MTL - Start with Psychologist-Chapter 23

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However, qualitative serial killings are no small matter. There is no 100% certainty, so conclusions cannot be easily drawn.

After looking at the wound on the corpse's face for a while, Fang Ze lowered his gaze and placed it on the corpse's neck.

The three cuts in a row showed that the murderer was nervous at the time, fearing that the victim would not die completely.

In fact, the murderer's first knife on the victim's neck was already fatal.

After checking, nothing new was found, and Fang Ze's gaze continued to move down.

The puncture wound on the chest was on the right side and did not pierce the heart, but it was enough to make the victim lose some ability to resist.

The location doesn't explain anything.

Regardless of whether the murderer is left-handed or right-handed, he may aim at this place when committing a murder with a knife.

Time passed little by little.

Half an hour later, Fang Ze straightened up. He didn't find anything new.

The wounds on the deceased's body were all knife wounds caused by the dagger, and it was the same knife, so that's no problem.

There were no other suspicious wounds.

"Forget it, let's go."

Fang Ze took off his mask, turned around and was about to leave.

At this moment, he seemed to think of something, and subconsciously looked at the stomach of the deceased.

After pondering for a while, Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Xiao Rong, do a gastric puncture. I need the precise composition of the stomach residue of the deceased."

"Huh? Oh good."

Huang Xiaorong nodded. Although she didn't understand Fang Ze's purpose, she obediently began to prepare tools.

Looking at the busy Huang Xiaorong, Ming Chuan asked suspiciously: "Fang team, do you suspect that the deceased had been poisoned? But the toxicology test did not respond, I can be sure of that."

Of course Fang Ze believed in Ming Chuan's test results, and he didn't doubt anything, he just wanted to make sure again.

"Just wait and see."

Huang Xiaorong's movements are very skilled and professional.

It seems that under Ming Chuan's guidance, this girl has grown up very quickly, and she is considered a qualified forensic doctor.

After a long time, Huang Xiaorong stopped busy.

The test results came out.

"Chloral hydrate?"

Looking at the printed results in his hand, Fang Ze frowned slightly.

Even Ming Chuan was taken aback for a moment. Obviously, he did not expect to detect chloral hydrate in the stomach of the deceased.

He didn't notice this. After all, the wounds of the deceased were all caused by sharp weapons.

"Fang team, teacher, chloral hydrate seems to be the main ingredient of some sleeping pills, right?"

At this time, Huang Xiaorong asked.

As a forensic doctor, she certainly knows these basic common sense.

Fang Ze didn't reply, Ming Chuan nodded and said, "That's right, chloral hydrate is indeed one of the ingredients of sleeping pills."

Sleeping pills were found in the stomach of the deceased?

How is this going.

Fang Ze said: "The dosage is very, very small, it can't make people fall asleep immediately, but it's enough to make people feel drowsy."

He thought of a possibility.

"Could it be that the deceased ate it himself?" Huang Xiaorong asked.

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "No, judging from the test results, the deceased took it during the daytime. Who would take sleeping pills in broad daylight, and it's still a class reunion."


Huang Xiaorong smiled awkwardly, feeling that this question was a bit silly.

She is only in charge of forensic identification, and she is indeed very bad at solving cases.

Ming Chuan said: "It seems that there is only one possibility. Someone quietly put a small amount of sleeping pills in the diet of the deceased."


Fang Ze nodded, there is no doubt about it.

Then, who could it be?

Chapter 42 The murderer is Shang Lihui?

the next day.

Fang Ze, who slept very late yesterday, didn't get up until ten o'clock. After a simple breakfast, he wandered aimlessly in the street.

Whether it is the investigation of the suspect or the questioning of the people present, it will take time.

He just needs to wait quietly.

What Fang Ze was thinking about now was the sleeping pills in the stomach of the deceased.

Theoretically speaking, everyone at the party at that time had the opportunity to do this, but there were sufficient alibi afterwards.

Is it possible that there is no direct connection between sleeping pills and Ling Xiu's death?

If there is a connection, it is certain that this is a deliberate murder case, and the person who administered the drug is also the murderer.

If there is no contact, then who would be the one who put the sleeping pills on? What is the purpose?

In his mind, Fang Ze connected all the clues he had found so far. After thinking about it for a while, he deduced several possibilities again.

