MTL - Start From Soul Society and Cutting Through All the Worlds-Chapter 323 The Cult's modus operandi

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Chapter 323: The Cult’s Common Tricks

When he heard what Alpha said, the bald bishop's expression suddenly changed, but then he said with a stern expression: "That's nonsense! Diablos Order, I have no idea what you are talking about. !”

Facing the bald bishop’s sophistry, Alpha didn’t say much. He just looked aside and said, “Epsilon, is it okay to leave him to you?”

At the same time as Alpha's words fell, a young lady with blue twintails and an astonishing chest also fell from a high place. She drew her sword and rushed towards the bald bishop.

“Capturing other people’s family members and then using them as threats, we have seen too many of the dirty tricks of your Diablos Order.

But you don’t need to worry too much. Although you are disgusting and ugly, we will not kill you right away because you still have some use value for the time being. "

Looking at the bald bishop in front of him, Epsilon showed a look of disgust, not just because he just wanted to attack Medeis and Cleia.

 It’s also because the bald bishop’s gaze has been focused on Beta’s chest since the beginning.

To be fair, Epsilon's dignity, which was padded with slime, was no smaller than Beta's. In terms of elasticity and softness, she tried her best to imitate it, but the result was still Beta's. More eye-catching?

“Hmph, it turns out that you are the Shadow Courtyard that has popped up in recent years.

 You ignorant guy, do you know how long ago the Order of Diablos was established? How can a third-rate organization like yours, which has just emerged, compare with the foundation of our religious order? "

Now that his identity has been exposed, the bald bishop simply stopped pretending, and when facing Epsilon's attack, two assassin-like figures suddenly fell from a height at the signal in his eyes. , and rushed towards Medis and the others at the same time.

The bald bishop seems to be a senior cadre of the Diablos Order, and naturally there are corresponding guards around him.

These two people are dressed like ninja guards, and their strength is quite outstanding. They may not be anything special in the sect.

 But outside, they are comparable to strong men like Anne Luojie and Alice.

The bald bishop’s idea is simple. Although he is indeed surrounded now, as long as he controls Night City Omega’s only mother and uses this as a threat, Night City will naturally be responsible for helping him solve the troubles in the Shadow Courtyard.

 He had been talking just now in order to attract the attention of everyone in the Shadow Courtyard so that his two guards could successfully attack.

However, just as the two figures who looked like ninja assassins approached Medith and Claire, their bodies were instantly enveloped by a burst of criss-crossing sword light.

However, in the next second, the two figures suddenly looked like scattered building block toys, tomato sauce sprayed out, and their body parts were scattered all over the floor.

“It seems that what you call Diablos’s background is nothing special.”

 Easily shook off the blood stains on the sword, Alpha sheathed the sword again, brushed his long golden hair, and said this incidentally.

The gesture was so relaxed, as if he had just killed those two people, and it was as easy for them as eating and drinking.

“How is this possible? This is a top-notch assassin in the Order. They had easily killed the newly elected bishop before, but they did it so easily..."

Looking at the two indescribable puddles of ketchup on the ground, the bald bishop looked shocked.

  The name of the Shadow Courtyard has indeed been mentioned frequently by people in the Diablos Order recently, but for the cadres of the Order, they do not pay much attention to such a third-rate organization that has just emerged. But whether it was the shadow fighting on the field at this moment, or the Alpha who had just taken action, the bald bishop realized a reality.

 That is the so-called "Shadow Courtyard", and it may not be as simple as they imagined.

It was also because he saw Alpha's strength that the bald bishop simply gave up struggling and raised his hands in surrender.

Two top-notch guards were killed in an instant. Even a fool could see that the elf woman named Alpha already had the strength of the "Knights of the Round Table" of the religious order.

Epsilon, who originally wanted to teach the bald bishop a lesson, looked quite unhappy when he saw the bald bishop surrendering without fighting.

“What do you want from the Shadow Courtyard?”

Alpha has just protected Medeis and the others, and at this moment Alexia and the others have initially had a slightly improved impression of the Shadow Courtyard.

 At least between the Diablos Order and the Shadow Courtyard, they are now more inclined to believe in the latter.

 But this level of trust is also extremely weak. After all, they don’t know the purpose and plan of the Shadow Courtyard.

“You will soon know what we are asking for, but until then, I still hope that you will stay here obediently.

  After all, you have also seen that the Diablos Order also regards you as a target. If you fall into their hands, it will be quite troublesome for us. "

If it was Medeis or Claire who asked, Alpha might say a few more words. After all, they are Lord Dark Night’s mother and Lord Shadow’s sister.

 But Alexia’s status as a princess is not special at all to Alpha, so she doesn’t bother to explain anything.

 Seeing Alpha’s arrogant attitude, Alexia also looked annoyed.

 Now she finally understands why her sister was so angry back then.

Let’s forget the other party’s completely ignorant attitude. At the same time, this sense of powerlessness of not knowing the truth is really very frustrating!

 While there was a small disturbance on their side, the fighting on the other side of the field continued.

Whether it was Epsilon, Beta, or other people in the Shadow Courtyard, they all had expressions of admiration on their faces when they saw the two powerful magic powers bursting out from the center of the midfield.

 The battle on the field at the beginning was a high-end game of two versus two between Olivier, Aurora, Night City and Shadow.

 But ever since Ye Cheng and Shadow began to show their true strength, the situation began to change.

Although Olivier and Aurora were very strong in the past, what is here is just their magic mirror image, not their true self. The limit of their strength lies there.

But Yecheng is different from Shadow and the others. They are their true selves, and whether it is magic power, skills, or talent potential, they are no weaker than the heroes and demons of the past.

When the two people really burst out their magic power and collided together, Olivier, one of the three heroes, and Aurora, the witch of disaster, were now reduced to supporting roles.

When the golden sword of light collided with the black slime mimicry sword, the entire holy land shook!

 (End of this chapter)