MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 42 The Sahara guy owes it!

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叹 Zheng Tan lay on the sofa in the living room, the tip of his tail swayed slightly.

Zheng Tan likes to think in this state. As for the tail swinging, this is the habit formed after Zheng Tan became a cat, which originated from an unconscious movement. Just as some people like to tap their fingers on the desktop when thinking about problems, Zheng Tan likes to swing the tip of his tail when thinking on the sofa.

In fact, many cats like this, but not every cat thinks about complicated issues like Zheng Tan. This action may just be a way of expressing their sense of comfort, which means that they are in a good mood now and have a comfortable life. Or maybe, like Zheng Tan, they are pondering things that are not as complicated as Zheng Tan but that people cannot guess. After all, the cat's mind is hard to guess.

Zheng Tan will still dream about those pictures these few nights, but it is not as serious as the first night, Zheng Tan has adjusted her mentality. In fact, if Zheng Tan was still human, he would definitely not be too impressed with those scenes. If he was not allowed to turn around, he would forget, maybe he would not care. But after becoming a cat, the difference in the status and environment makes the perspective of thinking things different.

If it is a person, it ’s easy to knock sacks and knock bricks. You can also go find someone to teach the tattooed man. It is not uncommon to cut hands and feet to cut JJ. Anyway, you do n’t need Zheng Tan to do it yourself. But now, without those factors, you still have to rely on yourself.

In the living room, Jiao Yuan and Xiaoyuzi were watching a series of science and education films about wild animals. Jiao Ma was knitting a sweater in the bedroom. Dao Jiao had something to go out. At this moment, a large amount of snowflakes were floating outside the house. After a while, it snowed again. It began to fall in the middle of the night yesterday. When I got up this morning, the outside was completely white. , The snow is unabated, and it is really snowy.

On television, the cheetah who just woke up squatting on the grass, it should be hunting. There are many prey on the grassland, antelopes, wildebeests, etc., but it seems that it is not in a hurry when time passes by.

叹 Zheng Tan could not distinguish between cheetahs and other leopards before, and those spots on them Zheng Zheng didn't feel much worse. The host on the show said that the appearance of the cheetah was different from other distant relatives of the cat family, but Zheng Tan couldn't see it. He only saw leopards in the zoo firsthand, and he didn't even remember what kind of leopards he saw, so in Zheng Tan's impression, cheetahs and other leopards looked similar.

Beside him, Jiao Yuan and Xiaoyouzi were discussing the characteristics of cheetahs. Before Zheng Tan was thinking about the problem, he didn't pay much attention to the words of the host on the TV, and only heard a few words intermittently.

From the discussion between Jiao Yuan and Xiaoyuzi, Zheng Tan knew that there was a black stripe on the cheetah's face extending from the corner of his eye to the corner of his mouth, looking like two black tear marks. This is also one of the most distinguishing characteristics of cheetahs from other leopards. These two black streaks are good for absorbing sunlight, which makes the field of vision wider.

叹 Zheng Tan feels that he has more advantages, and I'm all black!

"The cheetah can really bear it. If I can't hold it anymore, there are so many antelopes, they haven't caught it." Like mango? "

叹 Zheng Tan twisted her head and twiddled her ears.

"They want to improve the success rate and save energy." Xiao Yuzi said seriously.

"Well, the rules of survival in the wild." Jiao Yuan concluded.

Zheng Tan rolled over and changed her posture to lie down.

What I think is one thing, and putting it into action is another. Zheng Tan's desire to teach the tattooed man is not a simple matter. The most important thing is that Zheng Tan doesn't want to expose himself or he will definitely cause trouble.

That said, it is best to act at night.

纹身 The tattooed man is a strong one, and he should usually fight, but what level of fighting is it and what is the combat effectiveness? Zheng Tan was a little skeptical.

People around the alley in the Lao Lou District talked about the tattooed men when they talked about the exaggeration. They only paid attention to the muscles on the tattooed men's shirts and the tattoos. Zheng Tan has seen those who were free from the blade before. They also have tattoos, but at the same time, there are many scars on the exposed arms. There are various scars left on the exposed arms after recovery, even if there are no scars. , The imposing look and random look of other people are not comparable to that tugging tattooed man.

Like a tattooed man, at best, it can only be regarded as a small mess. Perhaps, things are not as difficult as Zheng Tan thinks. However, to understand the target is necessary, Zheng Tan also needs to go to the squatting point and follow up and observe.

Patience, wait for the time, kill in one hit.

This is the way of cheetah survival on the grassland, and Zheng Tan needs to learn this way of action.

Oh patience ...

Zheng Zheng sighed out the window. There is a layer of water droplets on the window, which can not clearly see the situation outside the house, but hazy also has the advantage of hazy. If you want to know if it is snowing, how much snow it is, either wipe off the water droplets, or you have to open the window to see, if it is not pushed, there is a layer of water vapor, and the truth will become hazy.

