MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 680 Conquer the fortress

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Chapter 680 Conquering the Fortress

Yang Ying raised one hand above his head, and a dazzling silver lightning flashed in the palm of his hand, turning into a five-meter-long lightning javelin. The current javelin crackled, as if it could turn everything in the world into ashes. green novel

Yang Ying pointed the javelin at the energy column in the center and shot it out.


With a loud bang, the transparent outer wall of the energy column was broken, triggering a violent explosion, and endless electric light radiated from the energy column, forming an electric snake several kilometers long, and the entire cylindrical space seemed to be transformed into field of electricity.

The space wall was hit by the electric current, triggering multiple explosions, and the entire core area began to be destroyed.

"Let's go." Yang Ying said to Ya Fei: "Let's disperse and destroy other targets."

"Okay." Yafei nodded, her figure flashed, leaving behind a string of notes, and disappeared.

Yang Ying and Dao Feng looked at each other, each turned into a flash of lightning, and left the core area.

At this time, at the fortress headquarters, a Kusta staff officer reported to the fortress commander: "My lord, the core area exploded, and the fortress is losing power!"

"Has the defense set up by God Karagunis been broken so quickly!" The fortress commander clenched his fists and shouted, "Has the enemy army not yet entered the attack range?"

"Not yet, their 'God's Wrath' fortress cannons stand still outside the long-range attack range."

God's Wrath is the name of the eleventh-level fortress cannon. However, for the Kusta Stars, "God" refers to Karagounis, so many Kusta Stars call this fortress Cannon Karagounis Fury, under normal circumstances, this cannon can destroy tens of thousands of enemy warships once fired, bringing great combat advantages to the fortress defenders.

"These cowards!" one of the staff officers yelled, "they only hide under women's skirts and are cowards, don't they dare to challenge us openly!"

"It's normal to use appropriate tactics on the battlefield. Our weakness lies in the fact that we don't have a fourth level that can match the opponent." The commander of the fortress seemed to have lost his strength and slumped on the command chair, "Let the fortress defense fleet set off , kill as many enemies as you can."


After the command of the fortress commander was issued, dozens of exits the size of a city were opened on the back of the fortress. The 500,000 fortress defense fleet sailed out of the fortress like a school of fish in the ocean and sailed for thousands of kilometers. The course turned 180 degrees and headed in the direction of the United Singer Fleet.

At this time in the fortress, Yafei came to a large space, which is thousands of times larger than the core area of ​​the energy column. There is a sky above, and the earth below. The sky is a simulated blue sky and white clouds, and there are hills and mountains on the ground. Plants, from one edge of the earth to another, have a distance of nearly a hundred kilometers.

In the center of the space, you can also see a piece of neatly arranged buildings with their own characteristics. Together, they form a bustling city that can accommodate a million people.

Obviously, this is a residential area.

Fort Almendel has a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers. There are many similar large living spaces in the fortress. In fact, there are at least ten billion people living in the fortress. Among the immigrants who had the obligation to defend the fortress, there were many Kusta stars, but most of them were the natives of the Dida star field. After the Kusta empire conquered the Dida star field, they became aliens who were vassals of the Kusta stars.

"Attention all citizens. Attention all citizens!" An emergency broadcast is being broadcast throughout the city, "The command of the fortress has issued a high-level coordinated combat order, requiring all citizens who are responsible for the defense of the fort to immediately register at the nearest military depot and join the fortress. Defensive action, repeat..."

Yafei can feel that the city is full of panic and fear at this time. Almost all the Custarians are cursing for the United Singer Fleet to attack the fortress, and the other aliens have nothing good to say. They have been under the rule of the Custas for a long time, and they have become accustomed to obeying the Custas and thinking from the standpoint of the Custas.

"Civilian?" Ya Fei thought to himself, "Civilians who have the duty of defense should not be counted as civilians, but..."

She still didn't make a move on the city, and left the space in a flash, she had an idea.

The core part of Fort Almendel is the infrastructure of the fortress, power center, computer center, etc., the middle layer is various factories and raw material warehouses, and the outer layer is the residential area.

Yang Ying came to a large arsenal. The space was almost filled with heavy industrial machines. Blast furnaces with a height of hundreds of meters could be seen everywhere flowing out of molten iron like waterfalls. The several kilometers long conveyor belt was full of fighter planes, armored vehicles, and robots. Wait for weapons and equipment.

