MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 339 Really no ordinary person

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"I'm sorry, in order to block the parasites and biochemical beasts, the control system here has been implanted with a death order." Ye Wu said.

Because the system on this transport ship had a problem when the biochemical beast broke out. At that time, the situation was urgent and the technicians could only tamper with the system that controls the two gates and execute the endless loop command. Whether it is an open command or a close command, both gates are closed.

After Hua Xiao brought some people over, Ye Wu and others inside used a high-energy beam gun to cut it open with difficulty. Now the gate has been destroyed. If even this second gate is destroyed in this way, the biochemical beasts and parasites chasing after them will undoubtedly make them suffer.

Ye Wu had thought about these things, so she agreed with Hua Xiao's decision to go to the fifth entrance through a fork not far from here. Xilin said that the fifth entrance was a dead mouth. Ye Wu didn't know whether she should believe it or not. After all, she didn't give an order to any technician to implant a non-tampering infinite loop program on the entrance.

She couldn't believe this group of hunters. Her impression of the hunters was not very good. Her preconceived thoughts and what happened just now made Ye Wu seriously skeptical of the group of hunters that Hua Xiao temporarily found. If it wasn't the one who spoke, Ye Wu would definitely Will directly express support for Hua Xiao's proposal.

Ayue ignored Ye Wu's words, and went directly to the gate, and stretched out a finger to touch the control switch of the figure next to the gate that had lost its effect. At the same time, the blue light on Ayue's face also began to flash.

Ayue didn't reply. Xilin didn't answer either, and the rest of the 11th team wouldn't answer. They are now preparing to do a big job when the gate is open. How can they have the time and mood to explain? Even a hunter who has experienced many battles. In the face of parasitic biochemical beasts, it is impossible to adopt a casual attitude. They must be absolutely careful, keep their attention focused, and adjust their physical state in the shortest possible time.

Seeing that no one spoke up, Sigma kindly explained: "It can be changed, but you don't have the ability. I don't know."

Ye Wu: "..."

**Slap in the face naked, or in a particularly innocent manner.

Ye Wu twitched her face, she would rather the little robot didn't answer.

Dias took out a long barrel, and Judy next to Dias also had a slightly smaller barrel in his hand. Ye Wu wanted to say, "The passage here cannot use too violent artillery." If the passage is severely damaged, they will definitely not be the beneficiaries, but may become an obstacle. But Ye Wu changed his mind. These hunters shouldn't even know this, so Ye Wu abruptly stopped the words that were about to blurt out.

After Ah Yue gave a signal, Xilin raised his left hand and started counting down with five fingers.


As Xilin put away his fingers, the people around him were extremely silent, a tense atmosphere lingered around them, and the cry of parasites and biochemical beasts had been heard from a certain distance behind them.

Hua Xiao looked at the monitor on his wrist. The above shows the group of parasites coming straight here, the beating biochemical beasts are obviously only the size of a fist, but they give people a black sense of depression.

After swallowing, Hua Xiao took a deep breath, clenching the gun in his hand. I hope this **** Xilin is right, otherwise...!

When Xilin put away the last finger, the closed gate banged, not loud, but like a horn, it announced the beginning of the battle.

The toothed gate opens from the middle to both sides. From the moment that the opening gap could only accommodate one bullet, the sugar ball shot, and dark gray liquid spilled from the crack of the door. One shot hit.

Seeing this scene, Hua Xiao unconsciously glanced at the sugar ball. She knew that she could not be distracted at this time, but she couldn't restrain her curiosity and looked over to the sugar ball because she had been paying attention before then. He was holding Xilin, but he did not expect that the first shot was not fired by Xilin at all. It was just a little girl who hadn't grown up yet to fire this difficult first shot!

There was no tremor in the hand holding the gun, no tension, no excitement, no seriousness, or even any other emotions. It naturally seemed to be like eating. This is Hua Xiao's view of the current sugar ball.

The gap opened by the gate was getting bigger and bigger, and the breath of parasites and biochemical beasts rushed in. The fire of war was also started by the first shot of the sugar ball.

The concentration of firepower caused the nearest batch of parasites and biochemical beasts to not immediately break through the line of defense, but after all, there are too many, and the distance between the two parties is too close. This situation is not beneficial to everyone. At this time, Dias also shot.

What came out of the barrel was not the cannonball or energy beam that Ye Wu had imagined, but a metal like a spear.

After the metal was shot out of the barrel, three sharp blades were unfolded, and the blades that rotated like a fan flew forward. The meat grinder generally smashed some parasites and biochemical beasts near the middle of the passage. .

