MTL - Starting from Zero-v22 Chapter 550 Interstellar History

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The Dragon Mind Network can directly connect with each other. Although some speculations have been made before, I was quite surprised after it was really implemented.

Before the data connection, we felt confused about a lot of things, but everything became clear after the mental networks of both parties were connected. The main reason why we reacted so much during the data connection period was because the data traffic on both sides was too large. We have completed all data exchanges for tens of thousands of years in a matter of seconds, and this exaggerated communication speed depends entirely on the communication method of the other party-dark matter communication.

I don't know how to describe this kind of communication in human language, because this is something that humans have never been exposed to. It's like it's hard to describe a flight to a sea creature, it feels similar, but when you think about it, it's completely different.

Dark matter communication is a very magical method of communication. It does not use coding or translation. If you have to describe dark matter communication, then I can only say that this communication method is like instilling memory directly into your brain. You didn't know anything in the last second, and suddenly you knew and understood all the information in the next second. This is dark matter communication, and there is no such process as compilation, compression, transmission, and decompilation. It can even be said that dark matter communication does not use data at all. This is not data communication at all. This is a communication method that I have no idea how to describe.

Because this kind of dark matter communication does not require intermediate processes or even understanding, its transmission speed is theoretically infinite. No matter how much data there is, dark matter communication can be completed in any short time interval. This time can be infinitely close to zero, but it can never be zero. As for why our communication just took more than ten seconds to end. This is because although dark matter communication will not be delayed due to the amount of data, its transmission speed is affected by energy.

The premise of using dark matter communication is to be able to manipulate dark matter, and dark matter itself is a high-energy substance, so it needs to consume a huge amount of energy during this operation. In addition, the information transmission speed of dark matter communication is linked to energy consumption, although theoretically, dark matter communication can send out such complex information as the evolutionary history of the entire universe in an instant. But the energy required is also amazing, and these energy can even reproduce the birth and destruction of a universe. However, if you slow down the transmission of information, energy consumption will drop dramatically. As we have just completed the transmission of tens of thousands of years of information in ten seconds, the energy consumption will be so small that it will be negligible. However, if the information is compressed and transmitted in one second, then the energy consumption will not be able to cause all the energy in the world to be drained.

No matter how dark matter communication is indeed a great technology, although it may not seem to be suitable for all information transmission work, but it is very suitable for most occasions. In particular, dark matter communication and quantum communication technology can make information transfer faster than the speed of light.

From the information we just got, we first identified one thing. That is, we really have a huge relationship with these aliens. In fact, if the scientist who designed and produced a robot is regarded as the father of this robot, these aliens may be considered half of our mothers.

Why do you say that? The answer is fake. Because we designed and manufactured them together with the builders of the Fourth District.

Yes, a large part of our design comes from these aliens. Of course, I am talking about their ethnic group, not the aliens in front of them. Some scientists from their ethnic group were involved in the design of our dragons, but they did not finally see us.

"Do you mean that they are your designers?" Because the communication with the aliens was successful, the exercise was terminated early, and our position at this time has been transferred to a rather secret safe house. This is the safe house where the Big Three and Mei Lin were before.

Because the communication with the aliens had been completed, we were called over to briefly report to the heads of state of the three countries. Of course, not all of us came here. In fact, only me, Ling and Xiaochun were responsible for reporting. The others stayed in that room for in-depth communication with the aliens.

Of course, it is not only the heads of state of the three countries who came to listen to the report. In fact, the powerful people at this party are basically here, so even though this room could hold more than 200 people, it still feels crowded. But there is really no bigger safe house in this place. The information exchanged this time is very important and can't be leaked, so I can only wrong these big brothers.

Regarding the question of the President of the United States, I paused and explained, "Because some of you on the scene are not particularly clear about our origins, I will explain from the beginning. We. Not humans. You have already It is clear. But, unlike most people think, we are not artificial people made by human beings, of course, we are not strengthened by the transformation of pure humans. "

"So what are you guys?" Asked the helm of a super-international consortium.

