MTL - South Korean Entertainment Industry News Record-Chapter 15 trivia

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PS. Here's today's update. By the way, I'll pull a ticket for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting will also send starting coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation!

Putting a water table in the old house, keeping the New Year's Eve, and paying New Year's greetings to the great-grandfather and the elders on the first day of the new year, Zhang Che basically came here in the past few days. In the hearts of young people, the taste of the new year is getting weaker and weaker now. You ask them to accompany the old man during the Chinese New Year. What they think about is to finish things quickly and go out to play, and Zhang Che is the same.

Although they were in the countryside these days, Zhang Che and his friends still had a good time. We chatted about school life together, relived the interesting stories of when we were still a little kid, and lived in the old house until the fifth day of the first year.

After the fifth day of the new year, it is time for family and friends, big and small, to go back to work. Zhang Che, Liu Tao, and Sun Jiwei were both in Qingdao, so they invited their two cousins ​​to stay at home for a few days. These three crazy kids had a lot of fun together. Sure enough, 17- and 18-year-olds were more suitable for urban life than in the countryside.

During this period, Zhang Che urged Liu Tao to invite his girlfriend out to meet more than once. I don't know if this guy was thin-skinned or had other plans.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. The two friends also left, and Zhang Che had to prepare to go to South Korea again, for the same reason, that is - school is about to start. Unlike when he came back, Zhang Che was not alone in this trip to South Korea. Comrade Zhang Weiguo and Ms. Li Meilan would also accompany him.

Zhang Weiguo is mainly for the company's business. His trading company is preparing to develop business with South Korea. The preliminary inspection is over. This time, it is for the establishment of a branch. The main destinations are Busan and Jeju Island. And Ms. Li's purpose is much simpler, travel, and accompany her son by the way.

When the three of them arrived in South Korea, Zhang Weiguo did not arrange for someone from the South Korean office to pick up the plane, because Li Minzhe knew that his old comrade-in-arms was coming, and he specifically said that he would come to pick up the plane and arrange activities in South Korea.

Zhang Che's family saw Li Minzhe as soon as they exited the security checkpoint, next to Miss Li Cailin. Li Minzhe and Zhang Weiguo were very excited to meet, they hugged tightly, while Zhang Che and Ms. Li went straight to find Li Cailin. After getting to know each other, under the leadership of Li Cailin, they quietly left the two who were showing off their friendship and left the airport quietly.

"Your dad is really just meeting a comrade-in-arms. He was so excited. Those who didn't know it thought it was a meeting between North and South Korean family members." Ms. Li, who had just left the airport lobby, began to complain about her husband.

"Mom, they might be too excited..." Zhang Che felt that he had to defend his father and Uncle Li a few words.

"Can't you go home with excitement? You have to be at the airport. There are so many people watching. I can see people who look like reporters going forward to interview them." Miss Li complained sharply.

Zhang Che couldn't speak. In fact, he also felt quite ashamed. The two men at the airport were hugging and hugging, screaming and jumping, sometimes laughing, and sometimes whimpering.

"Mom, there's definitely something wrong with Dad and Uncle Li, no matter how comrades-in-arms look like this." Zhang Che asked inexplicably.

"It's good to get used to it, it's always like this. As for the reason, your dad doesn't want to say more, but only says that your Uncle Li saved his life." After Ms. Li answered, it was Li Cailin's turn to be surprised and said, "No Well, my dad said that Uncle Zhang saved his life."

The three stopped talking, and none of them thought that someone was lying. That means that this is a real life-threatening friendship, and it is impossible to be too excited. In the end, Ms. Li took control of the scene and said, "Forget it, ignore them, Cailin, let us settle down first. I plan to visit Seoul in the afternoon. This is my first time abroad."

Li Cailin did not refuse, and took Zhang Che's mother and son to Zhang Che's apartment. Originally, Li Minzhe planned to contact the hotel, but Zhang Che refused. Zhang Weiguo came to work, and he was going to Busan within a few days of staying in Seoul. So basically their mother and son are in Seoul, so there is no need to stay in a hotel. It didn't take long for two "deeply in love" men to come to the apartment, shoulder to shoulder.

"Why don't you wait for me, thanks to Minzhe, otherwise I will find you." Comrade Zhang Weiguo vented his resentment for being abandoned by his wife and children as soon as he entered the door.

Ms. Li rolled her eyes at him and said, "You show your love there, our mothers can't find a way out of nowhere? Tsk tsk, in that scene, every time you see Minzhe, I will forget who it is. Your wife." Ms. Li really dared to say anything.

Zhang Weiguo. . . . . .

Li Minzhe. . . . . .

Zhang Weiguo had nothing to do with his wife, and Li Minzhe couldn't say anything. It's just that the two children suffered, and their parents couldn't interrupt when they spoke. They watched Zhang Weiguo and his wife bicker with relish, and couldn't hold back their laughter.

The lunch was eaten in Li Minzhe's shop. Li Minzhe asked Master Wang to do some craftsmanship, and the two families had a good meal together. After the meal, Ms. Li Meilan insisted on taking Li Cailin to "visit" major shopping malls in South Korea, while Zhang Weiguo and Li Minzhe planned to discuss the current situation after the "parting". Zhang Che was left alone, but my mother planned to make herself a coolie. I don't know why, after that girl Li Cailin whispered in her mother's ear a few times, her mother abandoned her. Dad and Li Uncle's side didn't plan to mix at all. Therefore, when Zhang Che left the Li's restaurant in the afternoon, he realized that he was alone. . . . .