The parasite changed into dark gray blood flying everywhere, and some of the biochemical beasts that rushed were also cut into several pieces by the blade.

At this time, other people only need to concentrate their main firepower to solve the parasites and biochemical beasts near the channel wall.

According to the number of parasites, the rotating blade has an effect range of only ten meters. As the cutting process, the blade rotates more slowly and the blade edge becomes more and more blunt, and it will not play much role in the future.

However, Ten Meters has completed its mission.

Bang bang bang bang bang-

Five icy blue light projectiles shot out and exploded at places 10 meters, 20 meters, 30 meters, 40 meters, and 50 meters away from the crowd. There is no fire, and instead are white misty waves. Some of the parasites closest to the five luminous bombs have turned into ice blocks, and the biochemical beasts are not much better.

The range of this ultra-low temperature freezing bomb is a circle with a radius of ten meters. Outside this range, the impact is much smaller.

The cold air waves spread, and the action speed of the parasites and biochemical beasts was also much slower under the effect of the ultra-low temperature freezing bomb. Parasites even if their attack power increases. But after all, the body that was once a normal human being will also be affected by temperature. So action is much slower. It's just that the biochemical beasts a little farther away from the center of the freezing bomb only slowed down for a while and recovered quickly.

Sugar Ball is as sharp as ever. The shooting has not stopped, and there are almost no pauses in the shooting, but at such a shooting frequency, the sugar ball directly heads the parasites with every shot, and there are almost all the exploded biochemical beasts. Part of the head is biased. Like Dias said, she is a natural shooter.

Although Badao has three hands. There are two pairs more than the masses of humans, and six guns fire at the same time, but in real comparison, the efficiency may not be better than the sugar ball.

The sugar ball moves forward at a steady pace. There was no evasive action, because beside her, there was a fat white man. Snowball is responsible for the biochemical beasts that leap over. These biochemical beasts are faster than the parasites, and they are small and flexible. They are not easy to deal with. If these parasites get into the body, if you do not take timely measures It will be the same as these parasites that are completely devoid of human self-consciousness.

Don't think that fat people should be slow. The snowball slaps the biochemical beasts that have passed through the rain of bullets to the sugar ball into slag, and the fat palms are slapped one by one. Even the biochemical beast that hadn't been photographed as a dregs wouldn't be much better, it must have no ability to move anymore.

There was too much gray liquid belonging to the biochemical beast stuck on the palm of the snowball, so after it patted a biochemical beast against the channel wall, the palm of the hand was still crushed on the channel wall, and then wiped it out. The biochemical beast that was photographed into meatloaf and the slimy blood rubbed on the wall of the passage, making those who saw this scene tremble.

As for Chi Feng, it was still bloody. After he tore the seventeenth parasite directly in half. Hua Xiao and others also fully understood that this is really no ordinary person.

Obviously the innocent look before, especially those eyes, sometimes showed the grievances like a puppy, which made people feel pity. Otherwise, why say that dogs are more likely to win people's sympathy than cats?

But who is this person who kills more neatly than those under Hua Xiao? ! And now Chifeng doesn’t have that simple or pitiful grievance. Such eyes are indeed hunters’ eyes, with bloodthirsty brutality but calmness. The most surprising thing is that he can still Work well with teammates.

A very good hunter may have shortcomings in some places, but I have to admit that he is indeed an excellent hunter. The old man who was guarded by Zhuohua and Jinliu in the center commented on Chi Feng.

Even Sarou, who was relatively jerky at the beginning, has matured a lot now. Even if she can't achieve the same mood as Tangqiuqiu and Chifeng, she has done a good job and has grown very fast.

A Yue pinched a parasitic beast rushing towards Sarou, scanned the parasitic beast and got the information of the parasitic beast, and directly used the electricity on his finger to electrify the parasitic beast into a black charcoal shape. It is collecting information, which is A Yue’s "professional habits."

If you don't act, you can best see the ability of a hunter in such a fight. And the hunters of the 11th team, even if the number is less than ten, are really admirable.

Everyone, every member of the 11th team, is amazing. Needless to say, Xilin, the moment Xilin shot, Hua Xiao knew that there was no need to compare at all, and he would lose miserably. All these years of knowledge and cognition made Hua Xiao understand that the gap between her and Xilin was not something she could catch up with now.

Xilin and Sugar Ball, the marksmanship of these two men, have always been recognized as the strongest two in the 11th team.

