MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 417 Not happy 4

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The new Xiangong stands on the ruins of the Kunlun Mountains.

The hustle and bustle of the peaks of the sky has ceased to exist. There are traces of the melee left everywhere, and there are fierce dents on the walls of the mountains, as well as the grounds of thousands of gullies.

Tianhe returned to the top of the sky, and the aura it left was very rich, making this piece of the same half-destroyed mountain lush, Lingmu Xianguo.

"Where is not good, but I am still here." A real fairy, he looked around with his taboos.

Just like a house where mortals do not want to live in death, the place where two celestial gods are added and two princes are added one after another. In the eyes of immortals, it is also a place of great murder. This is not to say that the immortal died of aura and reached the sage. The realm of the realm will disturb the normal aura, and let the aura here become unpredictable and chaotic for a while.

The little fairy are very uncomfortable, showing a patience.

The immortals who have been in the trap for six hundred years are much slower. At least the aura here is not chaotic and mad, and the only problem is that they are tested against Xiaoxian.

If you can't get it, you can enter the fairy palace, and there is no one here.

Oh, but where are you going back and forth? After a fairy who has survived the Tianhe River, it seems that the disaster has become their resume, and unfortunately they have become tough, and they are not able to afford the "useless generation."

In the past ten years, there have been immortals who have come to Kunlun to try to be effective.

Among them, there were some who had not seen it at the beginning, and there was the former Emperor Xianxian, who accepted a part of Xiangong and refused the majority without any politeness.

The ominous atmosphere of the ruins of Kunlun has left many immortals with no idea of ​​living nearby.

The once fairyland pattern was destroyed. Now there are five immortals in the fairy world. Except for the publicly occupied Wan Waterfall Valley, Shen Yubai, who is a disgusting immortal, was originally Bai Yushen. The other four Xianjun are nominally belonged to the new Xiangong. .

But the owner of this fairy palace is neither cold nor clear, but simply cannot explain the release of the realm.

For nearly 10,000 years, the immortals have invested in Xianjun, and they have made suggestions for them. Sometimes they have to sell their lives. The loyalty of their subordinates is often the feelings that have come out for many years. If they are not diligent, they will not sway in front of Xianjun. Of course, the benefits are obtained. There are also few, and Xianjun will not take care of those who are white and white under their own hands.

Now this good day is gone.

At first, the immortals did not feel that everything was going to be revived, and even the palace was to be rebuilt, but this life lasted for ten years, and the slower people also found it - as if they always had something to do, and very It's hard to be lazy, as long as you delay, you can't catch up with anything else.

This has caused many immortals to turn hard to cultivate, and Xianxian lacks people, and the little immortals have a chance.

The pedestrian was slowly approaching the Imperial Palace, and when he saw the true face of it, he was a little surprised.

It is not unusual to recapture the flying beams, but the fairy palace is more like a four-storey building surrounded by a leisure garden. It contains a part of the mountain, and the squad has created a gorgeous peach forest and a layer. The snow-white rocks are stacked on the cliffs, and the waterfalls hang over them. There are more than a dozen tributaries that merge into lakes and streams. There are several pools of water. Because of the terrain, the water is stored in the middle of the transparent spar. There are even many strips inside. The rare fish in the fairy world are swimming.

The scenery is beautiful, but it is also very strange.

"How come a bit like the world..."

A little fairy, awakened others.

Yes, the peach trees in the fairy world are very tall, and the tree body is also the color of jasper. The peaches are bigger than the two fists, and the white peaches are attractive. But the peach trees on the side of the fairy palace and the other side of the hillside The avocado tree, like all kinds of species, although the flowers are not bad, it is the lack of the magnificence of the fairy.

In addition to Hualin, the most amazing thing for the immortals is water.

Looking up, Tianhe had a good end hanging on the top of his head.

It is almost impossible to lead a river in the fairy world like a human being, because the temper of the earth is not very good, and the aura will be sucked away when it is close to the ground. This is different from the Tianhe. No immortal is willing to do so. .

“Is there a lake waterfall in the fairy palace? What is the reason?” The little fairy was puzzled.

"Hey, there are pavilions on all sides, and there is a clear separation from the flower forest in the middle!"

To put it this way, the first time people who came here to breathe a sigh of relief and live next to the ground, it is not a good choice, unless it is the kind of Dan teacher who gave up the progress, or needed to refine the things.

"Maybe it is an illusion?"

"It may be a puzzle."

When there was a lot of talk, when it was busy, suddenly a white light rushed past and landed at the gate of Xian Palace.

The little fairy looked at the rude person who dared to control the device here, and found that the other party turned out to be a magic repair, the breath was very obvious, and they almost went to the ground to find the eyeballs.

"That is the subordinate of the burning heart."

The person who brought them, unexpectedly added another sentence, the look of this mysterious fairy, as if not familiar with the magic. But as he said, who can burn the heart of the immortal?

Most people in the celestial world only know that the Burning Heart Xianjun was born in the North Xuan School. It is the younger brother of Xi Yu. There are many things that sound amazing. They are related to him, such as the reintroduction of the six worlds of the small world, and he once was Tianzun. Dropped the realm.

Unlike the fairy who said the hearsay, the people in the fairy palace clearly know Chen He's ability.

