MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 55 Terrible device

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The front end of the new asterisk is very sharp, and this position is also known as the collision angle, which is a device specially used to impact the target. This design is often seen on ancient warships, but modern warships have eliminated this kind of thing, because modern warships can usually use guns or missiles to solve targets outside the line of sight, let alone impact, even close It is difficult to achieve, so the warship design has been canceled since the construction of the warships in the middle and late stages of World War II.

It is precisely because modern warships have cancelled this part, so many people will think that the warships of the cosmic era must not have this device, because even the warships on the earth have already been so powerful, then the warships of the cosmic era must be more isolated For a few seconds, the enemy could not be found. How could a warship crash into a warship? Therefore, many people sneered at the setting of collision angles in space battleships, believing that it was purely heavenly.

In fact, whether a weapon will be adopted has little to do with its invention time or principle. The ultimate factor that really determines whether a weapon will appear on the battlefield is actually practical. A very practical weapon, cost-effective, and it can really come in handy, no matter what stage the technology develops, this kind of thing cannot be eliminated, at most it is an internal upgrade. However, if the price-performance ratio of a certain weapon is very bad and impractical, then no matter how powerful the weapon is or how high-end the principle is, it cannot be a popular weapon, let alone a large amount of equipment.

The collision angle was eliminated by modern warships because modern warships have far more power than defense, so the two warships have already solved each other before approaching each other. It is impossible for a close collision to occur, so that the collision angle naturally becomes The furnishings were useless, and they were naturally eliminated.

but. The battle between Nova and the Sith Empire battleship has just explained to everyone why there is such a thing as a collision angle in the space battleship.

In fact, there is only one key factor-the warships of the universe era have lower firepower than their defenses. This is the key to the problem, and there are two reasons for this phenomenon. The first is shield technology. The second is the progress of micromechanics.

Needless to say shield technology, this thing is worth 10,000 gold. As long as your shield generator has enough power and you have enough energy, then your battleship can be called an invincible battleship. Anyway, if someone can't knock on your shield, you will be rude. If a warship is equipped with a super shield generator, and it will carry energy that will never run out, it can almost single out a fleet. Anyway, people do not treat you wrong, just stop and stare at a target and hit it.

It just took a long time for the New Star and the Sith Empire battleship to break each other's shields, and strictly speaking, in the end, they did not use each other's weapons to open each other's protective shields. But because the Sith Empire battleship rushed up and hit the new star, most of the shields of both were consumed in this collision.

From this, you can see why the space battleships have such a ridiculous angle of collision, because everyone actually confronts the energy beam after a few light seconds or even a light minute, but the result often waits for the fleets of both sides. When staggered, the two sides were still unable to get each other's shield. Then, in a certain war, a captain of the two mules ordered to hit the enemy ship, and as a result, the opponent's shield with more than half of the shield left was knocked off. Then the two sides of the ship confronted each other at close range and sank a ship in two or three.

Since then, the collision tactics have become popular. Everyone likes to collide with battleships, because this way they can quickly get the other side's shield. Then someone invented the technique of focusing the shield in one direction, and the shield began to deform. Then the energy collision angle was born. In fact, this thing is to condense the shield into a sharp awl to poke people. The function is probably like this, and the effect is really very good.

of course. When the energy shield is also used up, you do n’t have a shield, and the enemy has a shield. In this case, it is obvious that you are uncomfortable when you hit the enemy. Therefore, physical collision angle is also needed.

As mentioned before, micromechanics is a discipline that mainly studies the interaction forces between microscopic particles, but it is actually a mixed discipline, because microscopic forces do not originate from a certain principle, but come from many mixed forces. Interaction.

What are the benefits of studying this science? The answer is that you can decide the ratio of hardness and toughness of a material according to your preference. Of course, you can also increase the strength and toughness properties at the same time, and finally you can get a super strong material. And how solid the material can be made. It depends on where you can get the results in micromechanics.

Although the Sith Empire was not strong in this regard, they also had this knowledge. Let alone the creators and pilgrims. Both sides are the originators of black technology. Many materials and data made out can scare scientists on the planet from heart disease. Think of those creator remains buried on earth! They have been buried in the soil for so long. Not only is there nothing at all, it is very difficult for humans to want to go in. It doesn't matter how many bits the drill breaks. Less is useless, more is broken. The corrosive solution did not respond at all, and high-energy rays were the only thing that worked, but it was just water-milling. A long hole of high-energy rays could barely open a small hole. This is why the development of the ruins is so slow, and the countries are so excited after learning that we can open the door to the ruins. It is really that they are driving crazy with the shell material of these creator battleships.

It is precisely because the strength of these materials is too exaggerated, and the weapons of the cosmic era have not made much progress. This caused everyone's artillery to break through each other's defenses, but it took a long time to fight for a while. When the shell was pierced, the swords on both sides were already very close.

Therefore, although the combat effectiveness of the battleships of the universe era is very exaggerated, because the defense is more exaggerated, everyone has to think of many ways that can not be helped. And it turns out that the design of the collision angle, which has been thrown into the garbage dump, is actually really useful, and the damage that this thing causes to the enemy every time in battle can even account for more than 20% of the total effective damage output. With such a high ratio, who dares to say that my warship is not equipped?

In addition, it was later proved that the meaning of the collision angle was not entirely necessary in combat. The universe is actually very dangerous. Meteorites thrown out when supernovas explode will not obey the traffic rules. These stones or ice cubes, which fly at a tenth of the speed of light, have terrible kinetic energy. Even a space battleship is not a joke if it suddenly hits some key positions.