叹 Zheng Tan came to the window of the living room, stood on the window sill, and watched the water droplets on the glass. Go up and exhale.

有 一 One drop of water droplets attached to the window began to slide downwards, and then encountered other water droplets. The water droplets became larger and slid faster, until it actually fell to the edge of the window, it was no longer known how many water droplets attached to the glass window were collected.

If you consider every drop of water as a preparation before the action, then, in the end, is it just as easy to breathe out when the time is ripe?

With a flick of his tail, Zheng Tan was ready to hang out and clear his head. The room was too warm and comfortable, making Zheng Tan sleepy.

"Eh? Black charcoal, are you going out?" Said Xiao Yuzi, who was preparing to peel candy, saw Zheng Tan walking towards the door and said.

"Come back and eat when you get out of time, otherwise you will be hungry. Anyway, if you do n’t come back for dinner, your chicken leg is mine!" Jiao Yuan emphasized the word "chicken leg".

Mother Jiao prepared three chicken drumsticks, one for each of the two children and Zheng Tan, and ate them at dinner.

I heard Jiao Yuan's words, Zheng Tan snorted from the nasal cavity, signaled that he knew.

After walking out of the building, Zheng Tan looked at a layer of snow on the ground, Zheng Tan was almost drowned on the extremities. There is still a little resistance to going out. However, for Zheng Tan, this is nothing.

He walked out step by step. On the white snow, a black figure moved out of the family building. It was particularly conspicuous when viewed from above. But at this time, it seems that not many people have this leisure time. Yaxing ran out to blow the cold wind to watch the snow.

叹 Zheng Tan can touch the snow on the ground as soon as he bows his head, and the cool breath blows at his face.

There is no wind now, only a large amount of falling snowflakes.

Zheng Zheng looked up at the snow falling in the air, shook his ears, and bounced off the snowflakes that fell on his ears, and continued to move forward.

The coolness of the whole body made Zheng Tan awake a lot in her mind, and the drowsiness accumulated at home was no trace.

叹 Zheng Tan was walking towards the gate of the family area. Not far away, there was a loud barking, and behind the dog barking, someone was shouting, "Sahara, come back to me!"

In response to him, the figure of Sahara running further and further, stopping for a while to look at the other side of the building, screaming "wang", if you see someone chasing, don't need that person to chase far, move two Step down, Sahara will immediately continue to run away with the blood of a chicken.

This is the normal urine in the usual days. In the past few days, the family has come to a lot of guests, in and out, and the gate is always open when there are guests. After all, there are many people coming to visit the New Year, not good. control.

Originally the Sahara owner tied it, but when a child played, he untied the rope around the dog's neck, and then this guy seized the opportunity to squeeze out the guests while they were in and out.

The owner has to greet the guests, and he will not leave the guests to chase the dogs at this time. Besides, this situation has appeared several times during the winter vacation. Do n’t worry too much, it wo n’t take an hour for the Sahara to come back. Either roll it in the mud, or touch it with something else. In short, you have to wash it thoroughly.

邻居 Neighbors have long been used to such things, and every time they see this situation, everyone will have the same feeling: happy to see.

Sahara ran out. Because he was much bigger than Zheng Tan, it was easy to run in the snow. When he ran, the hind legs also kicked the snow soaring. I do n’t know if it was intentional. Anyway, Zheng Tan did n’t see Xiaohua and the cow. Zhuangzhuang has been like this.

After the Sahara ran past Zheng Tan, the Sahara stopped suddenly and turned to look at Zheng Tan in the snow.

"Wang Wang !!!"

What a shit!

叹 Zheng Tan ignored it, and continued to walk across the gate.

Sahara stood there for a while, seeing that Zheng Tan really didn't intend to ignore it, he flicked his tail towards Zheng Tan, and when he walked, Zheng Tan could still hear the sound of his toenails grinding on the concrete floor.

As I approached Zheng Tan, Sahara rushed up and lifted a front leg, pushing Zheng Tan diagonally with his soles, pushing Zheng Tan into the snow. The effort is not too great, and Zheng Tan will not be hurt.

Zheng Tan didn't expect that this guy would suddenly come to such a trick, one fell into the snow without paying attention, and the whole face was buried in.

With a single blow, Sahara ran away happily.

Zheng Tan shook off the snow on his body, shook his head, and shook off the snow stuck on his face.

Paralyzed! Sahara, you tama!

Zheng Tan's rushed over, no longer the pace of slowly moving in the snow, the speed is not lost to the Sahara running in front, but also jumped directly to the round flower bed in the middle of the road with the advantage of jumping , Go straight.

When the uncle guard opened the window, I saw the black cat of Associate Professor Jiao's chasing the mixed-race dog raised by Academician Ruan and his grandson, ignoring Sahara and grinning. The black cat raised the cat's paw in a series after catching up. Pump.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiewei smiled. He remembered how his kid was pumping a gyro when he was a kid. When the pump was the fastest, no cat was pumping with momentum.

