MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 18 : It's time to board the battleship

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No matter what Ai Xiner said, Shen Shi just looked at her lazily, like if you say anything, I just don't listen.

To be honest, it was fun.

Let his mood completely calm down.

In fact, a person with a character like him needs to adjust other things from time to time to ease his mood, otherwise a person can easily get into trouble, especially when too many things happen at once, and the impact is too great. .

It wasn't until Ai Xiner was about to cry in a hurry that Shen Shi realized that he was going too far, and said quickly, "Okay, look outside."

Ai Xiner turned her head.

That's how I found out.

I don't know when, the vehicle has moved away from the lights of the street, driving on the coastal road. Looking around, the light of the street lights is reflected on the ocean at night, and the farther place is dotted with starry sky, there is something that cannot be felt during the day. Mysterious and grand.

Ai Xin'er couldn't help but look crazy.

After four years of schooling in the city, she had never been to the beach at night.

"At night at this time, the beach is still very lively." Shen Shi was also looking out the window, "Many people will come, as well as street singers, beach volleyball, skewers, etc. When I first came here , I just thought of having the opportunity to bring you here, but unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity."

Ai Xiner seemed to have finally reacted, wiped her eyes, raised her hand and slapped him, and said angrily, "You're so bad, you scared me to death just now, you know?"

"What's scaring you?" Shen Shi shook his head with a smile, "I feel bad when I have money? Or do you think I treat you as one of those girls who are casual when they see money?"

"..." Ai Xiner didn't speak.

Because Shen Shi was right, if she really took her to the hotel just now, she would be very sad.

Although tonight's Shen Shi is indeed amazingly charming.

But... it also made her a little scared.

"Don't worry about this." Shen Shi put away his smile, looked at her calmly, and said slowly, "You are different, you have my past in you, no matter what my future will become, this In the past, I wished it existed."

Ai Xiner's eyes were touched.

She understood what Shen Shi meant.

He... is also afraid, afraid of the future him.

"I, I see." Ai Xin'er nodded subconsciously, her tone soft, "I will protect it for you."

Shen Shi smiled.

He will find Ai Xiner today, originally just wanting to find someone to share the stirring emotions in his heart.

But he found out now.

This girl who has always been amazing, maybe, will bring him other surprises.

The car stopped.

"Let's go." Shen Shi got out of the car first, "I've prepared a surprise for you."

Ai Xiner didn't know why, but she was also looking forward to it.

She was wearing a pair of flat shoes, standing beside Shen Shi, who was wearing a suit and her aura was gradually opening, there was an indescribable match.

And she soon saw the "surprise" that Shen Shi said.

—A silver piano!

Right in the middle of the beach, under the light of the lights, there was already a group of curious tourists around there, but they were stopped by the bodyguards.

"Please." Shen Shi raised his hand gracefully, with a smile on his face, "So many things happened today, you really want to play the piano."

Ai Xiner stared blankly at the beautiful piano, then turned to look at the smiling Shen Shi, her lips twitching.

But said nothing.

Instead, he hugged him fiercely.

Release immediately.

He walked towards the piano excitedly, with joy in his steps.

Shen Shi recalled the moment of softness, and looked at Ai Xin'er who was leaving to cover up her shyness, and the smile on her face grew wider.

He walked over unhurriedly, and under the watchful eyes of the onlookers, he passed the bodyguard and sat next to the piano, facing the sea. This was the exclusive seat he had prepared for himself.

Then, the cheerful and melodious "IoTiPensoAmore" sounded slowly in the sea breeze under this night.

Shen Shi's eyes narrowed in enjoyment.

Although it did not overturn the world's publicity, this wonderful music is also worthy of his dreamy day.

I don't know if people will still be able to listen to music in the future three thousand years later.

There should be.

After all, they never gave up their pursuit of the past.

The bell at zero rang in the music and mixed thoughts like this.


The song finally ended.

Ai Xiner wore Shen Shi's suit and came to Shen Shi's side.

"Tired of playing?" Shen Shi asked.

"Yeah." Ai Xin'er's face was rosy, and the tips of her hair were sticking to her face because of fine sweat.

"Is it cool?" Shen Shi asked again.

"It's cool!" Ai Xiner nodded heavily.

"Then go to the hotel." Shen Shi looked at her teasingly.

However, he did not see the panic he imagined.

Ai Xin'er rolled her eyes and put her hands on her waist, "Do you want to use the same trick twice on this girl?"

"...It's really not interesting." Shen Shi pouted.

"Is it your hobby to see me cry?" Ai Xiner's forehead bulged, but she laughed first, picked up the water bottle beside Shen Shi, took a big gulp, and then exhaled fiercely. "This day, I might never forget it for the rest of my life."

"Me too." Shen Shi shrugged, stood up, and took two steps in the direction of the sea, his eyes were deep where Ai Xin'er couldn't see, "I thought about a few things during this time just now... There are some things that only I can do, if I give up without doing anything, then I am afraid that one day I will regret it."

Ai Xiner looked at his back, opened her mouth, and finally asked in a low voice:

"Will it be dangerous?"

"Don't worry." The corners of Shen Shi's mouth curled up, "How cowardly I am, it's not like you don't know, I won't do anything dangerous."

"Then I will support you, although I may not be able to help you." Ai Xiner pursed her lips and muttered, "You didn't tell me what it was."

"Haha." Shen Shi laughed twice and waved his hand, "Let them take you to the hotel, five-star, presidential suite, don't wait for me."

"I'm waiting for you jerk!"

Ai Xiner spat, fluttered her long hair smartly, and walked away without looking back.

She didn't know what else happened to Shen Shi.

But I know that all I can do now is to pray and wait.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help touching my feverish face, and pressed my chest again.

Feel the pounding heartbeat.

Verbally refused to admit it, but physically... a bit unsatisfactory!

His face burned even more.


Shen Shi kept watching Ai Xiner get in the car and leave.

The detector that simulates the change of deformed matter has been determined, and there are no other people nearby.

Just a thought.

The lights on the beach and on the road that were on all night, as if disturbed, went out zizily.

Shen Shi turned around.

He did figure out some things just now and made a decision.

So, it's time.

Board, your own space battleship!