MTL - Starting My Cultivation With Immortality-Chapter 375 ? Widespread disciples

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"It is worthy of being the first in the world, the blue waves are billions of miles, and after being reborn from the ashes, the luck is actually stronger than it was in the past."

When Yunsu rode a green bull and brought a group of little guys to the East China Sea, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he saw the East China Sea.

Back then, when he brought Ao Yue to the East China Sea during the war between the East and the West, he still vividly remembered it, but it was inevitable that many sea areas and islands had changed.

The natural primary factor for this change in luck is Buzhou Mountain, followed by the return of the Ancestral Dragon to the Dragon Clan, and finally, the Dragon Mother has been dormant for so many years, and the East China Sea has developed well.

"It turns out that the Master Qingfeng from Buzhoushan has arrived, so hurry up and greet him."

When the welcoming dragon sons saw Qingniu coming from the east, they recognized that it was Yunsu's immortal driver, and hurriedly sounded the dragon drum of the East China Sea and greeted him with a great gift.

It was not too early or too late for Yun Su to come. Except for the Taoist Supreme, all the other top powers had arrived.

Since the Golden Crow Immortal Association and the Buzhou Mountain Immortal Association, the sequence of the top powers has been basically fixed. This time, the East China Sea held the opening ceremony. Although the immortals gathered, the host and guests were still the list of the previous two immortal meetings.

The Taoist Taishang arrived late, and the ten thousand immortals worshipped, and all the top powers also greeted him, but Yunsu didn't take it seriously.

Since the head of the Three Qing Dynasty became a quasi-sage, in the past ten thousand years, he has been seen on many important occasions in the prehistoric times.

Yunsu was originally a quasi-sage first, but this kind of thing is not very good in order of priority. As long as he becomes a quasi-sage, the whole prehistoric will be treated equally. Instead, he is the head of the Sanqing and the first disciple of Hongjun, which makes the Taoist Taoist. Qualified to do so.

After the Taoist Taishang was seated, the opening ceremony of the sea officially began.

The whole process is relatively simple. First, the Dragon Mother welcomed Wanxian, and then she asked Di Jun to reprimand it on behalf of the sky. Emperor Jun praised the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, saying that the Dragon Mother had done a good job in restarting the East China Sea, and awarded many awards and imperial seals. The old rule, it is the turn of the Taoist Taishang to speak.

The Taoist Taishang is not much different from the previous two times, but he first mentioned the matter of Nuwa and the Master Tongtian becoming quasi-saints. Wanxian naturally congratulated them, and then started to talk about the avenues in turn.

This time spent is a hundred years.

For Yunsu, this kind of Taoism actually has a lot of gains, but it takes a bit of time, especially those who do not have enough Taoism, and sleep from the beginning to the end.

There is also a slight surprise, that is, the emperor in front of him is not a quasi-sage, but before setting off, Yun Su clearly noticed that there was a momentary change in the qi in the heaven.

As for whether this Di Jun was deliberately low-key, or had other plans, Yunsu had no idea. If he wanted to come to this kind of thing, he couldn't hide it from himself, and he should also be able to hide it from the Taoist.

After the Dao of the Great Power, it is the part of the opening of the sea.

Starting from offering sacrifices to the heavens, the whole process is quite grand. Moreover, the East China Sea is extremely rich in products and there are many treasures in the Dragon Palace. Even if Wanxian goes to a banquet, they can easily entertain them, but it is impossible to have the peach reception of the Buzhou Mountain Fairy Association. .

Similar to Yunsu's deduction, this sea opening ceremony did not end up being a united meeting.

"Today we gather at the opening ceremony of the East China Sea, which will surely become a story of all ages. It coincides with Empress Nuwa and Senior Brother Tongtian becoming quasi-saints. It is really gratifying. My demon clan is now overseeing the world, and I hope this world will always be peaceful. …”

As soon as Di Jun opened his mouth, several quasi-sages seemed to have a good heart. They looked over, as if they had foreseen it.

Although Di Jun went around and talked nonsense, but in summary, it is one point. The demon clan now dominates the world and has encountered many difficulties. Generation, the Yaozu hopes to take this opportunity to let the children of the Yaozu worship the great masters as teachers, and use the mystery of each family's Taoism to govern the world.

At the same time, the demon clan will respect the top powerful people present, and give a bunch of dazzling honors.

Of course, in order to make this matter less abrupt, Di Jun touted the top powers one by one, talking about the righteousness of heaven and earth. Not anymore.

Of course, in order to show Hongjun's sect, the heart of fellow-path communication, in addition to Fuxi, the four imperial demons will also accept some other top-notch disciples as apprentices.

The top powers sitting high on the cloud platform were discussing this matter, but the disciples of the demon clan who attended the meeting immediately burst into laughter.

