MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 36 How cats survive in the streets

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I followed "Li Yuanba" around for a while and learned a lot. This trip has a great inspiration for Zheng Tan.

I heard that "Li Yuanba" is a stray cat. Obviously, he has much more experience in living outside than other domestic cats. It can distinguish the good and evil factors of all kinds of people and animals in the environment, even if he walks beside the sidewalk. Still calm, and when dealing with those who are malicious, the way to deal with them is different.

Some people, if you make a threat or intimidation, he will stay away; while others, the more you show threats and intimidation, the more vigorous he is. People are like this, and as a cat, their status is lower, and their situation will be more severe. Therefore, many animals that run around the streets will run when they see people, because they ca n’t clearly distinguish which people are in good faith and which people want. Expressing maliciousness, after a few injuries, a conditional launch will be formed, and you will run when you see people.

However, "Li Yuanba" was able to choose the best response in a short period of time. For example, while passing by a tea shop, a couple sitting on a chair next to him, the man called a few times, and he was also holding a string in his hand to swing, attracting the cat's attention. Cats are always more sensitive to the "mi" sound, and they also prefer the kind of moving rope. But he did not expect "Li Yuanba" to go away from him instead.

叹 Zheng Tan was very curious at that time, because before that, some people called to "Li Yuanba" like this, although "Li Yuanba" did not pass, but did not change the walking route. But this time, after pulling the ears, it was directly away, very crisp. Zheng Tan followed it and changed his walking route.

Before walking too far, Zheng Tan heard the man sitting next to the tea shop holding the milk tea, and then looked back, there was a cat passing by, standing on the flower bed, looking like a domestic cat, Mao Quite clean and supple.

Hearing the man's call, and seeing the swinging rope again, the cat rushed over there. The next moment, the man sprayed milk tea with a straw in his hand and the cat hid Some, only some hair on the side is stained with milk tea. So the cat was upset and lowered his ears and blew his hair. If Xiao Guo is here, he will know that this is a warning issued by the cat and may attack or run away at any time. In this case, it is best not to mess with it.

The cat's reaction actually made the person spray more jubilant. The cat was sprayed with milk tea and called to run into the green bushes, leaving only the laughter of the couple.


The laughter was too harsh, Zheng Tan shook his ears, and when he saw the two faces, he could not wait to go up and scratch it twice.

Zheng Zheng sighed and looked at "Li Yuanba", it has gone far, as if he did not know what just happened.

When Kushiro sees an injustice and pulls a knife to help, such a thing is simply nonsense for a cat. No one is a superhero, let alone a cat for survival. A cat's life is worthless.

Zheng Zheng sighed back, and quickly followed "Li Yuanba".

After crossing the street corner, I met a couple again. Similarly, the man also made a "mi" sound and made some actions to attract the cat's attention. When the cat in front of him ignored him, he threw at "Li Yuanba" Little pebble.

What makes Zheng Tan different is that this time "Li Yuanba" has a completely different performance than before. He lowered his ears and raised his beard, exposing his fangs and making a low roar.

The man was obviously a little timid, and the movement of picking up stones was rigid. At this time, the girlfriend beside him pulled his arm and seemed to be afraid of being scratched. So they patted the dust on their hands, and the two hurried away.

For different people and different coping styles, there is no blind retreat. When it is strong, it is strong. When it is not necessary, it is also necessary to avoid conflicts neatly. This is the attitude of "Li Yuanba" when walking on the street, which is different from other cats' lifestyle.

Zheng Tan has been following it not far behind, so he can clearly see everything that happened before. The former couple and the latter couple did show a personality difference. Their instant expression changes can make " "Li Yuanba" chose the most suitable method.

And if you ca n’t do "Li Yuanba", you can only do the same as other stray cats. When you see people outside, you can avoid them. No matter how attractive the other person is, you ca n’t pass because you do n’t know the next moment. Will they be sprayed dirty or thrown with stones? I don't know if their warnings are effective for those people or make them worse.

Is not the golden darling of Beverly Hills. As an ordinary domestic animal living in the city, either stay at home or learn more survival skills.

It is not easy for a cat that can't stay indoors to survive. The lack of experience in the social environment is the biggest test for Zheng Tan. Zheng Tan is used to thinking from a human perspective, and now he is slowly changing. He doesn't know how long he will continue in this cat form. If he can never go back, in order to survive, he still needs to learn a lot and learn how to look at the problem from the perspective of an ordinary cat.

