MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 119 Yanxi Palace

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After the banquet, the nobles returned to the palace one after another.

   "Madam, Emperor Er called Wei Yingluo to go to bed yesterday." On the way back to the palace, Zhener told the follow-up news that she had just probed, "This woman is really restless!"

  Concubine Xian...that is, the lip corners of today's successor: "Isn't this very interesting?"

   She changed her posture and crooked, the car curtain was blown up by the wind. Several palace ladies took the jade plate and walked her by-pass. The plate was full of fresh lychees, all were full, and there was a little dew on the top.

Pure chaise loves to eat lychees. Because of the hot weather, they must eat lychees washed by spring water. These lychees are gone. The spring water for washing lychees is picked up from the eyes of Gongzhongquan by a quick horse and a whip. A group of people are exhausted. , Just to get her a bite of ice.

   This posture, this holy family, faintly reminds people of Hui Gui...

   "The pure concubine has been proud for too long." Then he said lightly, "There should be an opponent, do you say that?"

   Zhen'er was surprised for a while, and speculated: "The meaning of the mother... is to help Wei Yingluo to deal with the pure concubine?"

   "This palace doesn't have the idle time to support anyone." Then he smiled slightly, "Whether you can win the holy pet, suppress the pure concubine, but all depends on her own ability."

  Zhen'er looked left and right for a while, lowering his voice and said: "Can't someone else succeed? She must be her? You don't worry about her knowing the truth..."

   "Is there anything to worry about?" Then he smiled and said, "From the beginning to the end, the hands of this palace are clean and clean. If you are afraid, you should be pure concubine now!"

   Zhen'er thinks carefully, it is true.

   The person who bought the director of the cooked fire place was the pure concubine, and the person who made the Changchun Palace massacre was also the pure concubine. He even wanted to kill people after the event. It was the pure concubine who set Mingyu and Wei Yingluo to death. What was the matter of Guan Ji? From beginning to end, and then only at a critical moment, I ordered a few words of pure concubine...

   "Maid wise." After thinking about it, Jin'er laughed immediately, "Where should we arrange Wei Yingluo? According to the minions, she was arranged in Zhong Zu Palace, so it must be very lively!"

   "You, how can you do so deliberately!" After thinking for a moment, she opened her eyes and smiled, "Let her go to Yanxi Palace!"

  Yanxi Palace.

  Wei Yingluo looked around and looked at his new residence.

  Looks like no one has been inhabited for a long time, the palace in front of him is in ruin, the red paint on the columns is peeling off, the corners are covered with cobwebs, the air is filled with a fine dust, and Mingyu coughs.

   "Wei Guiren." Wu Shulai said, "This is the Yanxi Palace, and you will live here from now on."

   "Master Wu, thank you very much." There was no slight dissatisfaction on the face, Wei Yingluo called, "Ming Yu."

   Mingyu reluctantly took a red envelope and handed it over, Wu Shulai refused with a smile: "Wei Guiren is polite."

  Wei Yingluo: "This is the rule, there is no need for President Wu to quit."

  Wu Shulai only received the red envelope here: "What do you want to do in the future, call the minions, and the minions will do their best to help."

   Wei Yingluo: "Thank you."

   sent Wu Shulai, Ming Yu closed the door, worriedly said: "I have inquired, this Yanxi Palace, the most remote in the east and west six palaces, like a cold palace, what should we do?"

  Wei Yingluo smiled indifferently, dusted the chair, and sat down and said, "Don't worry, and bear with it."

   She has self-knowledge, this time entering the palace, the means is not correct, initially destined to endure hardship, but I do not know that apart from this broken palace, Hongli still have to suffer for her.

  Has not reached half an hour, Wu Shu came back and forth and sent her a group of court ladies.

   All of them are familiar faces.

  Pearl, Amber and other Changchun Palace old people Qi Qi salute to Wei Yingluo: "The minions please the nobles please."

   "Excuse me." Wei Yingluo just finished, a few people on the other side quickly got up, and Amber stepped forward: "It's been a long time since I disappeared, Yingluo..."

  Wei Yingluo was stunned, and Mingyu beside him had already made a step of her trouble: "Amber, who will allow you to be called a noble, can't you distinguish between up and down?"

   Amber deflated his mouth: "We used to be serving the queen's lady together, haven't you all forgotten?"

  Wei Yingluo's face sank.

  Privately, of course, they can be big or small, and they can share the friendship of Changchun Palace with her. The problem is that Wu Shulai hasn't left yet. He is still watching with interest. How can they at this time, one bite at a time, as if she is not the master, but a servant whose status is similar to them.

  The most important thing in the palace is to be respected. If things are spread, no one will feel that she treats the next person amiably, only that she will not change her slavery, no master's majesty, it is an awkward helpless.

   Over time, who will take a straight look at her? How did she gain a foothold in the harem?

   But after a while, it was not easy to get angry with them, so I had to smile a little: "Mingyu, I'm tired, go to rest first."

   This is not a pretext. She moved from the Old Summer Palace to the Yanxi Palace. It was indeed a little lacking. It was time to recuperate and then figure out the way to deal with them.

   Mingyu was not as patient as she was, and sent Wu Shu to her. She immediately angered Amber and others: "Amber, what happened to you just now?"

   "Mingyu, what's the matter with you?" Amber asked, knowingly, "The first queen is gone, we are scattered around, and now we can't get together again, are you happy?"

"Happy?" Mingyu simply wanted to sigh her face, "This is the Yanxi Palace, Wei Guiren is now our master, you call it directly in public, it is clearly the following offense, she did not punish you severely, it is exceptional Well, you don’t know how to repent!"

   "How dare she?" Amber said with a smile, but there was some fearlessness. "Wei Weiren just entered the palace and naturally wants to establish Rende's reputation. If she openly punishes the former colleagues of the Changchun Palace, it will only make her say that she has forgotten her."

   After listening to this, Mingyu was so angry that the first Buddha was born, and the second Buddha ascended to heaven: "Amber, don't go too far!"

   A group of maidens leaned against each other and looked at her happily, showing that they had already held a group in advance to hold Wei Yingluo together.

   It is not uncommon to see such strong slaves suppressing the Lord.

Some masters who are born but not born, and who do not have a backstage, often do not live as well as the slaves around them. Every month of cloth sent out is taken away by the slaves next to them. Can't eat any food, but also eat the cold soup left by the minions.

Mingyu didn't know if Amber had such an idea, but when she saw her eyeball, she suddenly smiled at her kindly: "Mingyu, you have a longer experience than Wei Yingluo, and you have a beautiful appearance, and she is more of an actress than her. Unfortunately, she can be a noble, why can't you?"

   This bitch! Actually wanted to provoke alienation and pull her into their small group!

   Mingyu shivered with anger and said coldly: "Amber, what kind of character is Wei Wei, you know better than me, I advise you not to cause trouble, otherwise, no one can save you!"

   Amber smiled stiffly, as if recalling Wei Yingluo's methods.

  Ginger will only become more and more spicy, and the means will only become more and more ruthless.

Amber is no longer so fearless, and only dares to mumble a few words: "The emperor sent her to Yanxi Palace. This is the most remote palace. I can't see the Holy Face for ten years. Such a person, what are you afraid of... …"