But it's just a possibility. The truth still needs to be investigated.

At this moment, Fang Ze's cell phone rang.

The ringtone interrupted his meditation.

Fang Ze, who came back to his senses, took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID.

It was Luo Bixin calling.




"Where are you? If there is something new, come directly to the bureau."


Luo Bixin didn't say much, but asked Fang Ze to arrive as soon as possible.

After hearing the new situation, Fang Ze took a taxi without hesitation.

Twenty minutes later, Fang Ze came to the inquiry room of the bureau.

It's just that the person being questioned surprised Fang Ze a little.

Ling Xiu's husband, Shang Lihui.

"What's going on?" Fang Ze glanced at the silent Shang Lihui sitting inside, and turned his head to ask Luo Bixin next to him.

Luo Bixin didn't say much, and handed Fang Ze a document.

Fang Ze took a look at it, and said in surprise, "Ling Xiu's huge insurance policy? Is the beneficiary Shang Lihui..."

Personal accident insurance, if Ling Xiu dies abnormally, Shang Lihui will receive a huge compensation of at least two million.

"What did he say?" Fang Ze asked.

Luo Bixin said: "The insurance policy was signed by Ling Xiu. As for why the beneficiary is Shang Lihui instead of his own son, he didn't give a satisfactory explanation. He only said that Ling Xiu insisted on it. You don't think it's strange." ?"

Fang Ze was silent and did not express any opinion on this matter.

This has already involved ethical feelings, which cannot be discussed by outsiders.

According to common sense, since Ling Xiu bought insurance for herself, the beneficiaries should be her closest people.

Although Shang Lihui is his husband, compared with his own son, he is still far behind.

Of course, this is just emotionally speaking. No one knows what Ling Xiu thinks, and no one can force her to make a decision.

"You suspect that Shang Lihui killed Ling Xiu in order to cheat the insurance?"

Putting down the policy, Fang Ze asked.

"Is it impossible? This can also be regarded as the motive for killing. We know what Shang Lihui's family is like, and they are not rich." Luo Bixin said.

Fang Ze was noncommittal.

The possibility certainly exists, but there is still a very important problem in the middle.

"Alibi, what did you say?" Fang Ze said.

The hotel's surveillance footage clearly shows that since Ling Xiu left, Shang Lihui only went out to answer a phone call, and returned within five minutes.

In such a short period of time, there is nothing that can be done, let alone kill.

Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze seriously, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Fang Ze immediately understood Luo Bixin's meaning, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Ling Xiu's death was discovered by Shang Lihui..."

If you think about it from this aspect, Shang Lihui does have enough time to kill people.

After killing someone, pretend to report the crime?

Luo Bixin said: "And didn't you find the ingredients of sleeping pills in the body of the deceased last night? May I ask who can tamper with Lingxiu's diet quietly?"

"As for the masked man in the surveillance, it may just be a coincidence, and there is no evidence to prove that he is the murderer."

"What do you think?"

She needs Fang Ze's opinion.

Thinking of the puzzlement in Ling Xiu's pupils before he died, Fang Ze fell into deep thought.

Luo Bixin's idea is very bold, and theoretically speaking, this possibility is entirely possible.

But in Fang Ze's view, there seem to be a lot of loopholes.

For example: The murderer didn't leave any fingerprints, which means he was wearing gloves when he committed the crime. So what happened to the things after the murder?

They searched all the trash cans, including all the throwable places near the hotel, but found nothing, and Shang Lihui never left the hotel.

Another example: According to the forensic examination, the time of death of the deceased was around 2:30.

At this point in time, KTV is not over yet.

Although the time of death is affected by multiple factors, there may be discrepancies, and even artificial interference.

But Shang Lihui obviously doesn't have the time or conditions to do it.

After thinking about it carefully, there are many doubts, and I can't support Luo Bixin's inference at all.

So Fang Ze doesn't think Shang Lihui has anything to do with this matter.


ps: There will be some original plots, not many, after all, what can be written is limited.

Chapter 43 Information provided by Shang Lihui

"You think it's impossible?"

Seeing Fang Ze's expression, Luo's pen core wrinkled slightly. This was the clue she finally found.

Fang Ze coughed lightly, and said, "Captain Luo, I think you seem to have wronged Shang Lihui."