MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 109 : Warrior's Strengthening Route

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Today's meeting is not so much a review, but rather Shen Shi and the future captains of the human fleet have a deeper understanding of each other and build trust in each other.

And now, he has felt the hearts of these warriors.

I felt their gratitude and trust in myself.

This made him feel once again that it was an extremely correct decision that he did not choose to escape directly at first.

The future remains difficult.

However, at least at this moment, he still brought hope to so many warriors who could be called heroes.

He remembered what Ai Xiner said to him yesterday.

As long as he finally defeats the invaders, then he is a well-deserved hero who saved the world!

"You're right, we can't lose." Shen Shi didn't show any moved expression, he didn't even show a smile on his face, he just kept calm and calm.

Because he knew that these soldiers did not say these words to move him or make him laugh.

They are just determined to fight and find more reasons not to lose.

"I came here today, and there is another purpose." After a brief chat, Shen Shi didn't go on, just talked about the business, "You guys have studied and even experienced it during this time. All kinds of interstellar technologies, basically, in addition to the original energy field, the individual reinforcement in the interstellar war is in such a few directions, biological transformation, mechanical replacement, external equipment, but no matter which kind, the purpose is the same. is consistent, we'd better identify a unified individual unit."

The benefits of a unified device are obvious, and it has great convenience in mass production and maintenance management.

For some production lines that can be produced in modern society, Shen Shihui will directly move the production lines.

There are also some, in the modern society, it is indeed impossible to meet the production requirements, so Shen Shi can only place orders in the future world.

But no matter what.

The goal is to create a well-regulated and powerful interstellar force, not a motley army like some interstellar pirates.

When it comes to equipment, the emotions of these fighters are quite excited.

"I think we should focus on mechanical replacement!" Sawyer even raised his metal arm impatiently. "Really, this is not only cool, but also powerful. It is used in daily life without any discomfort. I It even feels like this is the arm I was born with!"

Many people from the Western Alliance or the Nia Empire were a little moved.

They don't have a culture of "body skin, suffer from parents, don't dare to damage", but have always admired such modifications, especially when they saw the technical strength of Sawyer's arm, even in the knowledge they acquired , has also explained the increase in strength of mechanical modification.

If the whole body is replaced and modified, then they can directly possess great power.

That's a level where you can fight in space with your body alone.

Even if the spacecraft is damaged or even blown up, it can still continue to fight, and it can also be evacuated in space, surviving and waiting for rescue.

Shen Shi was also thinking about it.

"Mechanical replacement is really convenient and powerful." He said, "I should be able to get a replacement production line, which can automate replacement and transformation, especially for some whole body replacements, which only need to put the human brain into the preparation. In a good body, intelligent AI can easily complete this process."

Mechanical replacement can become the mainstream in the future human world, which naturally has obvious advantages.

The public and collectors he has seen have all been replaced by whole bodies.

Except the brain, which is the carrier of consciousness, is one's own, and everything else is produced by production and processing.

One of the biggest conveniences is that you don't have to spend more technology to protect the fragile flesh and blood during the battle.

Can enhance the strength more fully.

And it's medically convenient—replace where it breaks.


Shen Shi also noticed that the Dyke civilization, which is more powerful in technology, is in the field of biological transformation, or the combination of technology and biology at a higher level. For example, the biological evolution device on his body comes from Dyke. civilization.

And the mechanical transformation is just the technology they throw to the Woren.

There must be a reason for this.

Primitives are not just an idea in the future world.

So Shen Shi hesitated a little.

"Sir." Chen Feng suddenly said at this time, "Which one is the strongest, we will use whichever one, everything is for victory."

Shen Shi also reacted.

That's right, today's human beings are not qualified to pick and choose.

Everything depends on the technology at hand.

"In this way, you can apply to freeze and preserve your body. After the war is over, those who want to return to their flesh and blood can still continue to use their original body." Shen Shi had already made a decision, and he looked around. A circle, "And I promise, I will bring you devices that are more powerful than the enemy, all equipment, I will do my best to bring the best!"

This technology is also the most mature technology developed in the future world, and the technical level is indeed not low.

Therefore, this is also a major advantage of the Human Legion.

After all, it is a technology from a D-class civilization.

Shen Shi has even begun to look forward to it. After the space battleship is also obtained, the future history will undergo those changes, and how will fate face all the changes brought about by him.

And the rest of the day.

Shen Shi has been discussing various topics with the soldiers, and even studied some cases of interstellar warfare recorded in the device, and analyzed and discussed them.

Of course, Shen Shi's learning progress was much higher than these warriors, and the fleet command course he studied was also much higher in vision.

So when we got to the back, it was almost Shen Shi who was talking, and the rest of the people were listening.

This also counts as conveying information in terms of knowledge and ability.

In the rest time later, they even talked about more things.

"Yes, I have a lover, eh? My lover is naturally a human being, my first love when I was just an ordinary person."

"I have this plan to get married. Maybe I will get married before the war officially starts, so as not to raise the flag."

"Okay, I will definitely invite you at that time, but I don't think it will be a big deal. This is not the time."

"This is your child? Dragon and Phoenix? It's so cute, I'm envious."

"When human beings really step into the interstellar space, you will know that every intelligent life and its race and civilization are inseparable, so I must come back and change the fate of human beings, this is not only for human and Civilization, but also for myself."

