MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 82 The final trial! This is extremely dangerous, please stay safe

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 Chapter 82 The final trial! This is extremely dangerous, please stay away!

  Under the true sight, the attributes of the soul-destroying wizard are revealed.



 【Level 27, Bronze BOSS】

 【HP: 1.89 million/1.89 million】

 【Characteristics: Leader of monster forces, possessing wisdom】

 【Skills: Spiritualization, Ghost Shell, Mana Explosion, Soul-Absorbing Spell】


"You are the one!"

Lu Cheng's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward step by step with his staff in hand.

At this time, the soul-destroying wizard withdrew his palms from the giant rock.

The next moment, the giant rock buzzed and burst out with bursts of loud noises!

 “Human, you have fallen into a trap!”

 The soul-destroying wizard sneered.

 It has not appeared before, it is just charging energy for this giant rock!

For this reason, he even killed many dementors.

The dementor didn't care.

 Because, the appearance of this huge rock is just a disguise.

 Essentially, it is the summoning totem of its tribe!

 As long as the energy is full, the totem can be awakened!

 After the totem awakens, it can not only summon more and stronger dementors, but also increase its combat power!

It's a pity that it can't accelerate infinitely, otherwise, to it, it wouldn't matter even if all the Dementors were killed!


 The soul-destroying wizard smiled triumphantly.

It left the Dementors outside alone just to delay time.

Now, the energy is finally full.

  Within a few minutes, the soul-stirring totem will wake up.

 This human being is indeed very powerful.

However, with the large amount of combat power blessed by the totem, it can kill easily!

 Now, all we need to do is delay!

  The Soul Master clasps his palms together to activate his skills.

 Suddenly, its body gradually became illusory, like a soul.

 This is its skill, spiritual transformation!

  And on the opposite side.

 Lu Cheng looked happy.

No wonder this monster is so powerful. When I came in and took a look, it turned out to be something!

Moreover, it’s actually a totem!

 After humans can conquer monster forces on a large scale.

 Monster forces with totems are absolutely delicious!

 There are two reasons for this.

 First, with the presence of totems, monsters will come much faster.

 Secondly, destroying the totem itself is a huge reward, even more generous than killing the leader!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng was so excited that he raised his hand and unleashed a shower of meteors.

 At the same time, the Embrace of Source Energy is activated!

But this time, Lu Cheng only used 200 Origin Stone fragments.

 Now, the upper limit of his source energy is close to 1,200 points, and recharging it once is not a small consumption.

  The soul-destroying wizard only has 1.89 million HP, and a 200% damage increase is enough to kill him.


The fire light splashed out, and the flint rolled particularly violently under the increase of Source Energy's Embrace.


 Across from him, the dementor's expression changed.

It felt that the fire contained terrifying lethality!

But very quickly.

 The soul-destroying wizard felt relieved.

 He remembered that he was in a spiritual state.

This kind of conventional skill poses no threat to it at all!

 "Despicable human beings, struggle! Your poor life only has three hundred seconds left!"

The soul-destroying wizard is full of confidence and shouts crazily.

 Three hundred seconds later, when the totem wakes up completely, this human being will die!

 The next moment, fire burst out!

 “Boom boom boom…”

Thirty rounds of flint roared, pulling out streaks of tail flames, and headed straight for the soul-destroying wizard!

“You think you can kill me? Come on, beat me to death!”

The soul-destroying wizard sneered, extremely contemptuous, and even opened his arms.

 When transformed into a spiritual body, it can ignore conventional skills and has the capital to be arrogant!

 The next second.

 “Bang bang bang bang bang bang!”

The flint fell, blasting out a series of high damage numbers! -






  Under the huge amount of damage, the soul-destroying wizard's health bar dropped rapidly!


The soul-capturing wizard's pupils dilated, and the green light in his eyes dispersed.

 For a moment, its mind was confused!

 It is clearly in a spiritual state!

Conventional fire skills can actually cause damage to it?

 Moreover, the damage is still so high...

  The last thought flashed through the mind of the soul-destroying wizard.

 With such a dense blow, it had no time to react, its health bar was already empty, and its consciousness dissipated in an instant.


With a muffled sound, the soul-destroying wizard fell to the ground.

 In Lu Cheng's ears, a system prompt rang.

  【Ding, you killed the Bronze-level BOSS: Soul Master, gained +330,000 experience points, and gained +9.1 source energy limit! 】

  【You alone killed a Bronze BOSS of the same level or above, and gained free attribute points +81! 】

  【You have gained 27 reputation points! 】


Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

 Kill the BOSS alone, although the difficulty is extremely amazing.

 But the rewards for free attribute points are equally astonishingly generous!

 Fighting all the way, he accumulated an exaggerated number of attributes.

 He is only level 19, and his total attributes are more than 2,000!

“In this way, the four thousand attributes of the body of ten thousand laws does not seem to be difficult..."

 Lu Cheng thought about it for a while.

 In addition, his reputation has also reached 139 points.

  The next node to unlock honor is 150 reputation points, which is not far away now!

 At this time.

 In his mind, a system prompt sounded again.


  【Ding, successfully killed the Soul Captor, passed the current trial, and raised the rating to medium! 】

  【The content of the trial has changed! 】

  【Current trial: Destroy the summoning totem in the Dementor's forces! 】

 【Completion reward: City owner authority, 300 points of free attributes, trial rating increased to the highest level. 】


 Listening to the system prompts, Lu Cheng nodded slightly.

 Summoning Totem is indeed much rarer than the monster leader, so it is reasonable to rank it in the third round.