Without much calculation, it can be seen that such an arsenal can produce hundreds of thousands of armored weapons every day, and there is far more than one similar arsenal space in the entire fortress.

Judging from the distribution of various facilities in the fortress, if there is no fourth-level storage that goes directly into the core of the fortress, then the Kusta star people don't have to be afraid of the enemy attacking the fortress at all.

If you want to occupy the fortress, you must first attack from the outer layer, and every residential area in the outer layer is the strategic depth of the fortress, and the attacker has to pay a **** price every time it occupies one.

The defenders of the fortress can rely on excellent logistics production to fight a street fight, tug-of-war, and protracted battle with the attacker.

But for the fourth-level existence, this arrangement is meaningless. To enter the core of the fortress, Yang Ying only needs to open a wormhole, and there is no need to occupy the outer layer first.

Yang Ying glanced around the arsenal, his eyes penetrated the outer panels of the production equipment, until he saw the energy loop, and followed the loop to find the control center of the production line.

Raising his hand, a lightning javelin appeared in his hand, and Yang Ying threw the javelin at the control center.

Snapped! boom!

The entire production line stopped.

Yang Ying didn't even look at the production line, and followed the raw material entrance of the production line to the raw material warehouse.

In order to support the production of the arsenal, the raw material warehouses in the Fortress of Amondel have huge reserves. Each warehouse has hundreds of millions of tons of various raw materials, the main ones are high-quality metal ores, and even pure metal ingots.

Before Yang Ying entered the fortress, he planned to steal these resources. Of course, his goal was not ordinary ores such as copper and iron. Hundreds of millions of tons, his goal is those precious ores with scarce reserves and difficult to find.

"Everyone, whether you are soldiers or civilians, you should know that the Kusta Empire has reached the moment of life and death." The fortress commander made a final declaration to the entire fortress with his passionate voice, "The great patron saint It has fallen, but we have to muster up the courage to resist the evil singer invaders and those despicable earthlings who are greedy for cheap.

Remember, each of our counterattacks is insignificant compared to the entire war, but thousands of counterattacks can accumulate enough results to make the enemy tremble. All the Custas unite, You can win the Great Patriotic War! Go, go, bring fear to the enemy, and achieve your glory! "

"I still have no plans to surrender. Is it because I have a strong will to fight, or is it stupid?" Daofeng quietly appeared in the headquarters, "This headquarters is protected by hidden runes, so it took me a little longer to find it, but The concealed runes drawn by Karagunis are far from those of Emperor Salian."

No one answered Dao Feng's words, and their consciousness had dissipated when Dao Feng's voice appeared, and at the same time, their bodies began to gradually cool down, like wax statues.

With a sound of Zilla, a lightning sword appeared in the blade's hand. He walked to the console and raised the sword to cut it down.

"Your Excellency Blade!"

Yafei just entered the command post, saw the movement of the blade, and immediately stopped him.

Yafei has been looking for this headquarters since just but her perception has been blocked by the concealed rune, and she was not able to enter until the blade broke through the concealed rune.

"What's the matter?" Dao Feng withdrew his Lightning Sword.

"These devices are still useful." Ya Fei came to the device in two steps, and without seeing her move, the devices started to operate automatically, one by one the indicator lights turned on and off, and one by one light screens appeared and disappeared, very fast. As if the whole system was convulsed, Yafei performed tens of thousands of operations per second, and soon, she gained control of the entire system.

"Okay." Yafei finished the preparations and said with a smile, "Next, all you need is music."

I saw her pick up a microphone and start singing.

"So that's it. Singing a lullaby is really a good way." Dao Feng understood Yafei's purpose as soon as he heard it.

As a fourth-level existence and the creator of singing, Yafei's singing is far superior to that of Jia Yuna or any singer. It is an indescribable feeling, as if there is an essential beauty in the music, It doesn't belong to this world at all, and even the blade can't help being immersed in it.

Those who heard it through the public address system should also feel lucky to be able to enjoy such a beautiful singing voice.

At this time, in the major living areas in the fortress, all the Kusta aliens or other aliens who could hear the radio, all became drowsy, and then fell to the ground unconscious.

Only those third-level masters have a certain resistance to the lullaby, but what they can do is just dying.

Geyin even affected the garrison fleet of the fortress that had already attacked through the communication system, causing them to lose their fighting ability before they could fight against the Singing Star United Fleet, and soon became prisoners.

And with the United Singer Fleet stationed in the fortress, Dida Star Territory was a big stumbling block, and Fort Amendel officially fell.