MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 16 I'm just a soul master!

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   Chapter 16 I'm just a soul master!

   "Okay! I'll give you a stick of incense to discuss tactics, Su Xun, tell them the characteristics of my martial arts, so that no one will say that Lao Tzu is bullying the small!"

  Zao Wou-Ki seemed impatient to wait. He didn't know where to take out a stick of incense. With a wave of his hand, the slender incense was inserted straight into the ground.

   Seeing this scene, Tang San and the others shrank their pupils, and their hearts became heavier.

   If it was a hidden weapon, he could easily do it, but to insert this slender and soft incense into the ground, the power it needs must be extremely powerful, and he asked himself if it was impossible.

   "Let's go, let me tell you about Teacher Zhao's characteristics!"

   Unexpectedly, Dai Mubai's work in the original book actually fell to him, Su Xun shook his head involuntarily, and led a few people to the side.

  Su Xun didn't talk nonsense either, he just opened his mouth to introduce:

   "Mr. Zhao's martial spirit is a powerful King Kong Bear, a level 76 battle spirit saint, and all seven spirit rings increase power and defense. He is known as the King of Unmoving Ming, and there are few opponents at the same level.

   "Of course, due to the huge gap in spirit power levels, it's impossible to win or escape by relying on speed. If Teacher Zhao fights seriously, we won't be able to last a single stick of incense!"

   "So, this time we can only outsmart, try to deal with it and waste time, remember, don't hold the idea of ​​​​head-to-head!"

   Soul Saint!

   Power and defense terror, innately invincible!

   Competing against such an opponent, Tang San and the others all understood the difficulty, even if it was just to support a stick of incense, it would not be easy.

   "Next, let me introduce you to Teacher Zhao's soul skills!"

   Looking at the heavy faces of several people, Su Xun was looking forward to it. When his eyes turned to Xiao Wu, seeing that she was still lost, Su Xun couldn't help crying and laughing.

   I knew that I wouldn’t remind her just now. With her current state, this battle is going to be difficult!

  Is it difficult, and you have to give it away to make your teammates rise?

  Thinking, Su Xun set his eyes on Tang San, if Xiao Wu was injured, this guy would definitely go berserk!

  Unfortunately, my heart is not cruel enough to do such a maddening thing.

   "Host! "Hundred Solutions of Soul Beasts" is here!"

   The system cried and reminded him, but his heart exploded with foul language and greeted Su Xun for a while.

   special meow!

   Heart is not cruel enough?

  When you have softened your heart towards Lao Tzu, you will bully honest people!

   "I knew you had a way. It seems that you weren't hard enough to press you before!"

  I didn't expect the system to actually get "Hundred Solutions of Soul Beasts". Su Xun also sighed at the ability of the system. If he knew this, he could completely retreat for another ten years!

   Sure enough, when people face the situation of life and death, they can often burst into huge potential!

  With this experience, Su Xun secretly swore that he must sharpen the system well, and resolutely can't get used to him, otherwise the system will be abolished!


   woo woo... Please be yourself!

  This "Hundred Solutions of Souls and Beasts" was extorted by me from other systems, and I will really die if I come again!

  Su Xun doesn't want to and doesn't need to know how the system does it. Since there is a first time, there will be a second time, which is much faster than earning points by himself.

   As for those who are guilty or not, the system did it anyway, not his business!


   Seeing Su Xun stunned, the corner of his mouth smirked, not knowing what bad idea he was thinking of, Tang San reached out and pushed him, reminding him.


   Being disturbed, Su Xun finally recovered from his "good dream". Seeing several people staring at him, Su Xun coughed twice and continued to explain:

   "Teacher Zhao's first soul skill is the body of King Fuming, the main defense!"

   "The second soul skill is the Vajra Palm, the main attack! The third and fifth soul skills are related to gravity. They are gravity enhancement and gravity squeeze, which can greatly limit the activities of the soul master!"

   "As for the fourth soul skill, it's called Position Tracking. Once locked, within 100 meters, he can instantly close the distance with the power of jumping. It is difficult for us to avoid his attack!"

   "What about the sixth and seventh spirit abilities?"

   Seeing that Su Xun stopped and didn't want to continue explaining, Tang San asked.

   "If you can force him to use the fifth soul skill, even if you don't have a stick of incense, you will be admitted!"

   "As for the sixth spirit ability and seventh spirit ability, hehe... If Teacher Zhao uses it, then let's just admit defeat!" Su Xun explained.

   The seventh soul skill is not an ordinary soul skill. Zao Wou-Ki, who is in the real body of the beast soul, has too abnormal body growth, I am afraid that he can only compete with his full strength.

   I remember that in the original book, Zao Wou-Ki defeated Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing with his first spirit ability without moving his body, and he really reached the sixth spirit ability and seventh spirit ability, so it would not be ashamed to admit defeat.

   Hearing this, Tang San and the others also nodded their heads, self-confidence does not mean arrogance, the terror of the Soul Saint is not something that a few of them can contend with.

   "Okay, I'm done with my introduction, let's each introduce yourself!" Su Xun looked around the four of them.

   "My name is Tang San, Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass, Control System Battle Spirit Master!"

  Tang San was the first to stand up, followed by Xiao Wu, she has calmed down a lot at this moment, just a little less lively and smile, and said coldly:

   "My name is Xiao Wu, Wuhun Rabbit, the master of the attack type battle spirit!"

   "Ning Rongrong, Martial Spirit Seven Treasure Glazed Glass, Level 26 Auxiliary Item Spirit Master!"

   It's actually... Seven Treasures Glazed Glass!

   As soon as Ning Rongrong's words came out, the eyes of several people immediately turned to her, full of horror and curiosity.

   Qibao Liuli, the world's No. 1 auxiliary martial spirit, but the coveted partner of all spirit masters!

   Seeing the horrified expressions of Tang San and the others, Ning Rongrong seemed to take advantage of it, with a slight smile on his lips, his eyes fixed on Su Xun.

"This guy…"

  Unfortunately, she didn't see any surprise, the other party was still calm like a stagnant water, and she felt unhappy in her heart.

   No way, it’s no surprise to know too much!

   "Zhu Zhuqing, the martial soul ghost cat, the twenty-seventh-level agility attack type battle spirit master!"

   Ning Rongrong finished the introduction, and finally Zhu Zhuqing, with his arms in his arms and his chest even more stalwart, his face was as cold as a block of ice, which would not melt for ten thousand years.

   After he finished speaking, he retreated back to his own corner, his eyes lowered, and he remained silent.

  Su Xun: ….

   Yanling Ji, you are too cold, I reported that I met a fake Yanling Ji!


   seems to have a tacit understanding, the eyes of the three Tang people all turned to Su Xun, curious and expectant.

   The four of them are all great soul masters. There is still a gap between the strengths of soul masters and soul masters. If there is a soul master to help, their chances of passing the level will be greatly increased!

   Sadly, they are doomed to be disappointed…

   "My name is Su Xun, Wuhun Bagua Furnace, auxiliary equipment soul master!" Su Xun said with a calm expression on his face.

   Four people: ? ?

who I am? ?

Where am I? !

  Fuck! Soul Master! !

   (end of this chapter)