MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1 Criminal court

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The first chapter of the criminal court ()

In June, an island in Indonesia, the raging sun.

There are several antique Tang style buildings in the lush green forest. Bronze pillars, blue-brown roof tiles, tall flying dove tops, three-color ceramic-fired townhouses and beasts stand on the roof, everything is so mysterious and solemn.

Here is the place where the day is changed.

In the last entrance of the building, there was a stone-built small building with black paint on it. There was a red-blooded plaque on the door, and the top end was engraved with the word 'criminal church'.

Stealing the day to change the day of the main hall of the criminal hall, dedicated to the door should be a punishment and punishment, all the disciples inside the door, all the winds and sorrows.

In the hall of the torture hall, the middle of the hall is dedicated to the spirit of the heavenly masters and the ancestors who sneaked into the Japanese gates. Under these cards, there are four large chairs across the board, and the four elders of the Japanese, the commander, the martial arts, and the guards are stalking, and they are sitting on the big chair.

On the left and right sides of the hall, nearly one hundred people who turned to the Japanese disciples were able to stand up. They are tall and short, fat and thin, beautiful and ugly, long and short, and look very strange. Some of them have suits and ties, some are exposed to the chest and abdomen, some are wearing robes and horses, some are not the same as the street gangsters, and the attire is also very strange.

All the people looked at their noses and noses, and they stood in the hall and did not dare to slack off. They even dared not to use their strength. They feared that the atmosphere of the slain and stern courthouse was disturbed, and the elders who took the punishment were screamed.

Wu Wang dressed in a pair of blue cloth long blouses, and the four elders holding the boxing power in the palm of the door.

"Elder elders, Shangguanye, who violated the rules and rules from Hu Wei, has been oystered. Also ask the elders in charge to punish according to the rules."

Stealing the day, the four elders of the Sun Gate were as sinking, and the elders looked at Wu Wang, and the left hand gently swayed and coughed: "Daily, what is Shangguanye?"

Wu Wang smiled lightly, and turned back and waved, not to marry another young man who was as good as a wolf, and took a large-scale middle-aged man who was **** by a tendon to walk in. The middle-aged man who was **** like a scorpion was stuffed with two numb walnuts in his mouth, glaring at Wu Wang’s constant vocalization, but he could not even say a word.

Taking a look at Shangguanye’s floor on the torture hall, he didn’t smile and put a few on his mouth and took the hemp walnut in his mouth.

Although Shangguanye is tied like a donkey, his body shape is still as flexible as a monkey. He didn't just take out the numb walnut in his mouth. He stood up in a flash of his body and stood in the middle of the torture hall.

Glaring at Wu Wang, Shangguanye snarled wildly: "Wu Wang, do you dare to arrest me?"

Wu Wangsensen smiled, and he did not fly and squatted on Shangguanye’s leg, forcing him to fall to the ground.

Holding the upper arm of Shangguanye in one hand, don't smile gently: "Shangguan Shibo, my master is now the head of the generation."

Shangguanye is struggling wildly, and he screams: "The fart of the fart, the generation of shit! Wu Wang, I am not convinced you, I am not convinced you! I am the leader, the position of this head, It should be mine, it is mine!"

Wu Wang smiled and took a few steps back.

The elders who looked at the sentence looked at Wu Wang with a smile. Suddenly, he was very angry and yelled: "Let's go! Shangguanye, do you see what this is?"

Shangguanye’s body was shocked, his eyes turned, and he looked at the sullen elders and sneered: “Where is it? The criminal court! I made a mistake in Shangguanye, it is worthy of the indictment to deal with me? Elders, I am the official How can He Hede be worth it?"

The brows of the four elders wrinkled at the same time, and the corners of the eyes swept to the back of Wu Wang, and the long hair shawl described the thin and white like a ghost.

Long sighed, the elders sighed and said: "Shangguanye, three months ago, did you take the shots and lead the door to steal seventeen?"

Standing on the neck, Shangguanye sneered and said: "Yes, how about? We steal the day to change the door, isn't it just doing this on the beam?"

Wu Wang smiled slightly and did not say anything.

Le Xiaobai swayed the big folding fan and walked a few steps forward. He sneered: "Yes, we steal the day and change the door. What we do is the work of the gentleman on the beam."

With a long sigh, Le Xiaobai sighed with a sad and sorrowful voice: "But the so-called thieves also have a way, the rules of the founding fathers of the mountains, we steal the sun and even die, and we can't shoot good people!"

The fan of the folding fan knocked on the shoulder of Shangguanye. Le Xiaobai pointed to Shangguanye and replied: "But Shangguanye, he even robbed 17 giants, and the family heirs of six families were stolen by him. And the six families are all good people who are good at doing good deeds!"

There was no sound in the torture hall, and everyone looked at Le Xiaobai and Wu Wang.

Shangguanye’s body trembled and wanted to jump. Don’t press it on Shangguanye’s shoulder and force him to hold.

Only ten or so loud screams, Shangguanye’s body trembled, and the densely tied beef tendon ropes tied to him broke. Shangguanye’s arms are like two spirit snakes. They are extremely flexible and drilled from the armpits. They are pressed against the lower abdomen with a yin wind.

Do not sneer a few laughs, the two palms bring a few pieces of afterimage, the arms are twisted like no bones, quietly greeted Shangguanye.

A muffled sound, do not stand in the same place, but Shangguanye was shaken by the palm of his hand and rolled on the ground, and there was blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at it with horror, Shangguanye shouted: "Little hybrid, you only got less than three years after getting started. How can your hand beat me?"