Of course, there are many meteorites in the universe. But the universe is larger, so the probability of being hit by a meteorite passing by in space is actually very low. Its probability is even lower than the probability of being suddenly killed on the earth by a meteorite falling from space. In other words, this is actually something that you don't need to worry about, because you basically can't run into it anyway.

However, the probability of being hit by a meteorite is very low, but there are many cases of active impact on the meteorite.

The civilian spacecraft is better. Long-distance movement generally relies on the transit of the star gate. In the stellar system, everyone takes a safe channel. There are special sweepers to clean the channel regularly, and a special monitor stares at the nearby meteorite. . So as long as you do n’t fly out of the channel, the spacecraft does n’t have to worry about hitting a meteorite.

However, the civilian spacecraft is all right, what about the military? Can you stipulate that everyone fights somewhere during a big battle? Really fight, isn't that warship flying around? And if the space warships are engaged in long-distance voyages, they usually need to make jumps by themselves, or directly sail on curvature. These methods are actually dangerous, because jumping is basically a bunny jump with closed eyes in the swamp. You don't know what's going on there before you teleport. Everyone dares to play this way is nothing more than two points. The first is that the universe is large enough that most areas are empty, so it jumps directly into the planet. Or worse, the probability of falling into the star is very low. And another guarantee is that everyone is not really jumping blindly.

Just as a submarine is actually blind when performing a silent submarine, hyperspace transitions are usually used in conjunction with star charts. The submarine does not activate the active sonar when sailing silently. The external camera alone can only see the situation within a few meters, so nuclear submarines rely on chart navigation when performing silent navigation. As long as you follow the chart to navigate, avoid things like peaks under the sea, they will not hit things. So that you can sail normally. The same is true of hyperspace jumps. Everyone has a star map, knowing which stars are in which positions, as long as you avoid these positions, there is usually no problem. As for those who do n’t know what happened to stop other warships or meteorites passing by ...?

In that kind of thing, you can really only pray for your own character. Think about the accident that occurred between the US and Russian nuclear submarines on the sea floor. In the end, the Russian submarine sank due to the collision. This is actually the case. Silent sailing on both sides. It is equivalent to holding a chart with your eyes closed and waiting for the external camera to see the other party. As a result, they hit a piece.

If a similar event occurs during the interstellar transition, then you can only consider yourself unlucky.

but. The probability of this kind of thing is actually very low, because the meteorite flying around in the universe will not be everywhere after all. As long as you do n’t drill the road to the asteroid belt, you wo n’t really run into it. Already. Both creators and pilgrims have stipulated that the transition target should be far away from the planet's surface, on the one hand to avoid being pulled down by the planet's gravity, on the other hand to avoid civilian spacecraft, and civilian spacecraft must leave a certain range around the planet and must use fixed channels, and Warships are aware of these channels and will actively avoid them and do not jump in.

But the real problem is not the transition, but the curvature of the ship using superstring theory. Everyone knows that this way of sailing can achieve super-light speed sailing, but many people think that this way of sailing is just like the jump to the destination. Actually not. In fact, this way of sailing still sails in normal space, so you can't ignore the obstacles in the universe at all. If there are obstacles on your sailing route, congratulations, you will hit them directly at the speed of light, and as a result ... most of the battleships will burst into **** anyway.

Civil navigation is supervised and cleaned up to no big deal, but the route of military spacecraft is not fixed, so this situation is slightly more common. But the first solution was a mining ship.

This mining ship is specifically responsible for collecting the small asteroids, because such asteroids are often very high density materials with a single composition, which can be said to be much more valuable than mining directly on the surface of the planet. However, although these asteroids are called asteroids, they are not really small. Some asteroids can even be as small as a fraction of the moon.

You ca n’t expect the mining ship to pull you back directly when you come across this size, you need to divide it first. The best way to divide is to use an impactor to crush the asteroid directly.

This impactor is actually a variant of the impact angle, which can crush rocky asteroids and then facilitate mining.

It is said that one time a private mining ship arrived late and the direction of the ship deviated, and as a result, it just hit a fragment of a planet crushed by a mining ship that arrived first. You can imagine what it is like to run into the speed of light.

However, the results were amazing. In the end, the spaceship directly crashed the asteroid fragment. Although the hull also suffered severe deformation and damage, after all, the collision angle was not designed to hit the target with the speed of light. However, anyway, the hardness of this thing is amazing, and there is a buffer design with the main structure of the hull, so although the collision angle was completely destroyed and the spacecraft was finished, three of the twelve crew members on the ship survived.

Although nine people were still dead, it was normal for none to survive. It was normal that someone could survive, and the spacecraft was damaged and did not become a pile of debris. This is quite amazing.

Since then, military battleships have begun to absorb this experience. Plus some casualties. Damaged warships can be repaired when they go back, and no more than a third of the dead will be killed. This is much better than catching a ship with the ship completely dead.

For this reason, a spacecraft without a collision angle must not be military, and a military spacecraft must have a collision angle, just to play a protective role. In fact, this thing is similar to a car's bumper for warships, for safety.

But now the new star is safe, and the people on the Sith Empire battleship are not safe. The collision angle just inserted into the interior of the Sith Empire battleship shook the surface of the battleship after breaking through the shell of the battleship, and this kind of vibration was known by people in the Sith Empire battleship. His grandpa turned out to be a resonance smasher. Isn't your sister's thing used by mining ships? Which heartbroken ship is this loaded on? We promise not to kill you when you come out.

Unfortunately, thinking nothing is useless, because the resonance pulverizer above the head has begun to work, once it is found to the correct frequency, one after another can turn this Sith Empire battleship into a pile of scrap iron. (To be continued.)