With this cat's life, Zheng Tan didn't want to give up easily.

After walking around "Li Yuanba", when they returned to the pet center, Xiao Guo was just busy and was calling Zheng Tan's cat name. Seeing Zheng Tan coming from the back door, Xiao Guo didn't doubt it, thinking that Zheng Tan was just curious to walk around there, totally unaware that the back door of his studio area had been turned over and over.

I returned to Chuhua University and entered the family area of ​​the East. The noise outside seemed to settle down, and suddenly I was a lot clean. Most of the students I saw on the way came and went hurriedly to end-of-year activities or various exams. Students in this era are much simpler than in ten years.

What makes people mature is experience, not age. Even if these students with no background and no family background go out now, they are probably not as good as those of their peers who have been struggling for years.

叹 Zheng Tan jumped out of Xiao Guo's car, looked up, and A Huang lay there on the lawn to bask in the sun. This product never went out of campus. Perhaps, for it, such a large area was enough for it to toss.

Next to the cormorant is a strong cow strewn, and a small Saint Bernard puppy hiccups lying on the grass.

Is bigger than the body size. Today's small flowers are several times stronger than cattle, but cattle are strong and tied, but Xiaohua is not, it is because of his character. Niu Zhuangzhuang is a kind of friend to a few animals that he has been familiar with since childhood, but for other unfamiliar pets, he rushes to fight. The people in the compound remember the thief's bitten leg at the time of the theft.

As for Xiaohua, a few children in the compound often play with Xiaohua. Everyone also knows that Xiaohua has a gentle temperament. Besides enjoying drooling, the impression is pretty good.

Seeing Zheng sigh, A Huang lay aside and stretched a lazy waist, and called meow.

When the howl is low and gentle, it means that it is saying hello, and you are welcome. It also means that it is in a good mood at this moment, and can be regarded as an answer to you. When calling out loud, it may be complaining or begging, such as hungry for feeding.

Xiao Xiaoguo followed the stairs upstairs behind Zheng Tan. Every time he came back, one rushed home and the other walked slowly behind.

Sometimes I took the advertisement and sent Zheng Tan back, Xiao Guo would bring some photos taken during the advertisement to the Jiao family, and this time too.

When I entered the door, Jiao Ma was cooking dinner. Jiao Yuan, a classmate who had returned from school in the living room, was sitting on a small bench. Dao Jiao was sitting on the sofa, as if he was talking about something. He was probably teaching him something other than books. Today, Xiaoyouzi is interested in group classes. She will be back in a little while after taking painting lessons. Aunt Ling will pick up Xiaoyuzi by the way when she picks up her children.

When I saw Zheng Tan and Xiao Guo coming in, the conversation between the father and the son was suspended. When Xiao Guo put down his things and drank a cup of tea, he talked about today's advertisement. After leaving, the conversation continued between the father and the son.

叹 Zheng Tan squatted on her own dedicated chair and listened to their conversation.

Dao Jiao is talking about the "broken window effect".

And this topic started when Jiao Yuan complained about some phenomena in the class, such as copying homework. During the Chinese class today, the teacher severely criticized a few students who copied the homework. In Jiao Yuan's view, there were also copies of the homework in other courses. Why is the Chinese teacher so true? After hearing about Jiao Yuan's complaints, Dao Jiao pulled over to start "class".

The broken window effect means that if someone breaks the window glass of a building and fails to repair it in time, others may be implied by some kind of indulgence to break more glass. The result: in this insensitive atmosphere, crime breeds.

"Behavior and environment are strongly suggestive and inductive to people. If the first broken window is not repaired in time, more serious things may happen. Similarly, your classmates will feel that copying homework is a desirable thing. , Effective time-saving means, and then continue to copy ... "

Zheng Zheng sighed, looked at Dad Jiao, and then looked at Jiao Yuan, tangled. Why talk to such a esoteric truth with a primary school student? Anyway, Zheng Tan had been to elementary school until college, copying homework, being late, fighting, blackmailing ... everything had been done, except for a few words that the teacher didn't feel painful and itchy, there was no restriction. They are all things that can be solved by throwing money. Since throwing money can solve the problem, why should it be complicated?

Looking back, Zheng Tan still squatted and listened to Jiao's father giving Jiao Yuan "class", and the topic has extended from the class phenomenon to business management.