This time, in the opening ceremony of the East China Sea, the Celestial Court Monster Clan brought many young children in addition to the civil and military officials. I actually want everyone to worship the top powerful people as teachers.

This is a great opportunity.

Generally speaking, many disciples of the demon clan, not to mention worshiping the four emperors of the demon clan as their teachers, even Kunpeng and many demon gods do not easily accept their disciples.

Although these disciples were chosen from thousands, the surprises came too quickly, which made them overjoyed.

In particular, the nine princes who followed Emperor Jun were even more excited.

"It's really a big happy event. This time, the Father brought us here, but I didn't expect it to be such an opportunity. With the honor of my status, I will definitely be able to worship a top-notch power."

"Hahaha, what the third brother said is very true. I don't know which master the third brother wants to worship."

The Golden Crow princes suddenly became restless. They didn't have so many scruples. Anyway, Wanxian was present, and everyone was talking about it. It wasn't on the platform of the altar, so they didn't have any scruples. Agreed, but because of their admiration for Di Jun, they all felt that Heavenly Father had opened his mouth, and most of the matter was done. In private, they began to discuss secretly with the secret method of the demon clan.

Fortunately, in this kind of gathering of ten thousand immortals, there are many people, and all the top experts do the same. They don't eavesdrop on what everyone is saying, and they even deliberately reject these noises.

Otherwise, if someone inadvertently disrespects the great power, it is not very good whether they should be punished on the spot or selectively ignored.

And Lu Ya, the tenth prince, who was obviously excluded and avoided by them, sat quietly aside, as if immersed in the previous almighty discussion, and seemed not to worry about the matter of apprenticeship.

The nine Jinwu princes were chatting, some wanted to worship the Taoist Taishang, and some wanted to worship the Taoist Tongtian. In general, there was not much difference.

"We are the venerable Prince of the Golden Crow, and naturally we have to worship the most powerful person. The Taoist Taishang is the first disciple of Sanqing, and he is also the eldest disciple of the ancestor of Hongjun. It is definitely our first choice. "

"Fifth brother, we are basically not familiar with the Daoist Master Taishang. Once you start halfway through, will you be crowded out by those Jinxian or something? My brother, I think Master Tongtian is a good choice, as the fourth place. Heaven and earth are quasi-sacred, and it goes without saying that Dao Xing supernatural powers, there are many demon clansmen in Jin'ao Island, and everyone has the same spirit and can help each other one or two.

Moreover, Jinao Island is in charge of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation. If I can form a chance with this formation in the future, it will be a great blessing for my demon clan. "

The princes talked a lot and were very enthusiastic.

As the princes of the demon clan, once the great masters agree, they will have the highest priority.

For them, apart from Master Nuwa, the only quasi-sages in the world are Master Qingfeng from Buzhou Mountain, Master Taishang Taoist, and Master Tongtian.

Bu Zhoushan was abandoned by them subconsciously.

Back then, the nine princes were severely injured by the gourd baby alone. They still remember this hatred to this day. They have complained in private over the years, but it was because the Buzhou Mountain was big and the demon clan tried their best to befriend Buzhou Mountain. I dare not speak out.

Although they didn't dare to do anything, or even dared to complain or instigate something with a big fanfare, they were absolutely unwilling to let them worship Buzhou Mountain. Being beaten every day is a very important reason.

"I wonder what Big Brother thinks?"

The eight platforms quarreled for a long time, and the choice between Dao Shang Dao and Dao Tong Tian was about half and half.

The eldest prince of Jinwu pretended to be contemplative, and then said: "Bajing Palace and Biyou Palace are both good choices. What your younger brothers said is very reasonable, but this matter of apprenticeship has to be approved by people. The nine princes of Jinwu are in the same line of advance and retreat. The first choice is naturally to go to the same house. If they are divided into two parts, it will not be beautiful, and they will take less care of each other.

Now my demon clan rules the whole world. Heavenly Father’s practice is not so much to let us learn the strengths of each family, but to make good friends with all the top powers and share the honor of the heaven and the earth and the luck of the heaven and the earth. Wait for a good arrangement. "

After the princes had discussed, they mocked and looked at Lu Ya who was closing his eyes and comprehending something.

"I must know that I am not pleased with my Heavenly Father. I am afraid that this time, it will not be his chance, so I will just give up."

"How can that be done, the tenth younger brother is very talented, he is always on the top, he has no respect for my elder brother, but his words are very cold, but as elder brother, we can't have the same knowledge as him, we might as well think about it later. Way to help him."

"Oh, what's a good plan for the third brother."

"Humph! I'm afraid that the master and the third master will not be able to turn him. When the time comes, we will act according to the opportunity, so..."

