MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 351 landing

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Iveco was produced by the eldest son car. This car is not so eye-catching in appearance, but its core is full of technology and hard work!

Because this is just Li Zhenhua using Iveco's appearance, and all his internal structures are all redesigned by himself, using the same technology that is only used on bulletproof vehicles.

Just the shell can make many firearms eclipse in front of it. The bulletproof level is completely above B7 level. In this world, there are not many bulletproof levels higher than this. Even if there are, there are still a few models. It is from his own hand.

The car is not only bulletproof, Li Zhenhua also upgraded the power system of this car, and it is a dual power system.

The internal combustion engine is still used in the main power system, which is a redeveloped six-cylinder supercharged diesel engine with a total power of 240 kilowatts and 326 horsepower. But his displacement is only 3.6L.

In terms of volume, it is only comparable to an ordinary V6 gasoline engine. As for why there is such a high motivation, it is because Li Zhenhua used some awesome materials.

It is precisely because of the application of these high-tech materials that this engine has such a high power.

With enough power, it means that the car can be made heavier. Because of the application of various bulletproof materials, the total weight of this car has reached 4.5 tons.

The main power system uses a diesel engine, while the auxiliary power uses an electric motor, and this electric motor only exists as an auxiliary power, so it is not too big.

So the electric motors he made before are a bit large in power. They are used in this car, and the electric motors are also redesigned, with a total power of only 90k.

The battery pack was arranged on the roof by Li Zhenhua's design, which is not the same as the usual design at all.

With these two sets of power systems and powerful defensive armor, this Iveco with a very ordinary appearance has extraordinary performance.

Iveco was consigned by the eldest son's car from Daocheng. The car did not drive to the Kyushu God Beast Company, but was sent directly to the blacksmith's shop, and some of Li Zhenhua's thoughts on this car will also be at the blacksmith's shop in the future. Complete the installation.

After Li Zhenhua signed the consignment driver, he drove the car to the back door of the blacksmith shop and drove the car into the yard.

Then he called the person in charge of the car at the eldest son's car. During the call, Li Zhenhua asked some things about the car. After hanging up the phone and getting the answer from the eldest son's car, he let it go heart.

What did he ask? The question is whether the appearance authorization of this car has been resolved, and whether it has been authorized by Yingtian Iveco.

After learning that all the formalities were fine, Li Zhenhua became more and more looking forward to his future travel plans.

The eldest son's car is very good this time, and he has just seen it on the car. All the manufacturing processes of the whole car are completely manufactured according to the operation instructions given by him, and there is no trace of cheating or slipping.

This kind of manufacturing quality also made Li Zhenhua very relieved, at least he didn't have to worry about the car.

After his inspection together, Li Zhenhua began to look for a free space in the car, and installed the portable mobile particle energy shield he developed.

The location where the energy shield is installed also requires that the particle storage treasure be easily disassembled and replaced at any time, so we can only find a way inside the car.

In the end, the storage treasure was placed in the rear compartment, a vacant place above the rear axle tires.

After the location was determined, he began to work on the interior of the car, followed by various modifications during distribution.

In the end, the storage treasure was installed in this place, and the place was not disguised too much, because everything is for easy replacement.

The space in the rear compartment of this car is extremely large, which is completely enough for their family of three.

His travel plan is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the aerospace plane in space is also flying very smoothly.

During the flight, it was not without danger, but it was all due to the existence of energy shields, which allowed these space planes to survive safely, and all kinds of small meteorites that were too late to avoid were all covered by energy shields. The blocker is outside.

Although it looks very dangerous, there is no danger at all. Large meteorites can be avoided in advance, and small meteorites do not need to be avoided, and the energy shield can stop them outside.

As the aerospace plane continued to fly, the snowy owl looked at the earth through the window of the plane, and the earth was farther and farther behind them.

And they are getting closer and closer to their destination Mars. Before they knew it, it had been more than a month since they set off from the earth.

During this month, the image of Mars became clearer and clearer, but the earth when they came, became unusually small. Looking at the earth from their current position, they can only see a point.

For the five Snowy Owls, they have never had such an experience like this, and they have never imagined that the earth will become so small in their eyes.

A few days later, the aerospace plane has already flown to the orbit near Mars, and the two satellites of Mars can already be seen clearly.

It is also at this time that the aerospace plane should have reached the braking time. Now it will slowly slow down and wait until it is close to Mars, and the aerospace plane will be able to stop completely in the orbit of Mars.

And it takes seventy hours in total for the braking to stop. Although the plane has an anti-gravity system, no matter how fast the braking speed is, it will not cause harm to the astronauts on the plane, but it will affect the structure of the plane. It will still have a certain impact, so this also has the acceleration time and deceleration time.

As the distance between the aerospace plane and Mars gets closer, the flying speed of the aerospace plane is getting slower and slower. Of course, this slow speed is also relative.

But here are the five people on the plane, but they became very happy, because after more than a month of flight, they finally arrived at Mars by moving the earth.

And in the following days, they will pass through the atmosphere of Mars and enter Mars, and after they are fully prepared, they will become the first batch of earth astronauts to land on Mars.

When Kyushu develops a press conference in the future, they will be able to take out the video they shot on Mars and tell people all over the world that although this is a small step for an individual, it is a giant leap for mankind as a whole.

Leaving at that time can also represent the entire earth and mankind, and said this sentence.

Regardless of whether the manned moon landing before you is real or not, it is true that Kyushu landed on Mars anyway. Even if no one believes it, only Kyushu knows it. The attitude of others is not important to Kyushu , now is no longer the time for Kyushu to look at other people's faces.

