MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 225 couple night talk

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Sanwa nodded: "Self-reliance brother is really smart, this is a good idea."

"Be quiet." Relied on reminding him, "Mother is talking on the phone, disturbing her, be careful that mother will give you a slap."

Sanwa covered her mouth and whispered, "Brother Zili, let's exchange. Later, let's bet money with Zhenxing and Niang, the salary of Zhenxing is high, and Niang is rich."

"The salary of self-reliance may be higher than mine." Zhenxing reminded him.

Sanwa looked at Zili: "Really?"

Self-reliance smiled and said: "I have a stack of money in my bag, you can take it. If you lose, it's mine, if you win, it's yours."

"Thank you, brother Zili." Sanwa was very happy, "I knew that brother Zili was the best for me." As he spoke, he ran upstairs.

Mother Song wondered: "Sanwa, this child, how come I look the same as when I went to my house a few years ago."

"He forgot to grow his brain when he grew up." Zhen Xing said, "Just think he is ten years old."

Self-reliance smiled and said, "My dad is used to what Sanwa does at home and not outside."

"Xiao Zhong?" Father Song shook his head, "Xiao Zhong is going to beat him with a belt this morning."

Self-reliance: "Since he was three years old, my father has beaten him twice every three days, but he has never beaten him once. If it were a big baby, I don't know how many times he would have to be beaten."

"As you say, I'm really used to Xiao Zhong." Father Song said.

Song Zhaodi hung up the phone: "Mother, the rehabilitate has been checked, and the second brother-in-law forced her to do it."

"Really, really?!" Mother Song asked hurriedly.

Song Zhaodi: "When people saw that Reconstruction came from the imperial capital, they heard that he was a relative of Song Lainan and wanted to see Song Lainan, so they let him meet.

" Before going to the second sister, Gengsheng asked someone to inquire, and the second sister stole copper and some machine parts. As soon as Gengsheng heard the insider say this, he knew it was wrong. The second sister steals these things is useless , she can only sell it secretly. But if no one tells her, the second sister is unlikely to know that those things can be sold for money.

" Gengsheng bombed the second sister when she saw her. At first she refused to admit it. Later, Gengsheng said that the second brother-in-law was going to divorce her. The second sister was anxious and told Gengsheng everything that should be said and should not be said. "

"Then, what should we do about this?" Father Song couldn't help but ask.

Song Zhaodi: "Reborn asks the second sister to testify against the second brother-in-law, but the second sister is unwilling. If the second sister does not show up, her two children will not be able to testify against their own father even if they know it. This can only be done by the second sister. Carry it alone."

"Just let him go free?" Father Song asked.

Song Zhaodi: "No one reports the case, the police can't open the case. If there are no witnesses, even if the second brother-in-law is arrested, he will have to be released in a few days. A few packs of cigarettes, please pay more attention, check what they have stolen before, and find the buyer, but they can send the second brother-in-law in. "

"This man, she, why is she so confused." Mother Song was so angry that she burst into tears.

Song Zhaodi sighed: "A pair of children is not married yet. The husband and wife are both in, what will happen to the children? Even if she confesses her second brother-in-law and the two children go to her, she still has to revise the confession. "

"Then leave her alone." Father Song pondered for a moment, "If the rehab calls again later, you can ask the rehab to go back. He still has a job, and he just went to work, so please ask for a week at a time. Fake, even if his leader has no opinion, his colleagues have to have an opinion."

Song Zhaodi: "It's too cheap to let him go like this. I turned around and told Gengsheng, please pay attention to the police over there. If my second brother-in-law commits another crime, they will definitely arrest him."

"Then do as we said before." Father Song said, "Call Laibao tomorrow to see her, and remember to buy some food for the prison guards."

Song Zhaodi: "Gengsheng said he would call again at noon."

"Then you can ask him to come back tomorrow." Father Song said, "I and your mother are getting old, and I don't know if we can live until the day your second sister comes out, and what will she be like in the future? We can't handle it."

Song Zhaodi: "She is not a child, and you didn't ignore it before, but she didn't listen, and now she deserves it."

"Grandma, grandpa, and second aunt will not be filial to you in the future even if they don't go in." Sanwa said, "You won't be sad if you think about it this way."

Song Zhaodi glared at him: "Nothing you can say!" Seeing the money in his hand, "Self-reliant?"

"Brother Zili gave it to me." Sanwa ran to Zili and said, "You've only worked for a few months? You've saved a thousand dollars. It's only nine hundred and sixty in one year of revitalization. ."

Self-reliance smiled and said, "I have been working for more than a year."

"Give me the money." Song Zhaodi stretched out her hand.

Sanwa looked towards self-reliance, would you give it?

"I was going to give it to my mother." said Zili.

"You're smart." Song Zhaodi glanced at him and turned to self-reliance, "I'll save it for you for your marriage."

Self-reliance: "Mother, leave it to you. I won't come out all day, and I can't spend it if I have money."

Self-reliance: "The food is very good, it's time to catch up with Grandpa."

"Then your unit is really good." Mother Song said, "It's better than Dali's school."

Sanwa was happy: "Grandma, my self-reliant brother is a missile expert."

