MTL - Steel Shell System-v2 Chapter 304 Long Yin

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Now, the frontal raid, although it will be noticed by the mutant sea beast, but relying on its many people, the mutant sea beast will be taken lightly, and the strategy will have a certain degree of success!

This time the bugs are fighting with the pride of these proud mutant beasts! !!

A large number of marine mutant beasts were killed, and the number of marine mutant beasts was several times or even ten times more severely injured. For a time, the entire army of marine mutant beasts' combat effectiveness was reduced by more than 50%! !!

The menacing marine mutant beast army suddenly seemed to turn into a poor lamb to be slaughtered! !!

After waiting for a long time in the Zerg Zonghai, a worm cries. After the order from the Zerg mother emperor, the entire Zonghai rushes towards the camp of the mutant beast in front of the ocean in an instant! !!

The speed of the bugs is quite fast. Many bugs can even fly. "Pattern ~!" The sound of flapping wings is large, and the sky is covered, and a large number of Zerg are pressed over instantly.

In a short time, these flying bugs have crossed the gap between the crater and battlefield generated by the explosion and reached the position of the marine mutant beast.

At this time, the camp of the marine mutant beasts collapsed completely, and a large number of marine mutant beasts who had been scared out of fighting spirit wanted to retreat. They were dumbfounded by the explosion just now.

And now, although they survive, they are all with serious injuries. In the face of the raging bugs, they have no morale at all and just want to escape.

Unfortunately, they are even faster. Where can you get past those long-winged Zergs, the worms start the crazy killing as soon as they rush up, those seriously injured. Morales with low morale and less than five combat mutants are simply the most vulnerable prey.

The black crushed insects almost covering the sky rolled over, and a large number of marine mutant beasts were quickly harvested!

Some marine mutant beasts want to resist, but unfortunately those insects occupy the advantage of occupying the sky, and the marine mutant beasts are completely powerless.

Those who ran away were killed, and those who fought back were also killed. For a time, the entire battlefield quickly began to face a downside battle!

The flying zerg rolled over. A large number of marine mutants were killed, and then, a surprising number of marine mutants began to collapse! !!

The whole situation suddenly became chaotic. A large number of mutant beasts trampled on each other to death! A large army of Zerg troops in the rear landed quickly, and the sky cooperated with the land. For a time, the marine mutant beasts collapsed!

The fight didn't start long. The ocean mutant beast has already lost! !!

The endless worm sea arbitrarily covers up the charge. Killing these marine mutant beasts who have completely lost the will to fight seems to be an easy task. A large number of insect seas are raging, and it is easy to run away and kill those insects.

It seems that the endless killing forces are easily driving the prey to be slaughtered, without any difficulty at all.

Countless marine mutant beasts were killed, and the bodies were piled up layer after layer. The bugs seemed to be the most extreme racial killer!

The mad killing of marine mutant beasts, the army of marine mutant beasts further collapsed, and a large number of marine mutant beasts fleeed madly. And those bugs are killing crazy! !!

In the sky, endless flying insects cover the sky. Those killers in the sky are so fast that they are covered up, and a large number of marine mutant beasts are easily killed without any force to change hands.

Even these worms flew forward, constantly disrupting the formation of the marine mutant beast. For a while, the marine mutant beast seemed to have only one way to fall.

But at this moment, suddenly, in the far east, behind the entire army of marine mutant beasts, a terrifying whistling sounded suddenly!

The trembling sound of tremor spread, covering the whole earth in an instant! !!

"Siang ~ !!! Roar ~ !!!"

The sonic tremor, the entire Marine Mutant Beast Force that had collapsed suddenly stopped suddenly! !! The original chaotic camp suddenly stopped! !!

And the next moment, the mutant sea creatures, who had no morale, suddenly turned around one by one! !! The fear in the original eyes completely disappeared! In its place is a hysterical madness! !!

Crazy counterattacks, desperate counterattacks, being manipulated repeatedly and instantly and losing their minds, the entire army of marine mutant beasts seems to have become crazy! !!

Regardless, life and death are thrown away, these marine mutant beasts are crazy and bugs killing! !! For a time, the original mutant army of marine mutants was suddenly fierce! !!

The battlefield was instantly anxious, and the situation suddenly became severe! !!

"Squeak ~!" The signals of the army of insects quickly exchanged. Fortunately, the entire army was not scattered even when it was chasing. At this moment, the marine mutant beasts suddenly counterattacked, although the insects suddenly brought considerable Great blow, but the situation of the bug remains the same.

The strength of the air forces is suppressed, and the land forces form a powerful formation to strangle the marine mutant beasts. Although there is no refreshing pursuit of killing lambs to be slaughtered, the Zerg still occupy a great advantage!

And it seems that something has been noticed. Among the Zerg troops, a large number of transportation and resource collection troops appeared. These bugs quickly cleared the mutant beasts and the corpses left behind the battlefield. A large amount of flesh and blood resources were quickly collected and sent. In the crater behind the battlefield! !!

Just a coverup ~ ~ a lot of marine mutant beasts died. If these flesh and blood resources can make all Zerg troops, then the Zerg battle will be stable! !!

However, things are obviously not going so smoothly.

The situation of the marine mutant beasts was reluctantly stabilized, but the overall situation seemed to still account for a considerable disadvantage. Inside, they ate a lot, and there was no loss of air forces, but the next moment, a roar sounded again! !!

Immediately the next moment, countless dark clouds began to converge at an unimaginable speed. The speed was extremely fast. Within a short period of time, large dark clouds converged, but with the blink of an eye, the entire sky turned out to be All of a sudden went dark! !!

"Howling !!!! Howling ~ !!!"

In the call of terror, the black clouds cracked, and the golden shadows of dragons were swimming. Immediately the next moment, "Boom ~ !!!" A thunder exploded!

The thunder blast in this life was a shock in the entire battlefield, and both the Zerg and the marine mutant beasts took a moment. (To be continued ...)