"Well, am I considered abandoned?" Zhang Che scratched his head a little, "Forget it, one person is not bad. Since I'm back, let's go to Brother Haoyang first to say hello." I got a taxi and planned to find Li Haoyang.

In the taxi, Zhang Che called Li Haoyang.

"Brother, happy new year, where are you now?"

"Ah, happy new year. I'm at home, are you back?"

"Well, brother, is it convenient for me to find you now? I have something to do."

"Oh, come on. My home is at No. XXX, XXXX Community, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam District, Seoul."

"Brother, slow down, send it to my phone, I can't remember."


When he received the address from Li Haoyang, he realized that this guy lived so close to him that the straight-line distance was estimated to be no more than 1 kilometer, so why did he take a taxi. Zhang Che thought silently.

Not long after, he arrived at Li Haoyang's residence, knocked on the door, and Li Haoyang came out with a chicken coop and opened the door.

"Brother, what do you look like? Did you endorse the chicken coop?" Zhang Che was a little scared by Li Haoyang's "avant-garde" look.

"Stop talking nonsense, come in quickly. Brother, you have worked hard these past few days." Li Haoyang said angrily at Zhang Che.

Zhang Che entered the door and found, um, the smell of a single man at home. Clothes are placed in a mess on the sofa, the table is full of various fast food takeaways, and the sink in the kitchen is full of unwashed bowls.

"Brother, this is more serious than mine." Zhang Che looked at the room and said, "I still know how to put clothes in the utility room and pack up the garbage."

Li Haoyang ignored him, sat down and asked, "Tell me, what are you looking for?"

Zhang Che smiled and said, "Look at what you said, what can I do? Didn't I just come back in the morning and come to see you in the afternoon to catch up."

"It's okay? I don't send it, I still have things to do.",

"Hey, brother, don't be so heartless, can you show me how you work?" Zhang Che quickly said to please him, not to mention what he was going to do after leaving, even if Li Haoyang was working, Zhang Che had never seen it, so How can a good learning opportunity go to waste?

"Okay, then come with me." After that, Li Haoyang took Zhang Che into his workshop.

Li Haoyang's workshop is very simple, with a few simple recording equipment, a recording studio, a few computers, an electronic organ, a few guitars and a sofa. Zhang Che looked at these things and asked Li Haoyang: "Brother, this is the workshop? Can this make a song?"

Li Haoyang said with a dissatisfied face: "Why is it not a workshop, although it is a bit simple, but the basic song production is still no problem."

Zhang Che's novel look and touch made Li Haoyang upset. He pointed to the sofa and said to Zhang Che, "Okay, just sit there, I'm going to work, wait until I'm free. Teach you how to use these devices."

Hearing this, Zhang Che had to sit quietly on the sofa, watching Li Haoyang busy there. After a while, Zhang Che got bored and said to Li Haoyang, "Brother, what are you busy with?"

Li Hao Yang didn't look back, and said, "The new guy from the company is about to debut. The debut song is almost done. I'm in charge of the post-production sound effects adjustment, and I'll do the rest. You can just wait a while. Turn around and come back."

Zhang Che had no choice but to wait there. It was really boring to wait, and unknowingly, the person lay down on the sofa, closed his eyes in a daze, and fell asleep.

When Zhang Che woke up, he found that it was getting dark, and Li Haoyang was having dinner there after his work. Zhang Che took out his phone and saw the time, it was already past 6 o'clock. He got up quickly and said to Li Haoyang, " I'm sorry for disturbing you today. I have something to do, so I'll leave today."

Li Haoyang quit, co-authored you to come to me just to disturb my work and then take a nap? He stopped Zhang Che and asked, "What are you doing in such a hurry? I'm going to teach you how to compose music with the device tonight."

Zhang Che hesitated for a while, and explained to Li Haoyang: "Brother, let's go another day. Today is definitely not possible. My parents and I came to Korea with me. I can't be late for the first day today."

Li Haoyang was taken aback and asked, "Aunt and uncle are here? Did they come to Korea to accompany you too?"

"No, my father is here for business, and my mother is here for a trip. They will go back in a few days. Then I will come back to trouble brother." Zhang Che responded.

Li Haoyang understood and said, "Well, then you hurry back and don't worry about your uncle and aunt. Don't worry about composing music. You can spend a few days with your uncle and aunt, and let them have a good time in Korea for a few days. .When you have time, come back to me to learn composition."

Zhang Che was not polite, left Li Haoyang, and hurried back to the apartment.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late when Zhang Che returned to the apartment. Ms. Li and Li Cailin had just returned with the "trophy". The two of them seemed to have progressed quite smoothly this afternoon, and they were now dividing the spoils. And Zhang Weiguo and Li Minzhe were obviously still chatting, and after turning around, Zhang Che found sadly that no one cared about him at all.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by May 15th, the red envelope rain will be able to give back to readers and publicity works. A piece is also love, and it must be Welcome to reading. The latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all Mobile users, please read.