MTL - Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage-Chapter 5 Terrible ex-girlfriends

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Chapter 5, the ex-girlfriends of terror

In front of Yunxi, countless stars are spinning.

It is a dream, this must be a dream!

Yunxi can't imagine how crazy he is, there will be four ex-girlfriends at this level!

It is a pity that even if the ostrich is buried in the sand, it will come.

Mel apparently didn't understand Yun Xi's situation at all, and still eagerly told Yun Xi that he didn't want to know the truth.

"Master, you are not a human being, but a special existence called the son of the stars."

"Every death will be born again in the stars, and it is now."

"Master, you must have doubted your own life, that's right."

"In fact, you have no parents."

Yun Xi’s stunned, if it’s a dream, it’s too coincidental.

This is only the star elf with beautiful golden ears, how can I know this thing.

Wait, so to speak, the rumors he has been hearing are true.

"Is not a parent born?" Can't believe this, is it a dream of day and night, is he influenced by those rumors?

It is obvious that his parents are so fond of him and regard him as the most precious treasure in the world.

"Yes, the sons of the stars will not have parents, because the masters of the stars are born from the sea of ​​stars."

"Every time after death, he will soon be reborn in a corner of the stars, and then automatically restore his memory when he is 18, and find his past." Mel does not know why Yunxi is doing this. Shocked, just a simple statement of the facts.

"I...not the father and mother's children..." Yunxi was a little embarrassed.

In fact, I have already discovered it, but I don’t want to admit it. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

According to the age, the mother was already in her fifteen years ago, and it is almost impossible to get pregnant at this age.

However, he has always deliberately pretended not to know, and Mom and Dad never mentioned it.

For things that they don't accept, the subconscious escapes.

Yes, according to common sense, the mother in her fifties is almost zero in her pregnancy.

"The son of the stars... refers to me..." Yunxi looked up and looked at the sun, the moon, the stars, and the billions of stars around him.

That is the sea of ​​stars and the care of him, the truth of the world.

"So, why am I here, why are you?" It was hard to accept his identity, and a larger group of doubts appeared in Yunxi’s mind.

What did he hear from the whispers of the stars just now?

If you really follow Meyer, he still has two years to wake up from the age of eighteen, and that is when he wakes up.

Danger, where does it come from?

"I am the elf entrusted to the stars when the master finally died."

"In the past, it was supposed to wait until the owner was 18 years old to come to the owner, but because the owner is now in danger of being fatal, he woke up in advance."

"Of course, this is also because the owner chose Mel, thank you master, I will go all out to let the master quickly become stronger."

Mel is full of self-confidence, a cute expression of "everything is given to me", and raised his little chest.

Deadly danger, Yunxi heard the word more than once, and he had a very unpredictable feeling.

"Who is fatal to me, have I not already died once?" Yunxi has a hunch that when he knows this answer, life may be completely different.

Even the stars have to issue a warning to send the three elves to the place in advance. What kind of crisis will make the stars so rushed!

"Master, you have a lot of enemies, but now the most important ones are the four you just saw. Did you hear their names?"

God, the name of God, Yunxi has a crazy premonition.

"The first place, the ruler of the Star Dragon, the Lord of the Dragon God, the dragon of order, the mother of time and space, symbolizes the birth, life, and death of the Dragon God."

"The second, no name, no surname, living in the world of the deepest souls of the abyss, symbolizing the inability of the source of pain."

"The third place, the indescribable horror, the incarnation of ancient chaos, the rule of the nine seas, the old **** of chaos."

"Fourth, the owner of the colorful world, the owner of the gods and the market, the founder, the **** of God."

"Although there are many other, many, many troubles, but these four have been spared no effort to chase you."

Yun Xi feels that it may be easier to die now.

The supreme god, the **** of nowhere, the old **** of chaos, the **** of God.

He is horrible, powerful enough to wave his hands to let the stars annihilate, and the four ex-girlfriends who have lost time.

Ok, there are two of them that have been heard.

The **** of God seems to be the supreme ruler of the entire Western gods, with more than ten million dominating gods, and is the absolute and unique hegemon of the Western gods.

The Supreme Dragon God is the king of the northern dragon **** domain. The power of the dragon family is so powerful that even the remote oriental white lotus sword field is famous.

As for the other two, Yunxi has never heard of it, but it is comparable to the Supreme Dragon God and the God of God. It is definitely the same level of existence.

Now, his elf Meir tells him that he is being chased by these four supreme gods at the same time, what a joke!

"This... isn't it a joke?"

"What kind of crimes have I committed in the sons of the stars? I have actually provoked the four to kill me together?" Even if I am bathed in the glory of the stars, Yunxi has no memories of the past. It is completely white. .

Therefore, he couldn’t think of it anyway. He had committed the sins of the wrath of the past, and let the four supreme forces join forces to pursue themselves.

"This, Mel is not very clear." Mel looked at Yun Xi with innocent eyes and said the answer to the cloud world view:

"It seems to be the owner, who refused their marriage proposal in the past and made them angry."

"That is, they are the masters and your ex-girlfriends."

"So, they have been chasing you, as long as you find your traces will never let go."

"What!" Yunxi’s shouting made the stars tremble.

Refused their proposal, it is because of this ridiculous reason!

How crazy his past is, and dare to provoke four such high-level existences at the same time.

This is really not to die, it will die!

Yun Xi is sure to know why the stars will quickly wake him up.

The four ex-girlfriends, any one who found him, were the result of the eternal annihilation.

It is no wonder that the stars will warn him two years in advance, and if they are caught, it is absolutely dead!

Author's message:

Ps: Everyone is strong enough, the 800-month ticket is so easy to break, now more than 200 recommended tickets can make the bread rushed to the recommended ticket first (and even more at the time), the extra plus for the 600 and 800-month tickets, Wait until the next dinner and send it together.

The update time of the new book is about one chapter every day around 12 noon, and one chapter around 6 o'clock in the evening. The rule is that each additional lord temporarily adds a chapter, and a 100,000 rewards temporary plus one chapter, every 200 monthly ticket Stabilize plus a more chapter, everyone is welcome, use the tickets in your hands to kill the bread.