MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 68 Anya's Aunt (please recommend!)

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  Chapter 68 Anya's Aunt (Please recommend!)

  An Ya felt the breath coming from the fifth floor of the apartment, and suddenly couldn't sit still.


   Not right.

It should be said that after Su Meng pulled Xu Bai to take over Ye Meigui's case, Anya has been paying attention to this case. Even after Xu Bai found out the spies from her office, Anya had already snatched Xu Bai's case. In front of him, he knew that the orange apartment building in front of him belonged to Ye Rose.


She is in the Fengcheng Police Station, which belongs to the Internal Affairs Supervision Section, and has no law enforcement authority. What's more, after she found this orange apartment building, Qian Hao, Chen Shan and others have also found this orange apartment building. The building is up.

  An Ya wanted to stop Xu Bai from coming to this place, but it was already too late.

   What's more, she knew Xu Bai's character. She believed that if she said so, Xu Bai would not accept it, and even the special service team would kill him directly without waiting.

  So An Ya drove to the special service team, and at the same time called An's Weapons in the car, asking them to bring the newly developed weapons that were specially developed to target low-level transcendents.

   Regarding the weapon, Anya actually didn't lie.

  An's Weapons indeed signed a weapons supplier agreement with the Fengcheng Police Department five days ago. Not only the Fengcheng Police Department, but also the police stations across the Federation are advancing one after another.

You can say that.

   This matter was promoted with the acquiescence of the Federation, and the purpose was to equip the law enforcement agencies with this kind of firearm specially aimed at low-level transcendents as quietly as possible.

   It's a rainy day.

   Just right.

After An Ya finished calling An's Enterprise, she called Su Bancheng and asked him to do a fortune-telling. After confirming that this operation would not be in danger, she simply planned to let Xu Bai and others equip it. This kind of weapon, conduct an actual battle to see the specific effect.

   But what about now?

   Will not be in danger?

   There is a fifth-level warrior here, so there is no danger?

  An Ya's brows were jumping, if Su Bancheng was in front of her at this moment, she would like to break the copper coins that Su Bancheng used for divination.

  Damn it.

   Anya watched the constant movement from the fifth floor of the apartment, and gritted her teeth. If it wasn't for the full moon night these days, she would have rushed in right now.

at this time.

   Several people ran out from the gate of the apartment.

   Anya looked quickly.


   "Sister Anya."

Su Meng, with some dust on her face, ran out of the apartment. She just said something to Anya, followed Qian Hao, Chen Peng, and a few special agents, and quickly ran towards the back door with the escape stairs, intending to escape from the apartment. There, climb up the escape stairs to the fifth floor.



   "On the head."


  Accompanied by a loud bang, several people looked up and saw that the corner of the apartment that was suspended in the air because of the tilt could no longer support it, and it split from it, roaring and falling towards the several people on the ground.

   Seeing this, several people hurriedly ran towards the back, almost at the moment they left, they fell to the ground, and the dust that was raised swallowed them up like a sandstorm.


   "Puff puff."

   "It's all right."


  When Su Meng and the others ran out of the sandstorm, they completely turned into a disheveled look, constantly poohing the sand that got into their mouths and the like.

   Anya hurried forward: "Mengmeng, where is Xu Bai?"

  Su Meng reacted, turned her head and looked at the collapsed apartment building, but there was no completely collapsed apartment building: "Master!"

  Her master is still up there.

  Su Meng hurriedly said to Anya: "Sister Anya, the master was stopped by an extraordinary person. In order to cover us from leaving, he was blocked on the fifth floor. You should think of a way."

   Anya took a breath and looked up to the fifth floor of the apartment.

  Xu Bai is still on it.

   "Broken gold!"

   "Open the mountain!"


When the fists collided, the air between them seemed to be squeezed, and there was a loud bang. After the fists collided, the burst of air waves swept in all directions, engulfing the broken pieces that fell on the floor. Stones and broken furniture rumbled against the walls and windows.

"This is…"

   "Collapse Mountain Strength."

Han Feng's feet were almost embedded in the floor, and only then did he manage to stabilize his retreating figure. At this moment, he looked at Xu Bai who was standing there without taking half a step back, with an expression of uncertainty. : "How can you collapse the mountain, it's impossible."

  Bengshanjin is the unique skill of their boss Xiao Jingnan. According to what Xiao Jingnan said, Bengshanjin is the unique skill of their Xiao family, and it is impossible for outsiders to learn it.

  The reason why he was not sure just now was because he had seen Xiao Jingnan's Collapsing Mountain Strength, but just now Xu Bai's Collapsing Mountain Strength gave him a different feeling.

   But right now, Han Feng is sure.

   This is Beng Shan Jin.

   Not right.

   Xu Bai's Bending Mountain Strength seems to be far superior to their boss Xiao Jingnan.

"This is impossible!"

  Han Feng looked at Xu Bai with a somewhat horrified expression: "You are not even a warrior... No, you are hiding your aura!"


Play pig eat tiger?

  Han Feng was shocked in his heart, looking at Xu Bai, who in his eyes, no matter from all aspects, even the aura he showed, was not even a first-class warrior.

   But if Xu Bai wasn't even a first-level warrior, he would have blown his head off with a punch.

  How could it be possible to fight back and forth with him like now?

   Not right.

  He was even vaguely suppressed.

   "What realm are you?"

"you guess."

Xu Bai opened his inventory, quickly glanced at the "Variety Mask" lying quietly in one of the grids, and grinned at Han Feng: "Well, if you answer me a question, I will tell you, What realm am I, how?"

  Through the few fights just now, he has already confirmed one thing.

   This guy is not his opponent.

This is enough.

  After understanding this point, Xu Bai has already started to think about the aftermath.

  Damn cold-faced tiger, he doesn't sit in a good office, so he insists on coming here to join in the fun.

  Xu Bai didn't mind revealing his level, but that was when he had a preliminary understanding of the so-called superhuman world.

  What if he exposes himself hastily and the situation is completely different from what he imagined?


   There is a mask in the backpack.

  Xu Bai thought so in his heart, and then looked at Han Feng: "Tell me, what is double moon and the same sky, what does it mean, and I will tell you, how is my realm, fair and just."

  Han Feng stared at Xu Bai intently, his thoughts spinning rapidly.

   Next second.

  Han Feng seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Xu Bai: "I see, you got the Bengshan Jin from Xiao Jingtian, and you are the one who killed Xiao Jingtian."

  Xu Bai: "..."

  (end of this chapter)