Why are there two "people"? Because Ayue and Sigma, the two non-human beings, think they will not lose, and there is also a non-human like Xiying, but Xiying never shoots very much. No one knows that his marksmanship is compared to Sugar Ball. Who is the best?

After everyone moved some distance forward, the parasites and biochemical beasts that were chasing behind finally appeared in everyone's sight.

A Yue had already prepared, before the parasites and biochemical beasts rushed over, closed the gate, blocking these chasing soldiers, but also blocked the way for everyone to retreat. Now, if you want to get out, you can only break through this passage and approach the fourth entry point.

Xilin didn't let all Xi Kai's robots follow, only three robots were invisible to protect him.

Xi Kai's robot is a hidden card in Xilin's hand. It cannot be exposed at this time, especially in front of these people in the M star area. After sensing the dark hand behind the biochemical beast. Xilin's original thoughts have changed a bit.

The Star Alliance also has a robot kingdom, and the robots of the Robert family are now famous throughout the Star Alliance. But the style of these robots in Xi Kai's hands is obviously different. Exposing these at this time will only make things more troublesome, and the new technology of Xi Kai's robot has not yet officially matured. Recent research has not stabilized, and the previous idea of ​​using robots to solve problems has been put on hold.

Besides, these people in the team also need to exercise. Hunters need to kill them by themselves. More often, they rely on themselves and cooperate with their teammates. These all require actual combat.

Shooting parasites is very easy. Even if they are transformed by the parasite, their speed and strength are much greater, but they are smaller and faster than their size. And as far as the biochemical beasts with higher hidden lethality are concerned, they really have to deal with it better.

Some people also took advantage of the gap time to inject themselves with secondary antibody agents. Now everyone is splashed with dark gray liquid, and some people are also injured, even if they are not scratched by parasites and biochemical beasts, floating in the air. The gas containing many germs and the blood splashed on them will cause them to be infected with biochemical animal viruses. Therefore, the secondary antibody must be injected, otherwise it has not been out of the channel. The situation began to appear on its own.

"Xilin, the deliberate medicine is almost finished, at most half an hour, so you don't need to inject the third antibody to buffer it." Tiko said in the communicator on Xilin's ear.

"Received!" Xilin looked at the time and urged everyone: "Speed ​​up!"

Hua Xiao and others didn't understand why Xilin was so anxious, the gate over there would not be broken by the parasites and biochemical beasts in a short time.

Although they didn't understand in their hearts, Hua Xiao and others also accelerated their actions. Some people put away protective clothing, which restricts their movements. If they want to move their hands faster, they have to do this. The oxygen supply of the breathing mask is not enough for people who exercise vigorously. All the restrictions are too many. Didn't you see that all the people from Team Eleven put away their protective clothing? You can't lose even if you wait for others, right?

Besides, there are very few parasites now, and the biochemical beasts are also a lot less, there is no need to be restrained anymore, it is the most important thing to end these things quickly and go out.

Although it is not armor-type protective clothing, it can delay their penetration time when the biochemical beasts really pounce on them. For people without protective clothing, the adult parasitic biochemical beast with a large fist can only penetrate into a strong human body. In seconds, as for the small biochemical beasts, not only will they not slow down because they are still in their juvenile period, but because of their size, they can completely break through the epidermis and penetrate into a human body in less than a quarter of a second. And these little biochemical beasts are less noticeable.

On several parasites that had just been killed, there were several protrusions on the dark gray skin on the body surface, one of which was relatively large, and the others were much smaller. After these protrusions moved for a while, they broke open the skin of the dead parasite and jumped out, along with other biochemical beasts, attacking Xilin and the others.

Breed so fast! It is indeed a biochemical beast cultivated as a "weapon"!

Hua Xiao was guarded by a few bodyguards in the protection circle. A group of biochemical beasts emerged from the dead parasite and rushed towards them where they had just walked. The personnel Hua Xiao brought over has been reduced a lot.

One of the bodyguards behind only dealt with the big biochemical beast that leaped over. He did not notice that there was a small one behind the biochemical beast. The small biochemical beast just happened to be blocked by the big one in front. And the bullet did not pass through the big biochemical beast and hit the small one.

This newly born little biochemical beast is like a wolf that hasn't seen fresh flesh for a long time, with eager hunger. The bodyguard only felt a tingling pain in his abdomen. At that moment, he seemed to see himself as one of those parasites. As bodyguards, they were prepared to die at any time, especially when they knew about this mission. time.

