MTL - Steel Shell System-v2 Chapter 306 Mermaid

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War ant Super killer when the powerful war group fights!

Of course, they also have considerable weaknesses, but these weaknesses have been completely covered up during the group war.

The levels of these war ants are generally only three turns, and it is quite difficult to continue to advance! !! Generally, not one of the hundreds of thousands of war ants can reach four revolutions.

And they are extremely slow, and although they can reproduce quickly, they have a very short life span. After hatching, they only have forty-eight hours and they will finish quickly.

And these guys' strong defensive power, combat effectiveness and growth speed are not easy to come by, their appetite is quite large! !! The food and flesh resources that need to be consumed are even above the self-exploding insects! !! Without enough food resources, they will starve to death quickly!

If you encounter this kind of war ant in other places, it is better to avoid it temporarily. At the speed of these guys, you absolutely cannot catch up.

However, on the battlefield, there is only a desperate forward attack. There is no chance to escape at will. Even if you want to escape, a large number of troops are crowded, and the speed of real escape cannot be exerted at all!

The whole battlefield once again fell into a one-sided situation, the number of ants was increasing, and the killing took a full day and a half! !!

During the period, there were also a large number of powerful marine mutant beasts who wanted to restore the situation. Those powerful marine mutant beasts were really scary! In a short time, the offensive of the war ants was recovered a little, but in the end. With the advance of time, the number of war ants is increasing, but the defeat of marine mutant beasts is irreversible.

And those powerful marine mutant beasts. Many of them even encountered the ambush of the Zerg elite. Those equally powerful Zerg elites gave them a fierce blow, killing many powerful mutant beasts with a level of five or more, and even some of the six powerful presence.

The dozen or so electric eels that debuted were killed by the Zerg nearly half! Of course, the bugs also paid a pretty heavy price!

Finally, on the entire battlefield, when the life of the initial war ants was only half a day, their total number had reached 30% of the total number of Zerg troops!

The horrific war ants turned into black torrents and moved forward, and there was no way to stop their existence. The entire front of the ocean mutant monster is completely defeated!

Calm ocean, or dead ocean, to sweep the land. Almost all marine mutant beasts have been dispatched, and the entire coast is silent, but in this silent ocean, the ocean in the distance suddenly burst apart. Immediately next. A huge strange-looking marine mutant beast rose from the sea.

Its entire body is flat, like a flat pancake, blue all over, and after rising into the sky with a lot of water, this huge strange marine mutant stretches its shark fin, just above the sea surface. Gliding, the huge figure rushed out hundreds of meters away, and eventually crashed into the ocean. The huge splash disappeared.

And then, just before this strange marine mutant beast appeared. The surface of the ocean on the coast seemed to be boiling. A strange marine mutant beast rushed out of the sea! Immediately after, a large number of strange marine mutants landed from the coast!

Some of them are crystal clear, as if carved by crystal, some are black, like a dirty reef, some are extremely horrible, no eyes, full of spikes, and a pair of hangs in front of their heads. The huge ball of light exudes a strange deep yellow light, and the light shines, a kind of peace filled with temptation.

In addition to these there are many more weird looks, this guy seems to be participating in the Monster Look Expo!

They are all marine mutants from the deep ocean! !!

A large number of deep-sea marine mutant beasts seemed a little excited when they came ashore, but soon, weird, their attention was all directed to the distant west, where a battle of marine mutant beasts and zerg had entered.

They seem to be able to feel that their offshore companions are fighting fiercely against the enemy, that fierce battle is going on, and now their companions need their support! !!

A strange wave of mental power suddenly enveloped the entire army of marine mutant beasts in the deep ocean, and immediately after the whole army trembled, as if commanded, it marched quickly towards the west, and in the back, the entire sea surface was boiling, more More marine mutant beasts have appeared!

A terrifying atmosphere is raging, and a large number of high-level deep-sea mutant beasts open the sea and rush out of the ocean! One by one, five-turn and six-turn are not in the minority! !!

Behind the army of marine mutant beasts, five huge vortices appeared in the surface of the ocean, and each vortex was more than several kilometers in diameter!

Immediately the next moment, five vortexes exploded, and five huge, thousands of meters of sea dragons burst into the sky! !!

The terrifying giant sea dragons are all seven levels of terror, and the powerful aura seems to cover everything!

The huge body is agitated, and the whole ocean seems to be flipping over! The tail moved gently, the entire ocean surface cracked, and a huge wave of thousands of meters rose into the sky!

And after these five seven-turn sea dragons appeared, suddenly a world of silence enveloped the whole world.

In that extreme silence, the entire ocean was stirred up by the mutant sea creatures, and the sea surface was suddenly calm, completely without any slight wave.

Immediately after the entire sea surface was suddenly separated, a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere enveloped the whole world. A creature with a fish tail and a human body on the upper body appeared on the sea surface. In this way, it was a mermaid! !!

The feeling of calmness and peace seemed to be overwhelmed by the broad embrace of the sea. Even the quiet breath suppressed the horror of the five sea dragons.

At this moment, after the emergence of the mermaid, the powerful deep-sea mutant beasts that had previously raged in the atmosphere no longer dared to let it go. Each one converged his breath and became extremely quiet.

"They're going to lose? I didn't expect that the creatures on land could be so difficult to entangle, but the Ant Corps are powerful."