After more than 70 hours of deceleration, the aerospace plane finally stopped safely in orbit outside Mars.

Their plan later is to stay in the outer orbit of Mars for two to three days. During this time, they will record various environmental conditions in the outer orbit of Mars and the outer space of Mars.

After collecting some of these data, they will drive the aerospace plane to officially enter Mars.

The significance of Mars to Kyushu is actually more important than the moon to a certain extent, because in the solar system, only Mars has the greatest possibility of being transformed into a second earth.

Because Mars has an atmosphere, and there is more than that on Mars, there is a lot of water inside it, and according to previous research, Mars was almost the same as the Earth 3 billion years ago, And this is why people have such great expectations for Mars.

These things have nothing to do with Snowy Owl and the others. Their purpose of going to Mars this time is not so grand, it is just a preliminary investigation of Mars.

The aerospace plane has been staying in the outer orbit of Mars for two days. During these two days, Snow Owl and the others have made a comprehensive collection of various environments around Mars using the observation equipment provided by space scientists when they came.

When they collected these environmental data almost, the five of them also had a certain understanding of the outer orbital environment of Mars.

Snowy Owl and the others put away the instruments, and all five people came to the cockpit in the living area. Everyone tied themselves firmly to their respective seats. Although the plane has an anti-gravity system, the internal gravity will never appear What a change.

But everything is afraid of accidents, that's why they have now tied themselves firmly.

The aerospace plane was still staying in the orbit of Mars very quietly, but it didn't take long for it to move, and it didn't move very fast.

The aerospace plane moves very slowly and at a very uniform speed, and the distance from the ground of Mars is gradually shortening as time goes by.

The plane propped up the particle energy shield and passed through the atmosphere of Mars.

It is so simple to cross the atmosphere of Mars this time, because the density of the atmosphere of Mars is only a little more than 1% of that of the earth, which makes crossing extremely simple.

After passing through the Martian atmosphere and entering the inner sky of Mars, Snowy Owl and the others all widened their eyes, observing the scenery on Mars very curiously.

What they see is a large piece of orange-red land, and a very ancient desolation is introduced into their eyes, which are full of impact craters, canyons, sand dunes and gravel.

In addition to orange red, there is only a hint of blue, which also indirectly shows that there is not a lot of liquid water on the surface of Mars.

The aerospace plane hovered in the sky of Mars, and did not choose to land on Mars immediately, but was going to fly the aerospace plane to conduct a reconnaissance of the internal environment of Mars.

When this circle flies down, the basic environment inside Mars can be collected in more detail. Although they have mastered a lot of information on the Martian environment before, many of them were transmitted by the Zhu Rong.

But Zhurong is just a Mars rover after all, and it is absolutely different from the plane that can achieve the effect. How big a range can be observed by a Mars rover is completely different from an airplane.

After the plane reconnaissance, another week passed. During this week, they checked in many famous places on Mars.

The five of them are like hardworking bees, flying around on Mars, but Mars seems to have become a place where Internet celebrities check in. Almost every place they go, they will take a lot of photos of these places, various Shoot hard, shoot hard.

This is purely first-hand information, and there is no problem of insufficient pixels in these photos, because there is no need to consider the transmission problem, the cameras in the hands of Snow Owl and the others are all the latest models on the earth, and they are as new as possible. kind.

All these photos have been taken, and finally the detailed information on Mars will be formed. After the aerospace plane returns to Earth, all these photos will be handed over to all domestic experts in related fields.

Let these experts have a deeper understanding of the entire Mars through the data obtained by the mobile phone, combined with the photos of Mars taken, and it will also allow the experts to better formulate matters related to the development of Mars.

At this moment, Mars is like a model in a private photo shoot. No matter how the photographer shoots him, there is no trace of resistance. At this moment, the secrets of Mars' bright side have been clearly captured by Xue Ou and the others.

One can imagine how wonderful the expressions of the experts will be when the aerospace plane returns to the earth and hand over the photos and materials to the scientists. The picture quality has directly evolved from 480p to 4k high-definition picture quality. It is estimated that the conspiracy holes in the private parts can be clearly photographed.

After a huge amount of photos were taken on Mars, Snowy Owl's mission at this stage was considered complete, and the next step was to land on Mars.

As for the choice of the landing place, he did not choose any unfamiliar place, and still chose an unusually familiar place for landing.

That is where the Zhurong is now, the Utopia Plain in the northern hemisphere.

According to the known map of Mars, the aerospace plane flew towards the location of Zhu When it flew to the Utopia Plain, the plane did not land immediately, but was looking for Zhu Rong on the ground of Mars.

Soon the cute and lovely Zhu Rong rover appeared on the screen in the cockpit of the aerospace plane. Although from the top of Zhu Rong, you can only see the top of Zhu Rong, you can still see that Zhu Rong No. That cute look.

Spotting on the location of Zhurong, the aerospace plane slowly descended towards that place.

The aerospace plane began to land at a high altitude, and the Zhurong that was running on the ground also discovered the aerospace plane that was landing in the sky. The missions that Zhurong is currently performing are all sent to Zhurong by the earth through communication.

Although Zhurong is just a Mars rover, it seems to have wisdom at this moment. From the perspective of others, its performance at this moment is like a person with a small bewildered look, looking towards the sky that is landing in the sky. The sky plane is watching.

If that performance is seen by others, you will definitely be melted by Zhu Rong's performance at this moment!

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