"Well done, the Sahara guy owes it!"

The uncle janitor pulled the window, took a mouthful of two pots, clamped two peanuts, and slammed twice, then lay down and continued to watch the Spring Festival programs on the small TV.

Zheng Tan was tired and stood there, panting.

When Sahara saw that Zheng Tan no longer slaps, she also stretched her tongue and panted. She may feel a little thirsty, licked the snow on the ground, and made a clicking sound when she licked. Licking the snow wasn't enough, Sahara rolled directly on the snow, rolled to the side of a slope, and then rolled down the slope.

Below the **** is a tennis court in the family area, which is blocked by an iron net, but this **** also has a dozen meters.

Zheng sighed after seeing Sahara's disappearance, came to the **** and looked. After rolling to the bottom of the slope, Sahara shivered, looked around, and then rushed up the slope.

Zeng originally thought that when Sahara came up, he was going to go wherever he wanted to go, but at the next moment the guy rolled off again, and he didn't think the speed of the slide was fast enough, and twisted while sliding down.

叹 Zheng sighed at the dog who was playing, shook his head, and walked towards the gate.

很少 There are few people walking around on campus, only a few sporadic, and not many vehicles. The people in the school security office wore thick coats and shoveled snow. First, they shoveled off some of the easier roads.

叹 Zheng Tan came to the place where the three kittens were buried, and looked at it a few meters apart. No one came over here, and there were no other traces on the snow.

大 The big white cat Zheng Tan doesn't know what's going on. After the uncle took him away last time, Zheng Tan never saw it, and he didn't know where the uncle lived. However, the uncle said that he lived around, and since it was not far away, he would always meet in the future.

叹 Zheng Tan walked around in some parts of the campus. It was too far away from the woods without climbing trees.

After strolling a few places, Zheng Tan looked at the sky and decided to take a trip to the old flowerbed of the old man from Lan.

叹 Zheng Tan found that the old man's small flower garden is actually a lot of treasures. As long as he is good at discovering, he can always find what he wants.

The leap year is not over yet, and there is always a visitor from the old man in his home. Recently, he has less time to come to the small flower garden. However, it is necessary to focus on taking care of some old Lan men. They have been taken care of it years ago. Other times, they occasionally come to check the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse.

Zheng Tan still went through the wall according to the old path.

A thick layer of snow is piled on the transparent greenhouse, and it can slip if you don't pay attention.

There are still wooden boxes stacked on the side of the greenhouse. Zheng Tan did not immediately jump from the transparent greenhouse, but stood on the edge of the greenhouse, overlooking the view of the small flower garden.

Xu closed her eyes, Zheng Tan raised her head slightly. A snowflake fell on the bridge of his nose and slowly melted.

梅 The fragrance of plum blossoms in the air.

There was a slight rustling of snow falling on the leaves.

叹 Zheng Tan couldn't reach the spirit of the unity of heaven and man in the realm of Zhuang Zhoumengdie. He just suddenly wanted to sit here for a while, just a moment.

A sneeze interrupted the quietness of the small flower garden.

Other cats lick their noses after sneezing, but Zheng Tan does not lick, and still retains the habit of being a man at that time ~ ~.

Paralysis, hurry home after watching. It's so cold! It's wet!

He jumped from the wooden box, Zheng Tan looked for a few flower sheds, and finally stopped in front of a flower shed marked with "No idle people" and a mandatory stop warning sign.

The flower shed was locked and the windows were closed well. Zheng Veng could not get into the ventilated place. But it doesn't matter, Zheng Tan's purpose of this trip is just to take a look.

It is a pity that this transparent flower shed is temperature-controlled. The inner wall is covered with a layer of water vapor and some traces of water droplets dripping. The situation inside Zheng Tan cannot see clearly.

He fluttered his tail and Zheng Tan sat away for a while and left to see it next time.

Don't rush, have patience, and there are many things to prepare.


Thanks to Le Zixiao, Yanshan Baishui, birdcheng, Orpheus, Cat 眯 Kid, Love One Meter, Mixed Yuan Begins, lazyorange, Qihuang Liuxuan, ゛ 花落 ぅ 点点, Wuben Wuxiang, nego118, Zhao Sicong, Book friend 130611132353226, melancholy melancholy, qinfenglong, right straw clothes people, digital account number: 680139, into Ruoye Creek, expressive face, sacrifice Ruimeng with dreams, anxious to be a virgin, small grief, _Do not forget me_, Mu Ruoliang , Parting pyq reward! Thanks to the dark night flower (2), the cat on the tiger's back, the melancholy melancholy, and the evaluation votes of friends who could not find the record! Thank you to everyone who voted for Sanjiang and recommended votes in the past week ~

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