MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 100 : ready to declare war

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In the history that was changed before, Shen Shi saw the wreckage of the city falling from the sky. Presumably, in that history, he should have asked Sebas to help mankind, so that in these short two years, Successfully build a space city on the planet fortress.

Unfortunately, the defeat of mankind and the failure of the planetary fortress made this so-called "space war refuge city" meaningless.

However, the current Shen Shi naturally wouldn't say that.

He is also very clear that when the economy is in transition, having such a powerful intelligent AI that can quickly process vast information can provide much convenience. What's more, as long as the planetary fortress is not lost again, these space cities still have their own advantages in the war. strategic position.

Therefore, Shen Shi thought about it and said, "There is no need to replace the spacecraft with AI. I will provide you with a supercomputer with an AI system, which can easily support global information management, and even assist in construction and development. , planning, and even managing a large number of networked machines, it is more powerful than Skynet in the movie, and this kind of AI is limited in self-awareness, so don’t worry about the so-called omnic crisis, it should be able to play a role in human development. to a great effect.”

Similar to this kind of central AI, it exists in many civilizations in the interstellar space, and the technology and application are very mature.

As Shen Shi said before.

Intelligent AI is too fragile in the realm of primordial energy. The premise of an omnic crisis is that a certain intelligent AI's self-awareness surpasses the race. This situation does exist in the universe, but it is a miracle, and it occurs in a conventional sense. The probability is close to zero, so don't worry too much.

Todd is absolutely necessary, even a little surprised.

"Will this consume too much of Mr.'s resources?"

"No, human beings can't use it very well now, and the price is very cheap. If we develop in the future, we can upgrade it." Shen Shi was also telling the truth.

"In this case, we also have confidence in the next project." Todd laughed, his voice sounded very tired today.

"The next project?" Shen Shi thought, and combined with the previous words, he seemed to have guessed something.

"Yes." Todd said in a deep voice, "The name of the project is 'Comprehensive Preparations'. After it is finalized, we will send you a copy of the specific content. As one of the human federal senators, You have the right to know."

"Fully prepared for war?" Shen Shi's eyes brightened slightly, "Are you ready to announce the upcoming war crisis? Can you ensure that there will be no chaos?"

"If it was just disclosed directly at the beginning, it would inevitably cause people's panic, and then cause chaos in some places. But now a lot of foreshadowing has been done, such as the emergence of your company, and the space base under construction, at least we have It can let people know that we are not powerless to resist." Todd explained, "And the current economic form has caused a certain degree of chaos. When the chaos reaches a certain level, the crisis of the interstellar war is disclosed, but it is a disaster. Then stand up, the opportunity for a comprehensive transformation, the most important thing is that this moment will come sooner or later, as long as you are prepared, the sooner you open it, the better it will be to prepare for the war.”

"Since you have made such a judgment, it's up to you." Shen Shi said.

In this regard, the upper echelons of mankind are obviously more experienced than him.

It was also their suggestion not to disclose the crisis of alien invasion for now.

not to mention-

In fact, Shen Shi had already anticipated that the high-level people of the Human Federation, or the high-level people who knew about the entire human race, were brewing a huge plan, which would bring about an earth-shaking reform to the entire human society and even the entire human civilization.

The importance of shaping the human federation is also part of it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the face of such a cruel and dark interstellar space, the original human order is no longer suitable for the coming starry sky era. In order to better focus on dealing with the interstellar crisis, they must first organize the interior of human civilization.

Only in this way can we fully prepare for war.

Shen Shi didn't say anything after that.

The phone hangs up.

On the other side, Todd looked at the circle of people around him and said with a smile, "Have you all heard?"

Here are the high-level liaisons of the Human Federation.

Contacting Shen Shi was a very serious matter, and it was impossible to make a random phone call alone or find a door like in the beginning.

"I really don't know what kind of background is in Mr. Shen's hands." Willard said with emotion.

First it was Star Fortress, then it was said that some warships could be rented, then it was the production line of various high-tech products, then it was a learning device, and now there is this kind of supercomputer and powerful artificial intelligence.

Shen Shi can always surprise them.

By now, they have already guessed that Shen Shi's hands are likely to hold an interstellar teleportation network that can quickly obtain alien high-tech devices.

And the technology of this teleportation network is far more advanced than the Voor fleet.

Otherwise, the Wo's fleet would not have arrived in three years.

They guessed that this was most likely the powerful technology of the Xinghai head office, and Mr. Shen's status in that interstellar society might not be that simple.

But in any case, the stronger Shen Shi's background is, the more beneficial it will be to them and mankind, and naturally no one will go to explore too much.

"Hurry up and bring this news back." Todd rubbed his sore eyes and raised his voice, "Everyone, what's next is the most important thing, don't relax, everything is for the future of mankind! "

"For the future of mankind!" The rest of the people, including Willard, seemed to be full of energy!

In places that Shen Shi did not know, many things had changed. Human civilization has developed so far, and there is no lack of true wisdom. Under the huge pressure from outside, this part of wisdom is also constantly showing.

As for Shen Shi, after hanging up the phone, he simply sent a message to Gong Chu.

Since getting Gong Chu's subordinates, such as these gadgets that are not expensive in the future world, there is no need to go to the market to trade, Gong Chu can solve all of them by himself.

In fact, the current trading market is also very cold, with a large number of shops closed, and everyone is looking for a way to escape in their own way.

Fortunately, there is a public early.

Just the next day, a supercomputer that defaulted to Shen Shi as the owner of the highest authority was sent over, along with a large number of learning devices.

