Xuan faction for a long time was solved.

Is it because of the soul of the soul?

Chen He quickly vetoed this speculation. He also felt that it was the difference between the small world and the fairy world. It was caused by the six reincarnations of life and death, and that the realm of Jinxian was released, but it could not become a real Jinxian. .

Master's cultivation was a mystery, and the brothers had trouble again. The ancestors were still missing. Chen He felt that he had two sinks in one head.

"I have nothing."

Chen He is tangled, and he hears the familiar voice in his ear.

How can this be said to be okay?

Chen He looked up, instinctively to refute, and when he touched his eyes, he swallowed back.

"The real aura, no obstacles, is much better than when you are in a trapped position." Shi Yan hopes that Chen He will not take up too much of this mind, and originally did not intend to say it.

"Exactly, it will become a new practice."

"Brother!" Chen Wo is dissatisfied.

The realm and the practice are basically two different things!

The loss of the North Xuan faction in the world is not like the martial arts. If you get the fairy tales, there is nothing wrong with it. It is the highest practice of the North Xuan School that Jinxian can use.

Going to the realm of Jiang Chu and Chen He, I have long been separated from the fixed path of the North Xuan faction based on the original feelings of the Xian Jun, and created another thorough path.

Is it necessary to start from the promotion of Jinxian, and do so?

This is too dangerous.

Chen Wo frowned and said: "Brother, you have to listen to me this time."

Interpretation of silence for a while, seems to be thinking, half a moment nodded: "What is the idea of ​​the younger brother?"

"Use my soul to motivate your fairy nucleus." Chen Wo squatted and sat down on the spot.

The two are in the palm of their hands and their wrists are closely attached.

Chen He’s body is filled with a layer of blue-colored flames, just like sitting in the glory of the gods, squinting at the gods, stunned, and invaded. I have not been willing to close my eyes for a long time.

The purple gas is coiled in the soul of Chen He, and it can't be separated. This makes the two real elements that originally met each other immediately become strange. It has refining the pale real yuan of the wood fire to this unfamiliar and familiar uninvited guest. Retreat to the house, refuse to get close, and do not block.

Chen Wo slowly rolled his eyebrows.

There is no abnormality in the fairy nucleus, except that it is not broken.

Carefully touched with the soul, the fairy nucleus still did not move, Chen Wo could not help but anxiously.

Burning the heart of the fire, you can directly destroy the fairy nucleus, but because of his relationship with the release of the spirit, the green fire is useless to release.

There is a purple gas barrier, which makes Chen He feel depressed.

He wanted to push the purple gas away. These things should be retreating, and they quickly followed. There was no way to get rid of it - in fact, there was no way to separate it. Without gas, Tianzun was not a god.

The Tianzun of the Immortal World has a horizontal death, and there is no air transport to take the initiative to leave.

At the beginning, Shi Wei was only a calm and quiet teacher, Shi Wei, I don’t know if Chen He’s anxiety affected him, or saw Chen’s appearance before closing his eyes, which inspired the long-lost mourning, and he gradually felt the blood surge.

I couldn't help but blink and saw that the clothes that Chen Wo originally wore on him were thrown away by himself.


"Nothing." Chen Wo said vaguely.

He was troubled by the purple gas, and even the soul of the party on the clothes felt inconvenient, the wrists did not lift, the gowns were self-solving, and fell to the corner.

After all the trials of the fairy nucleus had no fruit, Chen He had a bad speculation in his heart.

——Is it because of the influence of the burning heart, the fairy nucleus has changed, and it has only become a golden fairy. It cannot be cracked at all. Is it necessary to further improve the situation to disintegrate?

That is to explain the current predicament, it is all due to Chen He.

After realizing this, Chen Wo could still sit still. He hurriedly gasped for a moment, his expression changed, his throat was uneasy and his sliding undulations, and the blue flames began to disappear.

Since the release of the party, it has not closed its eyes.

The look is unchanged, and the darkness of the eyes is getting thicker, just like the night that brews the storm.

The release of the sigh of relief, even for him, seeing such a ruined Chen Wo, can alleviate the sorrowful mourning.

This is because of the self, the younger brother of the younger brother is anxious because he can’t touch himself, the younger brother...

Chen He’s time spent a long time, and he felt that the aura of the release was infiltrated into the soul. This was a little bit better. He worked hard, but he couldn’t find any disappointment.

He threw himself away from the spirit, opened his eyes, and tried to say: "Brother, do we have to double-tweet and try again?"

There is only one such thing left. I don’t know when the double repairs will make the purple gas consciously fade away, so that the spirit of the spirit will blend like before.

Chen Wo did not wait until he answered, he was surprised.

Interpretation is like thinking about something, fixedly watching Chen Wo.

"I will be very careful!" Chen Wo blurted out.

After the words were finished, Chen He reacted to it and there was ambiguity. He could only insist on adding: "Although the realm is very different, but only in this way, there is hope to break through the **** of the fairy nucleus. I am careful to repair it."

"No need..."


Interpretation of Chen He’s back neck, whispered: “The younger brother should not move.”

It’s just that people are in their arms, and where they are, it’s the gap between the neck and the clothes.

Chen He naturally does not wear only the robe that prohibits the spirit of Bifang, but other clothes are not fairy, only soft and comfortable clothing, these interpretations are familiar, but every detail is clear.

Because these clothes were originally selected by the younger brothers, and some were even brought up from the human world.

Chen Wo earned a moment and was immediately released and held down.

"You don't have to undress."


Chen Hezheng was confused and found that he did not move his shirt, but he tried to find out.

When the clothes are loose, you can see the scores with a slight ups and downs.

The immortal does not need to breathe, but the reiki is only cultivation. In the eyes of the release, Chen Wo suddenly rushes to the back of the ups and downs. Obviously he understands what he is. He leans over the younger brother and whispers softly: "Don’t push the soul, don’t work hard. Law, we are also artificially disparate in the world, forgetting the exercises, as long as the atmosphere blends..."

"But, the first time I was drunk." Chen He could not help but say.

He subconsciously explored the storage device, but Chen He did not have the preference of a greedy cup. He obviously did not have such a thing.

"If I am not careful...hey, what should I do?"

Interpretation found that his patience was exhausted, simply gave the younger brother two words: "Don't move."