Don't catch up with two steps, fly a foot and a heart-shaped leg will kick up Shangguanye. Don't laugh and laugh: "Shangguan Shibo, who is the son of the former head, does not respect the rules of the door, and he does it automatically in the torture hall, but he wants to add three to the sin! Are you still confessing your guilt?"

Wu Wang light coughed, and Le Xiaobai suddenly turned his head and glanced at the four elders.

The four elders put the palms on the armrests of the big chair tightly, and the handrails made of rosewood made by the students were crushed.

The elders in charge took a breath and stood up and yelled: "Come on, Shangguanye violated the rules of the door first, and after the execution in the torture hall, the sin is unforgivable. I read that he is the only son of the former head." In the case, it is abolished, and it is forbidden for life in the door!"

Le Xiaobai applauded loudly and applauded.

Many of the disciples in the court of torture have applauded and applauded: "The elders in charge of punishment are clearly rewarded, and the disciples are convinced!"

Shangguanye looked at the many doormen in the prison, and he screamed and shouted: "You, you!"

The elders in charge of the sentence slammed their feet, and he screamed in angrily: "Where is the disciples?"

Don't scream, and flew to Shangguanye, and the palms were like swallowing forests, and the densely folded shots were taken to Shangguanye Zhou.

Shangguanye slammed his hand and blocked several rounds of offensives. The mouth was spurting out of his mouth, and he was eventually exhausted by the 18th palm of his hand. Don't let the palm of your hand go straight through Shangguanye Dantian, and smash the infuriating atmosphere of his group that has been repaired for more than ten years.

The heavy hand destroyed all the repairs of Shangguanye, and the face of the beggar still had a gentle, affectionate and even envious smile.

"Shi Bo, you have to work hard in the rain, and you should rest and rest."

Do not allow the official field to scream, not to slap a thin black blade between the fingers, as if the whirlwind passed over the wrists of the Shangguanye, the joints around the elbow. The blade entered the meat, and the blade trembled slightly. In the blink of an eye, several important tendons on Shangguanye's arm were cut.

Shangguanye screamed, and a lot of blood oozing from his arms.

The internal force was abolished, and both arms were broken. Shangguanye was already a waste.

Do not continue to laugh: "This time you violated the rules, it must not be your intention. Presumably you are also unintentional. But in any case, the door gauge is the door gauge, we can steal the day to save the world, this rule can not destroy of."

Sigh a sigh, don't look at Shangguanye very serious said: "You are assured, you will spend all your life in this life, the disciple is responsible!"

Looking at the stunned a few times, Shangguanye nodded and said: "Okay, okay, you are a little **** worth only one hundred dollars, you are very good!"

Forced to spurt a **** water, Shangguanye turned his body, twitching and looking at the four elders of the face, and sneer three times. The curse of the curse was a few words, and Shangguanye finally looked at Wu Wang.

"Seven years ago, I squandered the last bit of memory left in the door, and I filled up your damaged muscles. Today your apprentice has abolished me! Wu Wang, I am a Shangguan. Wild and you are not dead!"

Wu Wang Suo Rong went to Guanye for a long time. He said very seriously: "Shangguan brother, you violated the rules of the door. This is a punishment that should be accepted! Master respects the grace of Wu Wang, Wu Wang naturally remembers. Later, the brothers are relieved to steal the day. The old-fashioned, all-in-one expenses are all borne by Wu Wang!"

Appreciating and not looking at it, Wu Wang waved: "Don't be jealous, you are also a filial piety, but the Shangguan brothers are the elders of the division after all, how can you spend the money of your juniors? Later, the Shangguan brothers are supporting the elderly in the private house. You have to be a good waiter."

Don't rush into the ceremony, and you should be honoured.

Strictly glanced at the many disciples in the prison, Wu Wang screamed: "I have to remember, when I steal the Japanese disciples, who dares to violate the rules, Shangguanye is his foresight!"

Do not pick up the small blade between the fingers, indicating that several disciples in the back of the court dragged Shangguanye out.

Shangguanye struggled with excitement. He laughed in the sky and said: "Wu Wang, Le Xiaobai, don't worry, I won't let you go! Hahaha, you are dead, you are looking for death! And you four An old man, I will not let you go, I will go to the official field to destroy you!"

In the sorrowful laughter, Shangguanye was forcibly taken out of the criminal court.

Shangguanye’s screaming voice is still coming from far away.

"You are waiting one by one, I will find you one by one!"

In the frenzied Shangguan wild robe sleeves, a paper crane stacked with yellow paper suddenly burned without fire and instantly turned into ashes.

Wu Wang stood up and looked at the disciples in the temple. He said faintly: "The disciples of Fengtang went to inquire, and the things that Shangguanye stole were all gone. Other things are gone, the biography of the six families. The treasure of the family, but it must be retrieved."

After sweeping the four elders, Wu Wang said indifferently: "The rules for stealing the Japanese gate cannot be destroyed in our generation!"

The four elders glanced at each other and sighed at the same time.

The elders of the guards took out a slap-sized gilt from the chest pocket and handed the scorpion seriously.

"On behalf of the head, stealing the day to replace the door of the door of the door here. In addition to Shangguanye, no one has any objection to the position of the head."

The four elders, Qi Qi, bowed to Wu Wang and bowed their hand to the ceremony: "Please also take the opportunity to take over the door to steal the day!"

Many of the doormen in the torture hall squatted on one knee.

"Please also take the initiative to take over the door to change the day!"

Wu Wang did not tweak his attitude, and he took the scorpion into his hand and nodded hard.

Le Xiaobai and Don't look at each other and smile at the same time. .