"We are biological weapons, a kind of biological weapons made by aliens. Regarding those alien relics on the earth, you are all high-level people. I believe that you are all aware of the blockade of ordinary people. Some of them are big. The guy may also have seen one or two relics in person. I don't want to say too much about this relic. As long as you know that all of these relics belong to the same alien force, and from what we just got from those aliens, According to the information obtained, these relics we found on Earth actually belong to an interstellar task force. "

"These ruins are a fleet?" The Russian president was instantly calm, and he was always interested in weapons.

I nodded and said, "This fleet had some problems because of the war a long time ago, and the specific situation of the aliens was not very clear, because they were not present when things happened. But according to their description, this fleet should It was defeated in battle, and then forced to make a space jump or teleport or space jump, which is such a thing anyway. This fleet was maimed during the battle and then evacuated urgently. It turned out to be an enemy during the jump Fang used a superweapon of the same level as the nuclear weapons on Earth in interstellar warfare. Some of the energy generated by this weapon interfered with the transition. Then the fleet failed to complete the transition, but wiped it in the space-time channel. It was thrown out, and then directly hit the earth. This is the origin of the ruins. The reason why the ruins on the earth are now everywhere is entirely because the fleet was in a broken state when it was teleported, and many The battleships are completely out of control. So the point of impact is very chaotic. "

"Is China's fourth special zone in the fleet a special presence?" Asked a big man.

I nodded and said, "The fourth special zone in our country is actually the flagship of this fleet, and the transition is actually completed by it. This transition technology does not install transition equipment on all warships. In fact, It ca n’t be done because the equipment is very large. According to the information we have obtained from the aliens, only large battleships of the battleship class will generally have transition equipment. When a transition is required, a large battleship will open one. The force field, and then took the small battleships in the force field area to complete the transition. At that time, the flagship of this fleet, which is the fourth special zone under our control, was quite damaged, and its transition force field could not be fully deployed. So during the jump process In fact, most of the warships that followed it were involved in the chaos of time and space, and even less than one percent of the total number that came with them. At the same time, even when they came over, these warships in the jumping range were also stormed by space. It was damaged twice, which is one of the reasons why the ruins found in places other than the Fourth Special Zone are so severely damaged.

Many people have heard such expressions after hearing my words. After all, a lot of people were wondering long ago. The ruins found in other countries are tattered. Why is only the Fourth Special Zone discovered by China so complete? Already. The reason for doing this for a long time is here.

"So what are you doing?" Someone asked again.

"Everyone knows that although the fourth special zone is relatively more complete, the damage is actually not small. Its main part is damaged by a lot of penetrating damage, but even the materials after the damage are completely impossible with the technology on earth. Simple disassembly or cutting of these things. Countries should be the same in this regard. "

A guy who was a technical officer immediately said, "Yeah! The materials of those ruins are amazing, and it often takes months to open a hole in them. Otherwise, it ’s not because these **** shells are too hard, our Research will not be slow! "

I nodded and continued: "Because the material of the alien remains is too hard. So the most commonly used is to enter the interior of the spacecraft from the original damaged gaps in the ruins to study various items. The original genes of our dragons The sample was found here. "

"Aren't you the product of the Artificial God Project?" Or the technical officer just asked: "I remember that this was an international joint project before, it seems that the Human Genome Project was also used as a cover-up information."

"Your level was obviously not high enough at the time." I told the technical official: "In fact, the original originating country of the Artificial God program was China, and some information about B-series fortified viruses was found in the ruins everywhere, but because of research at the time The level of restrictions cannot be completed by one country. So in the end, the plan was split, everyone studied together, and then shared information to develop cooperatively. In the recent period of time, it seems that all countries have turned their attention to immigration plans, so this plan has been Shelved. Only our Longyuan finally completed this plan, successfully restored the original B13 virus body, and after 18 years of dormancy, the B13 virus plant finally recovered completely, and I was the original finished product. "

"You said you were the original finished product?"

