MTL - South Korean Entertainment Industry News Record-Chapter 725 result

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The punishment for Mr. Sunny's unauthorized departure from the team has come out. Before the next return, except for the overall activities, all trips will be cancelled, sleeping out is prohibited, mobile phones will be confiscated, and you must return to the dormitory for observation.

This was already a punishment after a compromise. In the end, Li Xiuman endured his displeasure and helped Zhang Che deliver the news. After all, Shun Gyu was also his niece. The most important thing was that this decision was not made by him, but by Jin Yingmin. Happy to see Kim Young Min's jokes.

But Jin Yingmin is more businessman than he imagined, and he has developed the businessman's philistine and shrewdness to the extreme. Just after punishing Sunny, he turned around and invited Zhang Che to sit with him with a smile to discuss about Song Qian's return. The matter of the development of the Celestial Dynasty - this is a candidate that Zhang Che cannot refuse.

Seeing this series of turning points, Li Xiuman was very relieved, and felt that he had found a suitable leader for S.M.

By the way, the follow-up impact of Sunny's unauthorized departure from the team this time, Kim Taeyeon, because of poor management, canceled other schedules except for the song stage for two months, including a very lucrative cosmetic advertisement, which was filmed by Lin Yoona instead. On the other hand, the second sister didn't lose anything except the warning, which made the second sister very disappointed and felt that she was not helping.

However, Zhang Che remembered the good old sister and the second sister when they were young. Because they couldn't get in touch with Sunny, they could only ask Xiaoxian to give them a message. If they needed anything, they could do anything except help find TV dramas and invite songs to itinerary.

Unfortunately, Xiaoxian reported that they both rejected Zhang Che's kindness. Zhang Che didn't quite understand it, but the eldest sister and the second sister understood each other quite a bit.

Because Kim Taeyeon canceled her recent publicity schedule, her singing momentum has declined. T-ara finally seized the opportunity to fight back and finally overwhelmed Kim Taeyeon again in number one in the sixth week. As for the poor Kara, after winning two No. 1s and seeing Kim Taeyeon's strong rise, DSP hastily ended the song in the fifth week, which made Park Gyu-ri quite depressed.

Although Mr. Sunny has been canceled all the trips except the group tour, but he is currently on foot restraint, so Zhang Che has no chance to get tired of Mr. Sunny. Unless he really intends not to give S.M any face, Zhang Che can only be obedient. bear with it.

Therefore, Zhang Che planned to find something for himself to do, such as going to Jeongseon Mountain with Luo Yingshi to film the show "Three Meals a Day".

In fact, the first episode of this show has already been filmed. Just when Zhang Che was showing affection with Mrs. Sunny in Tianchao, the broadcast time of that episode was on Friday this week. This was the second time Zhang Che went there. Jeongseon filmed.

"Although you didn't come, I still put your name in the writer column. It's okay to save trouble when reviewing it, right?"

When he arrived at the scene, Luo Yingshi directly chatted with Zhang Che about work without any politeness at all. Li Ruizhen and Yu Zeyan were not there at this time.

"It doesn't matter at all, I came to study today to see how PD Luo Yingshi, one of the two major national PDs in Korea, works!" Zhang Che said with a smile, and put a high hat on Luo Yingshi by the way.

"Don't do this, it's not like you don't know I'm filming things. Last time, Li Ruizhen complained that the show was over!" Luo Yingshi said to Zhang Che with a smile.

Indeed, Luo Yingshi's program does not have too many ideas or novelty in shooting techniques, it is nothing more than a means of shooting with multiple angles and multiple cameras. But this brother's post-production is simply unbelievable, and he is good at finding usable information from some disorganized shots, and after editing into the program, you will find that some shots that should be used to fill the program component become part of the program. .

Luo Yingshi just told Zhang Che that his ability was really not reflected in the scene, but in the editing room.

"Forget it, that thing is your style, it's not like I haven't imitated it. I can't do it. I'd better be a writer honestly!" Zhang Che smiled and rejected Luo Yingshi's kindness, but edited this Things are really personal styles, and blind imitation is not a good thing.

"Okay, just say it when you need my help!" Luo Yingshi didn't force it, but just smiled and talked about another thing, "I plan to apply for TVN for the program "New Journey to the West"!"

"Are all the staff here?" This Zhang Che was more interested and asked enthusiastically, "Can the matter of Brother Xiugen be over?"

"Well, it's about the same. It's better to go to the shooting next year to be safe, but the project can be done!" Luo Yingshi said, "At that time, it was agreed with you that it was enough for your company to fully cooperate, so I came to you for sponsorship. It's gone!"