Luo Jingyu, who entered the fairy palace, ignored all kinds of complicated gaze that she had cast. She walked through the heavy temples, drew a character, and passed through the array without a sound, and walked into the flower forest.

She was very familiar with it and soon came to a hexagonal pavilion that was covered by trees.

"You are here, Teng Bo found someone?"

Chen He slowly swallowed the scorpion, which was a bunch of bamboo baubles. When he was soaring, he was afraid of being discovered. He buried these things directly. He did not expect to fall into the hands of Zhao Weiyang, including the eight-tailed fox. fur.

Speaking of Zhao Weiyang, it is also extremely skillful. It can be speculated that Chen He’s choice at that time, and then digging out these things near Shengxiantai.

After the death of Nan Xiantian, the forces were again taken over by this side.

The things that Ji Xianjun and other high-ranking immortals put in their homes were checked by a leakless one. These were found on Zhao Weiyang's side, and there was also a storage device that sealed three thousand sapphire balls.

When Chen He had to abandon these, he set up a strict symbolic array method on it, some of which did not sense his soul, otherwise he could not open it. Zhao Weiyang did not want to destroy this important object hidden in secret, so the sapphire ball was safe and sound. Go back to Chen He’s hand.

Lost and recovered, Chen Wo has been holding the sapphire ball for a while, immersed in those short memories.

Only this time, after he has seen it, he will not forget it.

Chen He seems to be idle, except that he only needs to be in the place he likes, but in fact he knows everything well, and the only thing he can't care about is probably the change of the lower bound.

"The Lord guessed well, and the king did find the reincarnation of Zhan Yuanqiu."

Luo Jing's eyes are hidden with a smile.

Chen He is very interested. Anyone will be interested in what kind of person Zhan Yuanqiu will have in the air, which determines the future changes in the early days, and even the fairy world may be affected.

"The king did not do so, and the person was deceived by the Jade Cream Supreme... Take it away."

Chen He Yang Mei, he remembered that Luo Jingyi mentioned this name in the last obituary, Yushuang Zun, is the person who is now governing the entire realm of the real world.

Can get the trust of Zhan Yuanqiu, it should be a good one...

"The Jade Cream Supreme is the dragon crab that Zhan Yuanqiu raised."


Chen He sang and laughed after living: "The whole of the real world, the young talents, the people of insight are like the river, Zhan Yuanqiu was left to his pet by everything?"

Luo Jingwei asked: "Does the Lord think this is very strange?"

The Mahayana monks soared and passed on to wait for a good person, but the good things are likely to give their mounts or pets directly, and then the beasts will be a blessing in the world. This kind of thing has never been quite a lot.

"It’s very unexpected for me to put it on Zhan Yuanqiu."

The dragon crab in Chen He’s impression, the ingenuity is not open, holding the pliers angry at others and blinking, because there are too many brothers, once Zhan Yuanqiu went to the South China Sea to suffer from “recognizing relatives”, countless crabs Come over and say that the "old man" is thin and very distressed.

"It can hold everything and return to Zhan Yuanqiu. Now the order of the world seems to be stable, but an outstanding ambition can easily destroy this."

Luo Jingyu said so, Chen Wo was sure.

"Looks, I can't count on Zhan Yuanqiu to come to the fairy world." Chen He thought thoughtfully.

In fact, Luo Jingwei thinks that this is a good thing. Zhan Yuanqiu, who has the initial air transport, will definitely become Tianzun. If he is a subordinate of Chen He, there will be some violations. Zhan Yuanqiu is not like Nan Hongzi who likes to travel eastward. People, he sees things that are not good, must be managed, and this conflicts with the status of the release.

Chen He suddenly laughed and said slowly: "Quiet, you are serious and righteous, this is a good thing. The disputes in the fairy world seem to have a great influence on you, so you have such an idea."

He sat up straight, the green robes hem from the Zhu bar all the way to the side of the steps, a few white avocado petals fell, the scenery is like painting, the robes on the robes are as early as ten years ago, Kunlun did not Now, the shadow of the slight floating, let the immortals look scared.

Twisted figure.

It has nothing to do with Yuan Cheng Tianzun. This is the residual atmosphere of the fairy world. Nanhongzi Town lived in the aura of the aura, but the hidden dangers of the fairy world still exist. Especially after the small world was returned to Yang Xinyue, it became more prosperous and it was necessary to restrain it. The best way is of course to ban the changes in it.

Chen Wo's sleeves, dialing a flower tree and sticking into the branches of the pavilion, he casually put the twisted afterimage on his feet, just like a person who appreciates the scenery has no intention to step on his robes.

"I need Zhan Yuanqiu."

Chen He looked at Luo Jingwei, the kind of awe-inspiring momentum that made her involuntarily follow the serious thoughts.

- But there is nothing wrong with the fairy world.

"The injury of Bei Xuan Tian Zun, there is no hope of recovery in three thousand years, I need a person who can stand alone in the overall situation, Zhan Yuanqiu is very suitable." Chen Wo said unpleasantly.

This look made the Tianyan Taoist who had just entered the flower forest startled.

Chen He used the voice that three people could hear, and said in a gloomy voice: "In addition to concentrating on cultivation, I don't want to see anyone in this fairy palace idle, because the brothers have not taken the air, if someone dares to be in front of me. Anything, I will make them so busy that they don’t even remember their names."