The nine Golden Crow princes had bad thoughts, but Lu Ya didn't know it. He was really immersed in his previous insights. He worshipped a teacher, what kind of teacher, and he had already worshipped Fangcun Mountain in Yuntai. The master was Master Bodhi. , Although he is not well-known in Honghuang, his body is astonishing, and his mana is boundless.

Among the immortals, not only the children of the demon clan smiled, but the children of other clans were also very happy. Although the words of the emperor were suggestions, they made a good start. For them, how could there be such an opportunity to worship on weekdays? It is now possible to enter the door of the top powerhouse.

Once the masters agreed, and they took a fancy to themselves, in that instant they would be able to step up and become immortals, with infinite opportunities.

"What the Emperor of Heaven has said is great, whether choosing an apprentice or apprenticeship this time is a great opportunity. Even if there is already a division of sect, this time can be ignored. After all, Master Jun’s family is a family, and you don’t need to see outsiders, so I don’t know what everyone thinks.”

The Taoist Taishang smiled as he stroked his beard. As a senior brother, his attitude was the most critical. If he objected, this matter would not be done, but as soon as he opened his mouth to support Di Jun, the matter was settled.

Sure enough, everyone expressed no opinion.

Normally, the next step is for everyone to rush to worship the Taoist Taishang, or the gate of Buzhou Mountain, and then Nuwa's Wa Palace and Jinao Island.

As a result, Master Yuan Shi suddenly spoke up.

"Eldest brother is the head of Pangu Sanqing, and Mr. Hongjun is the first disciple. This time, I also ask the senior brother to select the predestined person first."

As soon as this statement came out, many children of the second, third and fourth generations felt uncomfortable.

Originally, everyone wanted to compete for a chance, but when you opened your mouth, you let the Taoist Taishang choose by himself.

"Second senior brother's words are reasonable, so I asked senior senior brother to choose the predestined person first, and the demon clan will obey."

Nu Wa and Di Jun looked at each other and expressed their attitude.

Although Yun Su smiled, he did not speak, and the other top powers basically had no objection, and this matter was settled.

Therefore, the Taoist Supreme Taoist chose first.

"I have been watching the wild world recently, and I have some insights..."

The Taoist Taishang got up and got off the cloud platform, and first selected a few children from the demon clan. Unlike everyone thought, in Yunsu's opinion, the qualifications of the demon clan children were extremely ordinary, and they were all Buddhists or Buddhists from the previous Western Buddhism. Bodhisattva line.

This is almost equivalent to Chiguoguo’s taking advantage of the situation to protect these veins. The Yaozu mentioned it himself, and naturally he didn’t understand it, and agreed with a smile on his face.

Then, the Taoist Taishang calmly selected a few, including the masters of Yuanshi and the masters of Tongtian. I don't know if it's for fairness or to show the identity of the master. Basically, every top master has a master. At least one place.

Some are the descendants of these top powers, and some are their second or third generation disciples. Although Taishangdao candidates are very picky, they are generally taken care of.

Then, Yunsu smiled and watched the Taoist Taishang come pacing.

"Fourth Junior Brother's disciples are all great talents in the world. Why don't the Junior Brother send a high-level apprentice to my Bajing Palace to learn about one or to show friendship."

Different from other top experts, when it was Yunsu's turn, the Taoist Taishang asked Yunsu to assign himself.

Moreover, unlike other disciples of the almighty, Taoist Taishang did not say that he was accepting an apprentice, but asked Yunsu to choose an apprentice and send him to Bajing Palace to learn Taoism.

Just when many top powers thought that this gentleman was acting low-key, but Master Qingfeng, who was rumored to have a bad temper, would sing the opposite, unexpectedly Yunsu laughed and said:

"Since it's for the sake of harmony and friendship under the teacher's family, we Buzhoushan are naturally very supportive. Senior Brother, please wait for a while."

Yunsu got up and looked at the Buzhou Mountains who were still led by Bai Xianxian, who seemed to have not seen it, but said loudly, "Where is Bai Xianxian!"

"The disciple is here!"

Bai Xianxian heard the words and stood up immediately.

Seeing that the eyes of the audience were all cast over, Bu Zhoushan and the others all blushed, except Bai Xianxian, who was beautiful and independent.

"This time, it's up to you to represent Buzhoushan, go to Bajing Palace to practice, don't lose your face as a teacher."

"Yes, the disciple respects the teacher's will, you can rest assured."

Bai Xianxian said nothing, with a solemn expression and a quick mouth, but in his heart he thought that if he went to the Eight Kings Palace to practice cultivation in the future, he didn't know if he could take advantage of it.

She has always heard that there are many treasures in the Bajing Palace, and it must be a good place for leisure and vacation.

As for comprehending the Taoist Dao, cultivating, etc., she didn't take it to heart at all. She had Lao Su to worry about, why did she think so much.