"There are usually two types of environment for enterprise development. One is the hard environment, such as office conditions, mechanical equipment, road facilities, etc .; the other is the soft environment, such as work atmosphere, corporate culture, interpersonal relationships, management style, and so on. For example, Uncle Mariko, he now pays attention to these 'broken windows' in the company. As soon as there is a problem with the 'broken window' in the hard environment, he will immediately repair it. In the soft environment, the 'broken window' has more influence and cannot Relax your vigilance.

Behind any major problem is the complex accumulation of many problems, so your uncle Yuanzi always pays attention, and takes timely measures as soon as he finds the situation, because those may affect the company's word of mouth, and word of mouth is what people give you. A tight mantra of the company, no matter how capable you are, you can be arrogant, but if you want to develop well, you must take those 'broken windows' seriously!

Like your class, if you have bad word of mouth, you are embarrassed to say someone in your class outside, right? "

Jiao Dad's last words made Jiao Yuan very much recognized. They had a class in this grade, which was very bad. At first I heard that someone's pen eraser was stolen in the class, and the class and the teacher didn't care much about it. Later, bad incidents such as stealing money gradually came out, so everyone took precautions against the people in that class. The students in the class were embarrassed to report to the class on foot, so they were afraid of being despised and rejected.

"For another example, the impact of this chain can also be explained from another opposite angle. For example, your mother bought you a pair of new socks with a Transformers pattern that you like, and you will definitely be subconscious when you wear new socks. Choose new and clean shoes, and if you wear shoes, you will definitely wear a pair of pants suitable for shoes. After choosing the pants, you also need to match the jacket and coat. After wearing, you will definitely avoid getting dirty on your body So, with such a process, your whole person's image will change. "

"Oh, I understand this, just like Xiong Xiong, because his mother likes humpback, he has said many times that he ca n’t hear it. He still has a humpback, because he is already tall in class, so Care. However, since he wore the new clothes carefully chosen by his mother that day, he no longer hunches back and usually pays attention to straightening his back. Because his mother said to him that the clothes should have a spine Only when you wear it looks good, can you attract girls! "Jiao Yuan said.

Zheng Tan: "..." Is this to encourage early love?

Dao Jiao Jiao heard what Jiao Yuan said, and thought for two seconds, and said, "So you are alluding to ..."

"When will I buy my new year's new clothes? Wouldn't I just use a pair of socks to perfuse me?"

Zheng sigh: "..." He was so tired to listen to this father and son! There are so many truths and potential topics in an ordinary class phenomenon!

的 Customs here, when the Chinese New Year, children buy new clothes, as adults, it depends on the conditions of each family.

Dao Jiao's answer to Jiao Yuan was not surprised, saying: "What kind of clothes you can buy and how much you can meet depends on your performance."

当然 "Of course! If I take the top five of the class, can I listen to all the clothes?"


"Even if I buy the avant-garde, non-mainstream, rivet-dominated clothes?"

"Yes. You want to spray mousse to satisfy you."

"it is good!"

Jiao Yuanyuan got the answer he wanted, and dragged his schoolbag to go to the room to do his homework. Near the end of the period ~ ~ We had to fight for our New Year gift.

After Jiao Yuan entered the room, Jiao Ma came out with a vegetable dish, looked at the door that Jiao Yuan closed, and Jiao Dad said, "Is the boy raising conditions again?"

"What can I think I don't know?"

"I will be admitted to the top five then, you will let him wear that kind of clothes?"

"It's okay. When you take him to the place where toy guns are sold, he has to change his mind. Toys and clothes can only be the same. He must choose the former. Last year he looked at that, and he got a sixth. No Can buy it back. "

要 "If you can't pass the top five?" Jiao Ma asked again.

"The top five standards are set by himself, and he is responsible for what he says. If he can't pass the test, buy him a toy gun, don't buy the big one, buy the smaller one, and don't make this kid think You can get what you want without talking. "Dad Jiao said calmly.

Zheng Zhengtan listened to Zhenyuan for anxiety. Ginger is still old and spicy, when can I escape Jiao's Wuzhishan?


Thank you, _ 不忘 我 _, Beiming Youyu, Healing Angels, Ruoerxi, LLruo, 谶 墨 〓van, grapes also have clips, sparks, fun, Xiaohua, ゛ 花落 ぅ 点点, Orpheus , The number of the beast, moonlight 001, lazyorange's reward! Thanks for the number of beasts (2), 谶 墨 〓van, LLruo, and book fans who did not see the record! Thanks to everyone who voted for referrals and Sanjiang!