"My own personal equipment? This is a rare item, and it is more powerful than the technology currently possessed by the Dike civilization. Yes, it is the Dike civilization that destroyed the Wo people civilization. I was also a coincidence. You can get it at a low price, but unfortunately, only this one, if everyone has it, there is no need for body replacement."

"The contest is avoided, and the technical difference is at least 70 or more."

"Don't believe it? Stand farther away, the armor unfolds!"


Shen Shicheng successfully received an envious voice of admiration.

"Human civilization still has a long way to go, but I believe that as long as we continue to become stronger and continue to defeat all enemies, sooner or later, devices of this level will appear on every human being." Shen Shi put away armor.

From personal life, to all kinds of things on the planet, to all kinds of high-tech equipment, and even to the experience of primal training.

Shen Shi had been chatting with everyone until night fell.

He can clearly feel that he has established mutual understanding and deeper trust with these people.

He knew the names of each of them, and their past, which was extremely exciting and great for ordinary people, and even knew their families and what they wanted to protect.

And the same goes for these warriors.

They only learned today that Shen Shi, who is extremely mysterious and powerful in their eyes, who has brought hope to the world, brought them great help, is also a human after the halo has faded away.

Emotional, joking, telling the truth, and a very beautiful lover—he's even a face control.

"Okay, let's go here today."

Finally, Shen Shi stood up from the ground, patted the sand and ash layers on his body, looked at the surrounding soldiers, and finally said:

"I will bring personal equipment and space battleships to you as soon as possible. Similarly, you still need to work hard, and we all need to work hard."

"All rise-!"

The person in charge suddenly shouted.

With a swipe, everyone stood up together.


Just as when they first met, the soldiers silently salute Shen Shi again, but compared to the initial time, there seems to be something different in the current salute.

That is their common will.

The same is true in Shen Shi's return salute.

He knew that he had been completely accepted by these fighters, and had truly become their comrade-in-arms, their trusted commander.

Even when Shen Shi's figure flew up and left, they also maintained a salute attitude and watched him go away.

"The purpose of coming here today should be completely realized." Shen Shi murmured in his heart.

It did come true, even better than he originally expected, but he also felt more responsibility.

He gradually became enlightened.

The process of saving the world is itself a process that is more and more closely connected with the world and with human civilization.

Maybe one day in the future.

When he found everything he wanted in human civilization, he would no longer be able to abandon everything and escape from this planet as he originally thought.

So, everything goes back to that sentence that I have repeated many times.

Absolutely can't lose!

After this day, Shen Shi returned to his previous state again.

Learning and training take up most of the time.

But the difference is that he is ready to get a certificate with Ai Xiner.

I just talked to the parents of both parties, and then chose a time to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau together.

No one knew their identities, most of them just looked at Shen Shi and the two with envy and congratulations. After all, Ai Xiner was indeed stunning, and Shen Shi, who had been carefully prepared, looked like a rich woman.

"Are there many people getting married recently?" While waiting to print the certificate, Shen Shi still chatted with the staff.

"It's a lot, after all, there's going to be a war." The staff member is an aunt in her forties, who seems to be very talkative, "My son is only 20 years old, and I've been talking about getting married recently, and what to say when the fight is over. It’s not good luck to get married again, but he doesn’t even have a girlfriend, so what kind of marriage does he get, young man, does your daughter-in-law have any sisters, or would you introduce me to my son?”

"Then you must be disappointed, she is the only daughter." Shen Shi smiled and chatted a few words.

He found that the emotions of most people in society are actually quite stable.

There was no anxiety or panic.

After all, all the media are constantly promoting the planetary fortress. After realizing that human beings are not without resistance, everyone has to accept the reality of interstellar war.

What's more, the war preparation mood in the society is also continuing to heat up.

On the way back, Shen Shi even saw a team of college students holding banners and shouting slogans, calling on young people to actively participate in the preparations, and a large number of people responded.

In addition to the captains, the rest of the interstellar troops are also constantly recruited and trained.

The largest number, UU reading www. is the Space City Protection Army.

They will be the reserves of the Deep Space Force, and once the war is in front of Blue Star, they will become front-line combatants.

If nothing else, Shen Zeyuan should also be one of them. Although Shen Shi's younger brother is considered to be excellent among his peers, it is not so easy to become a member of the Deep Space Force. .

"Everything is advancing in an orderly manner." Ai Xin'er also noticed Shen Shi's gaze, put her arms around his arms, and said softly, "We will win."

"That's right." Shen Shi returned a smile.

However, he is already married.

He thought that by now, he would not care much about such a red book, it was just a process, but at this time, there was still a kind of emotion that kept emerging in his heart.

"By the way, my parents want to see when they can meet you. Of course, they also said that it's okay to be busy, the important thing is important, and my mother wants to apologize to you. She told you at the beginning. Those words, really, who made her not believe my vision?" Ai Xiner chatted about trivial matters at home.

Although she was very calm, Shen Shi could still easily see her excitement and happiness at this time.

He stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around her soft waist.

Two life goals.

Great career and happy life.

Today's one seems to have been held in his hand.

------off topic-----

This chapter is ordered and updated, and the next war plot needs to be carefully thought about (σ′?`) Whether σ can be kept in three updates depends on everyone’s support.