"Yes. The data obtained by the Longyuan Group from the Fourth Special Zone is actually missing, and there was only a small pot of virus samples. The Longyuan base took a hundred years to study the virus and found the virus. In fact, it does not have the ability to infect and does not actively spread. Later, it was delayed for many years in the process of stabilization and gene complementation, and the original B13 plant was completed twenty years ago. One of the plants in this part was later The virion suddenly recovered for unknown reasons, then split and reproduced, and finally produced an embryo. After the embryo was split, it was me and my sister. We were originally female twins, but during the process of embryo division, I do n’t know why suddenly Transformed into male individuals. At present we speculate that it may be caused by incorrect gene expression.

All the dragons you see now are all based on me, and are produced from artificial infectious bodies produced by cloning my embryonic primitive cells. In other words, I am the mother of the Dragon family, and all Dragon individuals are specialization products based on my genes. "

"That is to say, China entrusted Longyuan Group to restore you from the genetic data obtained in the fourth special zone?"

"You can understand it this way."

"What about those aliens?"

"This is the problem of the original owner of the fourth special zone." I explained: "I said earlier that the relics on the Earth originated from the alien fleet, and the reason the fleet crashed was because of being attacked by the enemy. . That is to say, the original owner of the Fourth Special Zone is actually engaged in an interstellar war. According to the information obtained by these aliens we just met, the enemies that the original owner of the Fourth Special Zone fought are very powerful. The civilization of this civilization is very strong, and the forces of the original owner of the Fourth Special Zone cannot beat this civilization, so they have found an ally. "

"Is those aliens?" There was a quick guess.

"That's right. These aliens and that powerful civilization are also hostile, so in the principle that the enemy's enemy is a potential ally, the two sides made contact and really reached an alliance."

"Their alliance can't beat those people, aren't those aliens super powerful?"

"No, in fact, the alliance between the original owner of the Fourth Special Zone and these aliens successfully suppressed that very powerful civilization, and according to these aliens, when they were trapped on Earth, the war had already It's almost over. That powerful civilization is actually about to be defeated. "

"Sure enough, no matter how strong the technology is, there aren't too many people!" The US President watched the Chief Minister's words meaningfully.

I immediately refuted: "No, the situation is exactly the opposite of what you guessed. The reason why the powerful civilization can suppress the original owner of the Fourth Special Zone against these alien forces is not because the technology is powerful ~ ~ On the contrary, it is entirely because they have too many people. In fact, among these three civilizations, the most developed scientific and technological force is the aliens we just contacted. Their technology is much stronger than the other two. It can even be said to have transcended the opponent's entire big age. The reason why the aliens have been uncertain about this civilization before is mainly because the ethnic degradation of this alien force is very serious. Their race seems to be moving from carbon-based creatures to The transitional state of energy creatures, this transition process has caused this race to lose its reproductive ability, so they are not adapted to war. Moreover, this race has a strong religious atmosphere. They believe that it should not interfere with their own evolution, so they insist on not using technical means to increase The number of populations. At the same time, this race also has strange judgments on robotics, so the number of robots is also affected. Strictly controlled. Looks at their civilization, the robot is also considered a creature enjoy human rights. "

"Robots also have human rights?" Many people cried in surprise. I know that these people must be dismissive of this, because in their opinion, even among humans, many people have no human rights, let alone robots.

"It's weird, I know. But this is their civilization, that's how they identify. Anyway, this race is characterized by few people, but it has very strong technical power. And the strong civilization that has been bullying them occupies several river systems. The planet is vast and the population is scary. Although the opponent's technology is backward, it is not completely impossible to fight, relying on the human sea tactics to keep pressing here to fight. "(To be continued ...)