MTL - Start with Psychologist-Chapter 743

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Instead of looking at the barren hills, I was looking at the direction the bombers were coming from.

He is waiting for the fifth plane.

Time passed slowly.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes until ten minutes passed, the fifth plane was still nowhere to be seen.

This is very abnormal.

At this time, Robert also noticed something was wrong, he turned his head to look at the empty sky, and asked in doubt: "Why is there one missing?"

Next to him, David hurriedly said: "Let's ask, there may be something wrong"


Robert nodded, then took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hi it's me."

"For this bombing mission, several planes took off"

"Why are there only four out of five?"

"Find out what's going on right away!"

"What did you say! Why didn't you report the deviation immediately!"

"Where are you going!"

"Isn't that the Pacific Ocean to the west? Contact the pilot immediately!!"

"Why can't I get in touch if I can't get in touch"

Beside, David clearly heard the conversation.

"west side"

"Isn't that the direction of China?"

Thinking of a possibility, his expression suddenly changed.

"Mr. Robert!"

"The person flying the plane is most likely Fang Ze!!"

"Please give the order immediately and let the Air Force fighter jets chase after it! If it is too late, it will be too late!"

Hearing these words, Robert slowly turned his head to look at David, without reacting for a while.

"real or fake"

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Chapter 615 David’s God-level Inference 【2】

Robert thought David was joking with him.

First, there are people on the barren hills, that's for sure.

Apart from Fang Ze, there is no other possibility.

Is it possible that this guy can move in an instant? Second, the defense of the air force base is very strict.

In his cognition, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to get in, let alone control the aircraft.

Third, even a pilot cannot fly a plane without an order from a superior.

Even if Fang Ze got in, how did he know that he would definitely give the bombing order? So, David's judgment is totally untenable.

David seemed very anxious, and said, "Sir, please believe me!"

"This person is extremely good at sneaking into camouflage, and can confuse the real with the fake."

"Replace a certain pilot: he can do that."

Robert was dubious.

He pointed to the barren mountain in front of him and said, "Who is that on the mountain?"

David quickly said: "Maybe there is no one on the mountain at all!"

Hearing this, Robert frowned: "The more you say it, the more outrageous it is. If no one speaks, where did the gunshots and explosions come from?"

David thought for a while, then said: "The sound of the explosion is a trap, as long as you touch it, it can be triggered."

"As for gunshots, the principle is the same."

"Do you have to pull the trigger with your finger to fire a gun:?"

"There are many ways to achieve shooting, such as: wire rope!"

Robert froze.

In theory, there is nothing wrong with what David said.

It's just a little stretched.

"Okay, don't worry about who is flying the plane."

Robert spoke.

David just wanted to continue persuading, but was interrupted by Robert: "Don't worry, no matter

Whoever is on the plane is going to be chased, and the result is the same.”

After finishing speaking, he said to the phone: "Stop calling, send two 22 fighter jets to chase after it."

"If the other party intends to leave the country's waters, you don't need to ask for instructions, just shoot down."

"Also, tell the bombers to stop bombing."

After the order was given, he hung up the phone.

In the distance, four planes seem to have received orders and started to return.

Below, only a piece of scorched earth remained.

Seeing that Robert sent fighter jets to chase after him, David breathed a sigh of relief and fell into thinking.