A distant glance at the far west. The dark blue gem-like eyes shone with mysterious light, and then everything seemed to be known to her.

Gently shook his head, but the black hair suddenly flew up automatically, and the mermaid's delicate body flew into the sky automatically.

Raising his left hand, a dark blue light bloomed suddenly on the mermaid's hand, followed by a dark blue beam of light rising into the sky! !!

A huge beam of dark blue pierced into the clouds, and the power of terror began to fluctuate. Immediately after that, everything seemed to have changed.

In the far west, the army of marine mutant beasts completely collapsed, in front of the horrible war ant army. These marine mutant beasts could not be stopped at all. The rest of the entire army of marine mutant beasts only escaped madly towards the east when they came, and behind them, the terrible black torrent swallowed up everything. The other Zerg forces advanced equally quickly. Reap the life of a sea mutant mutant insanely.

Up to now, the whole battle is completely without suspense. There is no doubt that these bugs have won the victory quite simply!

However, at this moment, a cold wind suddenly blows from the sky and the earth, and the cold wind blew across the entire battlefield. Inexplicable, whether it is a worm or a marine mutant beast like what it feels. All inexplicably raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

The sky does not know when it has become gray, and it is getting darker and darker, a feeling of silence and depression will almost engulf everything.

And very weird, there is no trace of dark clouds in the sky under this gloom. The endless gloom is like the color of the sky itself.

Immediately, suddenly, above the sky, a light rain began to drip. The fine raindrops were very gentle, with a icy feeling of coldness, inexplicable. After this light rain came, the whole was full of blood and The chaotic battlefield suddenly lightened, and the **** atmosphere on the battlefield quickly dissipated.

And then, inexplicably, silently, suddenly a black war ant stiffened, and then just like this, this war ant fell inexplicably! !!

This is the first war ant to fall down! !!

Then it seemed as if the tightness was just the beginning, and the weird terror spread quickly in the next moment! The second war ant fell suddenly! Then comes the third one! The fourth one! !! War ants start to die and die! !!

As if it were a collapsed Dominion card, on the entire battlefield, the war ants that were like black waves quickly died! !! In a blink of an eye, in a breath of effort, the horror of death spreads as if at the speed of light. There is almost no time to pause. On the entire battlefield, the countless number of war ants have fallen and died!

Not just those war ants. On the entire battlefield, after those war ants began to die in large numbers, a large number of other bugs and those marine mutant beasts fell suddenly and died!

Silent and silent, it seems to be evil, or death is coming. On the entire battlefield, a lot of life has begun to die quickly! !!

On the entire battlefield, the original noise was suddenly quiet, a strange feeling permeated the battlefield, but when the last war ant fell down, the weird rain suddenly stopped in the sky. Down, the grey dim faded away, and finally the grey sky turned blue again.

And at this moment, the war ants are all gone! Other Zerg units have also been hit hard! !! The situation of marine mutant beasts is a little better than that of Zerg. It seems that the strange power has paid attention to the bugs. The number of marine mutant beasts is also quite a lot, but it is much less than the bugs.

But despite this, after the drizzle, the situation of the mutant sea beasts turned around again, but they did not have the slightest fighting spirit, and desperate, these guys quickly fled to the east!

Unlike the marine mutant beasts, it seems to sense something. In the sea of ​​insects, in a certain array, a giant bi-winged Suzuki female worm gently spreads its wings to cover the zerg near it, and its eyes Is looking at the distant East, eyes full of dignity! !!

The Marine Mutant Beasts retreated, leaving endless corpses, including Marine Mutant Beasts and Bugs. The entire battlefield is like a sea of ​​corpses! !!

Immediately after the ground became loose, a large number of bugs got out of the ground! And not just them, those worms that didn't die moved quickly!

No matter it is a combat-type zerg, a defensive-type zerg, or any other zerg, the entire zigzag has been started, and it has begun to collect and transport the entire battlefield. This time they won the battle. Corpses or flesh and blood resources! !!

A large amount of flesh and blood resources were quickly transported to the endless tiankengs in the rear, and these tiankengs began to produce full power and zerg! !!

It has been sensed that the masters and the emperor of the Zerg have sensed it. This battle has not ended. The real difficulties have just begun. In the far east, the real crisis is coming! !!

With a large amount of flesh and blood resources, the zerg's tiankeng is fully operating. This time, the speed of the zerg riots has reached an almost unimaginable speed! !!

It only took three hours ~ ~ The entire number of Zerg troops that had been killed on the entire battlefield has been replenished! !! Immediately after the construction of a large number of tiankengs, the entire Zerg embarked on a journey of mad soldiers! !!

On the entire land, endless zergs have begun to emerge and integrate! !!

From the east coast to the front of the Zerg Zhehai, the deep-sea mutant beasts had less than a day of work. Among them, they also quickly collected the scattered offshore marine mutant beast units, which took a considerable amount of time.

When their mighty army arrived at the site, the sea of ​​bugs created by the Zerg riots had almost covered the entire earth!

Compared with the Zerg army that it had in the previous battle, the current Zerg army has expanded tenfold! !!

At this moment, people have to be shocked. If you don't compare the size, at this moment, the number of Zerg units owned by Zong Zhe Hai is already no less than the deep sea marine mutant beast forces that came this time! !! !!

It was another fierce assassination. There was no need to say anything about the strong and powerful encounter. A fierce assassination opened directly. (To be continued ...)