"Trick or treat?" Mother Song asked, "Naughty and mischievous troublemaker?"

Sanwa was speechless: "No, it's the kind of missile that can hit the enemy."

"My God!" Mother Song opened her eyes wide, "Is self-reliance so powerful?"

Sanwa: "In the future, the self-supporting brother has researched it, and I will launch it. I am better than him."

"You?" Mother Song looked at him, "Let's wait until you go to university."

Sanwa blinked, couldn't believe it, and turned to Song Zhaodi: "Mother, grandma looks down on me?!"

"It's right to look down on you." Song Zhaodi said, "Your brothers never need me to urge you to study. Only you, you have to look at you so you can do your homework honestly."

Sanwa was a little embarrassed: "Liu Jingjing gave me a very simple question, I will do it all, and Zhenxing also watched me do it again."

"Because that's Liu Jingjing's question." Self-reliance reminded him, "If it's someone else, Zhenxing doesn't care if you do it or not."

Sanwa's eyes lit up: "Yes." After looking at her revitalization, "Do you feel bad for her?"

"I feel sorry for you." Zhen Xing said, "I'm afraid you will be beaten by Uncle Zhong."

Sanwa snorted: "It's duplicitous. Mother, please give me a dollar, let's play mahjong."

"It's eleven o'clock." There is a clock upstairs. Song Zhaodi and the others are downstairs on weekdays. If they want to check the time, they have to look for a watch. Recently, they bought a new one and put it downstairs. , "If you don't cook again, your dad will have to talk to us again when he comes back."

Sanwa blurted out, "You are used to it."

"I'm happy." Song Zhaodi said, "If you're envious, I'll find someone you like in the future."

Sanwa turned to revitalization.

Zhenxing Fu forehead: "Isn't it going to involve me?"

"No." Sanwa said, "Liu Jingjing likes you and won't get used to you. You said it yourself, she knows you can cook before she wants to marry."

Independent curiosity: "That Liu Jingjing said it directly?"

"That's pretty much what it means." Sanwa said, "Brother Zili, let's go to the non-staple food factory tomorrow morning to buy vegetables. I'll tell you which is her."

Self-reliance ask: "Can it? Revitalize."

"I don't own the non-staple food factory, you can go if you want." Zhenxing said.

In the evening, when Song Zhaodi entered the room, she couldn't help but tell Zhong Jianguo that Zhenxing was duplicitous. Zhong Jianguo waited for her to finish before he said, "Would you like to make a bet, and Zhenxing will follow secretly tomorrow."

"Then I have to give him a chance." Song Zhaodi said, "If I ask Zhenxing to cook, he doesn't know how to tell me if he wants to slip away."

Zhong Jianguo: "I'll cook for you tomorrow morning."

"I thought you said you were cooking." Song Zhaodi said, "I almost laughed out of joy."

Zhong Jianguo turned to face her: "I'm not ignorant of my cooking skills."

"That's because you didn't study hard at all." Song Zhaodi glanced at him and snorted, "After the children are gone, if you do it, I will do it. If you don't do it, I will do it. Go to the restaurant by yourself."

Zhong Jianguo: "Yes. However, as far as I know, there are no restaurants on the island."

"Then I'll go to the school cafeteria to eat." Song Zhaodi said, "If it's bad, go to Zhenxing's home to eat, I don't believe his wife dares to ask me to cook."

Zhong Jianguo nodded: "She really doesn't dare. Who made Teacher Xiao Song the most powerful person on Wengzhou Island."

"When you say that, I think of Captain Shen and Xiao Xiurong." Song Zhaodi said, "I don't know how they are doing recently. I have to call and ask another day."

Zhong Jianguo: "If you ask, you should wait until you are on your own before asking. Spend time with your child these few days and make him more delicious food. Now that it's cold, make him something to eat. Take it. By the way, make him some more clothes."

"It goes without saying." Song Zhaodi said, "I have already cut four sets of thick clothes. I will make two sets of cotton-padded clothes tomorrow, and a few more sets of spring and summer clothes the day after tomorrow, and I will sew the clothes the day after tomorrow."

Zhong Jianguo: "I have to leave in the morning on the 25th of Zili."

"I'm counting the days." Song Zhaodi said, "I used to make a few pairs of shoes for him when I was free. I haven't grown any longer in the past year, and my feet haven't grown, so the shoes can still be worn. "

Zhong Jianguo praised: "Mr. Song is really amazing!"

"Of course." Song Zhaodi said, "I am not only Teacher Song, but also Madam Zhong."

Zhong Jianguo smiled crow's feet: "Mr. Xiao Song, your mouth is so good, how many men have you deceived in your previous life."

"I can't remember." Song Zhaodi thought seriously, "Unfortunately, I will only lie to you in this life."

Zhong Jianguo was not surprised that she would say this: "How many more do you want to deceive?"

"I will marry you before I have time to think about it." Song Zhaodi said, "Why don't I think about it now."

Zhong Jianguo stared: "You dare!"

"I said I wouldn't dare, just think about it, you don't know." Song Zhaodi also turned to face him, "To be honest, I really thought about it, but every time I think about it, you don't know." , you ran out with this big face. It's so annoying if you can't chase it away."