"Sponsorship is not a problem, it's okay to vote with full authority. Recently, I made the decision of the company. This is not a problem. The main problem is when the specific shooting plan will be released, how to solve the broadcast time period, and how to distribute the income." Zhang Che said in a row.

"Yo, you're really welcome!" Luo Yingshi scolded with a smile, and then said, "I will take time to talk to you about these things in detail when I finish the "Three Meals a Day" here, and now I will be your master. What a writer should do!"

Zhang Che also smiled and walked away, because Li Ruizhen was here, and he was carrying things down in large and small bags. As a writer, of course, he had to check whether there were any contraband, and he also explained when he left the country, just like we discussed before. , the province caused unnecessary copyright disputes for the audience.

After filming the confiscated potatoes brought by Li Ruizhen, but leaving behind a rather bizarre scene of oxtail, Zhang Che returned to the camera. He is different from Luo Yingshi, a non-mainstream PD who likes to appear on the camera. If it is unnecessary, don't appear in The front of the lens is better.

To be honest, Luo Yingshi's filming of this show was really boring. Except for the VJ and the writer team to go to the town to buy things, the rest of the time was just a camera, and then just watching the show.

The shooting outline has already been determined, and what to do today has also been decided. Both Li Ruizhen and Yu Zeyan are not comedians, and they will not have the self-consciousness to contribute to the effect. The theme of this show is also a slow-paced life. Che's version of "Invincible Youth" is different. He really just eats and sleeps, sleeps and eats, and even farm work is done only when guests come, because it can be exchanged for meat.

But it's inexplicable, whether it's the show crew or the guest performers, they are quite relaxed and comfortable. There is no busy on-site control, so you don't have to worry about whether the show is funny or not. Just watching it so quietly is really relaxing. .

"Brother, let's discuss something with you!"

During the shooting break in the evening, Zhang Che pulled Luo Yingshi and said, "Is it okay to have Sunny come to your place as a guest?"

"I'm fine, no matter what!" Luo Yingshi smiled and said, "It's just that Girls' Generation can watch my cable show?"

"Come on, brother, don't bury people. The last guests on your show were Teacher Li Shuncai and Teacher Yin Ruzhen. They are all here. What is Girls' Generation?" Zhang Che said speechlessly.

"That's fine, just don't call Sunny for a while and say it!" Luo Yingshi was no longer funny, and said generously.

Zhang Che is in trouble. He can't get in touch with Lord Shungui, and that girl is being grounded.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you quarreled and Sunny ignored you?" Luo Yingshi saw the clue and said with a sneer, "No wonder I took the initiative to ask for a trip. Is it because I want to apologize and save face?"

"It's really not." Zhang Che thought about it for a while, and decided to tell the truth, telling Sunny's current situation and the cause and effect.

It is true that leaving the team without authorization to date a boyfriend is a big or small but it is definitely not suitable to tell outsiders, but Luo Yingshi is not an outsider, that is a very close brother, and this person is touched in the circle. After crawling and playing for so long, I know what to say and what not to say, so I'm fine, so it's okay to tell him.

After Luo Yingshi heard this, he was dumbfounded.

"You deserve it, let you be okay!" Luo Yingshi scolded with a smile and said, "I see, I will contact Sunny's agent in the name of a private trip, but it's not worth the money!"

"It doesn't matter if it's money or not!" Zhang Che said with a dog-legged smile, "As long as anyone can come!"

"You!" Luo Yingshi smiled helplessly and said, "Just next week, you can design the shooting process yourself, and design your own girlfriend's affairs, I'm much more worry-free!"

"Okay, brother!" Zhang Che patted his chest and agreed, Shungui was coming, so he had to make it a little more exciting, and he couldn't let Shungui suffer.

Since then, Zhang Che's mind has not been on filming. He has begun to dig out his memory, clarify the context, and plan to design an absolutely comfortable vacation trip for Mrs. Sunny, so that when the guests arrived the next day, Zhang Che not only called Aside from a greeting, he didn't care about filming at all.

In a hurry, finally before the end of this shooting, the outline of the first phase of the shooting plan was made and handed to Luo Yingshi. Luo Yingshi agreed without saying a word after reading it.

"You really have a set." Luo Yingshi said with admiration, "But you have to be careful. Yu Zeyan has a good temper. If Brother Ruizhen knows about this plan... Be careful, he will settle accounts with you."

Zhang Che suddenly had a bad premonition, and asked uncertainly, "Brother, you won't reveal that it was my plan, right?"

Luo Yingshi just smiled and said nothing.