As long as the parasitized person gets the biochemical beast out as soon as possible, it will be fine, but is this a simple matter? Not to mention that the biochemical beasts are not slow in the human body, and other people have no time to help you get the biochemical beasts out of your body!

Just as he was about to make some brazen rhetoric of "You go first, leave me alone, I will break", the bodyguard of Hua Xiao found that there was already a person standing in front of Dian, his eyes moved down, in the abdomen, away from the parasite There are **** three centimeters above the place where I just got in.

Perhaps it was shocked by the image of the parasite in his brain just now. He didn't even notice when the **** were poking over, and even the pain was lagging behind.

Xiying clamped out the little biochemical beast that had just gotten into the bodyguard. Seeing this scene, the bodyguard felt a kind of aftermath.


Another bodyguard next to him also noticed this scene, and dealt with a biochemical beast that rushed over, and said to Solace: "Are you okay?"

Solace's face was still a little pale, and she tugged at the corner of her mouth, "It's okay now."

The injury from Xiying's abdomen was nothing at all, and now Solace felt much more relaxed! After all, it was not parasitic by that thing, was it?

"Thank you!" Solace said sincerely. Before, they were really dissatisfied with these hunters, and then they recognized the abilities of these hunters, but now, Solace was grateful, after all, this person did not let himself become a member of those parasites.

Xiying didn't look at them, and turned to look at the biochemical beasts that emerged from the dead parasites one after another. "After the captain told me to break, your movements were too slow."

Solace: "..."

Can you not say the last sentence?

Xiying's movements are indeed much faster. Even without a gun, the movements of Xiying's two hands have shocked Solace and the bodyguards who were responsible for the break, but it was not this that shocked them even more.

The three biochemical beasts passed by Xiying and rushed towards Solace. Xiying didn’t even look at the people who were facing Solace, nor the biochemical beasts rushing past. No bias, just a shake of the arm, the three biochemical beasts that rushed towards Solace had already been cut in half.

This similar thing has happened several times. Solace's people were shocked not because of Xiying's ability to grow eyes like the back of his head, nor that he was so fast that he could only see the movements of his hands, but - why didn't the biochemical beast attack Xiying? !

Xiying was not attacked by the biochemical beasts. Those biochemical beasts that rushed forward regarded Xiying as nothing, as if they were not aware of the existence of Xiying, and they targeted Soles who were farther away. why? !

This puzzled Solace several people.

However, the current situation does not allow them to think more deeply. The speed of everyone increases, and the fourth entrance is getting closer.

"Xilin, what you guessed happened." Ayue said to Xilin.

Ayue has detected that several warehouses loaded with radioactive energy on the transport ship have been opened, including the area near the entrance of No. 5, where the surrounding biochemical beasts have begun to change. To them, high radiation is like a kind of genetically evolved food. It is estimated that there will be a situation where the old is replaced by the new, and it will be replaced in the whole range.

There is no radioactive energy capsule near the entrance of boarding number 4, so the biochemical beasts here won't change. This is why Xilin chose to board the entrance number four.

"The changed biochemical beasts replaced those old biochemical beasts to occupy the parasites and made the parasites stronger. A hard shell has been formed on the surface of the parasites. Worse, one, two, three, five, Six or five entrances were all opened. If it weren’t for the number four entrance, I’d have locked it. It’s estimated that it would be opened by a tampering program. And some of the biochemical beasts and parasites that have evolved and replaced have already exited the entrance and climb On the surface of the transport ship. They are not afraid of the cosmic environment. If we go out, we will definitely encounter those things."

A Yue also learned to use "things" to specifically refer to those parasites and biochemical beasts.

A Yue will explain the situation to Xilin. These Xilin had guessed, so Xilin hoped to get out of here as soon as possible. The longer it drags, the more parasites and biochemical beasts on the surface of the transport ship, which will cause a lot of trouble for them to go out.

Is it easy for those with c-level genes or those with a-level genes? There is no doubt that people who hit c-level genes are generally much easier.

Xilin briefly talked about the situation with Hua Xiao and the others. Now the biochemical beasts they encountered near the fourth boarding entrance have gradually decreased, and now they mainly have to prepare how to leave safely.

Xilin quickly exchanged opinions with Hua Xiao and the others, and informed Udoze, who was piloting the fighter plane outside, and Xi Kai on the starship's plan of action, and then called to Ayue, "I, Ayue, and Hulu, go out first. Clean it up."

After saying that Xilin grabbed the gray cat who was squatting on Sigma's head and napping by the ears, "Don't sleep, come with me and work!" ~!

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