MTL - Start Binding: High-quality Male God System-Chapter 14 The screen is full of blessings, and the warmth is also there

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  Chapter 14 The screen is full of blessings and warmth

  Just after it was sent out, dormitory 508 and the women's dormitory who played well over there started a crazy bombing mode directly at Li Songlin.

  One after another condemned his unethical behavior, saying that if they had been informed in advance, they would definitely have to accompany him to this coming-of-age ceremony.


   Li Songlin himself, who was being held accountable, felt palpitations for no reason when he saw everyone's enthusiastic concern.

  The blessings that filled the screen were both heart-warming and unfamiliar. This was a scene he had never experienced before...

   It was naturally very jerky to deal with, they were all in the same age group, and everyone didn't make any mistakes, so it turned the page smoothly!

   "Hoo ~"

  He replied frantically on his mobile phone, watching the screen swiping that gradually slowed down, he felt that he was finally alive!

   He breathed a sigh of relief, but the smile couldn't stop appearing on his face, with an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

   This is probably the power of being concerned, missed, and blessed?

  By the end, he was ready to sleep!

   As expected, until bedtime, he still failed to receive birthday wishes from Li's father and Li's mother, but this is expected, isn't it?

   "Amazing, Li Songlin!"

  With satisfaction with his current life, he finally fell asleep.


   Breathing softly, wrapped in a thin quilt under the night, the whole person hugged himself with his hands, and fell asleep very comfortably.

   Next, when the time came to October 2, he returned to the regular life of waking up early to exercise, study, eat three meals a day, and code words.

   It is foreseeable that the following time will basically pass like this.

  Because Li Muyuan is from Shanghai, she returned home two days earlier.

   And he was active with Meng Lang and Yuan Haonan, but basically they were walking according to their own rhythm.

  No one bothers anyone, and we can discuss with each other if there are problems;

   With the teaching materials in hand, Li Songlin has already been on the right track on the road of preparing for the transfer students with the addition of top-level IQ.

  The next step is to go through all of them. Of course, it does not mean that it is so easy to remember all of them after reading it once. It can only be said that it is indeed easier to accumulate in terms of understanding and memory.

  Three big boys, just started their own test preparation journey...

   Sit near the window, and when you are tired from studying, you can look into the distance and move your eyes.

  Water cups and eye drops are common items, and it is the first time that Li Songlin feels such a need for these two items.

   Sore eyes are a common occurrence when reading books and watching videos. At this time, a drop of eye drops is simply a life-saving medicine.

   And on a hot day, when you are tired from studying and your mouth is dry, you naturally need the source of life.

  So, in his schoolbag, these two are must-haves for coming to the library.

  In the process of learning, Li Songlin will also encounter many things he doesn't understand. At this time, he needs to seek ideas.

  Most of them can be untied after some time, but some still require professional teachers to guide, which he does not deny.

  Regarding this point, it is estimated that in a month or two, there will be students who have given up on taking the exam for transfer students on the Internet, just pay more attention.

   It is said that selling courses in Shangye College is an inevitable activity every year, and by then he will have a teacher!

   If you go to a training institution to buy it now, it will be at least five thousand or ten thousand, which is not a small sum.

  Especially Li Songlin's current assets are only in the early 2000s.

  According to the usual practice, he can get a complete set for about 1,000 yuan for the relevant courses and training.

  He only needs to pay attention to whether the school he wants to apply for majors in two majors, but it doesn't take much time.

   It's just that Li Songlin more or less hopes that this day will come earlier, after all, learning doesn't wait for anyone, right?


  After learning a big knowledge point, I hurriedly started a big breathing cycle, and urgently needed to expel the stale air in the body.

  Meng Lang looked at Li Songlin and Yuan Haonan, and couldn't help admiring their self-discipline.

  Originally, Meng Lang was a study partner with Yuan Haonan, but one was studying business administration and the other was studying law. There was no overlap between the two.

  Thinking that his study partner is such a study madman, there are not many more, and now there is another Li Songlin.

  How could this make him not feel emotional?

  Being so motivated, he couldn't help speeding up his learning efficiency. For a while, this temporary small learning team was quite effective.

  The three of them looked at each other speechlessly, but managed to have the book in their hands and the confidence in their hearts, and they were really studying hard.

  During lunch time, a group of three decided to eat in the cafeteria together, and they left together!

   Walking side by side together, directly forming a ladder shape.

   Inexplicably, Li Songlin seemed to be extraordinarily tall. Meng Lang looked at his friends and then at Li Songlin, and couldn't stop his envy from pouring out.

   What to eat to grow up wow!

  If Li Songlin knew about it, he might reply in his heart, "Take the system brand height-growing medicine, and you will grow taller."

   Xu Shi usually doesn't communicate much, so the three of them didn't chat very eagerly.

  Basically, if there is any topic, they will talk about it when they think of it. If they can’t find the topic, they will look at their phones or something.

   It's not an embarrassing situation;

   What's more, it's actually quite easy for boys to warm up. As long as you don't get used to it at first sight, you can basically get along with each other.

  [Social fear Xiao Li], he really tried to change his personality in the new school, so he is not as cold as he was before college.

   "Do you want to eat together or separately?"

  Meng Lang looked at the small restaurant at this time, looked at the first floor, the second floor and the third floor, and couldn't stop looking at the two "scholars"

   "Let's eat together!"

"I agree!"

  The three of them all know each other, so it's not necessary to be blunt at this time;

  Following your words and my words, it was so straightforward to decide to go to the third floor to order food.

   None of them are lazy people who don’t want to climb stairs, so the third floor is naturally very popular.

   After making up his mind, he walked up to the third floor while chatting.

   Entering the third floor, there are people in twos and threes, and the effect of the air conditioner is particularly gratifying.

  As soon as they stepped into the hall, there was a gust of coolness, which made the three of them shiver.

   I have to say that Shangye College is doing a good job of operating the canteen as a fresh freezer in hot weather.

  They are all regular customers, so they naturally brought their coats, they are not stupid after all.

  Thinking about it carefully, eating in such an environment is pretty cool, isn’t it?

  It cools down all of a sudden, and you don't have to worry about sweating after eating.

   After ordering their favorite dishes, they chatted about the goals of their transfer students' exams.

  When Li Songlin said that he decided to take the Fudan exam, forgive the two naives for showing panic expressions in an instant.

   After passing the test preparation, it is not difficult to find the difficulty level of the twelve high-level universities.

   And there is no doubt that Fudan University is the most difficult university to apply for, and the previous Shangye University has never taken it as a target university.

  At least among so many transfer students, this is the first time they have heard that there is such a volunteer in our school.


   Directly a whole big shock...

  (end of this chapter)