Moreover, this totem was right in front of him, saving him even the effort of traveling.     It's just...

 The third round of trials is to destroy the summoning totem.

The fourth round of trials, what will it be?

  Could it be said that there is something more powerful among this monster force?

Lu Cheng's thoughts moved slightly and he stretched out his hand to refine it.

【Ding, you have successfully refined the Soul Master (Bronze Level), you have obtained the upper limit of source energy +91, mana +166, and intelligence +11! 】

  【The number of sources included in the Source Energy Illustrated Book +1. 】

 A ball of earthy yellow light surged up and submerged into Lu Cheng's body.

 Withdrawing his hand, Lu Cheng drew out his staff.

 “Boom boom boom…”

In front of him, the huge rocks were still humming and shaking, and huge rocks were peeling off.

As the stones peeled off, a huge totem was revealed in full, reflecting the luster.


  【Dementor Totem (Activating)】

 【Durability: 10 million/10 million】

  【The totem of the Dementor forces, comes from the source of the Dementors, and can slowly absorb the energy of the settlement hub. 】

  【When activated, it has special effects. 】

 【Special Effect 1: Recover 1000 points of durability per second, monsters within the totem's range have attack power +20% and health +30%. 】

 【Special Effect 2: While it remains activated, every ten days, the level limit of descending monsters increases by an additional level. 】

  【Special Effect 3: While remaining active, the number of dementors descending increases by 50%. 】


Lu Cheng glanced at it.

 Monsters are often very powerful, and the reason lies in the totem.

 As long as the totem is completed, the monsters in it will increase.

 Furthermore, the level will be higher than that of ordinary monsters!

 Although it is only one level ahead every ten days.

 But after a few months, it’s quite a lot!


 For Lu Cheng, it had no impact.

 This totem was about to be destroyed by him as soon as it was completed.

  It was the first special effect that made his eyes light up.

 This totem can restore a thousand points of durability per second!

 Although it is not as good as the multiplier recovery of the Snow Worm BOSS.

 But at least the durability is 10 million, which is enough for him to be passive for a while!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng immediately waved his staff.




 A fireball fell, and the totem's durability dropped by an insignificant amount.

However, it’s just what I wanted!

Lu Cheng raised his hand repeatedly, and fireballs kept blasting out.

 For a time, at the end of the valley, the fire continued to surge.

 In the blink of an eye, fifteen minutes passed.

 The originally solid totem was now crumbling, with only the last trace of durability left.

"about there."

 Glancing at the passive layers, Lu Cheng raised the corners of his mouth.

In these fifteen minutes, he cast more than three hundred spells.

 Now, the total number of spells cast has reached more than 3,600.

Looking at it, it’s not that far away from being upgraded again!

Lu Cheng was satisfied and fired the last fireball.




 As the fireball fell, the totem was completely emptied and began to shake.

Not long after, it began to tilt and soon collapsed!


With a loud noise, the totem hit the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust and a red light shining!

 In Lu Cheng’s mind, system prompts sounded in series!

  【Ding, you destroyed the Dementor Totem and received a reward! 】

  【You have gained free attribute points +50! 】

  【You have gained experience points +500,000 and merit points +5,000! 】

 Listening to the system prompts one after another, Lu Cheng felt happy both physically and mentally.

 This totem brought him 500,000 experience points.

 Now, he is almost full of experience.

 With just a little experience, you can reach level 20!


 Lu Cheng is very satisfied with the speed of upgrading.

 For him, upgrading has additional benefits.

 That is, you can replenish your physical strength and energy to full capacity.

 In this way, he can make the most of the precious time in the early stages of the disaster!

Lu Cheng checked the trial tasks.

 As he destroyed the totem, the content of the trial mission changed again.

  【Current trial rating: Excellent. 】

 【Trial content: After destroying the totem, enter the secret realm leading to the source of the Dementors and survive for at least 12 hours! 】

 【Completion reward: City owner authority, 400 points of free attributes, trial rating increased to perfect! 】


 Lu Cheng turned his head and looked at the totem ruins.

According to the description of this trial, if this totem is destroyed, it seems that a secret realm can be created!

This is not a surprise. The first settlement sealing stone he destroyed previously gave birth to a secret realm.

 It’s just…

This time the requirement is no longer to kill monsters, but to survive for 12 hours.

 It seems that this secret realm may be very dangerous!

 Looking over the content of the trial, Lu Cheng's expression became serious.

 At this time.

 In the totem ruins, a red light finally converged.

 From it, a ball of light green brilliance peeled off and flew high into the sky.

 More red lights condensed together and slowly formed a light door.

 Soon, two system prompts sounded one after the other.

  【Announcement: Challenger Lu Cheng destroyed the Dementor Totem, and everyone in settlement No. 1024 received all attributes +3! 】

  【Settlement hub gains experience value +30%, growth speed +10%! 】


  【Ding, you have opened the second-level secret realm: the source of the Dementors, and gained experience points +10010! 】

 【Second Transformation Secret Realm: Origin of Soul-Dementors】

 【Consume 300 mana points to communicate with the light gate, which allows you to travel through subspace and enter the secret realm. 】

  【Level: 20-35. 】

  【Warning: The level of the secret realm is much higher than yours and is extremely dangerous, please stay away! 】

 1. Two chapters and three thousand words, so I won’t break it down.

  2. The flag failed, but there is still one chapter left in the middle of the night. It is included in the update on the 3rd. Those who go to bed early will read it tomorrow morning! QAQ



 (End of this chapter)