The previous learning device has been used by the first batch of warriors, has been slightly adjusted, and has been mass-produced directly in the future world.

Shen Shi has realized its role and importance.

Not only can it be used to train interstellar soldiers, but it can also train scientists, and even the talents that all the rest of human civilization is in desperate need.

In this era of rapid change every moment, a large number of old knowledge and abilities have been eliminated, and countless people are uneasy about this. If it is normal, if they want to learn new knowledge and new abilities, It takes a lot of time.

But this learning device can speed up the process.

Although it is a bit painful to use, there will be no growth if you don't pay.

Shen Shi decided to hand over most of the learning devices to the federal army, giving priority to the training of the interstellar troops, part of it to the federal scientific research team to train scientific and technical personnel, and the rest to Wen Hezhi to train other teams. talents needed by society and civilization.

The addition of this batch of learning devices seems to further stimulate the confidence of the high-level officials of the Human Federation to implement the "New World Project".

And when Shen Shi finished reading the specific content of the entire project, he had to sigh, if it really came true, then this would be the largest, most exciting, most majestic, and most just order change in human history.

While he continued to study and train, he was also paying attention to the outside world.

Time, to June 18, 2023.

This was the thirty-eighth day after Shen Shi got Shi Ling, and it was also the twenty-second day that Xinghai Company officially appeared in front of the world.

Human society has undergone tremendous changes in the past twenty days.

While facing unemployment crisis, bankruptcy crisis, and confusion about their future career and life, people are looking forward to the civilianization of various alien high-tech. In particular, most countries in the world have opened green channels for serious illnesses. Every day, countless terminally ill patients receive effective treatment, creating miracles in the face of inevitable death.

Expectation and confusion, hope and loss, gain and loss

This is a period without precedent.

A time of greatness and chaos.

However, most ordinary people still maintain their daily life after all.

until this day.

When people turn on the TV, turn on the Internet, the first thing they see is the blockbuster news that is pinned to the top.

[Representatives of 198 countries in the Federation of Humanity have passed the Global Economic Transformation Supreme Act, and the world will officially enter a state of comprehensive economic transformation from now on! 】

Economic Transformation!

Everyone who sees this report, the first reaction is, it is finally here!

Even ordinary people are also well prepared for this moment.

After all, technology changes life and technology creates benefits, and the emergence of Xinghai Company is equivalent to smashing one after another into the old economy of this world. It not only changes everything, but also transforms the entire The economic order was completely disrupted.

However, when people began to really pay attention to the state of this economic transformation, they suddenly discovered that this time the transformation is not just the economy, it is far more ferocious than people expected!

According to the content of the bill, under such a state of regulation, the Human Federation will first close all stock markets!

Whether it is a company or an individual, don't even think about trading in any stock market.

This is only the first step!

Next, is to activate the unified electronic currency of the Human Federation!

Yes, currency unity!

Just these two points are no longer an economic storm, it is simply a tsunami that is enough to drown the entire economic field!

But even more amazing is yet to come.

The Federation of Humanity will carry out mandatory elimination, transformation and upgrading of old industries in a unified manner, and uniform job arrangements for employees of all related industries, the first of which is the energy industry!

Yes, all the oil mines in the world must be transformed and rectified!

The same is true for industries such as wind power and thermal power.

And the reason is clear.

Xinghai Company has come up with nuclear fusion technology that can be quickly put into practical applications! It has also come up with high-energy battery technology that is far more efficient than traditional fuel engines!


Most of the people who saw these contents probably only had this shock left in their minds.

Each of the regulations in this bill alone is enough to cause violent shocks in the world in the past, and even lead to war directly.

But now, it is all raised in one go.

But the biggest problem is not in one breath.

It's about the interests it affects!

In the past, some small interests were enough to trigger fierce confrontation, or even war, not to mention the incomparably huge interests now!

From the rich, the consortium, the country, to the ordinary people, the interests of almost everyone will be affected by this bill!

In the short time since the bill was enacted, the Internet has completely exploded.

"I just found out that the stock market has really been completely closed, and the efficiency is too fast! Half of my net worth is in it!"

"My company has received a notification from my is closed and ready for transformation!"

"This is definitely well-prepared! As soon as I arrived at the construction site, I was notified to stop work, and all workers must participate in training! Then go to a new place to work!"

"Good guy, I'll just call my good guy, I just finished my thesis defense, and I have all my academic qualifications! As a result, I was told that I don't have to look for a job, I just choose a new field for training? Why don't I do translation, I'm going to take the civil service exam Ok?"

"Too fast! Didn't you find out? The bill was just passed, and the instructions were passed down immediately, even texting directly to the phone!"

"If you take such a big step at once, you are not afraid of getting into trouble?"

"Brothers, have you downloaded that personal app for economic transformation? That Protoss actually wants Lao Tzu to go back to school to study. I've been graduating for ten years!"

"Xingling is so cute!"

"Xingling my wife! Addicted to chat and can't extricate myself."


Some people are right, this is indeed well prepared.

Long before everything started, the central AI named "Star Spirit" provided by Shen Shi has carried out all-round calculations, including the currency exchange of each country, the transformation plan of each industry, and even the For each individual's future career and asset replacement, everyone can inquire about the impact on themselves through the official website of Human Federal Announcement, as well as targeted suggestions, and even the option of participating in training and assigning jobs.

If you don't understand, you can directly ask the Protoss.

------off topic-----

The average order is still almost to meet the demand for more updates, but since there is a manuscript, I will add it first ( ̄3 ̄)╭?