MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 113 World disaster, interstellar radio waves! Star-Eating Insect King! 29

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Chapter 113 World disaster, interstellar radio waves! Star-Eating Insect King! Level 29!

"This is…"

Looking over it, Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

This notebook is actually the diary of the God of Luck?

 This was beyond his expectation.

 Soon, he began to think.

 As a god, what place is worth exploring or even recording?

As his mind was turning, an idea came to his mind.


Thinking of the ruins, Lu Cheng's heart suddenly moved.

 The Disaster of Faith and the Earth-Shattering Unrest are adjacent to each other, one year apart.

 This is still calculated based on the starting time, the real interval is even shorter!

The Faith Disaster lasted for nearly a year. Less than half a month after it was pacified, the Earth-Splitting Rebellion broke out!

Moreover, coupled with the pollution in this ruins...

 The only places where there is pollution are relics and stellar flares.

“Could it be said that this is a record of the God of Luck exploring the ruins?”

 Lu Cheng looked a little strange.

The pages of this notebook are a little curled, and it looks like it has been aged for a while.

 But now, the disaster has only happened for a few days!

 Could it be that the God of Luck explored the ruins before the catastrophe and then left records?

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng frowned slightly.

This is not the first time he has encountered this kind of thing.

To be precise, both the gods and the ruins seem to have spent a long time on Blue Star, and there are even traces of interactions with humans.

 For example, the explorer corpses in the Mayan ruins, and the current diary of the gods.

 In previous lives, many people wanted to study the cause and effect, but found nothing.

 Shaked his head, Lu Cheng was no longer confused.

Now, the diary of the **** is in the sealing stone. As long as he breaks the sealing stone, he will gain something.

With this in mind, Lu Cheng cast out his True Sight.


  【Palace sealing stone】

  【The hub of the underwater palace, the underwater palace draws energy from various settlements and restores 5,000 durability points per second. 】

 【Durability value: 50 million/50 million】


 Looking across, Lu Cheng's heart moved.

The function of this palace sealing stone is not much different from that of the settlement sealing stone.

However, the difference is that the durability is a full 50 million!

With this in mind, Lu Cheng drew out his staff.




The fireball fell, throwing up a cloud of sparks. The palace sealing stone trembled, a light blue light flashed, and it began to regain its durability.

 Seeing this, Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

The recovery amount of this palace sealing stone is not low, enough for him to brush up on his proficiency!

 Then, fireballs were fired one after another.

 “Bang! Bang! Bang…”

 As soon as the fireballs fell, his skill proficiency increased rapidly.

At the same time, there is also an endless amount of proficiency that is rising!


 【Endless Draining: Level 2, proficiency: 7285 points/10,000 points. 】


Looking over it, Lu Cheng was in a good mood.

With this palace sealing stone, he was able to gain nearly a thousand proficiency points, much faster than killing monsters!

 Immediately, he moved his staff and fired fireballs continuously.

  While mechanically casting fireballs, Lu Cheng was thinking.

 What was sealed in the palace sealing stone was the diary of the God of Luck, which surprised him a little.

However, this also brings up another problem.

 The other half of the statue of the God of Luck is still missing!

Since it is not in the sealing stone, it means that there is still a BOSS monster in this underwater palace!

With this in mind, Lu Cheng was wary of his surroundings, with fireballs in his hands.

  Under continuous fireballs, the proficiency of Endless Draining continues to increase.

 Seven thousand three hundred points, seven thousand four hundred points, seven thousand five hundred points…

 In just ten minutes, it rose by nearly 300 points.

 The durability of the palace sealing stone has also dropped by nearly half.

At this moment, suddenly, a deafening beast roar sounded!


This roar came and shook the ground continuously!

  “Coming?”     Lu Cheng looked as usual and looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

The real BOSS of the underwater palace finally couldn't help but take action?

 Wherever his eyes go.

In the mist, a huge monster slowly walked out, revealing its figure, as tall as a building.

What surprised Lu Cheng was that this was actually a bug!


  【Abnormal Star-eating Insect King】

 【Level 44, Silver Level BOSS】

 【HP: 12.1 million/13.2 million】

【Skill:? 】

  【Characteristics:? 】

  【Status: Contaminated by the temple, deformed! 】


The level gap is too large, and the BOSS attributes cannot be seen with True Sight, but the name can be seen.

 This is a star-eating insect!

Lu Cheng was slightly startled when he saw this name.

 This star-eating insect is related to another world disaster!

That world disaster is called interstellar radio wave, which is when a large number of star-eating insects suddenly descend and kill humans wantonly.

 Think of that world disaster.

 Lu Cheng couldn't help but look solemn.

Although, the arrival of star-eating insects has dealt a heavy blow to all countries.

 However, this is one of the few world disasters that human beings have quelled by relying on their own strength!

Although the star-eating insects have powerful characteristics, their level is not high and their combat power is not exaggerated.

 The most powerful star-eating insects did not exceed the ultimate combat power of humans at that time, so they could compete.

 It’s just…

The interstellar radio wave occurred five years after the Cataclysm. How could this star-eating insect king appear in the underwater palace at this time?

Lu Cheng was filled with doubts.

 But the current situation did not allow him to think too much.

 Immediately, Lu Cheng waved his staff, and his skills poured out.







 Fireballs and ice arrows fell one after another, and Lu Cheng felt relieved.

 Using these two skills, he has roughly estimated the resistance of the Star-eating Insect King.

 Perhaps due to the deformation, the resistance of this Star-eating Insect King is not high, and it is not as good as the Temple Guardian.


 The Star-Eating Insect King opened his mouth and roared, and suddenly, a breath of ice spewed out from his mouth!

Lu Cheng turned his mind and controlled the energy barrier to resist.

There are many types of star-eating insects, each with different attributes. This star-eating insect king has an ice attribute.

However, he has ice energy and is very resistant to ice control!








 The breath of ice swept across, and the durability of the energy barrier decreased rapidly!


 The energy barrier resisted for a few seconds and then shattered.

 Then there was the frost armor, which could not withstand the icy breath and cracked into pieces.


Lu Cheng's mind turned. He now has enough mana. Even if the Star-Eating Insect King does a lot of damage, the spell protection can still last for a while.

However, it doesn’t need to last too long.

As the ice aura swept through him, Lu Cheng had already absorbed several handfuls of Origin Stone fragments.

 Subsequently, he raised his staff and unleashed a shower of meteors and fire!

 This time, it is also a 500% increase!

 “Boom boom boom…”

The flint burns and smashes out with a roar, dealing a series of high damage!







 As soon as the fire stone was recorded, the blood volume of the Star-eating Insect King dropped rapidly, and it reached the bottom in the blink of an eye!


The Star-Eating Insect King made a sharp explosion and tried to escape, but it was too late. He was hit by the last few flints and his blood volume was completely cleared!


The Star-Eating Insect King fell to the ground with a crash, causing the hall to tremble.

 In Lu Cheng’s ears, a series of system prompts sounded!

  【Ding, you killed the silver-level BOSS: the Aberrant Star-Eating Insect King, gained +4.04 million experience points, and gained +27.8 source energy limit! 】

  【You alone killed a silver BOSS of the same level or above, and gained free attribute points +176! 】

  【You have gained 66 reputation points! 】

  【Ding, you have reached level 29, gained all attributes +3, and free attribute points +25! 】

 (End of this chapter)